--- # Enables Rails cops. Rails: Enabled: true # Enforces consistent use of action filter methods. Rails/ActionFilter: Enabled: true EnforcedStyle: action # Checks that Active Record callbacks are declared in the order in which they will be executed. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsactiverecordcallbacksorder Rails/ActiveRecordCallbacksOrder: Enabled: true # Enforces that there is only one call to after_commit # (and its aliases - after_create_commit, after_update_commit, and after_destroy_commit) # with the same callback name per model. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsaftercommitoverride Rails/AfterCommitOverride: Enabled: true # Check that models subclass ApplicationRecord. Rails/ApplicationRecord: Enabled: false Rails/AttributeDefaultBlockValue: # (new in 2.9) Enabled: true # Enforce using `blank?` and `present?`. Rails/Blank: Enabled: false # Checks the correct usage of date aware methods, such as `Date.today`, # `Date.current`, etc. Rails/Date: Enabled: false # Prefer delegate method for delegations. # Disabled per https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/35869 Rails/Delegate: Enabled: false # This cop checks dynamic `find_by_*` methods. Rails/DynamicFindBy: Enabled: false # This cop enforces that 'exit' calls are not used within a rails app. Rails/Exit: Enabled: true Exclude: - lib/gitlab/upgrader.rb - 'lib/backup/**/*' # Prefer `find_by` over `where.first`. Rails/FindBy: Enabled: true Include: - 'app/**/*.rb' - 'lib/**/*.rb' # Enforces that ActiveRecord#find is used instead of where.take!, find_by!, and find_by_id! # to retrieve a single record by primary key when you expect it to be found. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsfindbyid Rails/FindById: Enabled: true # Prefer `all.find_each` over `all.find`. Rails/FindEach: Enabled: true # Prefer has_many :through to has_and_belongs_to_many. Rails/HasAndBelongsToMany: Enabled: true # This cop is used to identify usages of http methods like `get`, `post`, # `put`, `patch` without the usage of keyword arguments in your tests and # change them to use keyword args. Rails/HttpPositionalArguments: Enabled: true # Checks that Active Support’s inquiry method is not used. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsinquiry Rails/Inquiry: Enabled: true # Enforces that mailer names end with Mailer suffix. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsmailername Rails/MailerName: Enabled: true # Identifies places where defining routes with match can be replaced with a specific HTTP method. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsmatchroute Rails/MatchRoute: Enabled: true # Enforces the use of collection.exclude?(obj) over !collection.include?(obj). # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsnegateinclude Rails/NegateInclude: Enabled: true # Checks for calls to puts, print, etc. Rails/Output: Enabled: true Exclude: - lib/gitlab/seeder.rb - lib/gitlab/upgrader.rb - 'lib/backup/**/*' - 'lib/tasks/**/*' # This cop checks for the use of output safety calls like html_safe and # raw. Rails/OutputSafety: Enabled: false # Enforces the use of pluck over map. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railspluck Rails/Pluck: Enabled: true # Identifies places where pluck is used in where query methods and can be replaced with select. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railspluckinwhere Rails/PluckInWhere: Enabled: true # Checks for incorrect grammar when using methods like `3.day.ago`. Rails/PluralizationGrammar: Enabled: true # Enforce using `blank?` and `present?`. Rails/Present: Enabled: false # Checks for `read_attribute(:attr)` and `write_attribute(:attr, val)`. Rails/ReadWriteAttribute: Enabled: false # Do not assign relative date to constants. Rails/RelativeDateConstant: Enabled: false # Looks for inline rendering within controller actions. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsrenderinline Rails/RenderInline: Enabled: true # Identifies places where render text: can be replaced with render plain:. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsrenderplaintext Rails/RenderPlainText: Enabled: true # Checks the arguments of ActiveRecord scopes. Rails/ScopeArgs: Enabled: true # Enforces that short forms of I18n methods are used: t instead of translate and l instead of localize. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railsshorti18n Rails/ShortI18n: Enabled: true # Checks SQL heredocs to use .squish. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railssquishedsqlheredocs Rails/SquishedSQLHeredocs: Enabled: true # This cop checks for the use of Time methods without zone. Rails/TimeZone: Enabled: false # This cop checks for the use of old-style attribute validation macros. Rails/Validation: Enabled: true Rails/WhereEquals: # (new in 2.9) Enabled: true # Enforces consistent style when using exists?. # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railswhereexists Rails/WhereExists: Enabled: true # Identifies places where manually constructed SQL in where can be replaced with where.not(...). # https://docs.rubocop.org/rubocop-rails/2.8/cops_rails.html#railswherenot Rails/WhereNot: Enabled: true