# Princely Princely is a simple wrapper for the [Prince XML PDF generation library](http://www.princexml.com). The plugin will also automatically register the PDF MimeType so that you can use pdf as a format in Rails controller `respond_to` blocks. ## Example ```ruby class Provider::EstimatesController < Provider::BaseController # You can render PDF templates simply by # using the :pdf option on render templates. def show respond_to do |format| format.html format.pdf do render :pdf => 'file_name', :template => 'controller/action', :handlers => %w[erb], :formats => %w[pdf], :stylesheets => %w[application prince], :layout => 'pdf', :disposition => 'inline', # PDF will be sent inline, means you can load it inside an iFrame or Embed :relative_paths => true # Modify asset paths to make them relative. See [the AssetSupport module](/lib/princely/asset_support.rb) end end end # Alternatively, you can use make_and_send_pdf to render out a PDF for the # action without a respond_to block. def pdf make_and_send_pdf "file_name" end end ``` ## Render Defaults The defaults for the render options are as follows: layout: false template: the template for the current controller/action stylesheets: none disposition: attachment (created PDF file will be sent as download) relative_paths: true server_flag: true javascript_flag: false timeout: none ## Contributors * Maintainer: Jared Fraser ([modsognir](https://github.com/modsognir)) * Gemification and more: Nic Williams * [Other Contributors](https://github.com/mbleigh/princely/contributors) ## Resources * Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Michael Bleigh and Intridea, Inc., released under the MIT license.