require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rake/testtask" require "rbconfig" ruby = ENV["RUBY"] || RbConfig.ruby rbs = File.join(__dir__, "exe/rbs") bin = File.join(__dir__, "bin") do |t| t.libs << "test" t.libs << "lib" t.test_files = FileList["test/**/*_test.rb"].reject do |path| path =~ %r{test/stdlib/} end end multitask :default => [:test, :stdlib_test, :rubocop, :validate, :test_doc] task :test_doc => :parser do files = Dir.chdir(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)) do `git ls-files -z`.split("\x0").select do |file| Pathname(file).extname == ".md" end end sh "#{ruby} #{__dir__}/bin/run_in_md.rb #{files.join(" ")}" end task :validate => :parser do sh "#{ruby} #{rbs} validate --silent" FileList["stdlib/*"].each do |path| next if path =~ %r{stdlib/builtin} lib = [File.basename(path).to_s] if lib == ["bigdecimal-math"] lib << "bigdecimal" end if lib == ["yaml"] lib << "dbm" lib << "pstore" end sh "#{ruby} #{rbs} #{ {|l| "-r #{l}"}.join(" ")} validate --silent" end end FileList["test/stdlib/**/*_test.rb"].each do |test| task test => :parser do sh "#{ruby} -Ilib #{bin}/test_runner.rb #{test}" end task stdlib_test: test end task :rubocop do sh "rubocop --parallel" end rule ".rb" => ".y" do |t| sh "racc -v -o #{} #{t.source}" end task :parser => "lib/rbs/parser.rb" task :test => :parser task :stdlib_test => :parser task :build => :parser task :confirm_parser do puts "Testing if parser.rb is updated with respect to parser.y" sh "racc -v -o lib/rbs/parser.rb lib/rbs/parser.y" sh "git diff --exit-code lib/rbs/parser.rb" end namespace :generate do task :stdlib_test, [:class] do |_task, args| klass = args.fetch(:class) do raise "Class name is necessary. e.g. rake 'generate:stdlib_test[String]'" end path = Pathname(ENV["RBS_GENERATE_TEST_PATH"] || "test/stdlib/#{klass}_test.rb") raise "#{path} already exists!" if path.exist? require "erb" require "rbs" class TestTemplateBuilder attr_reader :klass, :env def initialize(klass) @klass = klass loader = Dir['stdlib/*'].each do |lib| next if lib.end_with?('builtin') loader.add(library: File.basename(lib)) end @env = RBS::Environment.from_loader(loader).resolve_type_names end def call<<~ERB, trim_mode: "-").result(binding) require_relative "test_helper" <%- unless class_methods.empty? -%> class <%= klass %>SingletonTest < Minitest::Test include TypeAssertions # library "pathname", "set", "securerandom" # Declare library signatures to load testing "singleton(::<%= klass %>)" <%- class_methods.each do |method_name, definition| %> def test_<%= test_name_for(method_name) %> <%- definition.method_types.each do |method_type| -%> assert_send_type "<%= method_type %>", <%= klass %>, :<%= method_name %> <%- end -%> end <%- end -%> end <%- end -%> <%- unless instance_methods.empty? -%> class <%= klass %>Test < Minitest::Test include TypeAssertions # library "pathname", "set", "securerandom" # Declare library signatures to load testing "::<%= klass %>" <%- instance_methods.each do |method_name, definition| %> def test_<%= test_name_for(method_name) %> <%- definition.method_types.each do |method_type| -%> assert_send_type "<%= method_type %>", <%= klass %>.new, :<%= method_name %> <%- end -%> end <%- end -%> end <%- end -%> ERB end private def test_name_for(method_name) { :== => 'double_equal', :!= => 'not_equal', :=== => 'triple_equal', :[] => 'square_bracket', :[]= => 'square_bracket_assign', :> => 'greater_than', :< => 'less_than', :>= => 'greater_than_equal_to', :<= => 'less_than_equal_to', :<=> => 'spaceship', :+ => 'plus', :- => 'minus', :* => 'multiply', :/ => 'divide', :** => 'power', :% => 'modulus', :& => 'and', :| => 'or', :^ => 'xor', :>> => 'right_shift', :<< => 'left_shift', :=~ => 'pattern_match', :!~ => 'does_not_match', :~ => 'tilde' }.fetch(method_name, method_name) end def type_name @type_name ||= klass.to_sym, namespace: [], absolute: true)) end def class_methods @class_methods ||= env).build_singleton(type_name) {|_, definition| definition.implemented_in == type_name } end def instance_methods @instance_methods ||= env).build_instance(type_name) {|_, definition| definition.implemented_in == type_name } end end path.write puts "Created: #{path}" end end task :test_generate_stdlib do sh "RBS_GENERATE_TEST_PATH=/tmp/Array_test.rb rake 'generate:stdlib_test[Array]'" sh "ruby -c /tmp/Array_test.rb" end CLEAN.include("lib/rbs/parser.rb")