Version 0.12 (7th January 2012) =============================== * Features run all the way through again, and use Swtbot in places to allow us to simulate events more accurately (Helpful for macros) (Dan Lucraft) * Added --no-splash option (Dan Lucraft) * Fix runnables for JRuby 1.6.1 (Chris Nelson) * Improved developer first experience (Dr Nic Williams) * Improved after install instruction language (Jeff Casimir) * Added forward char, backward char, and delete char commands (Dan Lucraft) * Fixed irritating bugs in the indenter (Dan Lucraft) * Pressing enter when between {} will expand the block (Dan Lucraft) * Tweak to line numbers so highlighting isn't lost as doc passes 100 lines (Dan Lucraft) * Added next line, previous line bindings to Ctrl+N and Ctrl+P (Dan Lucraft) * Added open line, transpose characters commands (Dan Lucraft) * OSX style unified toolbars (Dan Lucraft) * Supports OS X Lion fullscreen mode (Dan Lucraft) * Jump back and forward through navigation history (Shinichi Katayama) * Added option to add editable ComboItem widgets to Speedbars (Delisa Mason) * Updated UI Styling (Delisa Mason) * Added option to color tree background color via ApplicationSWT preferences (Delisa Mason) * Project tree has colourful icons (Delisa Mason) * Uses gems to install everything (Dan Lucraft) * Uses Bundler to manage dependencies in development (Dan Lucraft) * Wildcards permitted in project search (Delisa Mason) * Installation entirely through Rubygems (Dan Lucraft) * Rad new icon (Delisa Mason) * Checks for updates and displays if there is a new version in the Help menu (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.11 (23 March 2011) ============================ Enhancements: * Project search backed by Lucene (Dan Lucraft) * Fuzzy file finder now recognizes directories "a/c/repocontr" (Tim Felgentreff) * Recent project fuzzy finder (Benedikt Müller) * Improved DocumentSearch, with UI refinements, added Replace All commands (Tom Murray) * Raise/lower region behaves better when you select multiple lines (Benedikt Müller) * Which files are hidden in a project is now configurable (Konstantin Haase) * Added logger at Redcar.log, goes to ~/.redcar/user.log (Dan Lucraft) * Can hide files and directories from the project context menu (Benedikt Müller) * Notification if Redcar doesn't have permission to save files (Benedikt Müller & Bill Siggelkow) * Tweaked the load order to make the window appear faster during startup (Dan Lucraft) * All the plugins use a single preference value to ignore files (Benedikt Müller & Daniel Lucraft) * Can ignore directories (Benedikt Müller) * User definable keybindings (Chris Nelson) Bugfixes: * Fixed Unicode problems in DocumentSearch (Tom Murray) * You can now symlink bin/redcar (Konstantin Haase) * Runnables are now terminated correctly when the tab is closed (Dan Lucraft) * You are once again prompted when you close a window with running Runnables in (Dan Lucraft) * Fix encoding issue that broke highlighting when there are multi-byte characters in a line (Dan Lucraft) * Fixed project-dependent trees remaining open when project is closed (Delisa Mason) Version 0.10 (17 January 2011) ============================== Enhancements: * Add "Close others" and "Close all" commands to the File menu (Clinton R Nixon) * Syntax checking for Java (Delisa Mason) * Git integration is now available when the current project is a subdirectory of a repository (Delisa Mason) * Ctrl+A/E (home and end) added for Linux (Tomasz Wegrzanowski) * Trim line deletes newline if rest of line is empty (Tomasz Wegrzanowski) * Fuzzy finders (e.g. find file) ignore spaces. (Tomasz Wegrzanowski) * Highlighting the current file in the project tree is now optional and is in the Project menu (Delisa Mason) * Document Search is now incremental (Delisa Mason) * REPL Enhancements, including commit on Return (Delisa Mason) * Mirah syntax checking (Michal Hantl) * Mirah REPL (Delisa Mason) * More keybindings for adjusting views, such as changing font size, notebook width, and focussed tree (Delisa Mason) * New look! (Max Hawkins) * 3+ notebooks allowed at once (Dotan J. Nahum) * Configurable test runner plugin (Chris Nelson) * Added menu mnemonics for Linux and Windows (Delisa Mason) * Much improved search and replace behaviour (Tom Murray) Bugfixes: * TitleCase now works when the selected text has capital letters in it (Delisa Mason) * Go to Declaration is only available when a project is open (Delisa Mason) * Saving a file prompts before overwriting (Delisa Mason) * Encrypt/Decrypt does not happen if a user cancels (Utkarsh Kukreti) * Fix the "Index out of bounds" errors in the pair highlighter (Delisa Mason) * Searching will now scroll the window horizontally (#400) (Delisa Mason) New APIs: * Non-modal text, list, and browser dialogs in Application::Dialog (Delisa Mason) Version 0.9.1 (2 December 2010) =============================== * Move rhino mirror (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.9 (25 November 2010) ============================== Enhancements: * Vertical tree tabs now have a close button like edit view tabs (Tim Felgentreff) * Strip Trailing Spaces is now _much_ faster (Tim Felgentreff) * "Online Help" and "Submit a Bug" open the default system browser (Johannes Wollert) * -l command line switch to jump to a file number (Johannes Wollert) * Font and Theme dialogs now update the setting on selection change for instant feedback (Tim Felgentreff) * Tabs now display an alert icon if the underlying file is unwritable (Delisa Mason) * Browser bar URL field now supports project-relative paths (Delisa Mason) * URLs can be opened in the internal browser or the OS-default based on preferences (Delisa Mason) * Syntax checking for Groovy (Delisa Mason) * Jump to declaration for Groovy (Delisa Mason) * Margin is drawn with a line or a shaded area (Tim Felgentreff) * Syntax checking for JavaScript (Delisa Mason) * Word wrap wraps at the margin column (Daniel Lucraft) * Improvements and optimizations to replace-all function (Tim Felgentreff) * .redcar plugins dir is created on startup to help people know they can put plugins there (Philip Arndt) * Add jruby jar to JVM bootclasspath to speedup startup marginally (Tim Felgentreff) Bug fixes: * Declarations plugin is able to deal with similarly named ruby methods * Declarations plugin lets Ruby methods have trailing spaces (Johannes Wollert) * Fix Application::Dialog#tool_tip to set the location correctly on Windows (Patrik Sundberg) * 64bit Soylatte JDK7 can now be used to run Redcar on Mac OS X * Run Tab now checks for underlying file (Delisa Mason) * Hovering on annotations only displays the tooltip(s) under the cursor, not all of them (Delisa Mason) * Fix for installing on Ruby 1.8.6 (Dan Lucraft) * Connection manager should not try and read directories and unreadable files when looking for private keys (Antono Vasiljev) * Required cucumber version is specified in the Gemfile (Tianyi Cui) * Pair highlighter works on first and last character in the document (Kirill Nikitin) Internal changes: * Code coverage is above 70% (up from 60%) (everyone) * Code cleanup and refactoring in various plugins (everyone) * Speedbar can now contain sliders (Tim Felgentreff) Version 0.8.1 (26 October 2010) =============================== * Replace all is a single undo operation (Steven Hancock) * Remove files with multi-byte names from the gem so windows rubygems is happy (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.8 (26 October 2010) ============================= Enhancements: * Alternate Runnables File Runner command and shortcut (Delisa Mason) * File runners now have access to line number and file names (Delisa Mason) * Projects can have 'subproject' windows which share config files like Runnables (Delisa Mason) * Symlinks to other directories are searched recursively (Tim Felgentreff) * Redcar can be started without opening a window (for boot-time startup) (Tim Felgentreff) * The Mac OS X app bundle comes with assets bundled (Tim Felgentreff) * The Runnables tree now nests runnables depending on slashes in the type definition (Tim Felgentreff) * Deleting or moving a file updates the tab title and file correctly. (Delisa Mason) * Paired characters are not inserted if it looks like you are closing a pair (Dan Lucraft) * Syntax checking for Ruby upon save (Tim Felgentreff) * Deleting a file from the project tree will move it to the trash, if the OS permits (Tim Felgentreff) * Help Menu options for submitting bugs and viewing the users' guide (Delisa Mason) * Toggle line and selection commenting (Delisa Mason) * Clipboard History Viewer and Paster (Delisa Mason) * Web Preview files and Bookmarks (Delisa Mason) * -w commandline switch to block the prompt when piping into or opening files on an existing Redcar instance (Tim Felgentreff) * 'Open Default App' project context menu item for opening any type of file (Jeremy Wentworth) * Changing to another tab reveals the associated file in the project tree (Johannes Wollert) * Trees can be hidden or revealed by a keyboard shortcut (Delisa Mason) * Fullscreen mode! (Matt Scharley) Bugfixes: * Snippet completion works even when preceded by other characters (Delisa Mason) * New files now open in the project window which is the closest ancestor (Delisa Mason) * Search-and-replace now operates on the user-selected text as well, not only after it (Tim Felgentreff) * Word back/forward movement is not confused by multi-byte characters. (Dan Lucraft) * Can load files with multi-byte characters and see them in the tree (Dan Lucraft) * Open in command line now works correctly with (Delisa Mason, Mat Schaffer) * Search-and-replace won't loop forever over a document anymore if it still finds the search string (Tim Felgentreff) * Goto line command works again (Dan Lucraft) * Run tab commands are now project-aware (Delisa Mason) New APIs: * after_save can be implemented by plugins to run code after an edit view was saved (Tim Felgentreff) * before_web_refresh can be implemented by plugins to run code before a HtmlTab is refreshed (Delisa Mason) Version 0.7 (4 October 2010) ============================ Enhancements: * Vertical tabs for the tree book on the left. (Tim Felgentreff) * Runnables are grouped by type in the tree (Delisa Mason) * Improved styling of the keyboard shortcuts help and todo list (Delisa Mason) * Tidier Edit menu! (Delisa Mason) * Record and run macros (Dan Lucraft) * Name and save macros (Dan Lucraft) * Macro manager to save, rename and delete macros (Dan Lucraft) * Predictive macros that know what you want to do! (Dan Lucraft) * Experimental Subversion integration (Delisa Mason) New internal APIs: * DocumentHistory stream of changes to text (Dan Lucraft) * Menus can have lazy text that is generated when you look at them (Dan Lucraft) * Tab icons can change. (Dan Lucraft) Bugfixes * Open in file browser and command line now works on Windows (Jeremy Wentworth, Delisa Mason) Version 0.6 (21 September 2010) =============================== Enhancements * Now we have a toolbar in the Redcar (Alex Lourie) * Line Tools advanced editing commands (Delisa Mason) * Added a 'Open Directory as new project' context menu item (Delisa Mason) * Added a 'Tidy File' menu option which will try to reindent complete file (Alex Lourie) * find-in-project: Search spinner, remember search settings, wrap long lines, styling updates (Kieran Pilkington) * Align assignments command (Stefan Natchev) * Groovy REPL! (Delisa Mason) * Sort lines command (Erik Lundqvist) * Runnables: copy output to clipboard (Mat Schaffer) * Runnables: 'run again' button (Mat Schaffer) Bugfixes: * find-in-project: results are now sorted from a-z, instead of backwards (Kieran Pilkington) New internal APIs * Toolbar items APIs (Alex Lourie) Version 0.5 (7 September 2010) ============================== Enhancements * Indenting a block of text is now a single undo operation (Johannes Wollert) * SCM trees are only loaded when you need them - speeds up project opening a lot (Matthew Scharley) * Checkbox menu items for tab view togglables (Alex Lourie) * Checkbox menu item for strip trailing spaces (Steven Hancock) * Runnables work on Windows (Mat Schaffer) * Open directory in command line / os directory viewer (Matthew Scharley, Delisa Mason) * Can press enter really fast in the FindFileDialog and it will open the correct file (Tim Felgentreff) * Use spoon for forking on Linux, OSX (Matthew Scharley) * Find-in-project streams as it finds results (Kieran Pilkington) * Installer doesn't need to be run as root anymore. (Dan Lucraft) * Splash screen (Dan Lucraft) * Installer loads Redcar, therefore putting all the Redcar files in the OS disk cache (Dan Lucraft) * Read installed JVM options and use 32bit client vm if available (Dan Lucraft & Alex Lourie) * Edit views now have right-click menu, with hooks for plugins (Delisa Mason) New internal APIs * FileParser for reading over all files in a project (Kieran Pilkington) * Checkbox menu items (Alex Lourie) Fixes: * Fix for autocomplete, which was randomly broken due to a load order error (Anko painting) * [Bug 300] Remove duplicate snippets (requires deleting your Textmate cache file)(Dan Lucraft) * [Bug 297] New files can be immediately opened from the directory tree again (Dan Lucraft) * [Bug 302] Search/replace won't infinitely recurse when the search string is a prefixed substring of the replace text. (Dan Lucraft) * [Bug 293] Select Word works correctly on such un-American words as: "können" (Dan Lucraft) * [Bug 286] The paste command no longer inserts in the wrong location when the autoindenter tries to run during the command (Dan Lucraft) * [Bug 270] The "Go to declaration" fuzzy finder chooses the right file when you have refined the list (Dan Lucraft) * Precaching textmate bundles is now more robust (Dan Lucraft) * [Bug 209] Gives visual feedback during startup (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.4.1 (24 Aug 2010) =========================== Fixes: * Fix Clojure REPL (Dan Lucraft) * Attribution for icons (Dan Lucraft) * Use icon we have a license for in the snippet tree (Delisa Mason) Version 0.4 (23 Aug 2010) ========================= Enhancements: * Colourful Runnables! (The output tab supports ANSI escape codes) (Mat Schaffer) * Runnables scroll as the output gets longer (Delisa Mason) * Option to save all tabs before running any Runnable (Delisa Mason) * Strip trailing spaces on save option (Steven Hancock) * Search and replace supports backreferences (\1 \2 etc) (Mat Schaffer) * Uses client, 32bit jvm mode, for twice as fast startup. (Dan Lucraft) * Bracket highlighting! (Alex Lourie) * Todo list (find all occurrences of TODO etc in project) (Delisa Mason) * Styled runnable tabs (Mat Schaffer) * See all snippets in a tree (Delisa Mason) * Find in project plugin (uses grep and ack) (Kieran Pilkington and Krzysztof Jablonski) * Runnables re-use an open tab. (Mat Schaffer) * Can pin your choice of bundles to the bundles menu (Delisa Mason) * Experimental git scm integration (Matthew Scharley) * PHP jump to declaration support (Daniel Cestari) * Outline view of document (jump to declaration in document) (Johannes Wollert) Fixes: * Fix for opening files with regex characters in. (Tom Murray) Version 0.3.9 (12 Aug 2010) =========================== * Clojure REPL (David Byrne) * Remote edit files (Felipe Coury & Dan Lucraft) * Remote directory view (Felipe Coury & Dan Lucraft) * Connection manager (Felipe Coury & Dan Lucraft) * Added a truckload more Textmate themes (Dan Lucraft - thanks !) * Fix crashing bug when exceptions have no message (Kieran Pilkington) * Runnables tab shows name of process (Delisa Mason) * Runnables can run in background without visible feedback (Delisa Mason) * Runnables run with cwd of your project directory, rather than redcar's cwd (Delisa Mason) * Search and Replace in tab command (William Cherry) * Reload file command (Kurt Werle) * Fixed dependency list in (Matthew Scharley) * Show Installed Bundles command (John Wells) * New API for plugins to hook into the project pane context menu (Matthew Scharley) * Auto-detects private keys for remote editing with SSH (Dan Lucraft) * Menu items can have a priority (Matthew Scharley) * --fork option to detach from console (Matthew Scharley) * Runnables are grouped by file (Delisa Mason) * View keyboard shortcuts help command (Delisa Mason) * Clear REPL history command (David Byrne) * Change case commands (to uppercase, to lowercase, to titlecase, to opposite case, toggle snake_case/CamelCase/pascalCase) (Mat Schaffer) * Smarter word matching for Ruby (and internal changes to support differing definitions of "words" across languages.) (Johannes Wollert) Version (24 July 2010) ============================== * Parse the xulrunner releases page to determine the latest. (Dan Lucraft) Version (24 July 2010) ============================== * Fix installation (Dan Lucraft) Version (22 July 2010) ============================== * Update xulrunner url AGAIN. (Dan Lucraft) Version (18 July 2010) ============================== * Update xulrunner url to point to existing distribution. (huma- and akautm) * Hack to make Rexml load invalid character correctly on 1.9.1. (huma-) * Fix installer script to put openssl jar in the right place (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.3.8 (12 July 2010) ============================ * Can switch between open trees in a window (Dan Lucraft) * Runnables: extensible runnable tasks/build items/tests/generators for projects. (Dan Lucraft) * Runnables: run scripts in edit tabs as processes. (Dan Lucraft) * Fix for: end key not working in documents with Windows-style line endings (Dan Lucraft) * Caches downloaded jar files so that installation is faster when updating versions. (Felipe Coury) * Fix for: dragging and dropping HtmlTabs between notebooks and windows. (Dan Lucraft) * Select Word command (Johannes Wollert) * Move tab up/Move tab down commands (Johannes Wollert) * New APIs: Document#current_word, Document#word_at_offset (Johannes Wollert) * Made the first tab open for a new install MUCH faster by generating the textmate bundle cache in the install script (Dan Lucraft) * Search speedbar is opened with selected text as the default search (Johannes Wollert) * Helper method for executing JavaScript in the browser during controller actions (Dan Lucraft) Version (25 Jun 2010) ============================= * Fixed bug: URI class not found. (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.3.7 (24 Jun 2010) =========================== Enhancements: * Can create new files and directories, rename and delete files in the Project pane (Dan Lucraft) * Can Bulk Rename files in projects with regular expression replacement (Dan Lucraft) * Can drag and drop files and directories in the Project pane (Dan Lucraft) * Won't leave an empty window open when you open a project (Aaron McLeod) * Optionally show hidden files in the project pane (Dan Lucraft) Fixes: * Fixed Shift+End on Linux to highlight to end of line rather than go to end of file (Dan Lucraft) * Fixed launching redcar with "jruby" command (Aaron McLeod) New APIS: * Context menu callback for trees (Dan Lucraft) * Tree gained new methods for editing and expanding rows. (Dan Lucraft) * new Tree DragController SPI for responding to drag and drop events (Dan Lucraft) * Improvements to the HtmlView for interacting between Ruby controllers and JavaScript events (Dan Lucraft) * In HtmlViews form submissions can go to the Ruby controller (Dan Lucraft) Version 0.3.6 (5 Jun 2010) ========================== Enhancements: * Folders open in the project view on a double click (Nizar Jouini) * Drag and drop tabs (Tim Felgentreff) * Change font and theme commands (Sam Clopton) * Word wrap option (Dan Lucraft) * Toggle line numbers (Dan Lucraft) * Can put TM themes and bundles into .redcar/{Bundles,Themes} (Dan Lucraft) * Home command goes to start of text first then start of line (Dan Lucraft) * The project view has a fixed width that doesn't change if you resize the main window (Tim Felgentreff) * Optional margin that colours text differently past a configurable column. (Dan Lucraft) * Experimental app bundle for Mac OSX. (Tim Felgentreff) * Moved to JRuby 1.5 (Dan Lucraft) * Opens content from standard in (Dan Lucraft) * Dev versions of Redcar have a blue icon (Dan Lucraft) New APIs: * Annotations column (Dan Lucraft) * Open popup menu and tooltips at cursor/pointer locations (Dan Lucraft) New contributors: * Nizar Jouini Version 0.3.5dev (1 May 2010) ============================= Enhancements: * Jump to declaration support for Ruby and Java * Double click respects word boundaries * Window title reflects project name * Duplicate region command * Switch tab with Alt-1, Alt-2 (or Cmd-1, Cmd-2 on OSX) * Prompts to save modified tabs on tab, window or application close * Snippet menus show tab trigger more nicely (linux/windows) * Watches to changes to open files, and prompts to revert * Project view sorts directories before files (by popular request!) * Shows menu bar on OSX when there are no windows open * Halve startup time from 0.3.4 (warm startup) * Added background Task APIs. * Task Manager * Added ProjectRefresh Task API * No longer dumps command errors to the console * Command history tab * Speed up opening of first file by lazy loading embedded grammars * Sped up Ruby highlighting by 17x * Doesn't die on long lines (gives up after 500 characters now) * Added show/hide invisible characters menu option * Smart indentation as you type (based on Textmate bundle rules) * Add profiling commands to the Debug menu (uses jruby-prof) * Lazy menus API * Commands to profile Redcar with jruby-prof. Fixes: * Fix delete at end of line when using "\r\n" delimiter * Increase and decrease indent commands respect soft tabs and tab width settings * Directory tree sorts correctly * Speed up opening a project (about 1s faster) New contributors: * Antono Vasiljev * Sergey Potapov * Kirill Nikitin * Juozas Gaigalas * Tim Felgentreff Version 0.3.4dev (7 Mar 2010) ============================= New features: * Auto-pairer inserts matching characters ( -> ), " -> ", etc * Snippets * Recent directories menu * Uses Gecko for HTMLTabs on Windows. Internal changes: * New API for creating text Marks, to tag a position in a Document. * new PersistentCache class for plugins to simply cache stuff. * Textmate plugin for dealing with Textmate bundles. * Application focus in/out events. Fixes: * Respects Windows style line delimiters New contributors: * Aaron McLeod Version 0.3.3dev (21 Feb 2010) ============================== New features: * Tab stops: - Can set tab width for open tab. - Default tab width is remembered per language. - Soft tabs (spaces that behave like tabs). - Default soft/hard option is remembered per language. * FindFileDialog: - opens with a list of files opened this session. - caches file list between invocations (cleared on window focus) * Can autocomplete with a menu popup. * Opens files and folders passed on the command line. * Reopens last open directory on startup. * Single instance support: redirects to currently open instance if any. * Added 'encryption' plugin, mainly as an example. * Forward search: wraps, regex option, match case option. * Very raw edit preferences command (Show me the YAML!) * Help > About command * Can specify HTTP_PROXY for downloading jars. * REPL captures and prints STDOUT * Can register Redcar for opening files on Windows. (See redcar -h) Internal changes: * Keybindings are now stored in Keymap objects, in preparation for user preferences. * Speedbar now uses an EditView for textboxes. * Speedbars can have combos in them. * Speedbars have access to the properties of the widgets in them. * Added tab and escape key handler support to the EditView. Fixes: * Fixed some highlighter bugs. * Search searches last line in doc. * Doesn't die on Windows-1252 encodings. * Plugin Manager UI works on Linux and Windows. New contributors: * Mat Schaffer * Felipe Coury * Sam Clopton * Roger D Pack Version 0.3.2dev (23 Jan 2010) ============================== New features: * Dialog API for plugins and commands to use. * Speedbar API for plugins and commands to use (e.g. Goto Line command). * Remembers last directory when opening a file/directory. (thanks Roger Pack) * Word movement (alt-left, alt-right) now works as it should in an editor for programmers. * Very simple forward search command. * Somewhat faster startup time. * Nicer error message when jruby jar is missing. * Goto Line command * Select All and Select Line commands. * Cut and Copy will take the line if there is no selection * Block typing mode * Auto completion * HTML View, with Ruby/JavaScript interface, to write plugins in HTML+CSS+JS. * PluginManagerUI plugin, running on the HTML View. Internal changes: * Ported plugins to plugin_manager gem ( * Pure Ruby clipboard and Copy/Cut/Paste commands. Fixes: * The show more tabs menu in a notebook is handled properly. * Deleting a lot of lines no longer causes the last few to lose highlighting. * Clojure highlighting works. * HTML colours no longer 'bleed' past the tags Version 0.3.1dev (9 Jan 2010) ============================= Enhancements: * Fuzzy file finder. * Directory tree refreshes on window focus. * Keybindings to switch tabs and notebooks. * Undo/redo. * Home/end keys. * Modified tabs have little stars before their names. * Increase indent and decrease indent commands (need further work). * Themes support bold, italic and underline again. * All commands are greyed out when inapplicable. * Files can not be opened twice. * Added Java, Perl and Ruby on Rails bundles. * New simpler way for bundles to add commands to menus (used in repl.rb) * New "redcar install" command to download jars. Fixes: * Change key logic in JavaMateView - should fix a bunch of subtle highlighting bugs. * Runs on Java 5. * Open Directory doesn't log an error if you cancel. Version 0.3.0dev (25 Dec 2009) ============================== Rewritten in JRuby/SWT. Enhancements: * _Much_ simpler installation: packaged as a gem. * Faster highlighter * Fewer bugs * Clearer architecture * Multiple window/project support. Version 0.2 (28 May 2009) ========================= New features, enhancements: * Fuzzy file finder notices new files and runs MUCH faster. * Undo close tab (Ctrl+Shift+T) * Type " or ( or [ etc to wrap selection in pair. * Warm startup 3 times faster. * Added Incremental Search menu item. * Now prompts to save if file is modified when closed. * HtmlTab now uses Webkit instead of Mozilla * Convert case commands * Keybindings match up with Gnome better (Ctrl+C/V) * Added Scala and Haskell bundles. * Added theme from Railscasts Bug fixes: * Fixed Jaunty DBus bug (no more --multiple-instance!) (#60) * Fixed paste-over bug (#74) * Fixed bug that allows multiple project tabs (#69) * Fixed so only one copy of a file can be open (#62) * Fixed file finder not finding new files * Fixed silently failing to save when bad permissions (#10) New contributors: * Mark Wilkinson * Pat Ciambrone * poweradapter * Henrik Hodne Version 0.1 (6 April 2009) ========================== First release. Features: * Textmate syntax highlighting * Textmate snippets * Text, Source, Ruby Textmate commands + some others * Project pane Contributors: * Daniel Lucraft * Cairo Noleto