# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/guard/all/guard.rbi # # guard-2.16.2 module Guard def self._evaluate(options); end def self._guardfile_deprecated_check(modified); end def self._listener_callback; end def self._pluginless_guardfile?; end def self._relative_pathnames(paths); end def self._relevant_changes?(changes); end def self.async_queue_add(changes); end def self.init(cmdline_options); end def self.interactor; end def self.listener; end def self.queue; end def self.setup(cmdline_options = nil); end def self.state; end extend Guard::Deprecated::Guard::ClassMethods end class Anonymous_Nenv_Environment_15 < Nenv::Environment def gem_silence_deprecations?; end def strict?; end end class Guard::Config < Anonymous_Nenv_Environment_15 def initialize; end def silence_deprecations?; end end module Guard::UI def self._calling_plugin_name; end def self._filter(plugin); end def self._filtered_logger_message(message, method, color_name, options = nil); end def self.action_with_scopes(action, scope); end def self.clear(opts = nil); end def self.clearable; end def self.color(text, *color_options); end def self.color_enabled?; end def self.debug(message, options = nil); end def self.deprecation(message, options = nil); end def self.error(message, options = nil); end def self.info(message, options = nil); end def self.level=(new_level); end def self.logger; end def self.options; end def self.options=(options); end def self.reset_and_clear; end def self.reset_line; end def self.reset_logger; end def self.warning(message, options = nil); end include Guard::UI::Colors end module Guard::UI::Colors end class Guard::Options < Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess def fetch(name); end def initialize(opts = nil, default_opts = nil); end end class Guard::UI::Logger end class Guard::UI::Logger::Config < Guard::Options def initialize(options = nil); end def level=(value); end end class Guard::UI::Config < Guard::Options def [](name); end def device; end def except; end def initialize(options = nil); end def logger_config; end def only; end def with_progname(name); end end class Guard::Terminal def self.clear; end end class Guard::PluginUtil def _constant_name; end def _full_gem_path(name); end def _plugin_constant; end def add_to_guardfile; end def initialize(name); end def initialize_plugin(options); end def name; end def name=(arg0); end def plugin_class(options = nil); end def plugin_location; end def self._gem_valid?(gem); end def self.plugin_names; end end class Guard::Group def initialize(name, options = nil); end def name; end def name=(arg0); end def options; end def options=(arg0); end def title; end def to_s; end end module Guard::Internals end class Guard::Internals::Groups def add(name, options = nil); end def all(filter = nil); end def initialize; end def matcher_for(filter); end end class Guard::Plugin def _register_callbacks; end def callbacks; end def callbacks=(arg0); end def group; end def group=(arg0); end def hook(event, *args); end def initialize(options = nil); end def name; end def options; end def options=(arg0); end def self.add_callback(listener, guard_plugin, events); end def self.callbacks; end def self.non_namespaced_classname; end def self.non_namespaced_name; end def self.notify(guard_plugin, event, *args); end def self.reset_callbacks!; end def self.template(plugin_location); end def title; end def to_s; end def watchers; end def watchers=(arg0); end end class Guard::Internals::Plugins def add(name, options); end def all(filter = nil); end def initialize; end def matcher_for(filter); end def remove(plugin); end end class Guard::Internals::Session def clear?; end def clearing(on); end def clearing?; end def cmdline_groups; end def cmdline_plugins; end def convert_scope(entries); end def debug?; end def evaluator_options; end def groups; end def guardfile_group_scope; end def guardfile_ignore; end def guardfile_ignore=(ignores); end def guardfile_ignore_bang; end def guardfile_ignore_bang=(arg0); end def guardfile_notification=(config); end def guardfile_plugin_scope; end def guardfile_scope(scope); end def initialize(new_options); end def interactor_name; end def listener_args; end def notify_options; end def plugins; end def watchdirs; end def watchdirs=(dirs); end end class Guard::Internals::Scope def _find_non_empty_scope(type, local_scope); end def _groups; end def _hashify_scope(type); end def _instantiate(meth, obj); end def _plugins; end def _scope_names(new_scope, name); end def from_interactor(scope); end def grouped_plugins(scope = nil); end def initialize; end def titles(scope = nil); end def to_hash; end end module Guard::Deprecated end module Guard::Deprecated::Watcher def self.add_deprecated(klass); end end module Guard::Deprecated::Watcher::ClassMethods def match_guardfile?(files); end end class Guard::Watcher def ==(other); end def action; end def action=(arg0); end def call_action(matches); end def initialize(pattern, action = nil); end def match(string_or_pathname); end def pattern; end def pattern=(arg0); end def self.match_files(guard, files); end extend Guard::Deprecated::Watcher::ClassMethods end class Guard::Watcher::Pattern def self.create(pattern); end end class Guard::Watcher::Pattern::MatchResult def [](index); end def initialize(match_result, original_value); end end class Guard::Watcher::Pattern::Matcher def ==(other); end def initialize(obj); end def match(string_or_pathname); end def matcher; end def normalized(string_or_pathname); end end class Guard::Watcher::Pattern::DeprecatedRegexp def deprecated?; end def initialize(pattern); end def self.convert(pattern); end def self.show_deprecation(pattern); end end class Guard::Watcher::Pattern::SimplePath def initialize(string_or_pathname); end def match(string_or_pathname); end def normalize(string_or_pathname); end end class Guard::Watcher::Pattern::PathnamePath < Guard::Watcher::Pattern::SimplePath def normalize(string_or_pathname); end end class Guard::Runner def _run_group_plugins(plugins); end def _supervise(plugin, task, *args); end def run(task, scope_hash = nil); end def run_on_changes(modified, added, removed); end def self.stopping_symbol_for(guard); end end class Guard::Internals::State def initialize(cmdline_opts); end def scope; end def session; end end module Guard::Deprecated::Evaluator def evaluate_guardfile; end def reevaluate_guardfile; end def self.add_deprecated(klass); end end class Guard::Interactor def background(*args, &block); end def foreground(*args, &block); end def handle_interrupt(*args, &block); end def idle_job; end def initialize(no_interaction = nil); end def interactive?; end def self.enabled; end def self.enabled=(arg0); end def self.enabled?; end def self.options; end def self.options=(arg0); end extend Forwardable end class Guard::Notifier def self.connect(options = nil); end def self.detected; end def self.disconnect; end def self.notify(message, options = nil); end def self.supported; end def self.toggle; end def self.turn_on; end end module Guard::Deprecated::Dsl def self.add_deprecated(dsl_klass); end end module Guard::Deprecated::Dsl::ClassMethods def evaluate_guardfile(options = nil); end end class Guard::Dsl def _cleanup_backtrace(backtrace); end def callback(*args, &block); end def clearing(on); end def directories(directories); end def evaluate(contents, filename, lineno); end def filter!(*regexps); end def filter(*regexps); end def group(*args); end def guard(name, options = nil); end def ignore!(*regexps); end def ignore(*regexps); end def interactor(options); end def logger(options); end def notification(notifier, opts = nil); end def scope(scope = nil); end def watch(pattern, &action); end extend Guard::Deprecated::Dsl::ClassMethods end class Guard::Dsl::Error < RuntimeError end class Guard::DslReader < Guard::Dsl def callback(*_args, &_block); end def clearing(_on); end def directories(_directories); end def group(*_args); end def guard(name, _options = nil); end def ignore!(*_regexps); end def ignore(*_regexps); end def initialize; end def interactor(_options); end def logger(_options); end def notification(_notifier, _opts = nil); end def plugin_names; end def scope(_scope = nil); end def watch(_pattern, &_action); end end module Guard::Guardfile end class Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator def _fetch_guardfile_contents; end def _from_deprecated(opts); end def _guardfile_contents; end def _guardfile_contents_usable?; end def _guardfile_contents_without_user_config; end def _instance_eval_guardfile(contents); end def _read(path); end def _use_default!; end def _use_inline; end def _use_provided; end def custom?; end def evaluate; end def guardfile_contents; end def guardfile_include?(plugin_name); end def guardfile_path; end def guardfile_source; end def initialize(opts = nil); end def inline?; end def options; end def path; end include Guard::Deprecated::Evaluator end class Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::Error < RuntimeError end class Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::NoGuardfileError < Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::Error end class Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::NoCustomGuardfile < Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::Error end class Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::NoPluginsError < Guard::Guardfile::Evaluator::Error end module Guard::Deprecated::Guard def self.add_deprecated(klass); end end module Guard::Deprecated::Guard::ClassMethods def add_group(name, options = nil); end def add_guard(*args); end def add_plugin(name, options = nil); end def evaluate_guardfile; end def evaluator; end def get_guard_class(name, fail_gracefully = nil); end def group(filter); end def groups(filter); end def guard_gem_names; end def guards(filter = nil); end def listener=(_); end def locate_guard(name); end def lock; end def options; end def plugin(filter); end def plugins(filter); end def reset_evaluator(_options); end def runner; end def running; end def scope; end def scope=(scope); end end module Guard::Internals::Helpers def _relative_pathname(path); end end module Guard::Internals::Tracing def self.trace(mod, meth); end def self.untrace(mod, meth); end end class Guard::Internals::Debugging def self._notify(*args); end def self._reset; end def self._trace(mod, meth, &block); end def self._untrace(mod, meth); end def self.start; end def self.stop; end end module Guard::Internals::Traps def self.handle(signal, &block); end end class Guard::Internals::Queue def <<(changes); end def _run_actions(actions); end def initialize(commander); end def pending?; end def process; end end