require "json" require "logstash/time" require "logstash/namespace" require "uri" # General event type. Will expand this in the future. class LogStash::Event public def initialize( @cancelled = false @data = { "@source" => "unknown", "@type" => nil, "@tags" => [], "@fields" => {}, }.merge(data) if !@data.include?("@timestamp") @data["@timestamp"] = end end # def initialize public def self.from_json(json) return end # def self.from_json public def cancel @cancelled = true end public def cancelled? return @cancelled end public def to_s return "#{timestamp} #{source}: #{message}" end # def to_s public def timestamp; @data["@timestamp"]; end # def timestamp def timestamp=(val); @data["@timestamp"] = val; end # def timestamp= public def source; @data["@source"]; end # def source def source=(val) if val.is_a?(URI) @data["@source"] = val.to_s @data["@source_host"] = @data["@source_path"] = val.path else @data["@source"] = val end end # def source= public def message; @data["@message"]; end # def message def message=(val); @data["@message"] = val; end # def message= public def type; @data["@type"]; end # def type def type=(val); @data["@type"] = val; end # def type= public def tags; @data["@tags"]; end # def tags def tags=(val); @data["@tags"] = val; end # def tags= # field-related access public def [](key); @data["@fields"][key] end # def [] def []=(key, value); @data["@fields"][key] = value end # def []= def fields; return @data["@fields"] end # def fields public def to_json; return @data.to_json end # def to_json def to_hash; return @data end # def to_hash public def overwrite(event) @data = event.to_hash end public def include?(key); return @data.include?(key) end # Append an event to this one. public def append(event) self.message += "\n" + event.message self.tags |= event.tags # Append all fields event.fields.each do |name, value| if self.fields.include?(name) puts "Merging field #{name}" self.fields[name] |= value else puts "Setting field #{name}" self.fields[name] = value end end # event.fields.each end # def append end # class LogStash::Event