module Dry module Types COERCIBLE = { string: String, int: Integer, float: Float, decimal: BigDecimal, array: ::Array, hash: ::Hash }.freeze NON_COERCIBLE = { nil: NilClass, symbol: Symbol, class: Class, true: TrueClass, false: FalseClass, date: Date, date_time: DateTime, time: Time }.freeze ALL_PRIMITIVES = COERCIBLE.merge(NON_COERCIBLE).freeze # Register built-in types that are non-coercible through kernel methods ALL_PRIMITIVES.each do |name, primitive| register(name.to_s, Definition[primitive].new(primitive)) end # Register strict built-in types that are non-coercible through kernel methods ALL_PRIMITIVES.each do |name, primitive| register("strict.#{name}", self[name.to_s].constrained(type: primitive)) end # Register built-in primitive types with kernel coercion methods COERCIBLE.each do |name, primitive| register("coercible.#{name}", self[name.to_s].constructor(Kernel.method( end # Register non-coercible maybe types ALL_PRIMITIVES.each_key do |name| next if name == :nil register("maybe.strict.#{name}", self["strict.#{name}"].maybe) end # Register coercible maybe types COERCIBLE.each_key do |name| register("maybe.coercible.#{name}", self["coercible.#{name}"].maybe) end # Register non-coercible optional types ALL_PRIMITIVES.each_key do |name| next if name == :nil register("optional.strict.#{name}", self["strict.#{name}"].optional) end # Register coercible optional types COERCIBLE.each_key do |name| register("optional.coercible.#{name}", self["coercible.#{name}"].optional) end # Register :bool since it's common and not a built-in Ruby type :( register("bool", self["true"] | self["false"]) register("strict.bool", self["strict.true"] | self["strict.false"]) end end require 'dry/types/coercions' require 'dry/types/form' require 'dry/types/json'