#-- # WebROaR - Ruby Application Server - http://webroar.in/ # Copyright (C) 2009 Goonj LLC # # This file is part of WebROaR. # # WebROaR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # WebROaR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with WebROaR. If not, see . #++ class YAMLWriter class << self #This method is to write the data into the yaml file. #The method is used to write config.yml as well as user.yml file. def write(hash, file_path, type) yaml_obj = YAML::dump(hash) file = File.open(file_path,"w") if type == "config" header_string = get_header() file.puts(header_string) end file.puts(yaml_obj) file.close end private #This method is to add instructions and example at the begin of the config.yml file. def get_header return "###################################################################################### # WebROaR Configuration file ###################################################################################### ###################################################################################### # Configuration file has three YAML formatted components # Order of components does not matter. # a) Server Specification # Elements: # 1) Server Port(optional)(default port = 3000) # 2) Minimum number of workers(optional)(default min_worker = 4) # 3) Maximum number of workers(optional)(default max_worker = 8) # 4) Logging level(optional)(default log_level = SEVERE) # 5) SSL Specification(optional) # It defines SSL specification. # Parameters: # I) SSL Support(optional)(values must be 'enabled' or 'disabled'(default)) # II) SSL Certificate File(optional)(Path to SSL certificate file. Default is empty) # III) SSL Key File(optional)(Path to SSL key file. Default is empty) # IV) SSL Port(optional)(Default port number 443) # 6) Access log(optional)(values must be 'enabled'(default) or 'disabled') # Order of the above elements does not matter. # Example: # Server Specification: # port: 3000 # min_worker: 4 # max_worker: 8 # log_level: SEVERE # access_log: enabled # SSL Specification: # ssl_support: enabled # certificate_file: /home/smartuser/ca-cert.pem # key_file: /home/smartuser/ca-key.pem # ssl_port: 443 # # b) Application Specification (optional) # Elements: # 1) Application name(mandatory) # 2) Application baseuri(optional) # 3) Application path(mandatory) # 4) Application type(mandatory)(example rails or rack) # 5) Application environment(optional)(default environment = production) # 6) Application analytics(mandatory)(values must be 'enabled' or 'disabled') # 7) Minimum number of workers(optional)(default is 'Server Specification/min_worker') # 8) Maximum number of workers(optional)(default is 'Server Specification/max_worker') # 9) Logging level(optional)(default is 'Server Specification/log_level') # 10) Run as user (mandatory) # 11) Hostnames(optional) # Order of the above elements does not matter. # Base-uri 'admin-panel' is reserved for 'Admin Panel'. # Either host_names or baseuri(not both) must present to resolve HTTP request. # Hostnames can have multiple values, each separated by spaces.(e.g. host_names: server.com server.co.in) # Hostnames can be defined using wildcard(*), but wildcard can only be at start of name or at end of name (valid hostnames are (i) *.server.com (ii) www.server.* (iii) *.server.*). # Prefix Hostname with tilde(~), if wildcard is used in defining Hostname. e.g. (i) ~*.server.com (ii) ~www.server.* (iii) ~*.server.* # Example with baseuri: # Application Specification: # - name: Mephisto # baseuri: /blog # path: /home/smartuser/work/rails_workspace/mephisto # type: rails # run_as_user: smartuser # analytics: enabled # environment: production # min_worker: 2 # max_worker: 5 # log_level: SEVERE # Example with host_names: # Application Specification: # - name: Mephisto # host_names: myblog.com ~*.myblog.com # path: /home/smartuser/work/rails_workspace/mephisto # type: rails # run_as_user: smartuser # analytics: enabled # environment: production # min_worker: 2 # max_worker: 5 # log_level: SEVERE # (c) Headers (optional) # It allows adding or changing the Expires and Cache-Control in the response headers for static assets (e.g. *.js, *.gif etc). # Elements: # 1) Expires header for all static assets (optional) (default is 'off') # 2) Specific expires header for specific file types (optional) # Elements: # I) File Extensions(mandatory) # II) Expires value(mandatory) (No of seconds) # Possible value for expires is off or no. of seconds. # Example: # Header: # expires: 3600 # expires_by_type: # - ext: png, jpg, gif # expires: 31536000 # ######################################################################################" end end end