require 'shellwords' require 'plist' module Snapshot class Runner # The number of times we failed on launching the simulator... sigh attr_accessor :number_of_retries_due_to_failing_simulator # All the errors we experience while running snapshot attr_accessor :collected_errors def work if File.exist?("./fastlane/snapshot.js") or File.exist?("./snapshot.js") UI.error "Found old snapshot configuration file 'snapshot.js'" UI.error "You updated to snapshot 1.0 which now uses UI Automation" UI.error "Please follow the migration guide:" UI.error "And read the updated documentation:" sleep 3 # to be sure the user sees this, as compiling clears the screen end Snapshot.config[:output_directory] = File.expand_path(Snapshot.config[:output_directory]) verify_helper_is_current # Also print out the path to the used Xcode installation # We go 2 folders up, to not show "Contents/Developer/" values = Snapshot.config.values(ask: false) values[:xcode_path] = File.expand_path("../..", FastlaneCore::Helper.xcode_path) FastlaneCore::PrintTable.print_values(config: values, hide_keys: [], title: "Summary for snapshot #{Fastlane::VERSION}") clear_previous_screenshots if Snapshot.config[:clear_previous_screenshots] UI.success "Building and running project - this might take some time..." self.number_of_retries_due_to_failing_simulator = 0 self.collected_errors = [] results = {} # collect all the results for a nice table launch_arguments_set = config_launch_arguments Snapshot.config[:devices].each_with_index do |device, device_index| launch_arguments_set.each do |launch_arguments| Snapshot.config[:languages].each_with_index do |language, language_index| locale = nil if language.kind_of?(Array) locale = language[1] language = language[0] end results[device] ||= {} current_run = device_index * Snapshot.config[:languages].count + language_index + 1 number_of_runs = Snapshot.config[:languages].count * Snapshot.config[:devices].count UI.message("snapshot run #{current_run} of #{number_of_runs}") results[device][language] = run_for_device_and_language(language, locale, device, launch_arguments) copy_simulator_logs(device, language, locale, launch_arguments) end end end print_results(results) UI.test_failure!(self.collected_errors.join('; ')) if self.collected_errors.count > 0 # Generate HTML report # Clear the Derived Data unless Snapshot.config[:derived_data_path] FileUtils.rm_rf(TestCommandGenerator.derived_data_path) end end # This is its own method so that it can re-try if the tests fail randomly # @return true/false depending on if the tests succeded def run_for_device_and_language(language, locale, device, launch_arguments, retries = 0) return launch(language, locale, device, launch_arguments) rescue => ex UI.error ex.to_s # show the reason for failure to the user, but still maybe retry if retries < Snapshot.config[:number_of_retries] UI.important "Tests failed, re-trying #{retries + 1} out of #{Snapshot.config[:number_of_retries] + 1} times" run_for_device_and_language(language, locale, device, launch_arguments, retries + 1) else UI.error "Backtrace:\n\t#{ex.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" if FastlaneCore::Globals.verbose? self.collected_errors << ex raise ex if Snapshot.config[:stop_after_first_error] return false # for the results end end def config_launch_arguments launch_arguments = Array(Snapshot.config[:launch_arguments]) # if more than 1 set of arguments, use a tuple with an index if launch_arguments.count == 1 [launch_arguments] else { |e, i| [i, e] } end end def copy_simulator_logs(device_name, language, locale, launch_arguments) return unless Snapshot.config[:output_simulator_logs] detected_language = locale || language language_folder = File.join(Snapshot.config[:output_directory], detected_language) device = TestCommandGenerator.find_device(device_name) components = [launch_arguments].delete_if { |a| a.to_s.length == 0 } UI.header("Collecting system logs #{device_name} - #{language}") log_identity = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(components.join("-")) FastlaneCore::Simulator.copy_logs(device, log_identity, language_folder) end def print_results(results) return if results.count == 0 rows = [] results.each do |device, languages| current = [device] languages.each do |language, value| current << (value == true ? " 💚" : " ❌") end rows << current end params = { rows: rows, headings: ["Device"] + results.values.first.keys, title: "snapshot results" } puts "" puts puts "" end # Returns true if it succeded def launch(language, locale, device_type, launch_arguments) screenshots_path = TestCommandGenerator.derived_data_path FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(screenshots_path, "Logs")) FileUtils.rm_rf(screenshots_path) if Snapshot.config[:clean] FileUtils.mkdir_p(screenshots_path) prefix = File.join(Dir.home, "Library/Caches/tools.fastlane") FileUtils.mkdir_p(prefix) File.write(File.join(prefix, "language.txt"), language) File.write(File.join(prefix, "locale.txt"), locale || "") File.write(File.join(prefix, "snapshot-launch_arguments.txt"), launch_arguments.last) unless device_type == "Mac" # Kill and shutdown all currently running simulators so that the following settings # changes will be picked up when they are started again. Snapshot.kill_simulator # because of `xcrun simctl shutdown booted &> /dev/null` Fixes::SimulatorZoomFix.patch Fixes::HardwareKeyboardFix.patch if Snapshot.config[:erase_simulator] || Snapshot.config[:localize_simulator] erase_simulator(device_type) if Snapshot.config[:localize_simulator] localize_simulator(device_type, language, locale) end elsif Snapshot.config[:reinstall_app] # no need to reinstall if device has been erased uninstall_app(device_type) end end add_media(device_type, :photo, Snapshot.config[:add_photos]) if Snapshot.config[:add_photos] add_media(device_type, :video, Snapshot.config[:add_videos]) if Snapshot.config[:add_videos] open_simulator_for_device(device_type) command = TestCommandGenerator.generate(device_type: device_type) if locale UI.header("#{device_type} - #{language} (#{locale})") else UI.header("#{device_type} - #{language}") end prefix_hash = [ { prefix: "Running Tests: ", block: proc do |value| value.include?("Touching") end } ] FastlaneCore::CommandExecutor.execute(command: command, print_all: true, print_command: true, prefix: prefix_hash, loading: "Loading...", error: proc do |output, return_code| ErrorHandler.handle_test_error(output, return_code) # no exception raised... that means we need to retry UI.error "Caught error... #{return_code}" self.number_of_retries_due_to_failing_simulator += 1 if self.number_of_retries_due_to_failing_simulator < 20 launch(language, locale, device_type, launch_arguments) else # It's important to raise an error, as we don't want to collect the screenshots UI.crash!("Too many errors... no more retries...") end end) raw_output = dir_name = locale || language return Collector.fetch_screenshots(raw_output, dir_name, device_type, launch_arguments.first) end def open_simulator_for_device(device_name) return unless FastlaneCore::Env.truthy?('FASTLANE_EXPLICIT_OPEN_SIMULATOR') device = TestCommandGenerator.find_device(device_name) FastlaneCore::Simulator.launch(device) if device end def uninstall_app(device_type) UI.verbose "Uninstalling app '#{Snapshot.config[:app_identifier]}' from #{device_type}..." Snapshot.config[:app_identifier] ||= UI.input("App Identifier: ") device_udid = TestCommandGenerator.device_udid(device_type) UI.message "Launch Simulator #{device_type}" Helper.backticks("xcrun instruments -w #{device_udid} &> /dev/null") UI.message "Uninstall application #{Snapshot.config[:app_identifier]}" Helper.backticks("xcrun simctl uninstall #{device_udid} #{Snapshot.config[:app_identifier]} &> /dev/null") end def erase_simulator(device_type) UI.verbose("Erasing #{device_type}...") device_udid = TestCommandGenerator.device_udid(device_type) UI.important("Erasing #{device_type}...") `xcrun simctl erase #{device_udid} &> /dev/null` end def localize_simulator(device_type, language, locale) device_udid = TestCommandGenerator.device_udid(device_type) if device_udid locale ||= language.sub("-", "_") plist = { AppleLocale: locale, AppleLanguages: [language] } UI.message "Localizing #{device_type} (AppleLocale=#{locale} AppleLanguages=[#{language}])" plist_path = "#{ENV['HOME']}/Library/Developer/CoreSimulator/Devices/#{device_udid}/data/Library/Preferences/.GlobalPreferences.plist" File.write(plist_path, Plist::Emit.dump(plist)) end end def add_media(device_type, media_type, paths) media_type = media_type.to_s UI.verbose "Adding #{media_type}s to #{device_type}..." device_udid = TestCommandGenerator.device_udid(device_type) UI.message "Launch Simulator #{device_type}" Helper.backticks("xcrun instruments -w #{device_udid} &> /dev/null") paths.each do |path| UI.message "Adding '#{path}'" Helper.backticks("xcrun simctl add#{media_type} #{device_udid} #{path.shellescape} &> /dev/null") end end def clear_previous_screenshots UI.important "Clearing previously generated screenshots" path = File.join(Snapshot.config[:output_directory], "*", "*.png") Dir[path].each do |current| UI.verbose "Deleting #{current}" File.delete(current) end end def version_of_bundled_helper runner_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) bundled_helper = File.expand_path('../assets/SnapshotHelper.swift', runner_dir) current_version = bundled_helper.match(/\n.*SnapshotHelperVersion \[.+\]/)[0] ## Something like "// SnapshotHelperVersion [1.2]", but be relaxed about whitespace current_version.gsub(%r{^//\w*}, '').strip end # rubocop:disable Style/Next def verify_helper_is_current return if Snapshot.config[:skip_helper_version_check] current_version = version_of_bundled_helper UI.verbose "Checking that helper files contain #{current_version}" helper_files = Update.find_helper helper_files.each do |path| content = unless content.include?(current_version) UI.error "Your '#{path}' is outdated, please run `fastlane snapshot update`" UI.error "to update your Helper file" UI.user_error!("Please update your Snapshot Helper file") end end end # rubocop:enable Style/Next end end