# Overview Adds support for the `timers` module to browserify. ## Wait, isn't it already supported in the browser? The public methods of the `timers` module are: * `setTimeout(callback, delay, [arg], [...])` * `clearTimeout(timeoutId)` * `setInterval(callback, delay, [arg], [...])` * `clearInterval(intervalId)` and indeed, browsers support these already. ## So, why does this exist? The `timers` module also includes some private methods used in other built-in Node.js modules: * `enroll(item, delay)` * `unenroll(item)` * `active(item)` These are used to efficiently support a large quantity of timers with the same timeouts by creating only a few timers under the covers. Node.js also offers the `immediate` APIs, which aren't yet available cross-browser, so we polyfill those: * `setImmediate(callback, [arg], [...])` * `clearImmediate(immediateId)` # License [MIT](http://jryans.mit-license.org/)