require 'digest/sha1' require 'patron' STDOUT.sync = true module CouchTomato class JsViewSource # todo: provide a 'dirty?' method that can be called in an initializer and warn the developer that view are out of sync # todo: provide more granular information about which views are being modified # todo: limitation (bug?) where if you remove a database's views entirely from the file system, view's will not be removed from the database as may be expected def self.push(silent=false) fs_database_names.each do |database_name| db = database!(database_name) fs_docs = fs_design_docs(database_name) db_docs = db_design_docs(db) fs_docs.each do |design_name, fs_doc| db_doc = db_docs[design_name] if db_doc fs_doc['_id'] = db_doc['_id'] fs_doc['_rev'] = db_doc['_rev'] end if fs_doc['views'].empty? next unless fs_doc['_rev'] puts "DELETE #{database_name}/#{fs_doc['_id']}" unless silent db.delete_doc(fs_doc) else if changed_views?(fs_doc, db_doc) puts "UPDATE #{database_name}/#{fs_doc['_id']}" unless silent db.save_doc(fs_doc) end end end end end def self.changed_views?(fs_doc, db_doc) return true if db_doc.nil? fs_doc['views'].each do |name, fs_view| db_view = db_doc['views'][name] %w(map reduce).each do |method| return true if db_view.nil? || db_view["sha1-#{method}"] != fs_view["sha1-#{method}"] end end return fs_doc['views'].length != db_doc['views'].length end def self.diff status_dict = { :NEW_DOC => "new design:", :NEW_VIEW => "new view:", :MOD_VIEW => "modified:", :DEL_DOC => "deleted:", :DEL_VIEW => "deleted:", :NEW_DB => "new db:" } types = ["map", "reduce"] puts "# Changes with respect to the filesystem:" fs_database_names.each do |database_name| db = database(database_name) puts "#\t#{setw(status_dict[:NEW_DB], 14)}#{database_name}" unless is_db?(db) fs_docs = fs_design_docs(database_name) db_docs = is_db?(db) ? db_design_docs(db) : {} diff = [] # design docs on fs but not in db (fs_docs.keys - db_docs.keys).each do |design_name| unless fs_docs[design_name]['views'].empty? diff.push [:NEW_DOC, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}"] fs_docs[design_name]['views'].keys.each do |view| (fs_docs[design_name]['views'][view].keys & types).each {|type| diff.push [:NEW_VIEW, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}/#{view}-#{type}"]} end end end # design docs in db but not on fs (db_docs.keys - fs_docs.keys).each do |design_name| diff.push [:DEL_DOC, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}"] unless (design_name.to_s.include? "migrations") end # design docs in both db and fs (fs_docs.keys & db_docs.keys).each do |design_name| common_view_keys = (fs_docs[design_name]['views'].keys & db_docs[design_name]['views'].keys) fs_only_view_keys = fs_docs[design_name]['views'].keys - common_view_keys db_only_view_keys = db_docs[design_name]['views'].keys - common_view_keys unless fs_only_view_keys.empty? methods = do |key| %w(map reduce).map {|method| fs_docs[design_name]['views'][key][method].nil? ? nil : "#{key}-#{method}"}.compact end.flatten methods.each {|method| diff.push [:NEW_VIEW, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}/#{method}"] } end unless db_only_view_keys.empty? methods = do |key| %w(map reduce).map {|method| db_docs[design_name]['views'][key][method] ? "#{key}-#{method}" : nil}.compact end methods.each {|method| diff.push [:DEL_VIEW, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}/#{method}"] } end common_view_keys.each do |common_key| # are the sha's the same? # map reduce sha1 fs_view = fs_docs[design_name]['views'][common_key] db_view = db_docs[design_name]['views'][common_key] # has either the map or reduce been added or removed %w(map reduce).each do |method| if db_view[method] && !fs_view[method] diff.push [:DEL_VIEW, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}/#{common_key}-#{method}"] and next end if fs_view[method] && !db_view[method] diff.push [:NEW_VIEW, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}/#{common_key}-#{method}"] and next end if fs_view["sha1-#{method}"] != db_view["sha1-#{method}"] diff.push [:MOD_VIEW, "#{database_name}/_#{design_name}/#{common_key}-#{method}"] and next end end end end diff.uniq! diff.each do |status| puts "#\t#{setw(status_dict[status.first], 14)}#{status.last}" end end end private def self.setw(str, w) spaces = w - str.length (spaces > 0) ? str + (" " * spaces) : str end def self.path(db_name="") "#{Rails.root rescue nil || "."}/couchdb/views/#{db_name}" end def self.fs_database_names Dir[path + "/**"].map {|path| path.split('/').last} end def self.db_design_docs(db) design_docs = db.get("_all_docs", {:startkey => "_design/", :endkey => "_design0", :include_docs => true})['rows'] design_docs.inject({}) do |res, row| doc = row['doc'] design_name = doc['_id'].split('/').last res[design_name.to_sym] = doc#['views'] res end end # :clicks => {'by_date' => {'map' => ..., 'reduce' => ..., sha1-map => ..., sha1-reduce => ...} } def self.fs_design_docs(db_name) design_docs = {} path = "#{Rails.root rescue nil || "."}/couchdb/views/#{db_name}" doc_folders = Dir["#{path}/**/"].map {|ddoc| ddoc.chop! } doc_folders.each do |design_doc| (Dir["#{design_doc}/**"] - doc_folders).each do |file| throw "Invalid filename '#{File.basename(file)}': expecting '-map.js' or '-reduce.js' suffix" unless file.match(/-((map)|(reduce))\.js$/) design_name = File.basename(design_doc) design_docs[design_name.to_sym] ||= {'_id' => "_design/#{design_name}", 'views' => {}} fs_view(design_docs[design_name.to_sym], file) end end design_docs.each do |db, design| design["views"].each do |view, functions| if !functions["reduce"].nil? raise "#{view}-reduce was found without a corresponding map function." if functions["map"].nil? end end end design_docs end def self.fs_view(design_doc, view_path) filename = view_path.split('/').last.split('.').first name, type = filename.split('-') file = open(view_path) content = file.close sha1 = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(content) design_doc['views'][name] ||= {} design_doc['views'][name][type] = content design_doc['views'][name]["sha1-#{type}"] = sha1 design_doc end def self.touch(dbs, async=false, timeout=nil) s = s.timeout = timeout.nil? ? 86400 : timeout.to_i s.timeout = 1 if async dbs.each do |db_str| db = database(db_str) design_docs = db_design_docs(db) design_docs.each do |ddoc_sym, ddoc| puts ddoc_sym.to_s next if ddoc_sym.to_s == "migrations" doc_id = ddoc["_id"] view = ddoc["views"].keys.first print "Building #{db_str}/#{doc_id}... " begin s.get("#{db_url(db_str)}/#{doc_id}/_view/#{view}?limit=0") puts "finished!" rescue Patron::TimeoutError if async puts "task started asynchronously." else puts "the view could not be built within the specified timeout (#{s.timeout} seconds). The view is still being built in the background." end end end end end def self.db_url(name) "#{CouchTomato::Config.url.gsub(/\/\s*$/, "")}/#{([CouchTomato::Config.prefix.to_s, name, CouchTomato::Config.suffix.to_s] - [""]).join("_")}" end def self.database(database_name, force=false) raise "Database names (#{database_name}) cannot contain uppercase letters." unless database_name == database_name.downcase url = db_url(database_name) force ? CouchRest.database!(url) : CouchRest.database(url) end def self.database!(database_name) database(database_name, true); end def self.is_db?(db) begin rescue return false end return true end end end