# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'json' require 'openstudio-standards' module OsLib_Reporting # setup - get model, sql, and setup web assets path def self.setup(runner) results = {} # get the last model model = runner.lastOpenStudioModel if model.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last model.') return false end model = model.get # get the last idf workspace = runner.lastEnergyPlusWorkspace if workspace.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last idf file.') return false end workspace = workspace.get # get the last sql file sqlFile = runner.lastEnergyPlusSqlFile if sqlFile.empty? runner.registerError('Cannot find last sql file.') return false end sqlFile = sqlFile.get model.setSqlFile(sqlFile) # populate hash to pass to measure results[:model] = model # results[:workspace] = workspace results[:sqlFile] = sqlFile return results end def self.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) # get the weather file run period (as opposed to design day run period) ann_env_pd = nil sqlFile.availableEnvPeriods.each do |env_pd| env_type = sqlFile.environmentType(env_pd) if env_type.is_initialized if env_type.get == OpenStudio::EnvironmentType.new('WeatherRunPeriod') ann_env_pd = env_pd end end end return ann_env_pd end def self.create_xls require 'rubyXL' book = ::RubyXL::Workbook.new # delete initial worksheet return book end def self.save_xls(book) file = book.write 'excel-file.xlsx' return file end # write an Excel file from table data # the Excel Functions are not currently being used, left in as example # Requires ruby Gem which isn't currently supported in OpenStudio GUIs. # Current setup is simple, creates new workbook for each table # Could be updated to have one section per workbook def self.write_xls(table_data, book) worksheet = book.add_worksheet table_data[:title] row_cnt = 0 # write the header row header = table_data[:header] header.each_with_index do |h, i| worksheet.add_cell(row_cnt, i, h) end worksheet.change_row_fill(row_cnt, '0ba53d') # loop over data rows data = table_data[:data] data.each do |d| row_cnt += 1 d.each_with_index do |c, i| worksheet.add_cell(row_cnt, i, c) end end return book end # cleanup - prep html and close sql def self.cleanup(html_in_path) # TODO: - would like to move code here, but couldn't get it working. May look at it again later on. return html_out_path end # clean up unkown strings used for runner.registerValue names def self.reg_val_string_prep(string) # replace non alpha-numberic characters with an underscore string = string.gsub(/[^0-9a-z]/i, '_') # snake case string string = OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase(string) return string end # create template section def self.template_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables template_tables = [] # gather data for section @template_section = {} @template_section[:title] = 'Tasty Treats' @template_section[:tables] = template_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @template_section end # notes: # The data below would typically come from the model or simulation results # You can loop through objects to make a table for each item of that type, such as air loops # If a section will only have one table you can leave the table title blank and just rely on the section title # these will be updated later to support graphs # create table template_table_01 = {} template_table_01[:title] = 'Fruit' template_table_01[:header] = ['Definition', 'Value'] template_table_01[:units] = ['', '$/pound'] template_table_01[:data] = [] # add rows to table template_table_01[:data] << ['Banana', 0.23] template_table_01[:data] << ['Apple', 0.75] template_table_01[:data] << ['Orange', 0.50] # add table to array of tables template_tables << template_table_01 # using helper method that generates table for second example template_tables << OsLib_Reporting.template_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) return @template_section end # create template section def self.template_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # create a second table template_table = {} template_table[:title] = 'Ice Cream' template_table[:header] = ['Definition', 'Base Flavor', 'Toppings', 'Value'] template_table[:units] = ['', '', '', 'scoop'] template_table[:data] = [] # add rows to table template_table[:data] << ['Vanilla', 'Vanilla', 'NA', 1.5] template_table[:data] << ['Rocky Road', 'Chocolate', 'Nuts', 1.5] template_table[:data] << ['Mint Chip', 'Mint', 'Chocolate Chips', 1.5] return template_table end # building_summary section def self.building_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables general_tables = [] # gather data for section @building_summary_section = {} @building_summary_section[:title] = 'Model Summary' @building_summary_section[:tables] = general_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @building_summary_section end # add in general information from method general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.general_building_information_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.weather_summary_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.design_day_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.setpoint_not_met_summary_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.setpoint_not_met_criteria_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) # general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.site_performance_table(model,sqlFile,runner) site_power_generation_table = OsLib_Reporting.site_power_generation_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) if site_power_generation_table general_tables << OsLib_Reporting.site_power_generation_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) end return @building_summary_section end # annual_overview section def self.annual_overview_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables annual_tables = [] # gather data for section @annual_overview_section = {} @annual_overview_section[:title] = 'Annual Overview' @annual_overview_section[:tables] = annual_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @annual_overview_section end # add in annual overview from method annual_tables << OsLib_Reporting.output_data_end_use_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) annual_tables << OsLib_Reporting.output_data_energy_use_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) annual_tables << OsLib_Reporting.output_data_end_use_electricity_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) annual_tables << OsLib_Reporting.output_data_end_use_gas_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) return @annual_overview_section end # create table with general building information # this just makes a table, and not a full section. It feeds into another method that makes a full section def self.general_building_information_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # general building information type data output general_building_information = {} general_building_information[:title] = 'Building Summary' # name will be with section general_building_information[:header] = ['Data', 'Value'] general_building_information[:units] = [] # won't populate for this table since each row has different units general_building_information[:data] = [] # structure ID / building name display = 'Building Name' target_units = 'n/a' value = model.getBuilding.name.to_s general_building_information[:data] << [display, value] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display), value, target_units) # total site energy display = 'Total Site Energy' source_units = 'GJ' if is_ip_units target_units = 'kBtu' else target_units = 'kWh' end value = OpenStudio.convert(sqlFile.totalSiteEnergy.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = "#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true)} #{target_units}" runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display), value, target_units) general_building_information[:data] << [display, value_neat] # net site energy display = 'Net Site Energy' source_units = 'GJ' if is_ip_units target_units = 'kBtu' else target_units = 'kWh' end value = OpenStudio.convert(sqlFile.netSiteEnergy.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = "#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true)} #{target_units}" runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display), value, target_units) # always register value, but only add to table if net is different than total if sqlFile.totalSiteEnergy.get != sqlFile.netSiteEnergy.get general_building_information[:data] << [display, value_neat] end # total building area query = 'SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ' query << "ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and " query << "ReportForString='Entire Facility' and " query << "TableName='Building Area' and " query << "RowName='Total Building Area' and " query << "ColumnName='Area' and " query << "Units='m2';" query_results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if query_results.empty? runner.registerWarning('Did not find value for total building area.') return false else display = 'Total Building Area' source_units = 'm^2' if is_ip_units target_units = 'ft^2' else target_units = source_units end value = OpenStudio.convert(query_results.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = "#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true)} #{target_units}" general_building_information[:data] << [display, value_neat] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display), value, target_units) end # temp code to check OS vs. E+ area energy_plus_area = query_results.get open_studio_area = model.getBuilding.floorArea if (energy_plus_area - open_studio_area).abs >= 1.0 runner.registerWarning("EnergyPlus reported area is #{query_results.get.round} (m^2). OpenStudio reported area is #{model.getBuilding.floorArea.round} (m^2).") end # total EUI eui = sqlFile.totalSiteEnergy.get / energy_plus_area display = 'Total Site EUI' source_units = 'GJ/m^2' if is_ip_units target_units = 'kBtu/ft^2' else target_units = 'kWh/m^2' end if query_results.get > 0.0 # don't calculate EUI if building doesn't have any area value = OpenStudio.convert(eui, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = "#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 2, true)} #{target_units}" runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display), value, target_units) # is it ok not to calc EUI if no area in model else value_neat = "can't calculate Total EUI." end general_building_information[:data] << [display.to_s, value_neat] # net EUI eui = sqlFile.netSiteEnergy.get / energy_plus_area display = 'EUI' if query_results.get > 0.0 # don't calculate EUI if building doesn't have any area value = OpenStudio.convert(eui, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = "#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 2, true)} #{target_units}" runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display), value, target_units) # is it ok not to calc EUI if no area in model else value_neat = 'Net EUI could not be calculated.' end # always register value, but only add to table if net is different than total if sqlFile.totalSiteEnergy.get != sqlFile.netSiteEnergy.get general_building_information[:data] << ['Net Site EUI', value_neat] end # get standards building type building_type = 'n/a' if model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized building_type = model.getBuilding.standardsBuildingType.get end general_building_information[:data] << ['OpenStudio Standards Building Type', building_type] return general_building_information end # create table of space type breakdown def self.space_type_breakdown_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # space type data output output_data_space_type_breakdown = {} output_data_space_type_breakdown[:title] = '' output_data_space_type_breakdown[:header] = ['Space Type Name', 'Floor Area', 'Standards Building Type', 'Standards Space Type'] if is_ip_units target_units = 'ft^2' else target_units = 'm^2' end output_data_space_type_breakdown[:units] = ['', target_units, '', ''] output_data_space_type_breakdown[:data] = [] output_data_space_type_breakdown[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' output_data_space_type_breakdown[:chart] = [] # gather data for section @output_data_space_type_breakdown_section = {} @output_data_space_type_breakdown_section[:title] = 'Space Type Breakdown' @output_data_space_type_breakdown_section[:tables] = [output_data_space_type_breakdown] # only one table for this section # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @output_data_space_type_breakdown_section end space_types = model.getSpaceTypes space_types.sort.each do |spaceType| next if spaceType.floorArea == 0 # get color color = spaceType.renderingColor if !color.empty? color = color.get red = color.renderingRedValue green = color.renderingGreenValue blue = color.renderingBlueValue color = "rgb(#{red},#{green},#{blue})" else # TODO: - this should set red green and blue as separate values color = 'rgb(20,20,20)' # maybe do random or let d3 pick color instead of this? end # data for space type breakdown display = spaceType.name.get floor_area_si = spaceType.floorArea floor_area_si = 0 # loop through spaces so I can skip if not included in floor area spaceType.spaces.each do |space| next if !space.partofTotalFloorArea floor_area_si += space.floorArea * space.multiplier end # julien source_units = 'm^2' if is_ip_units target_units = 'ft^2' else target_units = source_units end value = OpenStudio.convert(floor_area_si, 'm^2', target_units).get num_people = nil value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true) # get standards information if spaceType.standardsBuildingType.is_initialized standards_building_type = spaceType.standardsBuildingType.get else standards_building_type = '' end if spaceType.standardsSpaceType.is_initialized standards_space_type = spaceType.standardsSpaceType.get else standards_space_type = '' end output_data_space_type_breakdown[:data] << [display, value_neat, standards_building_type, standards_space_type] runner.registerValue("space_type_#{OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display)}", value, target_units) # data for graph output_data_space_type_breakdown[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: display, value: value, color: color) end spaces = model.getSpaces # count area of spaces that have no space type no_space_type_area_counter = 0 spaces.each do |space| if space.spaceType.empty? next if !space.partofTotalFloorArea no_space_type_area_counter += space.floorArea * space.multiplier end end if no_space_type_area_counter > 0 display = 'No Space Type' # julien source_units = 'm^2' if is_ip_units target_units = 'ft^2' else target_units = source_units end value = OpenStudio.convert(no_space_type_area_counter, 'm^2', target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true) output_data_space_type_breakdown[:data] << [display, value_neat] runner.registerValue("space_type_#{OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display)}", value, target_units) # data for graph color = 'rgb(20,20,20)' # maybe do random or let d3 pick color instead of this? output_data_space_type_breakdown[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'No SpaceType Assigned', value: OpenStudio.convert(no_space_type_area_counter, 'm^2', target_units), color: color) end return @output_data_space_type_breakdown_section end # create table with general building information # this just makes a table, and not a full section. It feeds into another method that makes a full section def self.output_data_end_use_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # end use data output output_data_end_use = {} output_data_end_use[:title] = 'End Use' output_data_end_use[:header] = ['End Use', 'Consumption'] if is_ip_units target_units = 'kBtu' else target_units = 'kWh' end output_data_end_use[:units] = ['', target_units] output_data_end_use[:data] = [] output_data_end_use[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' output_data_end_use[:chart] = [] end_use_colors = ['#EF1C21', '#0071BD', '#F7DF10', '#DEC310', '#4A4D4A', '#B5B2B5', '#FF79AD', '#632C94', '#F75921', '#293094', '#CE5921', '#FFB239', '#29AAE7', '#8CC739'] # loop through fuels for consumption tables counter = 0 OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |end_use| # get end uses end_use = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(end_use).valueDescription query_elec = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Electricity'" query_gas = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Natural Gas'" query_add = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Additional Fuel'" query_dc = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'District Cooling'" query_dh = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'District Heating'" results_elec = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_elec).get results_gas = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_gas).get results_add = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_add).get results_dc = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_dc).get results_dh = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_dh).get total_end_use = results_elec + results_gas + results_add + results_dc + results_dh value = OpenStudio.convert(total_end_use, 'GJ', target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true) output_data_end_use[:data] << [end_use, value_neat] runner.registerValue("end_use_#{end_use.downcase.tr(' ', '_')}", value, target_units) if value > 0 output_data_end_use[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: end_use, value: value, color: end_use_colors[counter]) end counter += 1 end return output_data_end_use end # create table with general building information # this just makes a table, and not a full section. It feeds into another method that makes a full section def self.output_data_end_use_electricity_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # end use data output output_data_end_use_electricity = {} output_data_end_use_electricity[:title] = 'EUI - Electricity' output_data_end_use_electricity[:header] = ['End Use', 'Consumption'] target_units = 'kWh' output_data_end_use_electricity[:units] = ['', target_units] output_data_end_use_electricity[:data] = [] output_data_end_use_electricity[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' output_data_end_use_electricity[:chart] = [] end_use_colors = ['#EF1C21', '#0071BD', '#F7DF10', '#DEC310', '#4A4D4A', '#B5B2B5', '#FF79AD', '#632C94', '#F75921', '#293094', '#CE5921', '#FFB239', '#29AAE7', '#8CC739'] # loop through fuels for consumption tables counter = 0 OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |end_use| # get end uses end_use = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(end_use).valueDescription query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Electricity'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) value = OpenStudio.convert(results.get, 'GJ', target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true) output_data_end_use_electricity[:data] << [end_use, value_neat] runner.registerValue("end_use_electricity_#{end_use.downcase.tr(' ', '_')}", value, target_units) if value > 0 output_data_end_use_electricity[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: end_use, value: value, color: end_use_colors[counter]) end counter += 1 end return output_data_end_use_electricity end # create table with general building information # this just makes a table, and not a full section. It feeds into another method that makes a full section def self.output_data_end_use_gas_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # end use data output output_data_end_use_gas = {} output_data_end_use_gas[:title] = 'EUI - Gas' output_data_end_use_gas[:header] = ['End Use', 'Consumption'] if is_ip_units target_units = 'therm' target_display_unit = 'therms' else target_units = 'kWh' target_display_unit = 'kWh' end output_data_end_use_gas[:units] = ['', target_display_unit] output_data_end_use_gas[:data] = [] output_data_end_use_gas[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' output_data_end_use_gas[:chart] = [] output_data_end_use_gas[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' output_data_end_use_gas[:chart] = [] end_use_colors = ['#EF1C21', '#0071BD', '#F7DF10', '#DEC310', '#4A4D4A', '#B5B2B5', '#FF79AD', '#632C94', '#F75921', '#293094', '#CE5921', '#FFB239', '#29AAE7', '#8CC739'] # loop through fuels for consumption tables counter = 0 OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |end_use| # get end uses end_use = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(end_use).valueDescription query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= '#{end_use}' and ColumnName= 'Natural Gas'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) value = OpenStudio.convert(results.get, 'GJ', target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true) output_data_end_use_gas[:data] << [end_use, value_neat] runner.registerValue("end_use_natural_gas_#{end_use.downcase.tr(' ', '_')}", value, target_units) if value > 0 output_data_end_use_gas[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: end_use, value: value, color: end_use_colors[counter]) end counter += 1 end return output_data_end_use_gas end # create table with general building information # this just makes a table, and not a full section. It feeds into another method that makes a full section def self.output_data_energy_use_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # energy use data output output_data_energy_use = {} output_data_energy_use[:title] = 'Energy Use' output_data_energy_use[:header] = ['Fuel', 'Consumption'] if is_ip_units target_units = 'kBtu' else target_units = 'kWh' end output_data_energy_use[:units] = ['', target_units] output_data_energy_use[:data] = [] output_data_energy_use[:chart_type] = 'simple_pie' output_data_energy_use[:chart] = [] # list of colors for fuel. Also used for cash flow chart color = [] color << '#DDCC77' # Electricity color << '#999933' # Natural Gas color << '#AA4499' # Additional Fuel color << '#88CCEE' # District Cooling color << '#CC6677' # District Heating # color << "#332288" # Water (not used here but is in cash flow chart) # color << "#117733" # Capital and O&M (not used here but is in cash flow chart) # loop through fuels for consumption tables counter = 0 OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.getValues.each do |fuel_type| # get fuel type and units fuel_type = OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type).valueDescription next if fuel_type == 'Water' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName='End Uses' and RowName= 'Total End Uses' and ColumnName= '#{fuel_type}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) # julien source_units = 'kWh' if is_ip_units target_units = 'kBtu' else target_units = source_units end target_units = 'kBtu' value = OpenStudio.convert(results.get, 'GJ', target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, 0, true) output_data_energy_use[:data] << [fuel_type, value_neat] runner.registerValue("fuel_#{fuel_type.downcase.tr(' ', '_')}", value, target_units) if value > 0 output_data_energy_use[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: fuel_type, value: value, color: color[counter]) end counter += 1 end return output_data_energy_use end # create table for advisory messages def self.setpoint_not_met_summary_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # unmet hours data output setpoint_not_met_summary = {} setpoint_not_met_summary[:title] = 'Unmet Hours Summary' setpoint_not_met_summary[:header] = ['Time Setpoint Not Met', 'Time'] target_units = 'hr' setpoint_not_met_summary[:units] = ['', target_units] setpoint_not_met_summary[:data] = [] # create string for rows (transposing from what is in tabular data) setpoint_not_met_cat = [] setpoint_not_met_cat << 'During Heating' setpoint_not_met_cat << 'During Cooling' setpoint_not_met_cat << 'During Occupied Heating' setpoint_not_met_cat << 'During Occupied Cooling' # loop through messages setpoint_not_met_cat.each do |cat| # Retrieve end use percentages from table query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' and TableName = 'Time Setpoint Not Met' and RowName= 'Facility' and ColumnName='#{cat}';" setpoint_not_met_cat_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if setpoint_not_met_cat_value.empty? runner.registerWarning("Did not find value for #{cat}.") return false else # net site energy display = cat source_units = 'hr' value = setpoint_not_met_cat_value.get value_neat = value # OpenStudio::toNeatString(value,0,true) setpoint_not_met_summary[:data] << [display, value_neat] runner.registerValue("unmet_hours_#{OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display)}", value, target_units) end end # setpoint_not_met_cat.each do return setpoint_not_met_summary end # create table for setpoint_not_met_criteria def self.setpoint_not_met_criteria_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # unmet hours data output tolerance_summary = {} tolerance_summary[:title] = 'Unmet Hours Tolerance' tolerance_summary[:header] = ['Tolerance for Time Setpoint Not Met', 'Temperature'] # julien source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = source_units end tolerance_summary[:units] = ['', target_units] tolerance_summary[:data] = [] # create string for rows (transposing from what is in tabular data) setpoint_not_met_cat = [] setpoint_not_met_cat << 'Heating' setpoint_not_met_cat << 'Cooling' # loop through messages setpoint_not_met_cat.each do |cat| # Retrieve end use percentages from table query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' and TableName = 'Setpoint Not Met Criteria' and RowName= 'Tolerance for Zone #{cat} Setpoint Not Met Time' and ColumnName='Degrees';" setpoint_not_met_cat_value = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) if setpoint_not_met_cat_value.empty? runner.registerWarning("Did not find value for #{cat}.") return false else # net site energy display = cat # julien source_units = 'K' if is_ip_units target_units = 'R' else target_units = source_units end value = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint_not_met_cat_value.get.to_f, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = value.round(2) tolerance_summary[:data] << [display, value_neat] runner.registerValue("unmet_hours_tolerance_#{cat.downcase}", value, target_units) end end # setpoint_not_met_cat.each do return tolerance_summary end # Generalized method for getting component performance characteristics def self.general_component_summary_logic(component, is_ip_units) data_arrays = [] # Convert to HVAC Component component = component.to_HVACComponent return data_arrays if component.empty? component = component.get # Skip object types that are not informative types_to_skip = ['SetpointManager:MixedAir', 'Node'] idd_obj_type = component.iddObject.name.gsub('OS:', '') return data_arrays if types_to_skip.include?(idd_obj_type) # Only report the component type once comp_name_used = false # Airflow, heating and cooling capacity, and water flow summary_types = [] summary_types << ['Air Flow Rate', 'maxAirFlowRate', 'm^3/s', 4, 'cfm', 0] summary_types << ['Heating Capacity', 'maxHeatingCapacity', 'W', 1, 'Btu/hr', 1] summary_types << ['Cooling Capacity', 'maxCoolingCapacity', 'W', 1, 'ton', 1] summary_types << ['Water Flow Rate', 'maxWaterFlowRate', 'm^3/s', 4, 'gal/min', 2] summary_types << ['Rated Power', 'ratedPower', 'W', 1, 'W', 1] summary_types.each do |s| val_name = s[0] val_method = s[1] units_si = s[2] decimal_places_si = s[3] units_ip = s[4] decimal_places_ip = s[5] # Get the value and skip if not available val_si = component.public_send(val_method) next if val_si.empty? # Determine if the value was autosized or hard sized siz = 'Hard Sized' if component.public_send("#{val_method}Autosized").is_initialized if component.public_send("#{val_method}Autosized").get siz = 'Autosized' end end # Convert and report the value source_units = units_si if is_ip_units target_units = units_ip decimal_places = decimal_places_ip else target_units = source_units decimal_places = decimal_places_si end val_ip = OpenStudio.convert(val_si.get, source_units, target_units).get val_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(val_ip, decimal_places, true) if is_ip_units data_arrays << ['', val_name, "#{val_ip_neat} #{units_ip}", siz, ''] else data_arrays << ['', val_name, "#{val_ip_neat} #{units_si}", siz, ''] end end # Performance characteristics (specific to each component type) perf_chars = component.performanceCharacteristics.each do |char| perf_val = char[0].to_s.to_f perf_name = char[1] display_units = '' # For Display # Unit conversion for pressure rise and pump head if perf_name.downcase.include?('pressure rise') source_units = 'Pa' if is_ip_units target_units = 'inH_{2}O' display_units = 'in w.g.' else target_units = source_units display_units = source_units end perf_val = OpenStudio.convert(perf_val, source_units, target_units).get perf_val = OpenStudio.toNeatString(perf_val, 2, true) elsif perf_name.downcase.include?('pump head') source_units = 'Pa' if is_ip_units target_units = 'ftH_{2}O' display_units = 'ft H2O' n_decimals = 1 else target_units = source_units display_units = source_units n_decimals = 0 end perf_val = OpenStudio.convert(perf_val, source_units, target_units).get perf_val = OpenStudio.toNeatString(perf_val, n_decimals, true) elsif perf_name.downcase.include?('efficiency') || perf_name.downcase.include?('effectiveness') display_units = '%' perf_val *= 100 perf_val = OpenStudio.toNeatString(perf_val, 1, true) end # Report the value data_arrays << ['', perf_name, "#{perf_val} #{display_units}", '', ''] end return data_arrays end # Gives the Plant Loop connection information for an HVAC Component def self.water_component_logic(component, is_ip_units) data_arrays = [] component = component.to_HVACComponent return data_arrays if component.empty? component = component.get # Only deal with plant-connected components return data_arrays unless component.respond_to?('plantLoop') # Report the plant loop name if component.plantLoop.is_initialized data_arrays << ['', 'Plant Loop', component.plantLoop.get.name, '', ''] end return data_arrays end # Shows the calculated brake horsepower for fans and pumps def self.motor_component_logic(component, is_ip_units) data_arrays = [] # Skip exhaust fans for now because of bug in openstudio-standards return data_arrays if component.to_FanZoneExhaust.is_initialized concrete_comp = component.cast_to_concrete_type component = concrete_comp unless component.nil? # Only deal with plant-connected components return data_arrays unless component.respond_to?('brake_horsepower') # Report the plant loop name bhp = component.brake_horsepower bhp_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(bhp, 2, true) data_arrays << ['', 'Brake Horsepower', "#{bhp_neat} HP", '', ''] return data_arrays end # Shows the setpoint manager details depending on type def self.spm_logic(component, is_ip_units) data_arrays = [] case component.iddObject.name when 'OS:SetpointManager:Scheduled' # Constrol type and temperature range setpoint = component.to_SetpointManagerScheduled.get supply_air_temp_schedule = setpoint.schedule schedule_values = OsLib_Schedules.getMinMaxAnnualProfileValue(component.model, supply_air_temp_schedule) if schedule_values.nil? schedule_values_pretty = "can't inspect schedule" target_units = '' else if setpoint.controlVariable.to_s == 'Temperature' # julien source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = source_units end schedule_values_pretty = "#{OpenStudio.convert(schedule_values['min'], source_units, target_units).get.round(1)} to #{OpenStudio.convert(schedule_values['max'], source_units, target_units).get.round(1)}" else # TODO: - add support for other control variables schedule_values_pretty = "#{schedule_values['min']} to #{schedule_values['max']}" target_units = 'raw si values' end end data_arrays << ['', "Control Variable - #{setpoint.controlVariable}", "#{schedule_values_pretty} #{target_units}", '', ''] when 'OS:SetpointManager:SingleZone:Reheat' # Control Zone setpoint = component.to_SetpointManagerSingleZoneReheat.get control_zone = setpoint.controlZone if control_zone.is_initialized control_zone_name = control_zone.get.name else control_zone_name = '' end data_arrays << ['', 'Control Zone', control_zone_name, '', ''] when 'OS:SetpointManager:FollowOutdoorAirTemperature' setpoint = component.to_SetpointManagerFollowOutdoorAirTemperature.get ref_temp_type = setpoint.referenceTemperatureType data_arrays << [setpoint.iddObject.name, 'Reference Temperature Type', ref_temp_type, '', ''] when 'OS:SetpointManager:OutdoorAirReset' setpoint = component.to_SetpointManagerOutdoorAirReset.get source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = source_units end wt_at_hi_oat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.setpointatOutdoorHighTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) wt_at_lo_oat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.setpointatOutdoorLowTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) hi_oat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.outdoorHighTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) lo_oat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.outdoorLowTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) # julien if is_ip_units desc = "#{wt_at_lo_oat_f} F to #{wt_at_hi_oat_f.round} F btwn OAT #{lo_oat_f} F to #{hi_oat_f} F." else desc = "#{wt_at_lo_oat_f} C to #{wt_at_hi_oat_f.round} C btwn OAT #{lo_oat_f} C to #{hi_oat_f} C." end data_arrays << [setpoint.iddObject.name, 'Reset', desc, '', ''] when 'OS:SetpointManager:Warmest' setpoint = component.to_SetpointManagerWarmest.get source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = source_units end min_sat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.minimumSetpointTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) max_sat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.maximumSetpointTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) desc = "#{min_sat_f} #{target_units} to #{max_sat_f.round} #{target_units}" data_arrays << [setpoint.iddObject.name, 'Reset SAT per Worst Zone', desc, '', ''] when 'OS:SetpointManager:WarmestTemperatureFlow' setpoint = component.to_SetpointManagerWarmestTemperatureFlow.get source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = source_units end min_sat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.minimumSetpointTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) max_sat_f = OpenStudio.convert(setpoint.maximumSetpointTemperature, source_units, target_units).get.round(1) desc = "#{min_sat_f} #{target_units} to #{max_sat_f.round} #{target_units}, #{setpoint.strategy}" data_arrays << [setpoint.iddObject.name, 'Reset SAT & Flow per Worst Zone', desc, '', ''] end return data_arrays end # summary of what to show for each type of air loop component def self.air_loop_component_summary_logic(component, model, is_ip_units) # Generic component logic first data_arrays = general_component_summary_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Water component logic data_arrays += water_component_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Motor component logic data_arrays += motor_component_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Setpoint manager logic data_arrays += spm_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Unique logic for subset of components case component.iddObject.name when 'OS:AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem' component = component.to_AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.get controller_oa = component.getControllerOutdoorAir # Min OA # julien source_units = 'm^3/s' if is_ip_units target_units = 'cfm' n_decimals = 0 else target_units = 'm^3/h' n_decimals = 0 end if controller_oa.minimumOutdoorAirFlowRate.is_initialized value = OpenStudio.convert(controller_oa.minimumOutdoorAirFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Hard Sized' elsif controller_oa.autosizedMinimumOutdoorAirFlowRate.is_initialized value = OpenStudio.convert(controller_oa.autosizedMinimumOutdoorAirFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Autosized' else value_neat = 'Autosized' end data_arrays << ['', 'Minimum Outdoor Air Flow Rate', "#{value_neat} #{target_units}", siz, ''] # Max OA if controller_oa.maximumOutdoorAirFlowRate.is_initialized value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(controller_oa.maximumOutdoorAirFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value_ip, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Hard Sized' elsif controller_oa.autosizedMaximumOutdoorAirFlowRate.is_initialized value_ip = OpenStudio.convert(controller_oa.autosizedMaximumOutdoorAirFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_ip_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value_ip, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Autosized' else value_ip_neat = 'Autosized' end data_arrays << ['', 'Maximum Outdoor Air Flow Rate', "#{value_ip_neat} #{target_units}", siz, ''] end # Make the component type the first element of the first row if !data_arrays.empty? data_arrays[0][0] = component.iddObject.name.gsub('OS:', '') end return data_arrays end # create table air loop summary def self.air_loops_detail_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables output_data_air_loop_tables = [] # gather data for section @output_data_air_loop_section = {} @output_data_air_loop_section[:title] = 'Air Loops Detail' @output_data_air_loop_section[:tables] = output_data_air_loop_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @output_data_air_loop_section end # loop through air loops model.getAirLoopHVACs.sort.each do |air_loop| # air loop data output output_data_air_loops = {} output_data_air_loops[:title] = air_loop.name.get # TODO: - confirm first that it has name output_data_air_loops[:header] = ['Object', 'Description', 'Value', 'Sizing', 'Count'] output_data_air_loops[:units] = [] # not using units for these tables output_data_air_loops[:data] = [] output_data_air_loops[:data] << [{ sub_header: 'supply' }, '', '', '', ''] # hold values for later use dcv_setting = 'na' # should hit this if there isn't an outdoor air object on the loop economizer_setting = 'na' # should hit this if there isn't an outdoor air object on the loop # loop through components air_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| # skip some object types, but look for node with setpoint manager if component.to_Node.is_initialized setpoint_managers = component.to_Node.get.setpointManagers if !setpoint_managers.empty? # setpoint type setpoint = setpoint_managers[0] # TODO: - could have more than one in some situations data_arrays = OsLib_Reporting.air_loop_component_summary_logic(setpoint, model, is_ip_units) data_arrays.each do |data_array| output_data_air_loops[:data] << data_array end end else # populate table for everything but setpoint managers, which are added above. data_arrays = OsLib_Reporting.air_loop_component_summary_logic(component, model, is_ip_units) data_arrays.each do |data_array| output_data_air_loops[:data] << data_array end end # gather controls information to use later if component.to_AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.is_initialized hVACComponent = component.to_AirLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem.get # get ControllerOutdoorAir controller_oa = hVACComponent.getControllerOutdoorAir # get ControllerMechanicalVentilation controller_mv = controller_oa.controllerMechanicalVentilation # get dcv value dcv_setting = controller_mv.demandControlledVentilation if dcv_setting dcv_setting = 'On' else dcv_setting = 'Off' end # get economizer setting economizer_setting = controller_oa.getEconomizerControlType end end output_data_air_loops[:data] << [{ sub_header: 'demand' }, '', '', '', ''] # demand side summary, list of terminal types used, and number of zones thermal_zones = [] terminals = [] cooling_temp_ranges = [] heating_temps_ranges = [] air_loop.demandComponents.each do |component| # gather array of thermal zones and terminals if component.to_ThermalZone.is_initialized thermal_zone = component.to_ThermalZone.get thermal_zones << thermal_zone thermal_zone.equipment.each do |zone_equip| next if zone_equip.to_ZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized # should only find terminals terminals << zone_equip.iddObject.name.gsub('OS:', '') end # populate thermostat ranges if thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.is_initialized thermostat = thermal_zone.thermostatSetpointDualSetpoint.get if thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized schedule_values = OsLib_Schedules.getMinMaxAnnualProfileValue(model, thermostat.coolingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get) unless schedule_values.nil? cooling_temp_ranges << schedule_values['min'] cooling_temp_ranges << schedule_values['max'] end end if thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized schedule_values = OsLib_Schedules.getMinMaxAnnualProfileValue(model, thermostat.heatingSetpointTemperatureSchedule.get) unless schedule_values.nil? heating_temps_ranges << schedule_values['min'] heating_temps_ranges << schedule_values['max'] end end end end end # get floor area of thermal zones total_loop_floor_area = 0 thermal_zones.each do |zone| total_loop_floor_area += zone.floorArea end source_units = 'm^2' if is_ip_units target_units = 'ft^2' else target_units = source_units end total_loop_floor_area = OpenStudio.convert(total_loop_floor_area, source_units, target_units).get total_loop_floor_area_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(total_loop_floor_area, 0, true) # output zone and terminal data if is_ip_units output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Thermal Zones', 'Total Floor Area', "#{total_loop_floor_area_neat} ft^2", '', thermal_zones.size] else output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Thermal Zones', 'Total Floor Area', "#{total_loop_floor_area_neat} m^2", '', thermal_zones.size] end # heating and cooling temperature range data source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' target_units_display = 'F' else target_units = source_units target_units_display = 'C' end if cooling_temp_ranges.empty? cooling_temp_ranges_pretty = "can't inspect schedules" else cooling_temp_ranges_pretty = "#{OpenStudio.convert(cooling_temp_ranges.min, source_units, target_units).get.round(1)} to #{OpenStudio.convert(cooling_temp_ranges.max, source_units, target_units).get.round(1)}" end if heating_temps_ranges.empty? heating_temps_ranges_pretty = "can't inspect schedules" else heating_temps_ranges_pretty = "#{OpenStudio.convert(heating_temps_ranges.min, source_units, target_units).get.round(1)} to #{OpenStudio.convert(heating_temps_ranges.max, source_units, target_units).get.round(1)}" end output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Thermal Zones', 'Cooling Setpoint Range', "#{cooling_temp_ranges_pretty} #{target_units_display}", '', ''] output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Thermal Zones', 'Heating Setpoint Range', "#{heating_temps_ranges_pretty} #{target_units_display}", '', ''] output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Terminal Types Used', terminals.uniq.sort.join(', '), '', '', terminals.size] # controls summary # julien source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' target_units_display = 'F' else target_units = source_units target_units_display = 'C' end output_data_air_loops[:data] << [{ sub_header: 'controls' }, '', '', '', ''] output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['HVAC Operation Schedule', '', air_loop.availabilitySchedule.name, '', ''] # I think this is a bool output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Night Cycle Setting', '', air_loop.nightCycleControlType, '', ''] output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Economizer Setting', '', economizer_setting, '', ''] output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Demand Controlled Ventilation Status', '', dcv_setting, '', ''] htg_sat_si = air_loop.sizingSystem.centralHeatingDesignSupplyAirTemperature htg_sat_ip = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(htg_sat_si, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Central Heating Design Supply Air Temperature', '', "#{htg_sat_ip} #{target_units_display}", '', ''] clg_sat_si = air_loop.sizingSystem.centralCoolingDesignSupplyAirTemperature clg_sat_ip = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(clg_sat_si, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Central Cooling Design Supply Air Temperature', '', "#{clg_sat_ip} #{target_units_display}", '', ''] output_data_air_loops[:data] << ['Load to Size On', '', air_loop.sizingSystem.typeofLoadtoSizeOn, '', ''] # populate tables for section output_data_air_loop_tables << output_data_air_loops end return @output_data_air_loop_section end # summary of what to show for each type of plant loop component def self.plant_loop_component_summary_logic(component, model, is_ip_units) # Generic component logic first data_arrays = general_component_summary_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Motor component logic data_arrays += motor_component_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Setpoint manager logic data_arrays += spm_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Make the component type the first element of the first row if !data_arrays.empty? data_arrays[0][0] = component.iddObject.name.gsub('OS:', '') end return data_arrays end # create table plant loop summary def self.plant_loops_detail_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables output_data_plant_loop_tables = [] # gather data for section @output_data_plant_loop_section = {} @output_data_plant_loop_section[:title] = 'Plant Loops Detail' @output_data_plant_loop_section[:tables] = output_data_plant_loop_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @output_data_plant_loop_section end # loop through plant loops model.getPlantLoops.sort.each do |plant_loop| # plant loop data output output_data_plant_loops = {} output_data_plant_loops[:title] = plant_loop.name.get # TODO: - confirm first that it has name output_data_plant_loops[:header] = ['Object', 'Description', 'Value', 'Sizing', 'Count'] output_data_plant_loops[:units] = [] # not using units for these tables output_data_plant_loops[:data] = [] output_data_plant_loops[:data] << [{ sub_header: 'supply' }, '', '', '', ''] plant_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| if component.to_ThermalZone.is_initialized end # skip some object types next if component.to_PipeAdiabatic.is_initialized next if component.to_Splitter.is_initialized next if component.to_Mixer.is_initialized if component.to_Node.is_initialized setpoint_managers = component.to_Node.get.setpointManagers if !setpoint_managers.empty? # setpoint type setpoint = setpoint_managers[0] # TODO: - could have more than one in some situations data_arrays = OsLib_Reporting.plant_loop_component_summary_logic(setpoint, model, is_ip_units) data_arrays.each do |data_array| # typically just one, but in some cases there are a few output_data_plant_loops[:data] << data_array end end else # populate table for everything but setpoint managers, which are added above. data_arrays = OsLib_Reporting.plant_loop_component_summary_logic(component, model, is_ip_units) data_arrays.each do |data_array| # typically just one, but in some cases there are a few output_data_plant_loops[:data] << data_array end end end # loop through demand components output_data_plant_loops[:data] << [{ sub_header: 'demand' }, '', '', '', ''] # keep track of terminal count to report later terminal_connections = [] # Not sure how I want to list in display # loop through plant demand components plant_loop.demandComponents.each do |component| # flag for terminal connecxtions terminal_connection = false # skip some object types next if component.to_PipeAdiabatic.is_initialized next if component.to_Splitter.is_initialized next if component.to_Mixer.is_initialized next if component.to_Node.is_initialized # determine if water to air if component.to_WaterToAirComponent.is_initialized component = component.to_WaterToAirComponent.get if component.airLoopHVAC.is_initialized description = 'Air Loop' value = component.airLoopHVAC.get.name else # this is a terminal connection terminal_connection = true terminal_connections << component end elsif component.to_WaterToWaterComponent.is_initialized description = 'Plant Loop' component = component.to_WaterToWaterComponent.get ww_loop = component.plantLoop if ww_loop.is_initialized value = ww_loop.get.name else value = '' end else # water use connections would go here description = component.name value = '' end # don't report here if this component is connected to a terminal next if terminal_connection == true output_data_plant_loops[:data] << [component.iddObject.name.gsub('OS:', ''), description, value, '', ''] end # report terminal connections if !terminal_connections.empty? output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Air Terminal Connections', '', '', '', terminal_connections.size] end output_data_plant_loops[:data] << [{ sub_header: 'controls' }, '', '', '', ''] # Min loop flow rate source_units = 'm^3/s' if is_ip_units target_units = 'gal/min' n_decimals = 2 else target_units = 'm^3/h' n_decimals = 0 end if plant_loop.minimumLoopFlowRate.is_initialized value = OpenStudio.convert(plant_loop.minimumLoopFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Hard Sized' elsif plant_loop.autosizedMinimumLoopFlowRate.is_initialized value = OpenStudio.convert(plant_loop.autosizedMinimumLoopFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Autosized' else value_neat = 'Autosized' end output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Loop Flow Rate Range', 'Minimum Loop Flow Rate', "#{value_neat} #{target_units}", siz, ''] # Max loop flow rate if plant_loop.maximumLoopFlowRate.is_initialized value = OpenStudio.convert(plant_loop.maximumLoopFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Hard Sized' elsif plant_loop.autosizedMaximumLoopFlowRate.is_initialized value = OpenStudio.convert(plant_loop.autosizedMaximumLoopFlowRate.get, source_units, target_units).get value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(value, n_decimals, true) siz = 'Autosized' else value_neat = 'Autosized' end output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Loop Flow Rate Range', 'Maximum Loop Flow Rate', "#{value_neat} #{target_units}", siz, ''] # loop temperatures source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = 'C' end min_temp = plant_loop.minimumLoopTemperature max_temp = plant_loop.maximumLoopTemperature value_neat = "#{OpenStudio.convert(min_temp, source_units, target_units).get.round(1)} to #{OpenStudio.convert(max_temp, source_units, target_units).get.round(1)}" output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Loop Temperature Range', '', "#{value_neat} #{target_units}", '', ''] # get values out of sizing plant sizing_plant = plant_loop.sizingPlant source_units = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'F' else target_units = 'C' end loop_exit_temp = sizing_plant.designLoopExitTemperature value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(loop_exit_temp, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Loop Design Exit Temperature', '', "#{value_neat} #{target_units}", '', ''] source_units = 'K' if is_ip_units target_units = 'R' else target_units = 'K' end loop_design_temp_diff = sizing_plant.loopDesignTemperatureDifference value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(OpenStudio.convert(loop_design_temp_diff, source_units, target_units).get, 1, true) output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Loop Design Temperature Difference', '', "#{value_neat} #{target_units}", '', ''] # Equipment staging output_data_plant_loops[:data] << ['Equipment Loading/Staging', '', plant_loop.loadDistributionScheme, '', ''] # push tables output_data_plant_loop_tables << output_data_plant_loops end return @output_data_plant_loop_section end # summary of what to show for each type of zone equipment component def self.zone_equipment_component_summary_logic(component, model, is_ip_units) # Generic component logic first data_arrays = general_component_summary_logic(component, is_ip_units) # Motor component logic data_arrays += motor_component_logic(component, is_ip_units) return data_arrays end # create table plant loop summary def self.zone_equipment_detail_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables output_data_zone_equipment = [] # gather data for section @output_data_zone_equipment_section = {} @output_data_zone_equipment_section[:title] = 'Zone Equipment Detail' @output_data_zone_equipment_section[:tables] = output_data_zone_equipment # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @output_data_zone_equipment_section end # loop through thermal zones model.getThermalZones.sort.each do |zone| # plant loop data output output_data_zone_equipment = {} output_data_zone_equipment[:title] = zone.name.get # TODO: - confirm that zone has a name output_data_zone_equipment[:header] = ['Object', 'Description', 'Value', 'Sizing', 'Count'] output_data_zone_equipment[:units] = [] # not using units for these tables output_data_zone_equipment[:data] = [] zone.equipment.sort.each do |zone_equip| next unless zone_equip.to_ZoneHVACComponent.is_initialized # skip any terminals data_arrays = OsLib_Reporting.zone_equipment_component_summary_logic(zone_equip, model, is_ip_units) data_arrays.each do |data_array| # typically just one, but in some cases there are a few output_data_zone_equipment[:data] << data_array end # Make the component type the first element of the first row if !data_arrays.empty? data_arrays[0][0] = zone_equip.iddObject.name.gsub('OS:', '') end end # push table to array if !output_data_zone_equipment[:data].empty? @output_data_zone_equipment_section[:tables] << output_data_zone_equipment end end return @output_data_zone_equipment_section end # create table for constructions def self.envelope_section_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # Versions of OpenStudio greater than 2.4.0 use a modified version of # openstudio-standards with different method calls. These methods # require a "Standard" object instead of the standard being passed into method calls. # This Standard object is used throughout the QAQC check. if OpenStudio::VersionString.new(OpenStudio.openStudioVersion) < OpenStudio::VersionString.new('2.4.2') use_old_gem_code = true else use_old_gem_code = false std = Standard.build('90.1-2013') # actual standard doesn't matter in this case end # array to hold tables envelope_tables = [] # gather data for section @envelope_section = {} @envelope_section[:title] = 'Envelope Summary' @envelope_section[:tables] = envelope_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @envelope_section end # summary of exterior constructions used in the model for base surfaces surface_data = {} surface_data[:title] = 'Base Surface Constructions' surface_data[:header] = ['Construction', 'Net Area', 'Surface Count', 'R Value'] source_area_units = 'm^2' source_rvalue_units = 'm^2*K/W' source_ufactor_units = 'W/m^2*K' if is_ip_units target_area_units = 'ft^2' target_rvalue_units = 'ft^2*h*R/Btu' target_ufactor_units = 'Btu/ft^2*h*R' n_decimals_area = 0 n_decimals_rvalue = 2 else target_area_units = source_area_units target_rvalue_units = source_rvalue_units target_ufactor_units = source_ufactor_units n_decimals_area = 1 n_decimals_rvalue = 2 end surface_data[:units] = ['', target_area_units, '', target_rvalue_units] surface_data[:data] = [] # construction details # TODO # add table with subheads for each construction, and rows for each material layer # construction_details = {} # construction_details[:title] = 'Construction Details' # construction_details[:header] = ['Material'] # construction_details[:data] = [] # loop through surfaces to get constructions ext_const_base = {} model.getSurfaces.each do |surface| next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if ext_const_base.include? surface.construction.get ext_const_base[surface.construction.get] += 1 else ext_const_base[surface.construction.get] = 1 end end ext_const_base.sort.each do |construction, count| net_area = construction.getNetArea net_area_conv = OpenStudio.convert(net_area, source_area_units, target_area_units).get net_area_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(net_area_conv, n_decimals_area, true) surface_count = count if construction.thermalConductance.is_initialized thermal_conductance = construction.thermalConductance.get r_value = OpenStudio.convert(1 / thermal_conductance, source_rvalue_units, target_rvalue_units).get r_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(r_value, n_decimals_rvalue, true) else r_value_neat = '' end surface_data[:data] << [construction.name, net_area_neat, surface_count, r_value_neat] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(construction.name.to_s), net_area_conv, target_area_units) # TODO: Get this working like subsurfaces # construction_details[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Material Layers in Construction '#{construction.name}':"}] # construction.layers.each do |l| # construction_details[:data] << [l.name] # end end envelope_tables << surface_data # summary of exterior constructions used in the model for sub surfaces sub_surface_data = {} sub_surface_data[:title] = 'Sub Surface Constructions' sub_surface_data[:header] = ['Construction', 'Net Area', 'Surface Count', 'U-factor', 'SHGC', 'VLT'] sub_surface_data[:units] = ['', target_area_units, '', target_ufactor_units] sub_surface_data[:data] = [] construction_details = {} construction_details[:title] = 'Sub Surface Construction Details (Material Layers)' construction_details[:header] = ['Material Name'] construction_details[:data] = [] # loop through sub_surfaces to get constructions ext_const_sub = {} model.getSubSurfaces.each do |sub_surface| next if sub_surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if ext_const_sub.include? sub_surface.construction.get ext_const_sub[sub_surface.construction.get] += 1 else ext_const_sub[sub_surface.construction.get] = 1 end end ext_const_sub.sort.each do |construction, count| net_area = construction.getNetArea net_area_conv = OpenStudio.convert(net_area, target_area_units, source_area_units).get net_area_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(net_area_conv, n_decimals_area, true) surface_count = count vlt_neat = 'n/a' shgc_neat = 'n/a' u_factor_neat = '' if construction.to_Construction.is_initialized construction_root = construction.to_Construction.get if construction_root.isFenestration if use_old_gem_code shgc = construction_root.calculated_solar_heat_gain_coefficient else shgc = std.construction_calculated_solar_heat_gain_coefficient(construction_root) end shgc_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(shgc, n_decimals_rvalue, false) if use_old_gem_code vlt = construction_root.calculated_visible_transmittance else vlt = std.construction_calculated_visible_transmittance(construction_root) end vlt_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(vlt, n_decimals_rvalue, false) if use_old_gem_code u_factor = construction_root.calculated_u_factor else u_factor = std.construction_calculated_u_factor(construction_root) end ufactor_conv = OpenStudio.convert(u_factor, source_ufactor_units, target_ufactor_units).get ufactor_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(ufactor_conv, n_decimals_rvalue, false) else u_factor = construction.thermalConductance.get u_factor_conv = OpenStudio.convert(u_factor, source_ufactor_units, target_ufactor_units).get u_factor_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(u_factor_conv, n_decimals_rvalue, false) end # add layer details for each construction construction_details[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Material Layers in Construction '#{construction.name}':" }] construction_root.layers.each do |l| construction_details[:data] << [l.name] end end sub_surface_data[:data] << [construction.name, net_area_neat, surface_count, ufactor_neat, shgc_neat, vlt_neat] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(construction.name.to_s), net_area_conv, target_area_units) end envelope_tables << sub_surface_data envelope_tables << construction_details # Conditioned Window-Wall Ratio and Skylight-Roof Ratio fenestration_data = {} fenestration_data[:title] = 'Window-to-Wall and Skylight-to-Roof area Ratios' fenestration_data[:header] = ['Description', 'Total', 'North', 'East', 'South', 'West'] target_units = '%' # ratios reported as percentages fenestration_data[:units] = ['', target_units, target_units, target_units, target_units, target_units] fenestration_data[:data] = [] # create string for rows fenestrations = [] fenestrations << 'Gross Window-Wall Ratio' # [%] # loop rows fenestrations.each do |fenestration| query0 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='Total'" query1 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='North (315 to 45 deg)'" query2 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='East (45 to 135 deg)'" query3 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='South (135 to 225 deg)'" query4 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='West (225 to 315 deg)'" query5 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Skylight-Roof Ratio' and RowName='Skylight-Roof Ratio'" query6 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Conditioned Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='Total'" query7 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Conditioned Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='North (315 to 45 deg)'" query8 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Conditioned Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='East (45 to 135 deg)'" query9 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Conditioned Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='South (135 to 225 deg)'" query10 = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='InputVerificationandResultsSummary' and TableName='Conditioned Window-Wall Ratio' and RowName='#{fenestration}' and ColumnName='West (225 to 315 deg)'" total = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query0) north = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query1) east = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query2) south = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query3) west = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query4) skylight = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query5) total_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query6) north_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query7) east_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query8) south_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query9) west_cond = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query10) if total.empty? || north.empty? || east.empty? || south.empty? || west.empty? || total_cond.empty? || north_cond.empty? || east.empty? || south_cond.empty? || west_cond.empty? || skylight.empty? runner.registerWarning('Did not find value for Window or Skylight Ratio') return false else # add data display = fenestration fenestration_data[:data] << [display, total.get, north.get, east.get, south.get, west.get] fenestration_data[:data] << ["#{display} (Conditioned)", total_cond.get, north_cond.get, east_cond.get, south_cond.get, west_cond.get] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display).to_s, total.get, target_units) runner.registerValue("#{OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(display)}_conditioned", total_cond.get, target_units) # skylight # skylight seems to provide back percentage vs. fraction. Changing to fraction to match vertical fenestration. fenestration_data[:data] << ['Skylight-Roof Ratio', skylight.get, '', '', '', ''] runner.registerValue('skylight_roof_ratio', skylight.get, target_units) end end envelope_tables << fenestration_data return @envelope_section end # create table for service water heating def self.water_use_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # water use equipment from model water_use_data = {} water_use_data[:title] = '' water_use_data[:header] = ['Instance', 'Plant Loop', 'Definition', 'Space', 'Peak Flow Rate', 'Flow Rate Schedule', 'Target Temp Range'] source_units = 'm^3/s' source_units_temp = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units = 'gal/min' n_decimals = 2 target_units_temp = 'F' else target_units = 'm^3/h' n_decimals = 2 target_units_temp = 'C' end water_use_data[:units] = ['', '', '', '', target_units, '', target_units_temp] water_use_data[:data] = [] # gather data for section @water_use_data_section = {} @water_use_data_section[:title] = 'Water Use Equipment' # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @water_use_data_section end # loop through water use equipment water_use_equipment = model.getWaterUseEquipments water_use_equipment.sort.each do |instance| water_use_equipment_def = instance.waterUseEquipmentDefinition if instance.waterUseConnections.is_initialized && instance.waterUseConnections.get.plantLoop.is_initialized plant_loop = instance.waterUseConnections.get.plantLoop.get.name else plant_loop = '' end if instance.flowRateFractionSchedule.is_initialized water_use_equipment_flow_rate_sch = instance.flowRateFractionSchedule.get.name else water_use_equipment_flow_rate_sch = '' end if instance.space.is_initialized space = instance.space.get.name else space = '' end peak_flow_rate = water_use_equipment_def.peakFlowRate peak_flow_rate_conv = OpenStudio.convert(peak_flow_rate, source_units, target_units).get peak_flow_rate_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(peak_flow_rate_conv, n_decimals, true) if water_use_equipment_def.targetTemperatureSchedule.is_initialized target_temp_sch = water_use_equipment_def.targetTemperatureSchedule.get schedule_values = OsLib_Schedules.getMinMaxAnnualProfileValue(model, target_temp_sch) if !schedule_values.nil? min_conv = OpenStudio.convert(schedule_values['min'], source_units_temp, target_units_temp).get max_conv = OpenStudio.convert(schedule_values['max'], source_units_temp, target_units_temp).get target_temp_range = "#{min_conv.round(1)} to #{max_conv.round(1)}" else target_temp_range = "can't inspect schedule." end else target_temp_range = '' end water_use_data[:data] << [instance.name, plant_loop, water_use_equipment_def.name, space, peak_flow_rate_neat, water_use_equipment_flow_rate_sch, target_temp_range] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(instance.name.to_s), peak_flow_rate_conv, target_units) end # don't create empty table if !water_use_data[:data].empty? @water_use_data_section[:tables] = [water_use_data] # only one table for this section else @water_use_data_section[:tables] = [] end return @water_use_data_section end # create table for exterior lights def self.exterior_light_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # Exterior Lighting from output # gather data for section @ext_light_data_section = {} @ext_light_data_section[:title] = 'Exterior Lighting' # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @ext_light_data_section end # data for query report_name = 'LightingSummary' table_name = 'Exterior Lighting' columns = ['Description', 'Total Power', 'Astronomical', 'Schedule Name', 'Annual Consumption'] columns_query = ['', 'Total Watts', 'Astronomical Clock/Schedule', 'Schedule Name', 'Consumption'] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| rows << row_name end # Zone-level Lighting Summary table = {} table[:title] = 'Exterior Lighting' table[:header] = columns table[:source_units] = ['', 'W', '', '', 'GJ'] # used for conversion, not needed for rendering. table[:units] = ['', 'W', '', '', 'kWh'] table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 columns_query.each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if table[:source_units][column_counter] != '' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) else results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) row_data << results end end table[:data] << row_data end # don't create empty table if table[:data].size > 1 # did > 1 instead of > 0 because I thought empty one might still have one row @ext_light_data_section[:tables] = [table] # only one table for this section else @ext_light_data_section[:tables] = [] end return @ext_light_data_section end # create table for elevators # TODO: - update this to be custom load with user supplied string (or strings) def self.elevator_data_table(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # elevators from model @elevator_data = {} @elevator_data[:title] = 'Elevators' @elevator_data[:header] = ['Instance', 'Definition', 'Thermal Zone', 'Power Per Elevator', 'Units', 'Count'] @elevator_data[:data] = [] elec_equip_instances = model.getElectricEquipments elec_equip_instances.sort.each do |instance| elec_equip_def = instance.electricEquipmentDefinition # see if it is expected and valid object next if elec_equip_def.name.to_s != 'ElevatorElecEquipDef' unless instance.space.is_initialized runner.registerWarning("#{instance.name} doesn't have a space.") next end # get other data elev_space = instance.space.get elev_zone = elev_space.thermalZone.get # should check this elev_power = elec_equip_def.designLevel.get # should check this elev_power_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(elev_power, 0, true) units = 'W' count = instance.multiplier @elevator_data[:data] << [instance.name.to_s, elec_equip_def.name, elev_zone.name.get, elev_power_neat, units, OpenStudio.toNeatString(count, 2, true)] runner.registerValue(OsLib_Reporting.reg_val_string_prep(instance.name.to_s), elev_power, units) end return @elevator_data end # create table of space type details def self.space_type_details_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables output_data_space_type_detail_tables = [] # gather data for section @output_data_space_type_section = {} @output_data_space_type_section[:title] = 'Space Type Summary' @output_data_space_type_section[:tables] = output_data_space_type_detail_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @output_data_space_type_section end source_units_surf = 'm^2' source_units_temp = 'C' source_units_FlowRate = 'm^3/s' source_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea = 'm/s' if is_ip_units target_units_surf = 'ft^2' target_units_temp = 'F' target_units_FlowRate = 'ft^3/min' def_units_powerPerFloorArea = 'W/ft^2' inst_units_FlowRate = 'cfm' target_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea = 'ft/min' inst_units_outdoorAirFlowperPerson = 'cfm/person' inst_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea = 'cfm/ floor area ft^2' inst_units_flowperExteriorSurfaceArea = 'cfm/ext surf area ft^2' inst_units_flowperExteriorWallArea = 'cfm/ext wall area ft^2' def_units_surfaceAreaPerFloorArea = 'ft^2/floor area ft^2' def_units_surfaceAreaPerPerson = 'ft^2/person' def_units_peoplePerFloorArea = 'people/ft^2' else target_units_surf = source_units_surf target_units_temp = source_units_temp target_units_FlowRate = 'm^3/h' def_units_powerPerFloorArea = 'W/m^2' inst_units_FlowRate = 'm^3/h' target_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea = 'm/s' inst_units_outdoorAirFlowperPerson = 'm^3/h/person' inst_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea = 'm^3/h/ floor area m^2' inst_units_flowperExteriorSurfaceArea = 'm^3/h/ext surf area m^2' inst_units_flowperExteriorWallArea = 'm^3/h/ext wall area m^2' def_units_surfaceAreaPerFloorArea = 'm^2/floor area m^2' def_units_surfaceAreaPerPerson = 'm^2/person' def_units_peoplePerFloorArea = 'people/m^2' end # loop through space types model.getSpaceTypes.sort.each do |spaceType| next if spaceType.floorArea == 0 # get floor area floor_area_si = spaceType.floorArea # create variable for number of people num_people = nil # gather list of spaces and zones in space type zone_name_list = [] space_name_list = [] spaceType.spaces.each do |space| # grabspace and zone names space_name_list << space.name.to_s if space.thermalZone.is_initialized zone_name_list << space.thermalZone.get.name.to_s end end # output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [space_name_list.uniq.join(","),space_name_list.uniq.size,"Spaces",""] # output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [zone_name_list.uniq.join(","),zone_name_list.uniq.size,"Thermal Zones",""] # space type details data output output_data_space_type_details = {} output_data_space_type_details[:title] = "#{spaceType.name}
(#{space_name_list.uniq.size} spaces and #{zone_name_list.uniq.size} thermal zones)" output_data_space_type_details[:header] = ['Definition', 'Value', 'Unit', 'Inst. Multiplier'] output_data_space_type_details[:units] = [] # won't use this for these tables since units change output_data_space_type_details[:data] = [] # data for space type details instances = spaceType.internalMass instances.each do |instance| def_display = instance.definition.name if instance.surfaceArea.is_initialized && instance.surfaceArea.get > 0 def_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.surfaceArea.get, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = target_units_surf elsif instance.surfaceAreaPerFloorArea.is_initialized && instance.surfaceAreaPerFloorArea.get > 0 def_value = instance.surfaceAreaPerFloorArea.get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = def_units_surfaceAreaPerFloorArea elsif instance.surfaceAreaPerPerson.is_initialized && instance.surfaceAreaPerPerson.get > 0 def_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.surfaceAreaPerPerson.get, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = def_units_surfaceAreaPerPerson end count = instance.multiplier output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [def_display, def_value_neat, def_units, count] end instances = spaceType.people instances.each do |instance| def_display = instance.definition.name if instance.numberOfPeople.is_initialized && instance.numberOfPeople.get > 0 def_value = instance.numberOfPeople.get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'people' elsif instance.peoplePerFloorArea.is_initialized && instance.peoplePerFloorArea.get > 0 def_value = instance.peoplePerFloorArea.get / OpenStudio.convert(1, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 4, true) def_units = def_units_peoplePerFloorArea elsif instance.spaceFloorAreaPerPerson.is_initialized && instance.spaceFloorAreaPerPerson.get > 0 def_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.spaceFloorAreaPerPerson.get, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = def_units_surfaceAreaPerPerson end count = instance.multiplier output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [def_display, def_value_neat, def_units, count] end instances = spaceType.electricEquipment instances.each do |instance| def_display = instance.definition.name if instance.designLevel.is_initialized && instance.designLevel.get > 0 def_value = instance.designLevel.get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'W' elsif instance.powerPerFloorArea.is_initialized && instance.powerPerFloorArea.get > 0 def_value = instance.powerPerFloorArea.get / OpenStudio.convert(1, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 4, true) def_units = def_units_powerPerFloorArea elsif instance.powerPerPerson .is_initialized && instance.powerPerPerson .get > 0 def_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.powerPerPerson .get, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'W/person' end count = instance.multiplier output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [def_display, def_value_neat, def_units, count] end instances = spaceType.gasEquipment instances.each do |instance| def_display = instance.definition.name if instance.designLevel.is_initialized && instance.designLevel.get > 0 def_value = instance.designLevel.get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'W' elsif instance.powerPerFloorArea.is_initialized && instance.powerPerFloorArea.get > 0 def_value = instance.powerPerFloorArea.get / OpenStudio.convert(1, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 4, true) def_units = def_units_powerPerFloorArea elsif instance.powerPerPerson .is_initialized && instance.powerPerPerson .get > 0 def_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.powerPerPerson .get, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'W/person' end count = instance.multiplier output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [def_display, def_value_neat, def_units, count] end instances = spaceType.lights instances.each do |instance| def_display = instance.definition.name if instance.lightingLevel.is_initialized && instance.lightingLevel.get > 0 def_value = instance.lightingLevel.get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'W' elsif instance.powerPerFloorArea.is_initialized && instance.powerPerFloorArea.get > 0 def_value = instance.powerPerFloorArea.get / OpenStudio.convert(1, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 4, true) def_units = def_units_powerPerFloorArea elsif instance.powerPerPerson .is_initialized && instance.powerPerPerson .get > 0 def_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.powerPerPerson .get, source_units_surf, target_units_surf).get def_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(def_value, 0, true) def_units = 'W/person' end count = instance.multiplier output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [def_display, def_value_neat, def_units, count] end instances = spaceType.spaceInfiltrationDesignFlowRates instances.each do |instance| instance_display = instance.name if instance.designFlowRate.is_initialized inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.designFlowRate.get, source_units_FlowRate, target_units_FlowRate).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_FlowRate count = '' output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [instance_display, inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.flowperSpaceFloorArea.is_initialized inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.flowperSpaceFloorArea.get, source_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea, target_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea count = '' output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [instance_display, inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.is_initialized inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.flowperExteriorSurfaceArea.get, source_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea, target_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_flowperExteriorSurfaceArea count = '' output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [instance_display, inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.flowperExteriorWallArea.is_initialized # uses same input as exterior surface area but different calc method inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.flowperExteriorWallArea.get, source_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea, target_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_flowperExteriorWallArea count = '' output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [instance_display, inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.airChangesperHour.is_initialized inst_value = instance.airChangesperHour.get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = 'ach' count = '' output_data_space_type_details[:data] << [instance_display, inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end end if spaceType.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.is_initialized instance = spaceType.designSpecificationOutdoorAir.get instance_display = instance.name if instance.to_DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir.is_initialized instance = instance.to_DesignSpecificationOutdoorAir.get outdoor_air_method = instance.outdoorAirMethod count = '' # calculate and report various methods if instance.outdoorAirFlowperPerson > 0 inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.outdoorAirFlowperPerson, source_units_FlowRate, target_units_FlowRate).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_outdoorAirFlowperPerson output_data_space_type_details[:data] << ["#{instance_display} (outdoor air method #{outdoor_air_method})", inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea > 0 inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.outdoorAirFlowperFloorArea, source_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea, target_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_flowperSpaceFloorArea output_data_space_type_details[:data] << ["#{instance_display} (outdoor air method #{outdoor_air_method})", inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.outdoorAirFlowRate > 0 inst_value = OpenStudio.convert(instance.outdoorAirFlowRate, source_units_FlowRate, target_units_FlowRate).get inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = inst_units_FlowRate output_data_space_type_details[:data] << ["#{instance_display} (outdoor air method #{outdoor_air_method})", inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end if instance.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour > 0 inst_value = instance.outdoorAirFlowAirChangesperHour inst_value_neat = OpenStudio.toNeatString(inst_value, 4, true) inst_units = 'ach' output_data_space_type_details[:data] << ["#{instance_display} (outdoor air method #{outdoor_air_method})", inst_value_neat, inst_units, count] end end end # add table to array of tables output_data_space_type_detail_tables << output_data_space_type_details end return @output_data_space_type_section end # create template section def self.weather_summary_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) # data for query report_name = 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary' table_name = 'General' columns = ['', 'Value'] rows = ['Weather File', 'Latitude', 'Longitude', 'Elevation', 'Time Zone', 'North Axis Angle'] # create table table = {} table[:title] = 'Weather Summary' table[:header] = columns table[:units] = [] table[:data] = [] source_units = 'm' if is_ip_units target_units = 'ft' else target_units = 'm' end # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) # this is first time I needed string vs. double for weather file # TODO: - would be nice to get units from first column if row == 'Elevation' then results = "#{OpenStudio.convert(results.get.to_f, source_units, target_units).get.round} #{target_units}" end # if row == "Elevation" then results = "#{results.class} (f)" end row_data << results end table[:data] << row_data end # add in climate zone from OpenStudio model # get ashrae climate zone from model climate_zone = '' climateZones = model.getClimateZones climateZones.climateZones.each do |climateZone| if climateZone.institution == 'ASHRAE' climate_zone = climateZone.value next end end table[:data] << ['ASHRAE Climate Zone', climate_zone] return table end # create design_day_table def self.design_day_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units) # data for query report_name = 'ClimaticDataSummary' table_name = 'SizingPeriod:DesignDay' columns = ['', 'Maximum Dry Bulb', 'Daily Temperature Range', 'Humidity Value', 'Humidity Type', 'Wind Speed', 'Wind Direction'] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| rows << row_name end # create table table = {} table[:title] = 'Sizing Period Design Days' table[:header] = columns table[:source_units] = ['', 'C', 'K', '', '', 'm/s', ''] if is_ip_units table[:units] = ['', 'F', 'R', '', '', 'mph', ''] else table[:units] = table[:source_units] end table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row.gsub("'", "''")}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if header == 'Humidity Type' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get if is_ip_units # TODO: <11-12-18, jmarrec> # That doesn't seem right to me results = results.gsub('[C]', '[F]') results = results.gsub('[J/kg]', '[Btu/lb]') end # any other types? elsif header == 'Humidity Value' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get # get humidity units for conversion query_humidity_type = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row.gsub("'", "''")}' and ColumnName= 'Humidity Type'" results_units = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query_humidity_type).get if is_ip_units if results_units.include?('[C]') results = OpenStudio.convert(results, 'C', 'F').get.round(2) elsif results_units.include?('[J/kg]') results = OpenStudio.convert(results, 'J/kg', 'Btu/lb').get.round(2) # any other types? end end else results_si = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get.to_s.delete(' ').to_f if is_ip_units results = OpenStudio.convert(results_si, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get.round(2) else results = results_si end end row_data << results end table[:data] << row_data end return table end # create template section def self.building_performance_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # create a second table building_performance_table = {} building_performance_table[:title] = 'Building Performance' building_performance_table[:header] = ['Description', 'Value'] building_performance_table[:units] = [] building_performance_table[:data] = [] # add rows to table # building_performance_table[:data] << ["Vanilla",1.5] return building_performance_table end # create template section def self.site_performance_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # create a second table site_performance_table = {} site_performance_table[:title] = 'Site Performance' site_performance_table[:header] = ['Description', 'Value'] site_performance_table[:units] = [] site_performance_table[:data] = [] # add rows to table # site_performance_table[:data] << ["Vanilla",1.5] return site_performance_table end # create template section def self.site_power_generation_table(model, sqlFile, runner, is_ip_units = true) # create a second table site_power_generation_table = {} site_power_generation_table[:title] = 'Renewable Energy Source Summary' site_power_generation_table[:header] = ['', 'Rated Capacity', 'Annual Energy Generated'] site_power_generation_table[:source_units] = ['', 'kW', 'GJ'] site_power_generation_table[:units] = ['', 'kW', 'kWh'] site_power_generation_table[:data] = [] # create string for LEED advisories rows = [] rows << 'Photovoltaic' rows << 'Wind' # loop through advisory messages value_found = false rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 site_power_generation_table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if column_counter == 0 query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName='#{header}';" data = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(data, site_power_generation_table[:source_units][column_counter], site_power_generation_table[:units][column_counter]).get if data > 0 then value_found = true end row_data << data_ip.round(2) end site_power_generation_table[:data] << row_data end if value_found return site_power_generation_table else return false end end # create template section def self.monthly_overview_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables monthly_tables = [] # gather data for section @monthly_overview_section = {} @monthly_overview_section[:title] = 'Monthly Overview' @monthly_overview_section[:tables] = monthly_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @monthly_overview_section end # check value of reg_monthly_details in measures report_detailed = false runner.workflow.workflowSteps.each do |step| next if !step.to_MeasureStep.is_initialized measure_step = step.to_MeasureStep.get next if measure_step.result.is_initialized # don't look at upstream measures that have already run arg_test = measure_step.getArgument('reg_monthly_details') if arg_test.is_initialized report_detailed = arg_test.get.valueAsBoolean end break # only want to check the first measure that doesn't have results yet end # alert user if report_detailed is requested if report_detailed then runner.registerInfo('Monthly End Use by Fuel registerValues have been requested.') end # end use colors by index end_use_colors = ['#EF1C21', '#0071BD', '#F7DF10', '#DEC310', '#4A4D4A', '#B5B2B5', '#FF79AD', '#632C94', '#F75921', '#293094', '#CE5921', '#FFB239', '#29AAE7', '#8CC739'] # sorted end use array to pass in for stacked bar chart order end_use_order = [] month_order = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] extended_fuel_type_names = [] standard_fuel_types = [] OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.getValues.each do |fuel_type| standard_fuel_types << OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type).valueDescription end additional_fuel_types = ['FuelOil#1', 'FuelOil#2', 'PropaneGas', 'Coal', 'Diesel', 'Gasoline', 'OtherFuel1', 'OtherFuel2'] extended_fuel_type_names = standard_fuel_types + additional_fuel_types # loop through fuels for consumption tables extended_fuel_type_names.each do |fuel_type| # get fuel type and units if fuel_type == 'Electricity' units = '"kWh"' unit_str = 'kWh' else if is_ip_units units = '"Million Btu"' unit_str = 'MBtu' else units = '"kWh"' unit_str = 'kWh' end end # create table monthly_fuel = {} monthly_fuel[:title] = "#{fuel_type} Consumption (#{unit_str})" monthly_fuel[:header] = ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec', 'Total'] monthly_fuel[:units] = [] monthly_fuel[:data] = [] monthly_fuel[:chart_type] = 'vertical_stacked_bar' monthly_fuel[:chart_attributes] = { value: monthly_fuel[:title], label_x: 'Month', sort_yaxis: end_use_order, sort_xaxis: month_order } monthly_fuel[:chart] = [] # has to hold monthly totals for fuel monthly_total = {} # rest counter for each fuel type site_energy_use = 0.0 fuel_type_aggregation = 0.0 # loop through end uses OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |category_type| category_str = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type).valueDescription end_use_order << category_str row_data = [category_str] fuel_and_category_aggregation = 0.0 OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.getValues.each do |month| if month >= 1 && month <= 12 valInJ = nil if standard_fuel_types.include?(fuel_type) if !sqlFile.energyConsumptionByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).empty? valInJ = sqlFile.energyConsumptionByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).get end else # manual sql query for additional fuel types report_name = "BUILDING ENERGY PERFORMANCE - #{fuel_type.upcase}" row_name = OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month).valueDescription column_name = "#{category_str.upcase}:#{fuel_type.upcase}" query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and ReportForString='Meter' and RowName= '#{row_name}' and ColumnName='#{column_name}' and Units='J';" if !sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).empty? valInJ = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get end end if !valInJ.nil? fuel_and_category_aggregation += valInJ valInUnits = OpenStudio.convert(valInJ, 'J', unit_str).get # report values for monthly tables if report_detailed # return just first three characters of month month_str = OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month).valueDescription[0..2] # this specific string chosen to match design case for a specific project prefix_str = OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase("end_use_#{fuel_type}_#{category_str}_#{month_str}") runner.registerValue(prefix_str.downcase.gsub(' ', '_'), valInUnits, unit_str) end # populate hash for monthly totals month = monthly_fuel[:header][month] if monthly_total[month] monthly_total[month] += valInJ else monthly_total[month] = valInJ end monthly_fuel[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: category_str, label_x: month, value: valInUnits, color: end_use_colors[category_type]) # for some reason sometimes 0 comes through here, show as blank of 0 if valInUnits > 0 row_data << valInUnits.round(2) else row_data << '' end else row_data << '' # populate hash for monthly totals month = monthly_fuel[:header][month] if monthly_total[month] # do nothing else monthly_total[month] = 0.0 end end end end prefix_str = OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase("#{fuel_type}_#{category_str}") runner.registerValue("#{prefix_str}_ip", OpenStudio.convert(fuel_and_category_aggregation, 'J', unit_str).get, unit_str) fuel_type_aggregation += fuel_and_category_aggregation row_total = OpenStudio.convert(fuel_and_category_aggregation, 'J', unit_str).get if row_total == 0 row_data << '' else row_data << row_total.round(2) end monthly_fuel[:data] << row_data end runner.registerValue(OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase("#{fuel_type}_ip"), OpenStudio.convert(fuel_type_aggregation, 'J', unit_str).get, unit_str) site_energy_use += fuel_type_aggregation # add row for totals row_data = ['Total'] monthly_total.each do |k, v| if OpenStudio.convert(v, 'J', unit_str).get == 0 row_data << '' else row_data << OpenStudio.convert(v, 'J', unit_str).get.round(2) end # add monthly consumption by fuel from table to runner.registerValues if report_detailed # return jsut first three characters of month month_str = k[0..2] prefix_str = OpenStudio.toUnderscoreCase("#{fuel_type}_ip_#{month_str}") runner.registerValue(prefix_str.downcase.gsub(' ', '_'), OpenStudio.convert(v, 'J', unit_str).get, unit_str) end end table_total = OpenStudio.convert(site_energy_use, 'J', unit_str).get row_data << table_total.round(2) monthly_fuel[:data] << row_data # add table to array of tables if table total is > 0 if table_total > 0 monthly_tables << monthly_fuel end end # loop through fuels for peak demand tables OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.getValues.each do |fuel_type| # get fuel type and units fuel_type = OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type).valueDescription if fuel_type == 'Electricity' unit_str = 'kW' else if is_ip_units unit_str = 'kBtu/hr' # TODO: - update units ? else unit_str = 'W' end end # create table monthly_fuel = {} monthly_fuel[:title] = "#{fuel_type} Peak Demand (#{unit_str})" monthly_fuel[:header] = ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] monthly_fuel[:units] = [] monthly_fuel[:data] = [] monthly_fuel[:chart_type] = 'vertical_stacked_bar' monthly_fuel[:chart_attributes] = { value: monthly_fuel[:title], label_x: 'Month', sort_yaxis: end_use_order, sort_xaxis: month_order } monthly_fuel[:chart] = [] # has to hold monthly totals for fuel monthly_total = {} # test for non 0 value in table value_found = false # loop through end uses OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.getValues.each do |category_type| category_str = OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type).valueDescription row_data = [category_str] OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.getValues.each do |month| if month >= 1 && month <= 12 if !sqlFile.peakEnergyDemandByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).empty? valInJ = sqlFile.peakEnergyDemandByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new(category_type), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).get valInUnits = OpenStudio.convert(valInJ, 'W', unit_str).get # populate hash for monthly totals month = monthly_fuel[:header][month] if monthly_total[month] monthly_total[month] += valInJ else monthly_total[month] = valInJ end monthly_fuel[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: category_str, label_x: month, value: valInUnits, color: end_use_colors[category_type]) # for some reason sometimes 0 comes through here, show as blank of 0 if valInUnits > 0 row_data << valInUnits.round(4) value_found = true else row_data << '' end else row_data << '' month = monthly_fuel[:header][month] if monthly_total[month] # do nothing else monthly_total[month] = 0.0 end end end end monthly_fuel[:data] << row_data end # add row for totals row_data = ['Total'] monthly_total.each do |k, v| if OpenStudio.convert(v, 'W', unit_str).get == 0 row_data << '' else row_data << OpenStudio.convert(v, 'W', unit_str).get.round(2) end end monthly_fuel[:data] << row_data # add table if value found if value_found monthly_tables << monthly_fuel end end return @monthly_overview_section end # create utility section def self.utility_bills_rates_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables utility_bills_rates_tables = [] # gather data for section @utility_bills_rates_section = {} @utility_bills_rates_section[:title] = 'Utility Bills/Rates' @utility_bills_rates_section[:tables] = utility_bills_rates_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @utility_bills_rates_section end # create table utility_table = {} utility_table[:title] = 'Energy Type Summary' utility_table[:header] = ['', 'Utility Rate', 'Average Rate', 'Units of Energy', 'Units of Demand'] utility_table[:query_column] = ['', 'Utility Rate', 'Virtual Rate', 'Units of Energy', 'Units of Demand'] utility_table[:units] = ['', '', '$/unit energy', '', ''] utility_table[:data] = [] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' and TableName='EAp2-3. Energy Type Summary'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| next if row_name == 'Other' # other currently mixes water and dist htg/clg. Don't want to show that rows << row_name end # loop through rows value_found = false rows.each do |row| data = [row] utility_table[:query_column].each do |header| next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' and TableName='EAp2-3. Energy Type Summary' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName='#{header}';" data << sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get if sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query).get.to_f > 0 value_found = true end end utility_table[:data] << data end # add table to array of tables if value_found utility_bills_rates_tables << utility_table end # create table energy_cost_table = {} energy_cost_table[:title] = 'Energy Cost Summary' energy_cost_table[:header] = ['', 'Total Energy Cost'] # skipping Process Subtotal energy_cost_table[:units] = ['', '$'] # skipping Process Subtotal energy_cost_table[:data] = [] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' and TableName='EAp2-7. Energy Cost Summary'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| rows << row_name end # loop through rows value_found = false rows.each do |row| data = [row] energy_cost_table[:header].each do |header| next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='LEEDsummary' and tableName = 'EAp2-7. Energy Cost Summary' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName='#{header}';" data << sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get if sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).get > 0 value_found = true end end energy_cost_table[:data] << data end # add table to array of tables if value_found utility_bills_rates_tables << energy_cost_table end return @utility_bills_rates_section end # create unmet hours def self.zone_condition_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables zone_condition_tables = [] # gather data for section @zone_condition_section = {} @zone_condition_section[:title] = 'Zone Conditions' @zone_condition_section[:tables] = zone_condition_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @zone_condition_section end temperature_bins_temps_ip = [56, 61, 66, 68, 70, 72, 74, 76, 78, 83, 88] temperature_bins_temps_si = [13, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 30] # temperature_bins_temps_ip.each do |i| # temperature_bins_temps_si << OpenStudio.convert(i, 'F', 'C').get.round(2) # end # hash to store hours temperature_bins = {} if is_ip_units for i in 0..(temperature_bins_temps_ip.size - 1) if i == 0 temperature_bins["< #{temperature_bins_temps_ip[i]}"] = 0 else temperature_bins["#{temperature_bins_temps_ip[i - 1]}-#{temperature_bins_temps_ip[i]}"] = 0 end end # catchall bin for values over the top temperature_bins[">= #{temperature_bins_temps_ip.last}"] = 0 else for i in 0..(temperature_bins_temps_si.size - 1) if i == 0 temperature_bins["< #{temperature_bins_temps_si[i]}"] = 0 else temperature_bins["#{temperature_bins_temps_si[i - 1]}-#{temperature_bins_temps_si[i]}"] = 0 end end # catchall bin for values over the top temperature_bins[">= #{temperature_bins_temps_si.last}"] = 0 end # create table temperature_table = {} temperature_table[:title] = 'Temperature (Table values represent hours spent in each temperature range)' temperature_table[:header] = ['Zone', 'Unmet Htg', 'Unmet Htg - Occ'] temperature_bins.each do |k, v| temperature_table[:header] << k end temperature_table[:header] += ['Unmet Clg', 'Unmet Clg - Occ', 'Mean Temp'] temperature_table[:units] = ['', 'hr', 'hr'] temperature_bins.each do |k, v| if is_ip_units temperature_table[:units] << 'F' else temperature_table[:units] << 'C' end end if is_ip_units temperature_table[:units] += ['hr', 'hr', 'F'] else temperature_table[:units] += ['hr', 'hr', 'C'] end temperature_table[:data] = [] temperature_table[:data_color] = [] # get time series data for each zone ann_env_pd = OsLib_Reporting.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) if ann_env_pd # get keys keys = sqlFile.availableKeyValues(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Air Temperature') keys.each do |key| # reset bin values temperature_bins.each do |k, v| temperature_bins[k] = 0 end # get desired variable output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Air Temperature', key) # loop through timeseries and move the data from an OpenStudio timeseries to a normal Ruby array (vector) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values temp_counter = 0 temp_sum = 0 for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) # add to counter and sum temp_counter += 1 temp_sum += output_timeseries[i] found_bin = false for j in 0..(temperature_bins_temps_si.size - 1) if found_bin == false && output_timeseries[i] < temperature_bins_temps_si[j] temperature_bins[temperature_bins.keys[j]] += 1 found_bin = true end end # add to top if larger than all other hash values if !found_bin temperature_bins[temperature_bins.keys.last] += 1 end end # end of for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for Zone Air Temperature") end # end of if output_timeseries.is_initialized # get unmet hours for each zone from tabular data query_htg = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' and TableName = 'Time Setpoint Not Met' and RowName= '#{key}' and ColumnName='During Heating';" unmet_htg = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_htg).get query_clg = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' and TableName = 'Time Setpoint Not Met' and RowName= '#{key}' and ColumnName='During Cooling';" unmet_clg = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_clg).get query_htg_occ = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' and TableName = 'Time Setpoint Not Met' and RowName= '#{key}' and ColumnName='During Occupied Heating';" unmet_htg_occ = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_htg_occ).get query_clg_occ = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='SystemSummary' and TableName = 'Time Setpoint Not Met' and RowName= '#{key}' and ColumnName='During Occupied Cooling';" unmet_clg_occ = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query_clg_occ).get # get mean temp if is_ip_units mean = OpenStudio.convert(temp_sum / temp_counter.to_f, 'C', 'F').get else mean = temp_sum / temp_counter.to_f end # add rows to table row_data = [key, unmet_htg.round, unmet_htg_occ.round] row_color = ['', '', ''] temperature_bins.each do |k, v| row_data << v if v > 2000 row_color << 'indianred' elsif v > 1000 row_color << 'orange' elsif v > 500 row_color << 'yellow' else row_color << '' end end if is_ip_units row_data += [unmet_clg.round, unmet_clg_occ.round, "#{mean.round(1)} (F)"] else row_data += [unmet_clg.round, unmet_clg_occ.round, "#{mean.round(1)} (C)"] end row_color += ['', '', ''] temperature_table[:data] << row_data temperature_table[:data_color] << row_color end else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return false end # add table to array of tables zone_condition_tables << temperature_table humidity_bins_ip = [30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80] humidity_bins_si = humidity_bins_ip # hash to store hours humidity_bins = {} for i in 0..(humidity_bins_ip.size - 1) if i == 0 humidity_bins["< #{humidity_bins_ip[i]}"] = 0 else humidity_bins["#{humidity_bins_ip[i - 1]}-#{humidity_bins_ip[i]}"] = 0 end end # add catch all bin at top humidity_bins[">= #{humidity_bins_ip.last}"] = 0 # create table humidity_table = {} humidity_table[:title] = 'Humidity (Table values represent hours spent in each Humidity range)' humidity_table[:header] = ['Zone'] humidity_bins.each do |k, v| humidity_table[:header] << k end humidity_table[:header] += ['Mean Relative Humidity'] humidity_table[:units] = [''] humidity_bins.each do |k, v| humidity_table[:units] << '%' end humidity_table[:units] += ['%'] humidity_table[:data] = [] humidity_table[:data_color] = [] # get time series data for each zone ann_env_pd = OsLib_Reporting.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) if ann_env_pd # store values about humidity fir reguster values zone_max_hours_over_70_rh = 0 zone_max_hours_over_55_rh = 0 rh_hours_threshold = 10 # hr num_zones_x_hours_over_70 = 0 num_zones_x_hours_over_55 = 0 # get keys keys = sqlFile.availableKeyValues(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Air Relative Humidity') keys.each do |key| # reset bin values humidity_bins.each do |k, v| humidity_bins[k] = 0 end # reset humidity zone flag zone_rh_count_hr_55 = 0.0 zone_rh_count_hr_70 = 0.0 # get desired variable output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Hourly', 'Zone Air Relative Humidity', key) # loop through timeseries and move the data from an OpenStudio timeseries to a normal Ruby array (vector) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values humidity_counter = 0 humidity_sum = 0 for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) # add to counter and sum humidity_counter += 1 humidity_sum += output_timeseries[i] found_bin = false for j in 0..(humidity_bins_si.size - 1) if found_bin == false && output_timeseries[i] < humidity_bins_si[j] humidity_bins[humidity_bins.keys[j]] += 1 found_bin = true end end # add to top if larger than all other hash values if !found_bin humidity_bins[humidity_bins.keys.last] += 1 end end # end of for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for Zone Air Relative Humidity") end # end of if output_timeseries.is_initialized # get mean humidity mean = humidity_sum / humidity_counter.to_f # add rows to table row_data = [key] row_color = [''] humidity_bins.each do |k, v| row_data << v if v > 2000 row_color << 'indianred' elsif v > 1000 row_color << 'orange' elsif v > 500 row_color << 'yellow' else row_color << '' end # populate rh data for register_values # catch greater than 70 and 80 for runner.registerValue if ['55-60', '60-65', '65-70', '70-75', '75-80', '>= 80'].include?(k) zone_rh_count_hr_55 += v end if ['70-75', '75-80', '>= 80'].include?(k) zone_rh_count_hr_70 += v end end row_data += ["#{mean.round(1)} (%)"] row_color += [''] humidity_table[:data] << row_data humidity_table[:data_color] << row_color # apply rh zones and max hours if zone_rh_count_hr_55 >= rh_hours_threshold then num_zones_x_hours_over_55 += 1 end if zone_rh_count_hr_70 >= rh_hours_threshold then num_zones_x_hours_over_70 += 1 end if zone_max_hours_over_55_rh < zone_rh_count_hr_55 then zone_max_hours_over_55_rh = zone_rh_count_hr_55 end if zone_max_hours_over_70_rh < zone_rh_count_hr_70 then zone_max_hours_over_70_rh = zone_rh_count_hr_70 end # add rh runner.registerValues to be used as output in analyses runner.registerValue('zone_max_hours_over_70_rh', zone_max_hours_over_70_rh, 'hr') runner.registerValue('zone_max_hours_over_55_rh', zone_max_hours_over_55_rh, 'hr') runner.registerValue('num_zones_x_hours_over_70', num_zones_x_hours_over_70, 'zones') runner.registerValue('num_zones_x_hours_over_55', num_zones_x_hours_over_55, 'zones') end else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return false end # add table to array of tables zone_condition_tables << humidity_table return @zone_condition_section end # create interior_lighting section def self.interior_lighting_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables interior_lighting_tables = [] # gather data for section @interior_lighting_section = {} @interior_lighting_section[:title] = 'Interior Lighting Summary' @interior_lighting_section[:tables] = interior_lighting_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @interior_lighting_section end # data for query report_name = 'LightingSummary' table_name = 'Interior Lighting' columns = ['Lights ', 'Zone', 'Lighting Power Density', 'Total Power', 'Schedule Name', 'Scheduled Hours/Week', 'Actual Load Hours/Week', 'Return Air Fraction', 'Annual Consumption'] columns_query = ['', 'Zone', 'Lighting Power Density', 'Total Power', 'Schedule Name', 'Scheduled Hours/Week', 'Full Load Hours/Week', 'Return Air Fraction', 'Consumption'] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| next if row_name == 'Interior Lighting Total' # skipping this on purpose, may give odd results in some instances rows << row_name end # Zone-level Lighting Summary table = {} table[:title] = 'Zone Lighting' table[:header] = columns source_units_area = 'm^2' source_units_lpd = 'W/m^2' source_units_energy = 'GJ' if is_ip_units target_units_area = 'ft^2' target_units_lpd = 'W/ft^2' target_units_energy = 'kWh' else target_units_area = 'm^2' target_units_lpd = 'W/m^2' target_units_energy = 'kWh' end table[:source_units] = ['', '', source_units_lpd, 'W', '', 'hr', 'hr', '', source_units_energy] # used for conversion, not needed for rendering. table[:units] = ['', '', target_units_lpd, 'W', '', 'hr', 'hr', '', target_units_energy] table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 columns_query.each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if table[:source_units][column_counter] != '' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) else results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) row_data << results end end table[:data] << row_data end # Space-level lighting loads table(s) space_lighting_table = {} space_lighting_table[:title] = 'Space Lighting Details' space_lighting_table[:header] = ['Load Name', 'Definition Name', 'Load Type', 'Load (units)', 'Multiplier', 'Total Load (W)'] space_lighting_table[:data] = [] spaces = model.getSpaces spaces.each do |space| table_row = [] area = OpenStudio.convert(space.floorArea, source_units_area, target_units_area).get lp = OpenStudio.convert(space.lightingPowerPerFloorArea, source_units_lpd, target_units_lpd).get space_lighting_table[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Space Name: '#{space.name}', Area: #{area.round(0)} #{target_units_area}, Total LPD: #{lp.round(2)} #{target_units_lpd}" }, '', '', '', '', ''] lights_found = 0 if space.spaceType.is_initialized space.spaceType.get.lights.each do |lights_object| tlp = '' def_name = lights_object.lightsDefinition.name lights_found += 1 if lights_object.lightsDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'LightingLevel' val = "#{lights_object.lightsDefinition.lightingLevel.to_f.round(0)} (W)" tlp = lights_object.lightsDefinition.lightingLevel.to_f * lights_object.multiplier end if lights_object.lightsDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Area' val_conv = OpenStudio.convert(lights_object.lightsDefinition.wattsperSpaceFloorArea.to_f, source_units_lpd, target_units_lpd).get val = "#{val_conv.to_f.round(2)} (#{target_units_lpd})" tlp = (lights_object.lightsDefinition.wattsperSpaceFloorArea.to_f * space.floorArea) * lights_object.multiplier end if lights_object.lightsDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Person' val = "#{lights_object.lightsDefinition.wattsperPerson.to_f.round(2)} (W/Person)" tlp = (lights_object.lightsDefinition.wattsperPerson.to_f * space.numberOfPeople) * lights_object.multiplier end space_lighting_table[:data] << [lights_object.name.to_s, def_name, 'Spacetype', val, lights_object.multiplier.round(0), tlp.round(0)] end end space.lights.each do |sl| tlp = '' def_name = sl.lightsDefinition.name lights_found += 1 if sl.lightsDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'LightingLevel' val = "#{sl.lightsDefinition.lightingLevel.to_f.round(0)} (W)" tlp = sl.lightsDefinition.lightingLevel.to_f * sl.multiplier end if sl.lightsDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Area' val_conv = OpenStudio.convert(sl.lightsDefinition.wattsperSpaceFloorArea.to_f, source_units_lpd, target_units_lpd).get val = "#{val_conv.to_f.round(2)} (#{target_units_lpd})" tlp = (sl.lightsDefinition.wattsperSpaceFloorArea.to_f * space.floorArea) * sl.multiplier end if sl.lightsDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Person' val = "#{sl.lightsDefinition.wattsperPerson.to_f.round(2)} (W/Person)" tlp = (sl.lightsDefinition.wattsperPerson.to_f * space.numberOfPeople) * sl.multiplier end space_lighting_table[:data] << [sl.name.to_s, def_name, 'Space', val, sl.multiplier.round(0), tlp.round(0)] end space_lighting_table[:data] << ['-', '-', '-', '-', '-', '-'] if lights_found == 0 end # Lighting Controls source_units_illuminance = 'lux' if is_ip_units target_units_illuminance = 'fc' else target_units_illuminance = source_units_illuminance end lighting_controls_table = {} lighting_controls_table[:title] = 'Lighting Controls Details' lighting_controls_table[:header] = ['Space Name', 'Control Name', 'Zone Controlled (type, fraction)', "Illuminance Setpoint (#{target_units_illuminance})"] lighting_controls_table[:data] = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| thermal_zone = space.thermalZone.get zone_control = 'n/a' space.daylightingControls.each do |dc| if thermal_zone.primaryDaylightingControl.is_initialized && dc.isPrimaryDaylightingControl zone_control = "#{thermal_zone.name} (primary, #{thermal_zone.fractionofZoneControlledbyPrimaryDaylightingControl.round(1)})" end if thermal_zone.secondaryDaylightingControl.is_initialized && dc.isSecondaryDaylightingControl zone_control = "#{thermal_zone.name} (secondary, #{thermal_zone.fractionofZoneControlledbySecondaryDaylightingControl.round(1)})" end illuminance_conv = OpenStudio.convert(dc.illuminanceSetpoint, source_units_illuminance, target_units_illuminance).get lighting_controls_table[:data] << [space.name, dc.name, zone_control, illuminance_conv.round(0)] end end # add tables to report interior_lighting_tables << table interior_lighting_tables << space_lighting_table interior_lighting_tables << lighting_controls_table return @interior_lighting_section end # create plug_loads section def self.plug_loads_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables plug_loads_tables = [] # gather data for section @plug_loads_section = {} @plug_loads_section[:title] = 'Plug Loads Summary' @plug_loads_section[:tables] = plug_loads_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @plug_loads_section end # data for query report_name = 'EnergyMeters' table_name = 'Annual and Peak Values - Electricity' columns = ['', 'Electricity Annual Value'] # TODO: - would be nice to make this more like lighting summary # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| next unless row_name.include?('InteriorEquipment:Electricity:Zone:') rows << row_name end # create table table = {} table[:title] = 'Electric Plug Load Consumption' table[:header] = columns source_units_energy = 'GJ' target_units_energy = 'kWh' table[:source_units] = ['', source_units_energy] # used for conversation, not needed for rendering. table[:units] = ['', target_units_energy] table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) end table[:data] << row_data end # add table to array of tables if !table[:data].empty? then plug_loads_tables << table end # space-level electric plug loads inputs table table = {} table[:title] = 'Space-level Electric Plug Loads' table[:header] = ['Equipment Name', 'Definition', 'Load (units)', 'Inheritance Level', 'Multiplier', 'Total Load (W)'] table[:data] = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| space_elec_equip = {} # check for equipment from both inheritance paths space_elec_equip['spacetype'] = space.spaceType.is_initialized ? space.spaceType.get.electricEquipment : [] space_elec_equip['space'] = space.electricEquipment # space subheading if any equipment found if is_ip_units area = space.floorArea * 10.7639 table[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Space Name: #{space.name}, Area: #{area.round(0)} ft^2" }, '', '', '', '', ''] if !space_elec_equip['spacetype'].empty? || !space_elec_equip['space'].empty? else area = space.floorArea table[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Space Name: #{space.name}, Area: #{area.round(0)} m^2" }, '', '', '', '', ''] if !space_elec_equip['spacetype'].empty? || !space_elec_equip['space'].empty? end # spacetype equipment space_elec_equip.each do |inheritance_level, elec_equip_array| elec_equip_array.each do |elec_equip| if elec_equip.electricEquipmentDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Area' if is_ip_units ee_power = elec_equip.powerPerFloorArea.to_f * 0.092903 # IP ee_power = "#{ee_power.round(2)} (W/ft^2)" ee_total_power = ((elec_equip.powerPerFloorArea.to_f * space.floorArea)) else ee_power = elec_equip.powerPerFloorArea.to_f ee_power = "#{ee_power.round(2)} (W/m^2)" ee_total_power = ((elec_equip.powerPerFloorArea.to_f * space.floorArea)) end end if elec_equip.electricEquipmentDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Person' ee_power = "#{elec_equip.powerPerPerson.to_f.round(2)} (W/person)" ee_total_power = (elec_equip.powerPerPerson.to_f * space.numberOfPeople) end if elec_equip.electricEquipmentDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'EquipmentLevel' ee_power = "#{elec_equip.designLevel.to_f.round(0)} (W)" ee_total_power = elec_equip.designLevel.to_f.round(0) * elec_equip.multiplier end table[:data] << [elec_equip.name, elec_equip.electricEquipmentDefinition.name, ee_power, inheritance_level, elec_equip.multiplier.round(1), ee_total_power.round(0)] end end end # space-level elec plug loads table # if data, add table to report plug_loads_tables << table if !table[:data].empty? # space-level gas plug loads inputs table table = {} table[:title] = 'Space-level Gas Plug Loads' if is_ip_units table[:header] = ['Equipment Name', 'Definition', 'Load (units)', 'Inheritance Level', 'Multiplier', 'Total Load (BTU/hr)'] else table[:header] = ['Equipment Name', 'Definition', 'Load (units)', 'Inheritance Level', 'Multiplier', 'Total Load (W)'] end table[:data] = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| space_gas_equip = {} # check for equipment from both inheritance paths space_gas_equip['spacetype'] = space.spaceType.is_initialized ? space.spaceType.get.gasEquipment : [] space_gas_equip['space'] = space.gasEquipment # space subheading if any equipment found if is_ip_units area = space.floorArea.to_f * 10.7639 # --> IP else area = space.floorArea.to_f end if is_ip_units table[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Space Name: #{space.name}, Area: #{area.round(0)} ft^2" }, '', '', '', '', ''] if !space_gas_equip['spacetype'].empty? || !space_gas_equip['space'].empty? else table[:data] << [{ sub_header: "Space Name: #{space.name}, Area: #{area.round(0)} m^2" }, '', '', '', '', ''] if !space_gas_equip['spacetype'].empty? || !space_gas_equip['space'].empty? end # spacetype equipment space_gas_equip.each do |inheritance_level, gas_equip_array| gas_equip_array.each do |gas_equip| if gas_equip.gasEquipmentDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Area' if is_ip_units ge_power = gas_equip.powerPerFloorArea.to_f * 0.316998331 # W/m^2 --> BTU/hr/ft^2 (OpenStudio.convert() !work (!)) ge_total_power = ((ge_power * area) * gas_equip.multiplier).to_f ge_power = "#{ge_power.to_f.round(2)} (BTU/hr/ft^2)" else ge_power = gas_equip.powerPerFloorArea.to_f ge_total_power = ((ge_power * area) * gas_equip.multiplier).to_f ge_power = "#{ge_power.to_f.round(2)} (W/m^2)" end end if gas_equip.gasEquipmentDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'Watts/Person' if is_ip_units ge_power = gas_equip.powerPerPerson.to_f * 3.412142 # W --> BTU/hr ge_total_power = ((ge_power * space.numberOfPeople) * gas_equip.multiplier).to_f ge_power = "#{ge_power.to_f.round(2)} (BTU/hr/person)" else ge_power = gas_equip.powerPerPerson.to_f ge_total_power = ((ge_power * space.numberOfPeople) * gas_equip.multiplier).to_f ge_power = "#{ge_power.to_f.round(2)} (W/person)" end end if gas_equip.gasEquipmentDefinition.designLevelCalculationMethod == 'EquipmentLevel' if is_ip_units ge_power = gas_equip.designLevel.to_f * 3.412142 # W --> BTU/hr ge_power = "#{ge_power.to_f.round(0)} (BTU/hr)" ge_total_power = gas_equip.designLevel.to_f * gas_equip.multiplier else ge_power = gas_equip.designLevel.to_f ge_power = "#{ge_power.to_f.round(0)} (W)" ge_total_power = gas_equip.designLevel.to_f * gas_equip.multiplier end end table[:data] << [gas_equip.name, gas_equip.gasEquipmentDefinition.name, ge_power, inheritance_level, gas_equip.multiplier.round(1), ge_total_power.round(0)] end end end # space-level gas plug loads table # if data, add table to report plug_loads_tables << table if !table[:data].empty? # data for query # TODO: - need to test this in model with gas equipment report_name = 'EnergyMeters' table_name = 'Annual and Peak Values - Gas' columns = ['', 'Gas Annual Value'] # TODO: - would be nice to make this more like lighting summary # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| next unless row_name.include?('InteriorEquipment:Gas:Zone:') rows << row_name end # create table table = {} table[:title] = 'Gas Plug Load Consumption' table[:header] = columns source_units_energy = 'GJ' if is_ip_units target_units_energy = 'kBtu' else target_units_energy = 'kWh' end table[:source_units] = ['', source_units_energy] # used for conversation, not needed for rendering. table[:units] = ['', target_units_energy] table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) end table[:data] << row_data end # add table to array of tables if !table[:data].empty? then plug_loads_tables << table end return @plug_loads_section end # create unmet hours def self.hvac_load_profile(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables hvac_load_profile_tables = [] # gather data for section @hvac_load_profile_section = {} @hvac_load_profile_section[:title] = 'HVAC Load Profiles' @hvac_load_profile_section[:tables] = hvac_load_profile_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @hvac_load_profile_section end month_order = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] # create table hvac_load_profile_monthly_table = {} hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:title] = 'Monthly Load Profiles' hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:header] = ['', 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'] hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:units] = [] hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:data] = [] hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart_type] = 'vertical_grouped_bar_with_comp_line' if is_ip_units hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart_attributes] = { value_left: 'Cooling/Heating Load (MBtu)', label_x: 'Month', value_right: 'Average Outdoor Air Dry Bulb (F)', sort_xaxis: month_order } else hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart_attributes] = { value_left: 'Cooling/Heating Load (kWh)', label_x: 'Month', value_right: 'Average Outdoor Air Dry Bulb (C)', sort_xaxis: month_order } end hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart] = [] # hash to store monthly values cooling_monthly = { 'Jan' => 0, 'Feb' => 0, 'Mar' => 0, 'Apr' => 0, 'May' => 0, 'Jun' => 0, 'Jul' => 0, 'Aug' => 0, 'Sep' => 0, 'Oct' => 0, 'Nov' => 0, 'Dec' => 0 } heating_monthly = { 'Jan' => 0, 'Feb' => 0, 'Mar' => 0, 'Apr' => 0, 'May' => 0, 'Jun' => 0, 'Jul' => 0, 'Aug' => 0, 'Sep' => 0, 'Oct' => 0, 'Nov' => 0, 'Dec' => 0 } # units for conversion source_units = 'J' if is_ip_units target_units = 'MBtu' else target_units = 'kWh' end # loop through fuel types OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.getValues.each do |fuel_type| OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.getValues.each do |month| if month >= 1 && month <= 12 # get cooling value for this fuel and month if !sqlFile.energyConsumptionByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Cooling'), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).empty? cooling_valInJ = sqlFile.energyConsumptionByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Cooling'), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).get cooling_valInUnits = OpenStudio.convert(cooling_valInJ, source_units, target_units).get else cooling_valInUnits = 0 end # get heating value for this fuel and month if !sqlFile.energyConsumptionByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Heating'), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).empty? heating_valInJ = sqlFile.energyConsumptionByMonth(OpenStudio::EndUseFuelType.new(fuel_type), OpenStudio::EndUseCategoryType.new('Heating'), OpenStudio::MonthOfYear.new(month)).get heating_valInUnits = OpenStudio.convert(heating_valInJ, source_units, target_units).get else heating_valInUnits = 0 end # create or add to hash to sum across fuel types month = hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:header][month] if cooling_monthly.key?(month) cooling_monthly[month] = cooling_monthly[month].to_f + cooling_valInUnits else cooling_monthly[month] = cooling_valInUnits end if heating_monthly.key?(month) heating_monthly[month] = heating_monthly[month].to_f + heating_valInUnits else heating_monthly[month] = heating_monthly end end end end # populate dry bulb data if is_ip_units dry_bulb_monthly = ['Average Outdoor Air Dry Bulb (F)'] else dry_bulb_monthly = ['Average Outdoor Air Dry Bulb (C)'] end ann_env_pd = OsLib_Reporting.ann_env_pd(sqlFile) if ann_env_pd # get desired variable output_timeseries = sqlFile.timeSeries(ann_env_pd, 'Monthly', 'Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature', 'Environment') # loop through timeseries and move the data from an OpenStudio timeseries to a normal Ruby array (vector) if output_timeseries.is_initialized # checks to see if time_series exists # see if filler needed at start or end of table/chart num_blanks_start = output_timeseries.get.dateTimes[0].date.monthOfYear.value - 2 num_blanks_end = 12 - output_timeseries.get.values.size - num_blanks_start # fill in blank data for partial year simulations for i in 0..(num_blanks_start - 1) month = hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:header][i + 1] dry_bulb_monthly << '' end output_timeseries = output_timeseries.get.values for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) month = hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:header][i + 1 + num_blanks_start] if is_ip_units value = OpenStudio.convert(output_timeseries[i], 'C', 'F').get else value = OpenStudio.convert(output_timeseries[i], 'C', 'C').get end dry_bulb_monthly << value.round(1) hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Outdoor Temp', label_x: month, value2: value, color: 'green') end # end of for i in 0..(output_timeseries.size - 1) # fill in blank data for partial year simulations for i in 0..(num_blanks_end - 1) month = hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:header][i] dry_bulb_monthly << '' end else runner.registerWarning("Didn't find data for Site Outdoor Air Drybulb Temperature") end # end of if output_timeseries.is_initialized else runner.registerWarning('An annual simulation was not run. Cannot get annual timeseries data') return false end # populate tables hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:data] << dry_bulb_monthly if is_ip_units cooling_array = ['Cooling Load (MBtu)'] else cooling_array = ['Cooling Load (kWh)'] end cooling_monthly.each do |k, v| cooling_array << v.round(2) # populate chart hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Cooling Load', label_x: k, value: v, color: '#0071BD') end hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:data] << cooling_array if is_ip_units heating_array = ['Heating Load (MBtu)'] else heating_array = ['Heating Load (kWh)'] end heating_monthly.each do |k, v| heating_array << v.round(2) # populate chart hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Heating Load', label_x: k, value: v, color: '#EF1C21') end hvac_load_profile_monthly_table[:data] << heating_array # add table to array of tables hvac_load_profile_tables << hvac_load_profile_monthly_table # create table hvac_part_load_profile_table = {} hvac_part_load_profile_table[:title] = 'Part Load Profiles' hvac_part_load_profile_table[:header] = ['Load', 'Clg: Cutoff', 'Clg: Hours', 'Clg: Hours', 'Htg: Cutoff', 'Htg: Hours', 'Htg: Hours'] if is_ip_units hvac_part_load_profile_table[:units] = ['%', 'MBtu', '%', 'hr', 'MBtu', '%', 'hr'] else hvac_part_load_profile_table[:units] = ['%', 'kWh', '%', 'hr', 'kWh', '%', 'hr'] end hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] = [] # add rows to table hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['0-5', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['5-10', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['10-25', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['15-20', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['20-25', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['25-30', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['30-35', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['35-40', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['40-45', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['45-50', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['50-55', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['55-60', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['60-65', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['65-70', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['70-75', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['75-80', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['80-85', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['85-90', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['90-95', '', '', '', '', '', ''] hvac_part_load_profile_table[:data] << ['95-100', '', '', '', '', '', ''] # TODO: - add table to array of tables # hvac_load_profile_tables << hvac_part_load_profile_table return @hvac_load_profile_section end def self.zone_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables template_tables = [] # gather data for section @zone_summary_section = {} @zone_summary_section[:title] = 'Zone Overview' @zone_summary_section[:tables] = template_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @zone_summary_section end # data for query report_name = 'InputVerificationandResultsSummary' table_name = 'Zone Summary' columns = ['', 'Area', 'Conditioned (Y/N)', 'Part of Total Floor Area (Y/N)', 'Volume', 'Multiplier', 'Above Ground Gross Wall Area', 'Underground Gross Wall Area', 'Window Glass Area', 'Lighting', 'People', 'Plug and Process'] # test looking at getting entire table to get rows # query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" # results = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(query).get # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| rows << row_name end # rows = ['Total','Conditioned Total','Unconditioned Total','Not Part of Total'] # create zone_summary_table zone_summary_table = {} zone_summary_table[:title] = table_name zone_summary_table[:header] = columns source_units_area = 'm^2' source_units_area_per_person = 'm^2/person' source_units_volume = 'm^3' source_units_pd = 'W/m^2' if is_ip_units target_units_area = 'ft^2' target_units_area_per_person = 'ft^2/person' target_units_volume = 'ft^3' target_units_pd = 'W/ft^2' else target_units_area = 'm^2' target_units_area_per_person = 'm^2/person' target_units_volume = 'm^3' target_units_pd = 'W/m^2' end zone_summary_table[:units] = ['', target_units_area, '', '', target_units_volume, '', target_units_area, target_units_area, target_units_area, target_units_pd, target_units_area_per_person, target_units_pd] zone_summary_table[:source_units] = ['', source_units_area, '', '', source_units_volume, '', source_units_area, source_units_area, source_units_area, source_units_pd, source_units_area_per_person, source_units_pd] # used for conversation, not needed for rendering. zone_summary_table[:data] = [] # run query and populate zone_summary_table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 zone_summary_table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' if header == 'Multiplier' then header = 'Multipliers' end # what we want to show is different than what is in E+ table query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if zone_summary_table[:source_units][column_counter] != '' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, zone_summary_table[:source_units][column_counter], zone_summary_table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) else results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) row_data << results end end zone_summary_table[:data] << row_data end # add zone_summary_table to array of tables template_tables << zone_summary_table # data for query report_name = 'HVACSizingSummary' table_01_name = 'Zone Sensible Cooling' table_02_name = 'Zone Sensible Heating' columns = ['', 'Heating/Cooling', 'Calculated Design Load', 'Design Load With Sizing Factor', 'Calculated Design Air Flow', 'Design Air Flow With Sizing Factor', 'Date/Time Of Peak', 'Outdoor Temperature at Peak Load', 'Outdoor Humidity Ratio at Peak Load'] columns_query = ['', 'Heating/Cooling', 'Calculated Design Load', 'User Design Load', 'Calculated Design Air Flow', 'User Design Air Flow', 'Date/Time Of Peak {TIMESTAMP}', 'Outdoor Temperature at Peak Load', 'Outdoor Humidity Ratio at Peak Load'] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_01_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| rows << row_name end # create zone_dd_table zone_dd_table = {} zone_dd_table[:title] = 'Zone Sensible Cooling and Heating Sensible Sizing' zone_dd_table[:header] = columns source_units_power = 'W' source_units_air_flow = 'm^3/s' source_units_temp = 'C' if is_ip_units target_units_power_clg = 'ton' target_units_power_htg = 'kBtu/h' target_units_air_flow = 'ft^3/min' target_units_temp = 'F' # This one's a ratio... so it doesn't matter really, we don't convert # but we want to display something pretty target_units_humrat_display = 'lbWater/lbAir' else target_units_power_clg = 'W' target_units_power_htg = 'W' target_units_air_flow = 'm^3/h' target_units_temp = 'C' target_units_humrat_display = 'kgWater/kgAir' end zone_dd_table[:units] = ['', '', '', '', target_units_air_flow, target_units_air_flow, '', target_units_temp, target_units_humrat_display] # used for convertion, not needed for rendering. zone_dd_table[:source_units] = ['', '', '', '', source_units_air_flow, source_units_air_flow, '', source_units_temp, target_units_humrat_display] zone_dd_table[:data] = [] # run query and populate zone_dd_table rows.each do |row| # populate cooling row row_data = [row, 'Cooling'] column_counter = -1 columns_query.each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' || header == 'Heating/Cooling' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_01_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if zone_dd_table[:source_units][column_counter] != '' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, zone_dd_table[:source_units][column_counter], zone_dd_table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) elsif header == 'Calculated Design Load' || header == 'User Design Load' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, source_units_power, target_units_power_clg).get row_data << "#{row_data_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units_power_clg})" else results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) row_data << results end end zone_dd_table[:data] << row_data # populate heating row row_data = [row, 'Heating'] column_counter = -1 columns_query.each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' || header == 'Heating/Cooling' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_02_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if zone_dd_table[:source_units][column_counter] != '' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, zone_dd_table[:source_units][column_counter], zone_dd_table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) elsif header == 'Calculated Design Load' || header == 'User Design Load' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, source_units_power, target_units_power_htg).get row_data << "#{row_data_ip.round(2)} (#{target_units_power_htg})" else results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) row_data << results end end zone_dd_table[:data] << row_data end # add zone_dd_table to array of tables template_tables << zone_dd_table return @zone_summary_section end # create air_loop_summary section def self.air_loop_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables air_loop_summary_tables = [] # gather data for section @air_loop_summary_section = {} @air_loop_summary_section[:title] = 'Air Loops Summary' @air_loop_summary_section[:tables] = air_loop_summary_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @air_loop_summary_section end # create table air_loop_summary_table = {} air_loop_summary_table[:title] = 'Part load histograms for fans; graphical for annual, tabular for annual and monthly' air_loop_summary_table[:header] = [] air_loop_summary_table[:units] = [] air_loop_summary_table[:data] = [] # add table to array of tables air_loop_summary_tables << air_loop_summary_table return @air_loop_summary_section end # create plant_loop_summary section def self.plant_loop_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables plant_loop_summary_tables = [] # gather data for section @outdoor_air_section = {} @outdoor_air_section[:title] = 'Plant Loops Summary' @outdoor_air_section[:tables] = plant_loop_summary_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @outdoor_air_section end # create table plant_loop_summary_table = {} plant_loop_summary_table[:title] = 'Part load histograms for chillers, boilers, pumps' plant_loop_summary_table[:header] = [] plant_loop_summary_table[:units] = [] plant_loop_summary_table[:data] = [] # add table to array of tables plant_loop_summary_tables << plant_loop_summary_table return @outdoor_air_section end # create outdoor_air_section def self.outdoor_air_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables outdoor_air_section_tables = [] # gather data for section @outdoor_air_section = {} @outdoor_air_section[:title] = 'Outdoor Air' @outdoor_air_section[:tables] = outdoor_air_section_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @outdoor_air_section end # data for query report_name = 'OutdoorAirSummary' table_name = 'Average Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours' min_table_name = 'Minimum Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours' columns = ['', 'Average Number of Occupants', 'Nominal Number of Occupants', 'Zone Volume', 'Avg. Mechanical Ventilation', 'Min. Mechanical Ventilation', 'Avg. Infiltration', 'Min. Infiltration', 'Avg. Simple Ventilation', 'Min. Simple Ventilation'] # populate dynamic rows rows_name_query = "SELECT DISTINCT RowName FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}'" row_names = sqlFile.execAndReturnVectorOfString(rows_name_query).get rows = [] row_names.each do |row_name| rows << row_name end # create table table = {} table[:title] = 'Average and Minimum Outdoor Air During Occupied Hours' table[:header] = columns source_units_volume = 'm^3' if is_ip_units target_units_volume = 'ft^3' else target_units_volume = 'm^3' end table[:units] = ['', '', '', target_units_volume, 'ach', 'ach', 'ach', 'ach', 'ach', 'ach'] table[:source_units] = ['', '', '', source_units_volume, 'ach', 'ach', 'ach', 'ach', 'ach', 'ach'] table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' if header.include? 'Avg. ' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header.gsub('Avg. ', '')}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(4) elsif header.include? 'Min. ' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{min_table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header.gsub('Min. ', '')}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(4) elsif header == 'Zone Volume' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(0) else query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(4) end end table[:data] << row_data end # add table to array of tables outdoor_air_section_tables << table return @outdoor_air_section end # create cost_summary_section def self.cost_summary_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables cost_summary_section_tables = [] # gather data for section @cost_summary_section = {} @cost_summary_section[:title] = 'Cash Flow' @cost_summary_section[:tables] = cost_summary_section_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @cost_summary_section end # order for fuel types yaxis_order = ['Electricity Purchased', 'Natural Gas', 'District Heating', 'District Cooling', 'Additional', 'Water', 'Capital and O&M'] # create table cost_summary_table = {} cost_summary_table[:title] = 'Annual Cash Flow
(Not adjusted for inflation or utility escalation)' cost_summary_table[:header] = ['Year', 'Capital and O&M', 'Electricity', 'Natural Gas', 'District Heating', 'District Cooling', 'Additional', 'Water'] cost_summary_table[:units] = ['', '$', '$', '$', '$', '$', '$', '$'] cost_summary_table[:data] = [] cost_summary_table[:chart_type] = 'vertical_stacked_bar' cost_summary_table[:chart_attributes] = { value: 'Annual Cash Flow ($)', label_x: 'Date', sort_yaxis: yaxis_order } cost_summary_table[:chart] = [] # inflation approach inf_appr_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' AND RowName='Inflation Approach' AND ColumnName='Value'" inf_appr = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(inf_appr_query) if inf_appr.is_initialized if inf_appr.get == 'ConstantDollar' inf_appr = 'Constant Dollar' elsif inf_appr.get == 'CurrentDollar' inf_appr = 'Current Dollar' else runner.registerWarning("Inflation approach: #{inf_appr.get} not recognized") return false end runner.registerValue('inflation_approach', inf_appr) else runner.registerWarning('Could not determine inflation approach used') return false end # base year base_yr_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' AND RowName='Base Date' AND ColumnName='Value'" base_yr = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(base_yr_query) if base_yr.is_initialized if base_yr.get =~ /\d\d\d\d/ base_yr = base_yr.get.match(/\d\d\d\d/)[0].to_f else runner.registerWarning("Could not determine the analysis start year from #{base_yr.get}") return false end else runner.registerWarning('Could not determine analysis start year') return false end # analysis length length_yrs_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Life-Cycle Cost Parameters' AND RowName='Length of Study Period in Years' AND ColumnName='Value'" length_yrs = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstInt(length_yrs_query) if length_yrs.is_initialized length_yrs = length_yrs.get runner.registerValue('analysis_length', length_yrs, 'yrs') else runner.registerWarning('Could not determine analysis length') return false end # record the cash flow in these hashes cap_cash_flow = {} om_cash_flow = {} energy_cash_flow = {} electricity_cash_flow = {} gas_cash_flow = {} water_cash_flow = {} tot_cash_flow = {} additional_cash_flow = {} data_cashFlow = [] data_running_total = [] running_total = 0 color = [] color << '#DDCC77' # Electricity color << '#999933' # Natural Gas color << '#AA4499' # Additional Fuel color << '#88CCEE' # District Cooling color << '#CC6677' # District Heating color << '#332288' # Water (not used here but is in cash flow chart) color << '#117733' # Capital and O&M (not used here but is in cash flow chart) # loop through each year and record the cash flow for i in 0..(length_yrs - 1) do new_yr = base_yr + i yr = "January #{new_yr.round}" # note: two spaces removed from earlier version of sql file ann_cap_cash = 0.0 ann_om_cash = 0.0 ann_energy_cash = 0.0 ann_electricity_cash = 0.0 ann_gas_cash = 0.0 ann_dist_htg_cash = 0.0 ann_dist_clg_cash = 0.0 ann_water_cash = 0.0 ann_tot_cash = 0.0 # capital cash flow cap_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Capital Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Total'" cap_cash = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(cap_cash_query) if cap_cash.is_initialized ann_cap_cash += cap_cash.get ann_tot_cash += cap_cash.get end # o&m cash flow (excluding utility costs) om_types = ['Maintenance', 'Repair', 'Operation', 'Replacement', 'MinorOverhaul', 'MajorOverhaul', 'OtherOperational'] om_types.each do |om_type| om_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Operating Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='#{om_type}'" om_cash = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(om_cash_query) if om_cash.is_initialized ann_om_cash += om_cash.get ann_tot_cash += om_cash.get end end # energy cost cash flows (by fuel) electricity_purchased_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Energy and Water Cost Cash Flows (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='ElectricityPurchased'" electricity_purchased = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(electricity_purchased_query) if electricity_purchased.is_initialized ann_electricity_cash += electricity_purchased.get end gas_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Energy and Water Cost Cash Flows (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Gas'" gas = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(gas_query) if gas.is_initialized ann_gas_cash += gas.get end dist_htg_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Energy and Water Cost Cash Flows (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='DistrictHeating'" dist_htg = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(dist_htg_query) if dist_htg.is_initialized ann_dist_htg_cash += dist_htg.get end dist_clg_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Energy and Water Cost Cash Flows (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='DistrictCooling'" dist_clg = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(dist_clg_query) if dist_clg.is_initialized ann_dist_clg_cash += dist_clg.get end # energy cash flow energy_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Operating Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Energy'" energy_cash = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(energy_cash_query) if energy_cash.is_initialized ann_energy_cash += energy_cash.get ann_tot_cash += energy_cash.get end # water cash flow water_cash_query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='Life-Cycle Cost Report' AND ReportForString='Entire Facility' AND TableName='Operating Cash Flow by Category (Without Escalation)' AND RowName='#{yr}' AND ColumnName='Water'" water_cash = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(water_cash_query) if water_cash.is_initialized ann_water_cash += water_cash.get ann_tot_cash += water_cash.get end # log the values for this year cap_cash_flow[yr] = ann_cap_cash om_cash_flow[yr] = ann_om_cash electricity_cash_flow[yr] = ann_electricity_cash gas_cash_flow[yr] = ann_gas_cash energy_cash_flow[yr] = ann_energy_cash water_cash_flow[yr] = ann_water_cash tot_cash_flow[yr] = ann_tot_cash ann_additional_cash = ann_energy_cash - ann_electricity_cash - ann_gas_cash - ann_dist_htg_cash - ann_dist_clg_cash additional_cash_flow[yr] = ann_additional_cash # populate table row cost_summary_table[:data] << [yr, ann_cap_cash + ann_om_cash, ann_electricity_cash, ann_gas_cash, ann_dist_htg_cash, ann_dist_clg_cash, ann_additional_cash.round(2), ann_water_cash] # gather graph data if ann_electricity_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Electricity Purchased', label_x: yr, value: ann_electricity_cash, color: color[0]) end if ann_gas_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Natural Gas', label_x: yr, value: ann_gas_cash, color: color[1]) end if ann_additional_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Additional', label_x: yr, value: ann_additional_cash, color: color[2]) end if ann_dist_clg_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'District Cooling', label_x: yr, value: ann_dist_clg_cash, color: color[3]) end if ann_dist_htg_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'District Heating', label_x: yr, value: ann_dist_htg_cash, color: color[4]) end if ann_water_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Water', label_x: yr, value: ann_water_cash, color: color[5]) end if ann_cap_cash + ann_om_cash > 0 cost_summary_table[:chart] << JSON.generate(label: 'Capital and O&M', label_x: yr, value: ann_cap_cash + ann_om_cash, color: color[6]) end # gather running total data for line plot running_total += ann_tot_cash end # next year # add table to array of tables if running_total > 0 cost_summary_section_tables << cost_summary_table else # don't make chart of no data to add to it. cost_summary_table[:chart] = [] end return @cost_summary_section end # create source_energy_section def self.source_energy_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables source_energy_section_tables = [] # gather data for section @source_energy_section = {} @source_energy_section[:title] = 'Site and Source Summary' @source_energy_section[:tables] = source_energy_section_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @source_energy_section end # data for query report_name = 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' table_name = 'Site and Source Energy' columns = ['', 'Total Energy', 'Energy Per Total Building Area', 'Energy Per Conditioned Building Area'] rows = ['Total Site Energy', 'Net Site Energy', 'Total Source Energy', 'Net Source Energy'] # create table source_energy_table = {} source_energy_table[:title] = table_name source_energy_table[:header] = columns source_units_total = 'GJ' source_units_area = 'MJ/m^2' if is_ip_units target_units_total = 'kBtu' target_units_area = 'kBtu/ft^2' else target_units_total = 'kWh' target_units_area = 'kWh/m^2' end source_energy_table[:units] = ['', target_units_total, target_units_area, target_units_area] source_energy_table[:source_units] = ['', source_units_total, source_units_area, source_units_area] # used for conversation, not needed for rendering. source_energy_table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 source_energy_table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, source_energy_table[:source_units][column_counter], source_energy_table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(1) end source_energy_table[:data] << row_data end # add table to array of tables source_energy_section_tables << source_energy_table # data for query report_name = 'AnnualBuildingUtilityPerformanceSummary' table_name = 'Site to Source Energy Conversion Factors' columns = ['', 'Site=>Source Conversion Factor'] rows = ['Electricity', 'Natural Gas', 'District Cooling', 'District Heating'] # TODO: - complete this and add logic to skip row if not used in model # create table source_energy_table = {} source_energy_table[:title] = table_name source_energy_table[:header] = columns source_energy_table[:units] = [] source_energy_table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 source_energy_table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query).to_f row_data << results.round(3) end source_energy_table[:data] << row_data end # add table to array of tables source_energy_section_tables << source_energy_table return @source_energy_section end # create co2_and_other_emissions_section def self.co2_and_other_emissions_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables co2_and_other_emissions_section_tables = [] # gather data for section @co2_and_other_emissions_section = {} @co2_and_other_emissions_section[:title] = 'CO2 and Other Emissions' @co2_and_other_emissions_section[:tables] = co2_and_other_emissions_section_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @co2_and_other_emissions_section end # data for query report_name = 'EnergyMeters' table_name = 'Annual and Peak Values - Other by Weight/Mass' columns = ['', 'Annual Value', 'Minimum Value', 'Timestamp of Minimum', 'Maximum Value', 'Timestamp of Maximum'] rows = ['Carbon Equivalent:Facility', 'CarbonEquivalentEmissions:Carbon Equivalent'] # create table table = {} table[:title] = table_name table[:header] = columns source_units_total = 'kg' source_units_rate = 'kg/s' if is_ip_units target_units_total = 'lb' target_units_rate = 'lb/s' else target_units_total = 'kg' target_units_rate = 'kg/s' end table[:units] = ['', target_units_total, target_units_rate, '', target_units_rate, ''] table[:source_units] = ['', source_units_total, source_units_rate, '', source_units_rate, ''] # used for conversation, not needed for rendering. table[:data] = [] # run query and populate table rows.each do |row| row_data = [row] column_counter = -1 table[:header].each do |header| column_counter += 1 next if header == '' query = "SELECT Value FROM tabulardatawithstrings WHERE ReportName='#{report_name}' and TableName='#{table_name}' and RowName= '#{row}' and ColumnName= '#{header}'" if table[:source_units][column_counter] != '' results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstDouble(query) row_data_ip = OpenStudio.convert(results.to_f, table[:source_units][column_counter], table[:units][column_counter]).get row_data << row_data_ip.round(2) else results = sqlFile.execAndReturnFirstString(query) row_data << results end end table[:data] << row_data end # add table to array of tables co2_and_other_emissions_section_tables << table return @co2_and_other_emissions_section end # create typical_load_profiles_section def self.typical_load_profiles_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables typical_load_profiles_section_tables = [] # gather data for section @typical_load_profiles_section = {} @typical_load_profiles_section[:title] = 'Typical Load Profiles' @typical_load_profiles_section[:tables] = typical_load_profiles_section_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @typical_load_profiles_section end # create table typical_load_profiles_table = {} typical_load_profiles_table[:title] = 'Content To Be Determined' typical_load_profiles_table[:header] = [] typical_load_profiles_table[:units] = [] typical_load_profiles_table[:data] = [] # add table to array of tables typical_load_profiles_section_tables << typical_load_profiles_table return @typical_load_profiles_section end # create schedules_overview_section def self.schedules_overview_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables schedules_overview_section_tables = [] # gather data for section @schedules_overview_section = {} @schedules_overview_section[:title] = 'Schedule Overview' @schedules_overview_section[:tables] = schedules_overview_section_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @schedules_overview_section end # create table schedules_overview_table = {} schedules_overview_table[:title] = '' schedules_overview_table[:header] = ['Schedule', 'Type Limits', 'Rules', 'Use Count'] schedules_overview_table[:units] = [] schedules_overview_table[:data] = [] schedules_overview_table[:chart_type] = 'multi_step_line_grid' schedules_overview_table[:chart] = [] # for this chart type, this contains an array of charts # add table to array of tables schedules_overview_section_tables << schedules_overview_table model.getSchedules.sort.each do |schedule| next unless schedule.to_ScheduleRuleset.is_initialized schedule = schedule.to_ScheduleRuleset.get next if schedule.nonResourceObjectUseCount(true) == 0 # true excludes children # hash to hold chart chart = { chart_data: [], chart_attributes: {} } # get schedule and type limits type_limits = nil if schedule.scheduleTypeLimits.is_initialized type_limits = schedule.scheduleTypeLimits.get.unitType end # populate table with high level schedule information schedules_overview_table[:data] << [schedule.name, type_limits, schedule.scheduleRules.size, schedule.nonResourceObjectUseCount(true)] # array to hold profiles profiles = [] # get default profile profiles << [schedule.defaultDaySchedule, 'default profile'] # get design days summer_design = schedule.summerDesignDaySchedule profiles << [summer_design, 'summer design day'] winter_design = schedule.winterDesignDaySchedule profiles << [winter_design, 'winter design day'] # get rules schedule.scheduleRules.each do |rule| # add days of week to text rule.applySunday ? (sun = 'Sun') : (sun = '') rule.applyMonday ? (mon = 'Mon') : (mon = '') rule.applyTuesday ? (tue = 'Tue') : (tue = '') rule.applyWednesday ? (wed = 'Wed') : (wed = '') rule.applyThursday ? (thu = 'Thu') : (thu = '') rule.applyFriday ? (fri = 'Fri') : (fri = '') rule.applySaturday ? (sat = 'Sat') : (sat = '') # add dates to text if rule.startDate.is_initialized date = rule.startDate.get start = date else start = '' end if rule.endDate.is_initialized date = rule.endDate.get finish = date else finish = '' end text = "(#{sun}#{mon}#{tue}#{wed}#{thu}#{fri}#{sat}) #{start}-#{finish}" profiles << [rule.daySchedule, text] end # rule colors by index (starting with default, then summer, winter, then p1,p2, etc) rule_colors = ['#88CCEE', 'red', 'blue', '#AA4499', '#332286', '#117733', '#99995B', '#DDCC77', '#CC6677', '#882255', '#6699CC', '#661100', '#AA4466', '#505050'] # temp test of profiles profile_counter = -2 profiles.each do |array| profile = array[0] text = array[1] if profile_counter == -2 name = text.to_s elsif profile_counter < 1 name = " #{text}" else name = "Priority #{profile_counter} - #{text}" end # update counter profile_counter += 1 times = profile.times values = profile.values (1..times.size).each do |index| # add for this index value time_double = times[index - 1].hours + times[index - 1].minutes / 60.0 value = values[index - 1] # populate chart with datapoint # chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate({:label => name, :label_x => time_double, :value => value, :color => rule_colors[profile_counter+1]}) end # add datapoint for 24 time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 24, 0, 0) val = profile.getValue(time) # chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate({:label => name, :label_x => 24.0, :value => val, :color => rule_colors[profile_counter+1]}) # add datapoint for 0 time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, 0, 0, 0) val = profile.getValue(time) # chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate({:label => name, :label_x => 0.0, :value => val, :color => rule_colors[profile_counter+1]}) # get datapoint every 15min (doing this because I could get step to work just with input profile values) (1..24).each do |i| fractional_hours = i / 1.0 hr = fractional_hours.truncate min = ((fractional_hours - fractional_hours.truncate) * 60.0).truncate time = OpenStudio::Time.new(0, hr, min, 0) val = profile.getValue(time) # add unit conversion depending on type limits if type_limits == 'Temperature' if is_ip_units val = OpenStudio.convert(val, 'C', 'F').get else val = OpenStudio.convert(val, 'C', 'C').get end end # populate chart with datapoint chart[:chart_data] << JSON.generate(label: name, label_x: fractional_hours, value: val, color: rule_colors[profile_counter + 1]) end end # populate chart attributes if type_limits == 'Temperature' if is_ip_units chart[:chart_attributes][:value] = "#{type_limits} (F)" else chart[:chart_attributes][:value] = "#{type_limits} (C)" end elsif type_limits == 'ActivityLevel' chart[:chart_attributes][:value] = "#{type_limits} (W)" else chart[:chart_attributes][:value] = type_limits end chart[:chart_attributes][:label_x] = 'Hours' chart[:chart_attributes][:title] = schedule.name # push chart to array of charts schedules_overview_table[:chart] << chart end return @schedules_overview_section end # create measure_warning_section (creates tables and runner.registerValues) def self.measure_warning_section(model, sqlFile, runner, name_only = false, is_ip_units = true) # array to hold tables measure_tables = [] # gather data for section @measure_warnings_section = {} @measure_warnings_section[:title] = 'Measure Warnings' @measure_warnings_section[:tables] = measure_tables # stop here if only name is requested this is used to populate display name for arguments if name_only == true return @measure_warnings_section end # will be used for registerValues num_measures_with_warnings = 0 num_warnings = 0 num_measures = 0 # loop through workflow steps runner.workflow.workflowSteps.each do |step| if step.to_MeasureStep.is_initialized measure_step = step.to_MeasureStep.get measure_name = measure_step.measureDirName num_measures += 1 if measure_step.name.is_initialized measure_name = measure_step.name.get # this is instance name in PAT end if measure_step.result.is_initialized result = measure_step.result.get # create and populate table if warnings exist if !result.warnings.empty? measure_table_01 = {} measure_table_01[:title] = measure_name measure_table_01[:header] = ['Warning'] measure_table_01[:data] = [] num_measures_with_warnings += 1 # step through warnings start_counter = num_warnings result.warnings.each do |step| # add rows to table and register value num_warnings += 1 if num_warnings < start_counter + 25 measure_table_01[:data] << [step.logMessage] else measure_table_01[:data] << ["* See OSW file for full list of warnings. This measure has #{result.warnings.size} warnings."] end end # add table to section measure_tables << measure_table_01 end else # puts "No result for #{measure_name}" end else # puts "This step is not a measure" end end # add summary table (even when there are no warnings) measure_table_summary = {} measure_table_summary[:title] = 'Measure Warning Summary' measure_table_summary[:header] = ['Description', 'Count'] measure_table_summary[:data] = [] # add summary rows measure_table_summary[:data] << ['Number of measures in workflow', num_measures] measure_table_summary[:data] << ['Number of measures with warnings', num_measures_with_warnings] measure_table_summary[:data] << ['Total number of warnings', num_warnings] # add table to section measure_tables << measure_table_summary runner.registerValue('number_of_measures_with_warnings', num_measures_with_warnings) runner.registerValue('number_warnings', num_warnings) return @measure_warnings_section end end