module GitHelpers def set_root_path_variable @root_dir ||= File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..') end def set_repo_path_variable(name) set_root_path_variable unless @tmp_git_repo_dir @features_dir = File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/..') @tmp_git_repo_dir = File.join(@features_dir, 'tmp', name) end end def delete_temporary_test_repo if File.exists?(@tmp_git_repo_dir) `rm -rf #{@tmp_git_repo_dir}` end end def untar_tarball_to_test_repo_location(tarball_name) tarball_path = File.join(@root_dir, 'spec', tarball_name + '.tgz') Dir.chdir(File.join(@features_dir, 'tmp')) `tar zxf #{tarball_path}` end end Given /^a test git repo$/ do name = 'git_repo' set_repo_path_variable(name) delete_temporary_test_repo(name) `mkdir #{@tmp_git_repo_dir}` `git init #{@tmp_git_repo_dir}` end Given /^a test git repo extracted from the "([^\"]*)" tarball$/ do |tarball_name| set_repo_path_variable(tarball_name) delete_temporary_test_repo untar_tarball_to_test_repo_location(tarball_name) end Given /^the test git repo has a file called "([^\"]*)" containing "([^\"]*)"$/ do |filename, content|, filename), 'w') do |file| file.puts content end end Given /^a commit of all changes to the test git repo with message "([^\"]*)"$/ do |message| Dir.chdir(@tmp_git_repo_dir) `git add -A .` `git commit -m "#{message}"` end Given /^a checkout in the git repo with new branch called "([^\"]*)"$/ do |branch_name| Dir.chdir(@tmp_git_repo_dir) `git checkout -b #{branch_name} 2> /dev/null` end World(GitHelpers)