module ActivityNotification # Notifiable implementation included in notifiable model to be notified, like comments or any other user activities. module Notifiable extend ActiveSupport::Concern # include PolymorphicHelpers to resolve string extentions include ActivityNotification::PolymorphicHelpers included do include Common include Association include ActionDispatch::Routing::PolymorphicRoutes include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers # Has many notification instances for this notifiable. # Dependency for these notifications can be overriden from acts_as_notifiable. # @scope instance # @return [Array, Mongoid::Criteria] Array or database query of notifications for this notifiable has_many_records :generated_notifications_as_notifiable, class_name: "::ActivityNotification::Notification", as: :notifiable class_attribute :_notification_targets, :_notification_group, :_notification_group_expiry_delay, :_notifier, :_notification_parameters, :_notification_email_allowed, :_notifiable_path, :_printable_notifiable_name, :_optional_targets set_notifiable_class_defaults end # Returns default_url_options for polymorphic_path. # @return [Hash] Rails.application.routes.default_url_options def default_url_options Rails.application.routes.default_url_options end class_methods do # Checks if the model includes notifiable and notifiable methods are available. # @return [Boolean] Always true def available_as_notifiable? true end # Sets default values to notifiable class fields. # @return [NilClass] nil def set_notifiable_class_defaults self._notification_targets = {} self._notification_group = {} self._notification_group_expiry_delay = {} self._notifier = {} self._notification_parameters = {} self._notification_email_allowed = {} self._notifiable_path = {} self._printable_notifiable_name = {} self._optional_targets = {} nil end end # Returns notification targets from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Array | ActiveRecord_AssociationRelation] Array or database query of the notification targets def notification_targets(target_type, key = nil) target_typed_method_name = "notification_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}" resolved_parameter = resolve_parameter( target_typed_method_name, _notification_targets[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], nil, key) unless resolved_parameter raise NotImplementedError, "You have to implement #{self.class}##{target_typed_method_name} "\ "or set :targets in acts_as_notifiable" end resolved_parameter end # Returns group unit of the notifications from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Object] Group unit of the notifications def notification_group(target_type, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "notification_group_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}", _notification_group[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], nil, key) end # Returns group expiry period of the notifications from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Object] Group expiry period of the notifications def notification_group_expiry_delay(target_type, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "notification_group_expiry_delay_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}", _notification_group_expiry_delay[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], nil, key) end # Returns additional notification parameters from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Hash] Additional notification parameters def notification_parameters(target_type, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "notification_parameters_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}", _notification_parameters[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], {}, key) end # Returns notifier of the notification from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Object] Notifier of the notification def notifier(target_type, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "notifier_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}", _notifier[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], nil, key) end # Returns if sending notification email is allowed for the notifiable from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [Object] target Target instance to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Boolean] If sending notification email is allowed for the notifiable def notification_email_allowed?(target, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "notification_email_allowed_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target.class)}?", _notification_email_allowed[cast_to_resources_sym(target.class)], ActivityNotification.config.email_enabled, target, key) end # Returns notifiable_path to move after opening notification from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [String] Notifiable path URL to move after opening notification def notifiable_path(target_type, key = nil) resolved_parameter = resolve_parameter( "notifiable_path_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}", _notifiable_path[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], nil, key) unless resolved_parameter begin resolved_parameter = polymorphic_path(self) rescue NoMethodError, ActionController::UrlGenerationError raise NotImplementedError, "You have to implement #{self.class}##{__method__}, "\ "set :notifiable_path in acts_as_notifiable or "\ "set polymorphic_path routing for #{self.class}" end end resolved_parameter end # Returns printable notifiable model name to show in view or email. # @return [String] Printable notifiable model name def printable_notifiable_name(target, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "printable_notifiable_name_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target.class)}?", _printable_notifiable_name[cast_to_resources_sym(target.class)], printable_name, target, key) end # Returns optional_targets of the notification from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Array] Array of optional target instances def optional_targets(target_type, key = nil) resolve_parameter( "optional_targets_for_#{cast_to_resources_name(target_type)}", _optional_targets[cast_to_resources_sym(target_type)], [], key) end # Returns optional_target names of the notification from configured field or overriden method. # This method is able to be overriden. # # @param [String] target_type Target type to notify # @param [String] key Key of the notification # @return [Array] Array of optional target names def optional_target_names(target_type, key = nil) optional_targets(target_type, key).map { |optional_target| optional_target.to_optional_target_name } end # overriding_notification_template_key is the method to override key definition for Renderable # When respond_to?(:overriding_notification_template_key) returns true, # Renderable uses overriding_notification_template_key instead of original key. # # overriding_notification_template_key(target, key) # overriding_notification_email_key is the method to override key definition for Mailer # When respond_to?(:overriding_notification_email_key) returns true, # Mailer uses overriding_notification_email_key instead of original key. # # overriding_notification_email_key(target, key) # Generates notifications to configured targets with notifiable model. # This method calls NotificationApi#notify internally with self notifiable instance. # @see NotificationApi#notify # # @param [Symbol, String, Class] target_type Type of target # @param [Hash] options Options for notifications # @option options [String] :key (notifiable.default_notification_key) Key of the notification # @option options [Object] :group (nil) Group unit of the notifications # @option options [ActiveSupport::Duration] :group_expiry_delay (nil) Expiry period of a notification group # @option options [Object] :notifier (nil) Notifier of the notifications # @option options [Hash] :parameters ({}) Additional parameters of the notifications # @option options [Boolean] :send_email (true) Whether it sends notification email # @option options [Boolean] :send_later (true) Whether it sends notification email asynchronously # @option options [Boolean] :publish_optional_targets (true) Whether it publishes notification to optional targets # @option options [Hash] :optional_targets ({}) Options for optional targets, keys are optional target name (:amazon_sns or :slack etc) and values are options # @return [Array] Array of generated notifications def notify(target_type, options = {}) Notification.notify(target_type, self, options) end # Generates notifications to one target. # This method calls NotificationApi#notify_all internally with self notifiable instance. # @see NotificationApi#notify_all # # @param [Array] targets Targets to send notifications # @param [Hash] options Options for notifications # @option options [String] :key (notifiable.default_notification_key) Key of the notification # @option options [Object] :group (nil) Group unit of the notifications # @option options [ActiveSupport::Duration] :group_expiry_delay (nil) Expiry period of a notification group # @option options [Object] :notifier (nil) Notifier of the notifications # @option options [Hash] :parameters ({}) Additional parameters of the notifications # @option options [Boolean] :send_email (true) Whether it sends notification email # @option options [Boolean] :send_later (true) Whether it sends notification email asynchronously # @option options [Boolean] :publish_optional_targets (true) Whether it publishes notification to optional targets # @option options [Hash] :optional_targets ({}) Options for optional targets, keys are optional target name (:amazon_sns or :slack etc) and values are options # @return [Array] Array of generated notifications def notify_all(targets, options = {}) Notification.notify_all(targets, self, options) end # Generates notifications to one target. # This method calls NotificationApi#notify_to internally with self notifiable instance. # @see NotificationApi#notify_to # # @param [Object] target Target to send notifications # @param [Hash] options Options for notifications # @option options [String] :key (notifiable.default_notification_key) Key of the notification # @option options [Object] :group (nil) Group unit of the notifications # @option options [ActiveSupport::Duration] :group_expiry_delay (nil) Expiry period of a notification group # @option options [Object] :notifier (nil) Notifier of the notifications # @option options [Hash] :parameters ({}) Additional parameters of the notifications # @option options [Boolean] :send_email (true) Whether it sends notification email # @option options [Boolean] :send_later (true) Whether it sends notification email asynchronously # @option options [Boolean] :publish_optional_targets (true) Whether it publishes notification to optional targets # @option options [Hash] :optional_targets ({}) Options for optional targets, keys are optional target name (:amazon_sns or :slack etc) and values are options # @return [Notification] Generated notification instance def notify_to(target, options = {}) Notification.notify_to(target, self, options) end # Returns default key of the notification. # This method is able to be overriden. # "#{to_resource_name}.default" is defined as default key. # # @return [String] Default Key of the notification def default_notification_key "#{to_resource_name}.default" end private # Used to transform parameter value from configured field or defined method. # @api private # # @param [String] target_typed_method_name Method name overriden for the target type # @param [Object] parameter_field Parameter Configured field in this model # @param [Object] default_value Default parameter value # @param [Array] args Arguments to pass to the method overriden or defined as parameter field # @return [Object] Resolved parameter value def resolve_parameter(target_typed_method_name, parameter_field, default_value, *args) if respond_to?(target_typed_method_name) send(target_typed_method_name, *args) elsif parameter_field resolve_value(parameter_field, *args) else default_value end end # Gets generated notifications for specified target type. # @api private # @param [String] target_type Target type of generated notifications def generated_notifications_as_notifiable_for(target_type = nil) target_type.nil? ? generated_notifications_as_notifiable.all : generated_notifications_as_notifiable.filtered_by_target_type(target_type.to_s.to_model_name) end # Destroies generated notifications for specified target type with dependency. # This method is intended to be called before destroy this notifiable as dependent configuration. # @api private # @param [Symbol] dependent Has_many dependency, [:delete_all, :destroy, :restrict_with_error, :restrict_with_exception] are available # @param [String] target_type Target type of generated notifications # @param [Boolean] remove_from_group Whether it removes generated notifications from notification group before destroy def destroy_generated_notifications_with_dependency(dependent = :delete_all, target_type = nil, remove_from_group = false) remove_generated_notifications_from_group(target_type) if remove_from_group generated_notifications = generated_notifications_as_notifiable_for(target_type) case dependent when :restrict_with_exception raise"generated_notifications_as_notifiable_for_#{target_type.to_s.pluralize.underscore}") unless generated_notifications.empty? when :restrict_with_error unless generated_notifications.empty? record = self.class.human_attribute_name("generated_notifications_as_notifiable_for_#{target_type.to_s.pluralize.underscore}").downcase self.errors.add(:base, :'restrict_dependent_destroy.has_many', record: record) # :skip-rails4: if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 throw(:abort) # :skip-rails4: # :skip-rails5: else false end # :skip-rails5: end when :destroy generated_notifications.each { |n| n.destroy } when :delete_all generated_notifications.delete_all end end # Removes generated notifications from notification group to new group owner. # This method is intended to be called before destroy this notifiable as dependent configuration. # @api private # @param [String] target_type Target type of generated notifications def remove_generated_notifications_from_group(target_type = nil) generated_notifications_as_notifiable_for(target_type).group_owners_only.each { |n| n.remove_from_group } end # Casts to resources name. # @api private def cast_to_resources_name(target_type) target_type.to_s.to_resources_name end # Casts to symbol of resources name. # @api private def cast_to_resources_sym(target_type) target_type.to_s.to_resources_name.to_sym end end end