require 'collins_shell/asset' require 'collins_shell/asset_type' require 'collins_shell/console' require 'collins_shell/ip_address' require 'collins_shell/ipmi' require 'collins_shell/provision' require 'collins_shell/state' require 'collins_shell/tag' require 'collins_shell/thor' require 'collins_shell/util' require 'collins_shell/util/log_printer' require 'thor' require 'thor/group' # Need these to support latest method require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems/spec_fetcher' module CollinsShell class Cli < Thor include ThorHelper include CollinsShell::Util register(CollinsShell::Asset, 'asset', 'asset ', 'Asset related commands') register(CollinsShell::AssetType, 'asset_type', 'asset_type ', 'Asset Type related commands') register(CollinsShell::Tag, 'tag', 'tag ', 'Tag related commands') register(CollinsShell::IpAddress, 'ip_address', 'ip_address ', 'IP address related commands') register(CollinsShell::Ipmi, 'ipmi', 'ipmi ', 'IPMI related commands') register(CollinsShell::Provision, 'provision', 'provision ', 'Provisioning related commands') register(CollinsShell::State, 'state', 'state ', 'State management related commands - use with care') desc 'latest', 'check if there is a newer version of collins-shell' def latest puts(get_latest_version) end desc 'version', 'current version of collins-shell' def version puts("collins-shell #{get_version}") end desc 'power_status', 'check power status on an asset' use_collins_options use_tag_option use_selector_option def power_status batch_selector_operation Hash[ :remote => options.remote, :operation => "power_status", :success_message => proc {|asset| "Got power status for #{asset.tag}"}, :error_message => proc{|asset| "Error getting power status for #{asset.tag}"}, :confirmation_message => proc do |assets| "You are about to check the power status of #{assets.length} hosts. ARE YOU SURE?" end ] do |client,asset| puts('*'*80) begin status = client.power_status(asset) say_success "Power status of #{asset.tag}: #{status}" rescue Exception => e print_error e, "Unable to check power status of #{asset.tag}", false end end end desc 'power ACTION', 'perform power action (off, on, rebootSoft, rebootHard, etc) on an asset' use_collins_options use_tag_option(true) method_option :reason, :type => :string, :required => true, :desc => 'Reason for reboot' def power action action = Collins::Power.normalize_action(action) call_collins get_collins_client, "power" do |client| client.log! options.tag, options.reason, 'ALERT' if client.power!(options.tag, action) then say_success "power #{action} on #{options.tag}" else say_error "power #{action} on #{options.tag}", :exit => true end end end desc 'log MESSAGE', 'log a message on an asset' use_collins_options use_tag_option use_selector_option method_option :severity, :type => :string, :desc => 'Log severity (EMERGENCY, WARN, etc)' def log message batch_selector_operation Hash[ :remote => options.remote, :operation => "log", :success_message => proc {|asset| "Logged to #{asset.tag}"}, :error_message => proc{|asset| "Log to #{asset.tag}"}, :confirmation_message => proc do |assets| "You are about to log '#{message}' on #{assets.length} hosts. ARE YOU SURE?" end ] do |client,asset| client.log!(asset, message, options.severity) end end desc 'logs TAG', 'fetch logs for an asset specified by its tag. Use "all" for all logs' use_collins_options use_page_options(5000) method_option :severity, :type => :array, :desc => 'Severities to include' def logs tag call_collins get_collins_client, "logs" do |client| severity = [] if options.severity? then severity = options.severity end params = Hash[ :filter => severity.join(';'), :size => options[:size].to_i, :sort => options[:sort] ] logs = client.logs tag, params.merge(:all_tag => 'all') logs.reverse! if options[:sort].to_s.downcase == 'desc' printer =, logs) puts printer.render end end desc 'search_logs QUERY', 'search for asset logs' use_collins_options use_page_options(5000) def search_logs query call_collins get_collins_client, "logs" do |client| params = Hash[ :query => query, :size => options[:size].to_i, :sort => options[:sort], :sortField => 'date' ] logs = client.search_logs params printer ="all assets", logs) puts printer.render end end desc 'console', 'drop into the interactive collins shell' use_collins_options def console ensure_password CollinsShell::Console.launch(options) end no_tasks do def get_version version_file = File.absolute_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', 'VERSION')) if File.exists?(version_file) then else "0.0.0" end end def get_latest_version begin Gem.sources = [""] gem = shell = gem.fetch('collins_shell')).flatten.first rescue Exception => e return "Could not retrieve latest gem info from #{Gem.sources.join(',')}" end if shell.nil? then "Could not retrieve latest gem info from" else my_version = if shell.version == my_version then "You are running the most recent version of collins-shell: #{my_version.to_s}" elsif shell.version > my_version then "Time to upgrade! You are running collins-shell #{my_version.to_s}, latest is #{shell.version.to_s}" else "You are probably a developer. You are running version #{my_version.to_s}, latest published is #{shell.version.to_s}" end end end def print_error e, cmd = nil, separator = true cmd = "unable to run command '#{$0} #{ARGV.join(' ')}'" unless cmd say_status("fatal", cmd, :red) say_status("exception", "#{e.message}", :red) is_debug = ARGV.include?("--debug") || ARGV.include?("--trace") if e.is_a?(Collins::RequestError) then puts('*'*80) if separator say_status("details", e.description(is_debug).strip.sub(e.message,""), :red) end if ARGV.include?("--debug") || ARGV.include?("--trace") then say_status("DEBUG", "local backtrace is presented latest to earliest (reverse cronological)") puts("#{e.class.to_s}") e.backtrace.each do |line| file, line, method = line.split(":", 3) puts "\t\t#{method}(#{file}:#{line})" end end end # print_error end # no_tasks end end