# capistrano-deploy\_into\_docker [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/capistrano-deploy_into_docker.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/capistrano-deploy_into_docker) Mini support task file to deploy app into docker. ## Installation Add in your Gemfile; ```ruby gem 'capistrano-deploy_into_docker', '>= 0.2.0', group: :development ``` ## HowTo: deploy your rails application into docker ### Require task on Capfile Add following like to your Capfile; ```ruby require 'capistrano/deploy_into_docker' ``` This just add `deploy_into_docker:commit` task. ### Deploy setting You need to set `::sshkit_backend` to `SSHKit::Backend::Docker`. Here is an example for config/deploy/docker.rb; ```ruby set :sshkit_backend, SSHKit::Backend::Docker set :stage, :production set :branch, 'production' set :deploy_to, '/var/local/app' set :git_shallow_clone, 1 fetch(:default_env).merge!(rails_env: :production, SECRET_KEY_BASE: 'dummy', DEVISE_SECRET_KEY: 'dummy') fetch(:linked_dirs, []).clear fetch(:linked_files, []).clear server docker: { image: 'sugi/rails-base', commit: 'myapp-web', }, user: 'rails:rails', roles: %w{web app} ``` ## Server definition as Docker host You need to set docker environment as host infomation hash. The hash requires `:image` (or :container) key to run. ```ruby server docker: {image: 'ruby:latest'} ``` If you set `:commit` key, run "docker commit" after deploy automatically. ```ruby server docker: { image: 'sugi/rails-base:latest', commit: 'new-image-name:tag', }, user: 'nobody:nogroup', roles: %w{web app} ``` In addtion, you can add any options for "docker run". for example; ```ruby server docker: { image: 'ruby:latest', commit: 'new-image-name:tag', volume: ['/storage/tmp:/tmp', '/storage/home:/home'], network: 'my-net', dns: '', dns_search: 'example.com', cap_add: ['SYS_NICE', 'SYS_RESOURCE'], }, user: 'nobody:nogroup', roles: %w{web app} ``` ## Copyright Author: Tatsuki Sugiura Files are distributed under [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).