en: invoice_status: pending: "Pending" canceled: "Canceled" paid: "Paid" emails: user_invitation: "You have been invited to %{account_name}" user_welcome: "Welcome to %{application_title}" you_were_invited: "You were invited to join %{account_name} on %{application_name}" accept_invitation: "Accept Invitation" errors: messages: only_owners_can_destroy_accounts: "Only owners can destroy Accounts" invalid_role: "Not a valid role" only_social_and_no_email: "You need email and password to unlink this Social Account" email_already_in_use: "This email is already in use" not_supported_api_type: "not supported api type" invalid_invitation: "Invalid invitation" iugu: interval_type: month: "Month" months: "Months" week: "Week" weeks: "Weeks" welcome: "Welcome" edit: "Edit" update: "Update" unhappy?: "Unhappy?" try_first: "Try first" skip_and_save_later: "... or save your account later, and" skip_and_save_later_action: " skip this step ▸" or_sign_up_with: "or sign in using" already_have_account: "Already have an account?" already_have_account_action: "Sign in" generate_new_token: "Generate new token" create_account: "Create Account" no_account: "No account?" no_account_action: "Sign up" add: "Add" active: "Active" activate: "Activate" suspend: "Suspend" unnamed: "Unnamed" back_to: "Back to" back: "Back" save: "Save" create: "Create" invited_by: "You were invited by" invite_to: "Invite to join %{account_name}" accept: "Accept" invite: "Invite" permissions: "Permissions" make_owner: "Make Owner" select: "Select" configs: "Configs" error: "Error" errors: "Errors" account: "Account" accounts: "Accounts" account_domains: "Account Domains" account_user_make_owner: "Owner changed successfully" social_unlinked: "Social Account successfully unlink" social_linked: "Social Account successfully linked" account_destruction_in: "Account will be remove at " account_destruction_undone: "Account destruction canceled" account_user_destruction_undone: "Account user destruction canceled" account_user_destruction_in: "Account user will be remove at " user_destruction_in: "User will be remove at " user_destruction_undone: "User destruction canceled" users: "Users" users_and_roles: "Users and Roles" are_you_sure?: "Are you sure?" remove: "Remove" remove_user: "Remove User" removing: "Removing..." cancel_account: "Cancel Account" cancel_my_account: "Cancel my account" undo: "Undo" signed_in: "You are signed in as" settings: "Settings" in_your_settings_form: "in your settings form" sign_out: "Sign out" sign_in: "Sign in" sign_in_with: "Sign in with" sign_up: "Sign up" profile: "Profile" profile_settings: "Profile Settings" account_settings: "Account Settings" account_number: "Account Number" account_roles: "User roles on account" change_password: "Change password" change_your_password: "Change your password" change_my_password: "Change my password" forgot_your_password?: "Forgot your password?" new_password: "New password" confirm_your_new_password: "Confirm your new password" change: "Change" manage: "Manage" social_account: "Social network accounts" payment_history: "Payment History" primary: "Primary" set_primary: "Set Primary" verified: "Verified" not_verified: "Not Verified" verify_domain: "Verify Domain" verify_later: "Verify later" instructions: "Instructions" resend_confirmation_instructions: "Resend confirmation instructions" resend_confirmation_instructions_action: "Resend confirmation mail" confirm_email_through_link_below: "You can confirm your account email through the link below" send_me_reset_password_instructions: "Recover my password" leave_it_blank_if_dont_wanna_change_it: "leave it blank if you don't want to change it" we_need_your_current_password_to_confirm_changes: "we need your current password to confirm your changes" did_not_receive_confirmation_instructions?: "Didn't receive confirmation instructions?" plan_name: "Plan name" plan: "Plan" plans: "Plans" duration: "Duration" price: "Price" available_plans: "Available Plans" your_plan: "Your Plan" change_plan: "Change Plan" downgrade: "Downgrade" upgrade: "Upgrade" custom_domains: "Custom domains" api_tokens: "API Tokens" api_type: "API Type" api_access: "API Access" user_api_access: "User API Access" api_renew: "Renew API Access Token" description: "Description" i_dont_have_any_accounts: "I don't have any accounts" owner: "owner" admin: "admin" user: "user" guest: "guest" become_user: "Become an User" errors: impossible_change_plan_features: "Impossible to change plan, verify features" notices: account_activated: "Account successfully activated" account_will_be_activated: "An invoice has been created, the account will be activated once it's paid" error_activating_account: "Error activating account" account_suspended: "Account successfully suspended" error_suspending_account: "Error suspending account" congrats_for_becoming_user: "Congratulations for becoming an user" guest_login: "Guest successfully login" subdomain_updated: "Subdomain successfully updated" you_are_already_member_of_this_account: "You already member of this account" new_token_generated: "New token generated" token_removed: "Token removed" account_updated: "Account was successfully updated" account_not_found: "Account not found" user_invited: "User invited" sign_up: "Thank you for signing up" user_update: "User was successfully updated." roles_changed: "Roles successfully changed" domain_created: "Account Domain successfully created" domain_not_found: "Domain not found" domain_destroyed: "Domain successfully removed" domain_verified: "Domain successfully verified" domain_not_verified: "Domain could not be verified" domain_set_primary: "Domain successfully set as primary" activerecord: models: user: "User" attributes: password: "Password" password_confirmation: "Password confirmation" name: "Name" birthdate: "Birthdate" locale: "Language" remember_me: "Remember me" user_invitation: roles: "Permissions"