/*! * UI development toolkit for HTML5 (OpenUI5) * (c) Copyright 2009-2018 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 - see LICENSE.txt. */ // Provides control sap.m.MessageStrip. sap.ui.define([ "./library", "sap/ui/core/Control", "./MessageStripUtilities", "./Text", "./Link", "./FormattedText", "sap/ui/core/library", "./MessageStripRenderer", "sap/base/Log" ], function( library, Control, MSUtils, Text, Link, FormattedText, coreLibrary, MessageStripRenderer, Log ) { "use strict"; // shortcut for sap.ui.core.MessageType var MessageType = coreLibrary.MessageType; /** * Constructor for a new MessageStrip. * * @param {string} [sId] ID for the new control, generated automatically if no ID is given * @param {object} [mSettings] Initial settings for the new control * * @class * MessageStrip is a control that enables the embedding of application-related messages in the application. *


* The message strip displays 4 types of messages, each with a corresponding semantic color and icon: Information, Success, Warning and Error. * * Each message can have a close button, so that it can be removed from the UI if needed. * * With version 1.50 you can use a limited set of formatting tags for the message text by setting enableFormattedText. The allowed tags are: * *



When to use

* *

When not to use

* * @extends sap.ui.core.Control * * @author SAP SE * @version 1.60.23 * * @constructor * @public * @since 1.30 * @alias sap.m.MessageStrip * @see {@link fiori:https://experience.sap.com/fiori-design-web/message-strip/ Message Strip} * @ui5-metamodel This control/element also will be described in the UI5 (legacy) designtime metamodel */ var MessageStrip = Control.extend("sap.m.MessageStrip", /** @lends sap.m.MessageStrip.prototype */ { metadata: { library: "sap.m", designtime: "sap/m/designtime/MessageStrip.designtime", properties: { /** * Determines the text of the message. */ text: { type: "string", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: "" }, /** * Determines the type of messages that are displayed in the MessageStrip. * Possible values are: Information (default), Success, Warning, Error. * If None is passed, the value is set to Information and a warning is displayed in the console. */ type: { type: "sap.ui.core.MessageType", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: MessageType.Information }, /** * Determines a custom icon which is displayed. * If none is set, the default icon for this message type is used. */ customIcon: { type: "sap.ui.core.URI", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: "" }, /** * Determines if an icon is displayed for the message. */ showIcon: { type: "boolean", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: false }, /** * Determines if the message has a close button in the upper right corner. */ showCloseButton: { type: "boolean", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: false }, /** * Determines the limited collection of HTML elements passed to the text property should be * evaluated. * * Note: If this property is set to true the string passed to text property * can evaluate the following list of limited HTML elements. All other HTML elements and their nested * content will not be rendered by the control: * */ enableFormattedText: { type: "boolean", group: "Appearance", defaultValue: false } }, defaultAggregation: "link", aggregations: { /** * Adds an sap.m.Link control which will be displayed at the end of the message. */ link: { type: "sap.m.Link", multiple: false, singularName: "link" }, /** * Hidden aggregation which is used to transform the string message into sap.m.Text control. * @private */ _formattedText: { type: "sap.m.FormattedText", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden" }, /** * Hidden aggregation which is used to transform the string message into sap.m.Text control. */ _text: { type: "sap.m.Text", multiple: false, visibility: "hidden" } }, events: { /** * This event will be fired after the container is closed. */ close: {} } } }); MessageStrip.prototype.init = function () { this.data("sap-ui-fastnavgroup", "true", true); this.setAggregation("_text", new Text()); }; /** * Setter for property text. * Default value is empty/undefined * @public * @param {string} sText new value for property text * @returns {sap.m.MessageStrip} this to allow method chaining */ MessageStrip.prototype.setText = function (sText) { // Update the internal FormattedText control if needed var oFormattedText = this.getAggregation("_formattedText"); if (oFormattedText) { oFormattedText.setHtmlText(sText); } // Update the internal text control this.getAggregation("_text").setText(sText); return this.setProperty("text", sText); }; /** * Setter for property type. * Default value is sap.ui.core.MessageType.Information * @public * @param {sap.ui.core.MessageType} sType The Message type * @returns {sap.m.MessageStrip} this to allow method chaining */ MessageStrip.prototype.setType = function (sType) { if (sType === MessageType.None) { Log.warning(MSUtils.MESSAGES.TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED); sType = MessageType.Information; } return this.setProperty("type", sType); }; MessageStrip.prototype.setEnableFormattedText = function (bEnable) { var oFormattedText = this.getAggregation("_formattedText"); if (bEnable) { if (!oFormattedText) { oFormattedText = new FormattedText(); oFormattedText._setUseLimitedRenderingRules(true); this.setAggregation("_formattedText", oFormattedText); } // Aways call setHtmlText - do not use a constructor property to avoid unwanted warnings for HTML elements oFormattedText.setHtmlText(this.getText()); } return this.setProperty("enableFormattedText", bEnable); }; MessageStrip.prototype.setAggregation = function (sName, oControl, bSupressInvalidate) { if (sName === "link" && oControl instanceof Link) { oControl.addAriaLabelledBy(this.getId()); } Control.prototype.setAggregation.call(this, sName, oControl, bSupressInvalidate); return this; }; /** * Handles tap/click * @returns void * @private */ MessageStrip.prototype.ontap = MSUtils.handleMSCloseButtonInteraction; /** * Handles enter key * @returns void * @private */ MessageStrip.prototype.onsapenter = MSUtils.handleMSCloseButtonInteraction; /** * Handles space key * @returns void * @private */ MessageStrip.prototype.onsapspace = MSUtils.handleMSCloseButtonInteraction; /** * Handles mobile touch events * @param {jQuery.Event} oEvent The event object * @private */ MessageStrip.prototype.ontouchmove = function (oEvent) { // mark the event for components that needs to know if the event was handled oEvent.setMarked(); }; /** * Closes the MessageStrip. * This method sets the visible property of the MessageStrip to false. * The MessageStrip can be shown again by setting the visible property to true. * @public */ MessageStrip.prototype.close = function () { var fnClosed = function () { this.fireClose(); this.setVisible(false); }.bind(this); if (!sap.ui.getCore().getConfiguration().getAnimation()) { fnClosed(); return; } MSUtils.closeTransitionWithCSS.call(this, fnClosed); }; return MessageStrip; });