![ForemanFogProxmox](.github/images/foremanproxmox.png) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.com/theforeman/foreman_fog_proxmox.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.com/theforeman/foreman_fog_proxmox) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/922162c278e0fa9207ba/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/theforeman/foreman_fog_proxmox/maintainability) [![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/922162c278e0fa9207ba/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/theforeman/foreman_fog_proxmox/test_coverage) # ForemanFogProxmox [Foreman](http://theforeman.org/) plugin that adds [Proxmox](https://www.proxmox.com/en/proxmox-ve) compute resource: managing virtual machines and containers using the [fog-proxmox](https://github.com/fog/fog-proxmox) module. It is intended to satisfy this [feature](http://projects.theforeman.org/issues/2186). If you like it and need more features you can [support](.github/SUPPORT.md) it. ## Compatibility versions |Fog-proxmox|Proxmox|Foreman-fog-proxmox|Foreman|Ruby| |--|--|--|--|--| |<0.6|<5.3|<0.6|<=1.20|>=2.3| |=0.6|=5.3|=0.6|=1.21|>=2.3| |<= 0.8 |=5.4|>=0.7|>=1.22|>=2.3| ## Installation ### Prerequisites You need [nodejs](https://nodejs.org/en/download/package-manager/) installed in order to use foreman-assets package. ### From gem See complete details in [plugin installation from gem](https://theforeman.org/plugins/#2.3AdvancedInstallationfromGems) Here is a Debian sample: * Install foreman [from OS packages](https://theforeman.org/manuals/1.19/index.html#3.3InstallFromPackages): ```shell sudo apt install -y foreman foreman-compute foreman-sqlite3 foreman-assets ``` * Use only foreman user (**not root!**) `sudo -u foreman ...` * In /usr/share/foreman/bundler.d directory, add Gemfile.local.rb file and add this line in it: ```shell echo "gem 'foreman_fog_proxmox'" | sudo -u foreman tee /usr/share/foreman/bundler.d/Gemfile.local.rb ``` * Install the gem plugin: ```shell sudo -u foreman /usr/bin/foreman-ruby /usr/bin/bundle install ``` * Precompile plugin assets: ```shell /usr/bin/foreman-ruby /usr/bin/bundle exec bin/rake plugin:assets:precompile[foreman_fog_proxmox] ``` * Compile plugin translations if (french) needed : ```shell /usr/bin/foreman-ruby /usr/bin/bundle exec bin/rake plugin:gettext[foreman_fog_proxmox] ``` * Complete installation of foreman 1.22 with foreman-installer: ```shell sudo apt install -y foreman-installer sudo foreman-installer ``` If you don't want to have HTTP 503 errors when apt is trying to install puppetserver, then add this before launching foreman-installer: ```shell echo 'Acquire::http::User-agent "Mozilla/5.0 (Linux)";' | sudo tee /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/96useragent ``` See complete details in [plugin installation from gem](https://theforeman.org/plugins/#2.3.2Debiandistributions) Then you can check plugin installation after login into your new foreman server seeing the about foreman page: ![About resources](.github/images/about_resources.png) ![About greffon](.github/images/about_greffon.png) ### From OS packages Please see the Foreman manual for complete instructions: * [Foreman: How to Install a Plugin](http://theforeman.org/manuals/latest/index.html#6.1InstallaPlugin) Redhat, CentOS or Fedora users should also [setup Selinux](https://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/SELinux) to allow foreman and all its plugins to work. ## Usage * [Compute resource](.github/compute_resource.md) * [Manage hosts](.github/hosts.md) ## Development ### Prerequisites * You need a Proxmox VE 5.4 server running. * You need ruby >= 2.3. You can install it with [rbenv](https://github.com/rbenv/rbenv). * You also need nodejs in your dev machine to run webpack-dev-server. You can install it with [nvm](https://github.com/creationix/nvm). ### Platform * Fork this github repo. * Clone it on your local machine * Install foreman v1.22 on your machine: ```shell git clone https://github.com/theforeman/foreman -b develop ``` * Create a Gemfile.local.rb file in foreman/bundler.d/ * Add this line: ```ruby gem 'foreman_fog_proxmox', :path => '/your_path_to/foreman_fog_proxmox' gem 'fog-proxmox', :path => '/your_path_to/fog-proxmox' # optional if you need to modify fog-proxmox code too gem 'ruby-debug-ide' # dev gem 'debase' # dev gem 'simplecov' # test ``` * In foreman directory, install dependencies: ```shell bundle install --without libvirt postgresql mysql2 ``` ```shell npm install ``` * Configure foreman settings: ```shell cp config/settings.yaml.test config/settings.yaml ``` * Install foreman database (sqlite is default in rails development): ```shell cp config/model.mappings.example config/model.mappings cp config/database.yml.example config/database.yml cp config/ignored_environments.yml.sample config/ignored_environments.yml bundle exec bin/rake db:migrate bundle exec bin/rake db:seed ``` * You can reset admin password if needed: ```shell bundle exec bin/rake permissions:reset ``` * You should write tests and you can execute those specific to this plugin: all: ```shell export DISABLE_SPRING=true bundle exec bin/rake test:foreman_fog_proxmox ``` or just one: ```shell export DISABLE_SPRING=true bundle exec bin/rake test TEST=test/functional/compute_resources_controller_test.rb ``` * See deface overrides result: ```shell bundle exec bin/rake deface:get_result['hosts/_compute_detail'] ``` * In foreman directory, after you modify foreman_fog_proxmox specific assets (proxmox.js, etc) you have to precompile it: ```shell bundle exec bin/rake plugin:assets:precompile[foreman_fog_proxmox] ``` * In foreman directory, after you modify foreman_fog_proxmox translations (language, texts in new files, etc) you have to compile it: ```shell bundle exec bin/rake plugin:gettext[foreman_fog_proxmox] ``` * In foreman directory, run rails server: ```shell bundle exec bin/rails server ``` * In foreman directory, run in a new terminal the webpack-dev-server: ```shell ./node_modules/.bin/webpack-dev-server --config config/webpack.config.js ``` * Or you can launch all together: ```shell bundle exec foreman start ``` See details in [foreman plugin development](https://projects.theforeman.org/projects/foreman/wiki/How_to_Create_a_Plugin) ## Contributing You can reach the [contributors](.github/CONTRIBUTORS.md). Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at [ForemanFogProxmox](https://github.com/theforeman/foreman_fog_proxmox). Please read more information about [how to contribute](.github/CONTRIBUTING.md). ## License The code is available as open source under the terms of the [GNU Public License v3](LICENSE).