#!/usr/bin/env ruby STDERR.sync = STDOUT.sync = true require 'clockwork' require 'optparse' begin require 'daemons' rescue LoadError raise "You need to add gem 'daemons' to your Gemfile or Rubygems if you wish to use it." end @options = { :quiet => false, :pid_dir => File.expand_path("./tmp"), :log_output => false, :monitor => false, :file => File.expand_path("./clock.rb") } bin_basename = File.basename($0) opts = OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{bin_basename} -c FILE [options] start|stop|restart|run" opts.separator '' opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do puts opts exit 1 end opts.on("--pid-dir=DIR", "Alternate directory in which to store the process ids. Default is #{@options[:pid_dir]}.") do |dir| @options[:pid_dir] = dir end opts.on('-i', '--identifier=STR', 'An identifier for the process. Default is clock file name.') do |n| @options[:identifier] = n end opts.on('-l', '--log', "Redirect both STDOUT and STDERR to a logfile named #{bin_basename}[.].output in the pid-file directory.") do @options[:log_output] = true end opts.on('--log-dir=DIR', 'A specific directory to put the log files into (default location is pid directory).') do | log_dir| @options[:log_dir] = File.expand_path(log_dir) end opts.on('-m', '--monitor', 'Start monitor process.') do @options[:monitor] = true end opts.on('-c', '--clock=FILE',"Clock .rb file. Default is #{@options[:file]}.") do |clock_file| @options[:file] = clock_file @options[:file] = "./#{@options[:file]}" unless @options[:file].match(/^[\/.]/) @options[:file] = File.expand_path(@options[:file]) end opts.on('-d', '--dir=DIR', 'Directory to change to once the process starts') do |dir| @options[:current_dir] = File.expand_path(dir) end end @args = opts.parse!(ARGV) def optparser_abort(opts,message) $stderr.puts message puts opts exit 1 end optparser_abort opts, "ERROR: --clock=FILE is required." unless @options[:file] optparser_abort opts, "ERROR: clock file #{@options[:file]} does not exist." unless File.exists?(@options[:file]) optparser_abort opts, "ERROR: File extension specified in --clock must be '.rb'" unless File.extname(@options[:file]) == ".rb" @options[:identifier] ||= "#{File.basename(@options[:file],'.*')}" process_name = "#{bin_basename}.#{@options[:identifier]}" @options[:log_dir] ||= @options[:pid_dir] Dir.mkdir(@options[:pid_dir]) unless File.exists?(@options[:pid_dir]) Dir.mkdir(@options[:log_dir]) unless File.exists?(@options[:log_dir]) puts "#{process_name}: pid file: #{File.expand_path(File.join(@options[:pid_dir],process_name + '.pid'))}" if @options[:log_output] puts "#{process_name}: output log file: #{File.expand_path(File.join(@options[:log_dir],process_name + '.output'))}" else puts "#{process_name}: No output will be printed out (run with --log if needed)" end Daemons.run_proc(process_name, :dir => @options[:pid_dir], :dir_mode => :normal, :monitor => @options[:monitor], :log_dir => @options[:log_dir], :log_output => @options[:log_output], :ARGV => @args) do |*args| # daemons changes the current working directory to '/' when a new process is # forked. We change it back to the project root directory here. Dir.chdir(@options[:current_dir]) if @options[:current_dir] require @options[:file] Clockwork::run end