When /^I search for the audio element by "([^\"]*)"$/ do |how| @element = @page.send "audio_#{how}_element" end When /^I search for the audio element by "([^"]*)" and "([^"]*)"$/ do |param1, param2| @element = @page.send "audio_#{param1}_#{param2}_element" end Then /^I should know the audio is not autoplay$/ do @element.should_not be_autoplay end Then /^I should know that the controls are displayed$/ do @element.should have_controls end Then /^I should know that the audio is paused$/ do @element.should be_paused end Then /^I should know that the duration is greater than (\d+) seconds$/ do |duration| @element.duration.should > duration.to_f end Then /^I should know that its volume is (\d+)$/ do |volume| @element.volume.should == volume.to_i end