source('./rotational-cipher.R') library(testthat) test_that("rotate a by 1", { text <- "a" key <- 1 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "b") }) test_that("rotate a by 26, same output as input", { text <- "a" key <- 26 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "a") }) test_that("rotate a by 0, same output as input", { text <- "a" key <- 0 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "a") }) test_that("rotate m by 13", { text <- "m" key <- 13 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "z") }) test_that("rotate n by 13 with wrap around alphabet", { text <- "n" key <- 13 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "a") }) test_that("rotate capital letters", { text <- "OMG" key <- 5 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "TRL") }) test_that("rotate spaces", { text <- "O M G" key <- 5 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "T R L") }) test_that("rotate numbers", { text <- "Testing 1 2 3 testing" key <- 4 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "Xiwxmrk 1 2 3 xiwxmrk") }) test_that("rotate punctuation", { text <- "Let's eat, Grandma!" key <- 21 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "Gzo'n zvo, Bmviyhv!") }) test_that("rotate all letters", { text <- "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog." key <- 13 expect_equal(rotate(text, key), "Gur dhvpx oebja sbk whzcf bire gur ynml qbt.") }) print("All tests passed!")