#!/usr/bin/env jruby #--jdb -J-sourcepath -J/Users/jan/projects/jotify/src $LOAD_PATH.unshift(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib')) require 'rubygems' require 'jotify' require 'jotify/api' DEFAULT_PORT = port = 3000 def usage STDERR.puts "#{File.basename($0)} [-p ] [--account :]" exit(1) end while arg = ARGV.shift do case arg when '-p', '--port': port = ARGV.shift when '--account': login, password = ARGV.shift.to_s.split(':') raise ArgumentError, "you need to specify both login and password!" unless login and password Jotify.credentials = { :username=>login, :password=>password } when '-h', '--help': usage end end # Taken mostly from # http://groups.google.com/group/sinatrarb/t/a5cfc2b77a013a86 class Sinatra::Reloader < Rack::Reloader def safe_load(file, mtime, stderr = $stderr) # ::Sinatra::Application.reset! # stderr.puts "#{self.class}: reseting routes" super end end #Sinatra::Application.set :environment, :production Sinatra::Application.configure(:development) do |app| #app.use Sinatra::Reloader end Sinatra::Application.run! :port=> (port || DEFAULT_PORT).to_i