require "isodoc" require_relative "metadata" require "fileutils" module IsoDoc module NIST module BaseConvert def abstract(isoxml, out) f ="//preface/abstract")) || return #page_break(out) out.div **attr_code(id: f["id"]) do |s| clause_name(nil, @abstract_lbl, s, class: "AbstractTitle") f.elements.each { |e| parse(e, s) unless == "title" } end end def keywords(_docxml, out) kw = @meta.get[:keywords] kw.empty? and return out.div **{ class: "Section3" } do |div| clause_name(nil, "Keywords", div, class: "IntroTitle") div.p kw.sort.join("; ") end end FRONT_CLAUSE = "//*[parent::preface][not(local-name() = 'abstract')]".freeze # All "[preface]" sections should have class "IntroTitle" to prevent # page breaks # But for the Exec Summary def preface(isoxml, out) isoxml.xpath(ns(FRONT_CLAUSE)).each do |c| foreword(isoxml, out) and next if == "foreword" authority_parse(c, out) and next if == "authority" next if skip_render(c, isoxml) title = c&.at(ns("./title")) patent = ["Call for Patent Claims", "Patent Disclosure Notice"].include? title&.text out.div **attr_code(id: c["id"]) do |s| page_break(s) if patent clause_name(get_anchors[c['id']][:label], title&.content, s, class: ( == "executivesummary") ? "NormalTitle" : "IntroTitle") c.elements.reject { |c1| == "title" }.each do |c1| parse(c1, s) end end end end def skip_render(c, isoxml) return false unless == "reviewernote" status = isoxml&.at(ns("//bibdata/status/stage"))&.text return true if status.nil? /^final/.match status end def term_defs_boilerplate(div, source, term, preface) if source.empty? && term.nil? div << @no_terms_boilerplate else div << term_defs_boilerplate_cont(source, term) end end def i18n_init(lang, script) super end def fileloc(loc) File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), loc) end def requirement_cleanup(docxml) docxml.xpath("//div[@class = 'recommend' or @class = 'require' "\ "or @class = 'permission'][title]").each do |d| title ="./title") = "b" n = title.next_element n&.children&.first&.add_previous_sibling(" ") n&.children&.first&.add_previous_sibling(title.remove) end docxml end def figure_parse(node, out) return pseudocode_parse(node, out) if node["type"] == "pseudocode" super end def dl_parse(node, out) return glossary_parse(node, out) if node["type"] == "glossary" super end def glossary_parse(node, out) out.dl **attr_code(id: node["id"], class: "glossary") do |v| { |n| dt_dd? n }.each_slice(2) do |dt, dd| v.dt **attr_code(id: dt["id"]) do |term| dt_parse(dt, term) end v.dd **attr_code(id: dd["id"]) do |listitem| dd.children.each { |n| parse(n, listitem) } end end end node.elements.reject { |n| dt_dd? n }.each { |n| parse(n, out) } end def error_parse(node, out) case when "nistvariable" then nistvariable_parse(node, out) when "recommendation" then recommendation_parse(node, out) when "requirement" then requirement_parse(node, out) when "permission" then permission_parse(node, out) when "errata" then errata_parse(node, out) when "authority" then authority_parse(node, out) when "authority1" then authority1_parse(node, out, "authority1") when "authority2" then authority1_parse(node, out, "authority2") when "authority3" then authority1_parse(node, out, "authority3") when "authority4" then authority1_parse(node, out, "authority4") when "authority5" then authority1_parse(node, out, "authority5") else super end end def authority_parse(node, out) out.div **{class: "authority"} do |s| node.children.each do |n| if == "title" s.h1 do |h| n.children.each { |nn| parse(nn, h) } end else parse(n, s) end end end end def authority1_parse(node, out, classname) out.div **{class: classname} do |s| node.children.each do |n| if == "title" s.h2 do |h| n.children.each { |nn| parse(nn, h) } end else parse(n, s) end end end end def nistvariable_parse(node, out) out.span **{class: "nistvariable"} do |s| node.children.each { |n| parse(n, s) } end end def recommendation_parse(node, out) name = node["type"] out.div **{ class: "recommend" } do |t| t.title { |b| b << "Recommendation #{get_anchors[node['id']][:label]}:" } node.children.each do |n| parse(n, t) end end end def requirement_parse(node, out) name = node["type"] out.div **{ class: "require" } do |t| t.title { |b| b << "Requirement #{get_anchors[node['id']][:label]}:" } node.children.each do |n| parse(n, t) end end end def permission_parse(node, out) name = node["type"] out.div **{ class: "permission" } do |t| t.title { |b| b << "Permission #{get_anchors[node['id']][:label]}:" } node.children.each do |n| parse(n, t) end end end def errata_parse(node, out) out.a **{ name: "errata_XYZZY" } out.table **make_table_attr(node) do |t| t.thead do |h| do |tr| %w(Date Type Change Pages).each do |hdr| hdr end end end t.tbody do |b| node.xpath(ns("./row")).each do |row| do |tr| do |td| row&.at(ns("./date"))&.children.each do |n| parse(n, td) end end do |td| row&.at(ns("./type"))&.children.each do |n| parse(n, td) end end do |td| row&.at(ns("./change"))&.children.each do |n| parse(n, td) end end do |td| row&.at(ns("./pages"))&.children.each do |n| parse(n, td) end end end end end end end MIDDLE_CLAUSE = "//clause[parent::sections] | "\ "//terms[parent::sections]".freeze def middle(isoxml, out) # NIST documents don't repeat the title #middle_title(out) clause isoxml, out bibliography isoxml, out annex isoxml, out end def info(isoxml, out) @meta.keywords isoxml, out @meta.series isoxml, out @meta.commentperiod isoxml, out @meta.note isoxml, out super end SECTIONS_XPATH = "//foreword | //introduction | //reviewnote | //executivesummary | //annex | "\ "//sections/clause | //bibliography/references | "\ "//bibliography/clause".freeze def initial_anchor_names(d) d.xpath("//xmlns:preface/child::*").each do |c| preface_names(c) end sequential_asset_names(d.xpath("//xmlns:preface/child::*")) clause_names(d, 0) middle_section_asset_names(d) termnote_anchor_names(d) termexample_anchor_names(d) end def back_anchor_names(docxml) docxml.xpath(ns("//annex")).each_with_index do |c, i| annex_names(c, (65 + i).chr.to_s) end docxml.xpath(ns("//bibliography/clause | "\ "//bibliography/references")).each do |b| preface_names(b) end docxml.xpath(ns("//bibitem[not(ancestor::bibitem)]")).each do |ref| reference_names(ref) end end def middle_section_asset_names(d) middle_sections = "//xmlns:preface/child::* | //xmlns:sections/child::*" sequential_asset_names(d.xpath(middle_sections)) end def sequential_asset_names(clause) super sequential_permission_names(clause) sequential_requirement_names(clause) sequential_recommendation_names(clause) end def sequential_permission_names(clause) clause.xpath(ns(".//permission")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(i + 1, t, "Permission", "permission") end end def sequential_requirement_names(clause) clause.xpath(ns(".//requirement")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(i + 1, t, "Requirement", "requirement") end end def sequential_recommendation_names(clause) clause.xpath(ns(".//recommendation")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct(i + 1, t, "Recommendation", "recommendation") end end def hierarchical_asset_names(clause, num) super hierarchical_permission_names(clause, num) hierarchical_requirement_names(clause, num) hierarchical_recommendation_names(clause, num) end def hierarchical_permission_names(clause, num) clause.xpath(ns(".//permission")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct("#{num}.#{i + 1}", t, "Permission", "permission") end end def hierarchical_requirement_names(clause, num) clause.xpath(ns(".//requirement")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct("#{num}.#{i + 1}", t, "Requirement", "requirement") end end def hierarchical_recommendation_names(clause, num) clause.xpath(ns(".//recommendation")).each_with_index do |t, i| next if t["id"].nil? || t["id"].empty? @anchors[t["id"]] = anchor_struct("#{num}.#{i + 1}", t, "Recommendation", "recommendation") end end def clause_names(docxml, sect_num) q = "//xmlns:sections/child::*" docxml.xpath(q).each_with_index do |c, i| section_names(c, (i + sect_num), 1) end end def get_linkend(node) link = anchor_linkend(node, docid_l10n(node["target"] || "[#{node['citeas']}]")) link += eref_localities(node.xpath(ns("./locality")), link) contents = { |c| != "locality" } return link if contents.nil? || contents.empty?, contents).to_xml # so not # 3.1 end def load_yaml(lang, script) y = if @i18nyaml then YAML.load_file(@i18nyaml) elsif lang == "en" YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "i18n-en.yaml")) else YAML.load_file(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "i18n-en.yaml")) end super.merge(y) end def annex_name_lbl(clause, num) l10n("#{@annex_lbl} #{num}") end def annex_name(annex, name, div) div.h1 **{ class: "Annex" } do |t| t << "#{get_anchors[annex['id']][:label]} — " t.b do |b| if @bibliographycount == 1 &&"./references")) b << "References" else name&.children&.each { |c2| parse(c2, b) } end end end end def hiersep "-" end def annex_names(clause, num) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: annex_name_lbl(clause, num), type: "clause", xref: "#{@annex_lbl} #{num}", level: 1 } clause.xpath(ns("./clause | ./terms | ./term | ./references")).each_with_index do |c, i| annex_names1(c, "#{num}.#{i + 1}", 2) end hierarchical_asset_names(clause, num) end def annex_names1(clause, num, level) @anchors[clause["id"]] = { label: num, xref: "#{@annex_lbl} #{num}", level: level, type: "clause" } clause.xpath(ns("./clause | ./terms | ./term | ./references")).each_with_index do |c, i| annex_names1(c, "#{num}.#{i + 1}", level + 1) end end def terms_parse(node, out) out.div **attr_code(id: node["id"]) do |div|"./title")) and clause_parse_title(node, div,"./title")), out) term_defs_boilerplate(div, node.xpath(ns(".//termdocsource")),".//term")),"./p"))) node.elements.each do |e| parse(e, div) unless %w{title source}.include? end end end def bibliography_parse(node, out) title = node&.at(ns("./title"))&.text || "" out.div do |div| == "annex" or div.h2 title, **{ class: "Section3" } node.elements.reject do |e| ["reference", "title", "bibitem"].include? end.each { |e| parse(e, div) } biblio_list(node, div, true) end end end end end