require "spec_helper" describe HydraPbcore::Datastream::DigitalDocument do before(:each) do @object_ds =, nil) end describe ".update_indexed_attributes" do it "should update all of the fields in #xml_template and fields not requiring additional inserted nodes" do [ [:pbc_id], [:main_title], [:alternative_title], [:chapter], [:episode], [:label], [:segment], [:subtitle], [:track], [:translation], [:summary], [:parts_list], [:lc_subject], [:lc_name], [:rh_subject], [:getty_genre], [:lc_genre], [:lc_subject_genre], [:event_series], [:event_place], [:event_date], [:contributor_name], [:contributor_role], [:publisher_name], [:publisher_role], [:note], [:archival_collection], [:archival_series], [:collection_number], [:accession_number], [:usage], ].each do |pointer| test_val = "#{pointer.last.to_s} value" @object_ds.update_values( {pointer=>{"0"=>test_val}} ) @object_ds.get_values(pointer).first.should == test_val @object_ds.get_values(pointer).length.should == 1 end end it "should work for fields that require added xml nodes" do @object_ds.insert_node("publisher") @object_ds.insert_node("contributor") [ [:publisher_name], [:publisher_role], [:contributor_name], [:contributor_role] ].each do |pointer| test_val = "#{pointer.last.to_s} value" @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes( {pointer=>{"0"=>test_val}} ) @object_ds.get_values(pointer).first.should == test_val @object_ds.get_values(pointer).length.should == 1 end end it "should differentiate between multiple added nodes" do @object_ds.insert_node(:contributor) @object_ds.insert_node(:contributor) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes( {[:contributor_name] => { 0 => "first contributor" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes( {[:contributor_name] => { 1 => "second contributor" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes( {[:contributor_role] => { 0 => "first contributor role" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes( {[:contributor_role] => { 1 => "second contributor role" }} ) @object_ds.get_values(:contributor).length.should == 2 @object_ds.get_values(:contributor_name)[0].should == "first contributor" @object_ds.get_values(:contributor_name)[1].should == "second contributor" @object_ds.get_values(:contributor_role)[0].should == "first contributor role" @object_ds.get_values(:contributor_role)[1].should == "second contributor role" end end describe "#xml_template" do it "should return an empty xml document matching a valid exmplar" do # insert additional nodes @object_ds.insert_node("publisher") @object_ds.insert_node("contributor") @object_ds.insert_node("publisher") @object_ds.insert_node("contributor") # update additional nodes that OM will insert automatically @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:alternative_title] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:chapter] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:episode] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:label] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:segment] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:subtitle] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:track] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:translation] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:lc_subject] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:lc_name] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:rh_subject] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:getty_genre] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:lc_genre] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:lc_subject_genre] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:subject] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) @object_ds.update_indexed_attributes({ [:genre] => { 0 => "inserted" }} ) # Load example fixture f = fixture "pbcore_digital_document_template.xml" ref_node = Nokogiri::XML(f) f.close # Nokogiri-fy our sample document and reorder nodes sample_node = Nokogiri::XML(@object_ds.to_xml) reordered = HydraPbcore::Behaviors.reorder_document(sample_node) # Save this for later... out ="tmp/pbcore_digital_document_sample.xml", "w") out.write(reordered.to_s) out.close EquivalentXml.equivalent?(ref_node, reordered, opts = { :element_order => false, :normalize_whitespace => true }).should be_true HydraPbcore::Behaviors.validate(reordered).should be_empty end end describe ".insert_node" do it "should return a node and index for a given template type" do ["publisher", "contributor"].each do |type| node, index = @object_ds.insert_node(type.to_s) index.should == 0 @object_ds.dirty?.should be_true node, index = @object_ds.insert_node(type.to_s) index.should == 1 end end it "should raise an exception for non-exisitent templates" do lambda { @object_ds.insert_node("blarg") }.should raise_error end end describe ".remove_node" do it "should remove a node a given type and index" do ["publisher", "contributor"].each do |type| @object_ds.insert_node(type.to_sym) @object_ds.insert_node(type.to_sym) @object_ds.find_by_terms(type.to_sym).count.should == 2 @object_ds.remove_node(type.to_sym, "1") @object_ds.find_by_terms(type.to_sym).count.should == 1 @object_ds.remove_node(type.to_sym, "0") @object_ds.find_by_terms(type.to_sym).count.should == 0 end end end describe "default fields" do it "such as media type should be 'Moving image'" do pending "No default fields defined yet" @object_ds.get_values([:media_type]).first.should == "Moving image" end end end