= Statsample * http://rubyforge.org/projects/ruby-statsample/ * http://code.google.com/p/ruby-statsample/ == DESCRIPTION: This package allows to process files and databases for statistical purposes, with focus on validation, recodification and estimation of parameters for several types of samples (simple random, stratified and multistage sampling). == FEATURES: * Multiple Regression. Listwise analysis optimized with use of Alglib library. Pairwise analysis is executed on pure ruby and reports same values as SPSS * Dominance Analysis. Based on Bodescu and Azen papers, DominanceAnalysis class can report dominance analysis for a sample and DominanceAnalysisBootstrap can execute bootstrap analysis to determine dominance stability, as recomended by Azen & Bodescu (2003). * Classes for Vector, Datasets (set of Vectors) and Multisets (multiple datasets with same fields and type of vectors), and multiple methods to manipulate them * Module Codification, to help to codify open questions * Converters to and from database and csv files, and to output Mx and GGobi files * Module Correlation provides covariance and pearson, spearman, point biserial, tau a, tau b and gamma correlations. Include methods to create correlation and covariance matrices * Module Crosstab provides function to create crosstab for categorical data * Module HtmlReport provides methods to create a report for scale analysis and matrix correlation * Regression module provides linear regression methods * Reliability analysis provides functions to analyze scales. Class ItemAnalysis provides statistics like mean, standard deviation for a scale, alpha and standarized alpha, and for each item: mean, correlation with total scale, mean if deleted, alpha is deleted. With HtmlReport, graph the histogram of the scale and the Item Characteristic Curve for each item * Module SRS (Simple Random Sampling) provides a lot of functions to estimate standard error for several type of samples * Interfaces to gdchart, gnuplot and SVG::Graph == Example of use: # Read a CSV file, using '' and 'error' as missing values and ommiting 1 lines ds=Statsample::CSV.read('resultados_c1.csv',['','error'],1) # Create a new vector (column), calculating the mean of 13 vectors. Accept 1 missing values on one of the vectors indice_constructivismo_becker=ds.vector_mean(%w{fd_2_1 fd_2_2 fd_3_1 fd_3_2 fd_3_3},1) # Add the vector to the dataset ds.add_vector("ind_cons_becker",indice_constructivismo_becker) # Verify data. Vecto 'de_3_sex' must have values 'a' or 'b'. Dataset#verify returns and array with all errors t_sex=create_test("Sex must be a o b",'de_3_sex') {|v| v['de_3_sex']=="a" or v['de_3_sex']=="b")} p ds.verify(t_sexo) # Creates a new dataset, based on the names of vectors ds_software=ds.dup(%w{pe1n1 pe1n2 pe1n3 pe1n4 pe1n5 }) # Creates an html report, add a correlation matrix with all the scale vectors and save the report into a file hr=Statsample::HtmlReport.new(ds_software,"correlations") hr.add_correlation_matrix() hr.save("correlation_matrix.html") # Saves the new dataset Statsample::CSV.write(ds_software,"ds_software.csv",true) == REQUIREMENTS: Optional: * Plotting: gnuplot and rbgnuplot, SVG::Graph * Advanced Statistical: gsl and rb-gsl (http://rb-gsl.rubyforge.org/) == INSTALL: sudo gem install ruby-statsample For optimization on *nix env sudo gem install ruby-statsample-optimization Available setup.rb file sudo gem ruby setup.rb == LICENSE: GPL-2 (See LICENSE.txt)