module VER # This is used to represent events. # It also represents the minimum required properties for events. # # The reason we don't use the default Tk::Event::Data is to compensate for # differences of platforms and to have correct values for the event even if # we generate them in specs. class Event <, :keysym, :unicode) PATTERN = {} UNICODE ={|h,k| h[k] = } KEYSYM ={|h,k| h[k] = } def self.each(&block) PATTERN.values.each(&block) end def self.pattern(pattern, keysym, unicode) event = new(pattern, keysym, unicode) PATTERN[event.pattern] = event UNICODE[event.unicode] << event KEYSYM[event.keysym] << event event end def self.fake(alias_pattern, keysym, unicode = '') event = pattern("<#{alias_pattern}>", keysym, unicode) MODIFIERS.each{|mod| pattern("<#{mod}-#{alias_pattern}>", keysym, unicode) } event end # given a , this returns the event for this pattern. # given a unicode char, returns the event with shortest pattern. def self.[](string) pattern = nil case string when /^<(.*)>$/ # an actual or virtual pattern pattern = expand_pattern(string) PATTERN.fetch(pattern) when /^[^-]{2,}$/ # keysym pattern = "<#{string}>" KEYSYM.fetch(string) when /^.$/ # single unicode char pattern = "<#{string}>" UNICODE.fetch(string).min_by{|event| event.pattern.size } end rescue KeyError => ex capture(pattern || string) end def self.key?(string) if string =~ /^<(.*)>$/ PATTERN.fetch(string) elsif string.size == 1 UNICODE.fetch(string).min_by{|event| event.pattern.size } else # it may be keysym, but let's try to make it pattern instead PATTERN.fetch("<#{string}>") end true rescue KeyError false end MODIFIERS = %w[ Control Mod1 M1 Command Alt Mod2 M2 Option Shift Mod3 M3 Lock Mod4 M4 Extended Mod5 M5 Button1 B1 Meta M Button2 B2 Double Button3 B3 Triple Button4 B4 Quadruple Button5 B5 ] DETAILS = %w[ Activate Destroy Map ButtonPress Button Enter MapRequest ButtonRelease Expose Motion Circulate FocusIn MouseWheel CirculateRequest FocusOut Property Colormap Gravity Reparent Configure KeyPress Key ResizeRequest ConfigureRequest KeyRelease Unmap Create Leave Visibility Deactivate ] require 'abbrev' MODIFIERS_ABBREV = MODIFIERS.abbrev DETAILS_ABBREV = DETAILS.abbrev # because Control is used a lot more than Command. MODIFIERS_ABBREV['C'] = 'Control' PATTERN_ALIAS = {} # pattern has the form of # This may be shortened down to . # Here we expand short forms of modifier and type. # Short modifiers take precedence over short types, as they are way more # used. def self.expand_pattern(given_pattern) *parts, detail = given_pattern[1..-2].split('-') if parts.empty? PATTERN_ALIAS.fetch(given_pattern, given_pattern) else! do |part| MODIFIERS_ABBREV[part] || DETAILS_ABBREV[part] || part end aliased_detail = PATTERN_ALIAS.fetch(detail, detail) inner = (parts << aliased_detail).join('-') pattern = "<#{inner}>" PATTERN_ALIAS.fetch(pattern, pattern) end end def self.capture(pattern) l "capturing %p" % [pattern] @entry ||= setup_capture @pending += 1 @entry.bind(pattern){|event| keysym, unicode = event.keysym, event.unicode l "Received: %p" % [[pattern, keysym, unicode]] if pattern =~ /^<(.*)>$/ pattern(pattern, keysym, unicode) elsif pattern.size == 1 pattern("<#{keysym}>", keysym, unicode) else raise "Don't know how to handle: %p" % [event] end Tk.callback_break } @entry.value = "" send_pattern = if Platform.mac? pattern else pattern.gsub(/\bAlt\b/, 'M1') end counter = 0 until self.key?(pattern) Tk::Event.generate(@entry, send_pattern, when: :now) Tk.update counter += 1 # just try a couple of times before annoying the user. if counter == 10 @entry.value = "Please press %p" % [pattern] @entry.focus end end @progress.step @pending -= 1 self[pattern] end def self.setup_capture @toplevel = @label = @toplevel, text: "Detected updates to keymap, this may take a few seconds..." ) @entry = @progress = @toplevel, orient: :horizontal, mode: :indeterminate ) @pending = 0 @label.pack fill: :x @progress.pack fill: :x @entry.pack fill: :x @entry.bind(''){ @entry.focus } @entry end def self.done_yet? return if !@toplevel || @pending > 0 persist! @toplevel.destroy @toplevel = @entry = @label = @progress = nil end def self.persist_location VER.options.home_conf_dir/'.events' end def self.persist! path = persist_location l "Persisting event patterns to #{path}" 'wb+' do |io| io.write(Marshal.dump(PATTERN)) end end def self.load! path = persist_location l "Attempt to load event patterns from #{path}" 'rb' do |io| pattern = Marshal.load( pattern.each do |sym, event| PATTERN[event.pattern] = event UNICODE[event.unicode] << event KEYSYM[event.keysym] << event end end load_aliases l "Event patterns loaded" rescue Errno::ENOENT # Mostly harmless, the .events file isn't created yet. l "Attempt to load event patterns failed" load_default load_aliases end def self.load_default # To make creation easier, we define well-known patterns for ASCII here. # The rest is still to be defined by actual events. ('0'..'9').each{|chr| pattern("", chr, chr) } ('A'..'Z').each{|chr| pattern(chr, chr, chr) } ('a'..'z').each{|chr| pattern(chr, chr, chr) } keysyms = { 'space' => ' ', 'exclam' => '!', 'quotedbl' => '"', 'numbersign' => '#', 'dollar' => '$', 'percent' => '%', 'ampersand' => '&', 'parenleft' => '(', 'parenright' => ')', 'asterisk' => '*', 'plus' => '+', 'comma' => ',', 'minus' => '-', 'period' => '.', 'slash' => '/', 'colon' => ':', 'semicolon' => ';', 'less' => '<', 'equal' => '=', 'greater' => '>', 'question' => '?', 'at' => '@', 'bracketleft' => '[', 'backslash' => '\\', 'bracketright' => ']', 'asciicircum' => '^', 'underscore' => '_', 'quoteright' => '`', 'braceleft' => '{', 'bar' => '|', 'braceright' => '}', 'asciitilde' => '~', # Now a couple of basic keys that don't change across platforms 'BackSpace' => "\b", 'Delete' => "\x7F", 'Down' => '', 'End' => '', 'Escape' => "\e", 'Home' => '', 'Insert' => '', 'Left' => '', 'Next' => '', 'Prior' => '', 'Return' => "\n", 'Right' => '', 'Tab' => "\t", 'Up' => '', } if Platform.x11? keysyms.merge!({ 'apostrophe' => "'", 'grave' => '`', }) end keysyms.each do |keysym, unicode| pattern("<#{keysym}>", keysym, unicode) end # F1-F12 1.upto(12){|n| pattern("", "F#{n}", '') } # Something for german keyboards pattern('', 'bracketleft', '[') pattern('', 'bracketright', ']') end # Compatibility between windowingsystems def self.load_aliases if Platform.unix? && Platform.x11? # Shift-Fn is handled differently, we alias them to F12+n # So if you map , it works, do not use or # in the keymap itself. 1.upto 12 do |n| add_alias(fsym: "F#{12 + n}", tsym: "XF86_Switch_VT_#{n}") end else # Here we map all Shift-Fn keys to a F12+n pattern. 1.upto 12 do |n| add_alias(fsym: "F#{12 + n}", tsym: "F#{n}", tpat: "") end end if Platform.mac? pattern '', 'Shift-Insert', '' if Platform.x11? pattern '', 'Left', '' pattern '', 'Right', '' pattern '', 'Shift-Control-Left', "\uffe1" pattern '', 'Shift-Control-Right', "\uffe2" pattern '', 'Down', "\uff54" pattern '', 'Up', "\uff52" pattern '', 'Tab', "\t" end end end def self.add_alias(from, to = {}) fsym = from[:keysym] || from[:fsym] || raise(ArgumentError, "Need keysym") tsym = to[ :keysym] || from[:tsym] || raise(ArgumentError, "Need keysym") fpat = from[:pattern] || from[:fpat] || "<#{fsym}>" tpat = to[ :pattern] || from[:tpat] || "<#{tsym}>" unicode = from[:unicode] || to[:unicode] || '' event = pattern(tpat, tsym, unicode) PATTERN[fpat] = event KEYSYM[fsym] << event PATTERN_ALIAS[fpat] = tpat end end end