require 'rails/generators/app_base' class WagnGenerator < Rails::Generators::AppBase #class WagnGenerator < Rails::Generators::AppGenerator source_root File.expand_path('../templates', __FILE__) class_option :database, :type => :string, :aliases => "-d", :default => "mysql", :desc => "Preconfigure for selected database (options: #{DATABASES.join('/')})" class_option 'core-dev', :type => :boolean, aliases: '-c', :default => false, :group => :runtime, desc: "Prepare deck for wagn core testing" class_option 'mod-dev', :type => :boolean, aliases: '-m', :default => false, :group => :runtime, desc: "Prepare deck for mod testing" class_option 'interactive', :type => :boolean, aliases: '-i', :default => false, :group => :runtime, desc: "Prompt with dynamic installation options" public_task :create_root ## should probably eventually use rails-like AppBuilder approach, but this is a first step. def core_dev_setup if options['core-dev'] @wagn_path = ask "Enter the path to your local wagn installation: " #@wagndev_path = ask "Please enter the path to your local wagn-dev installation (leave empty to use the wagn-dev gem): " @spec_path = File.join @wagn_path, 'spec' @spec_helper_path = File.join @spec_path, 'spec_helper' @features_path = File.join @wagn_path, 'features/' # ending slash is important in order to load support and step folders template "rspec", ".rspec" elsif options['mod-dev'] @spec_path = 'mods/' @spec_helper_path = 'wagn/mods_spec_helper' template "rspec", ".rspec" end end def rakefile template "Rakefile" end # def readme # copy_file "README", "README.rdoc" # end def mods empty_directory_with_gitkeep 'mods' end def log empty_directory_with_gitkeep 'log' end def files empty_directory_with_gitkeep 'files' end def tmp empty_directory 'tmp' end def gemfile template "Gemfile" end def configru template "" end def gitignore copy_file "gitignore", ".gitignore" end def config empty_directory "config" inside "config" do template "application.rb" template "environment.rb" template "boot.rb" template "databases/#{options[:database]}.yml", "database.yml" if options['core-dev'] template "cucumber.yml" end end end def public empty_directory "public" inside "public" do template "robots.txt" empty_directory "files" inside "files" do template "htaccess", ".htaccess" end end end def script directory "script" do |content| "#{shebang}\n" + content end chmod "script", 0755 & ~File.umask, :verbose => false end public_task :run_bundle def seed_data if options['interactive'] seeded = false require File.join destination_root, 'config', 'application' # need this for Rails.env while (answer = ask( <<-TEXT What would you like to do next? e - edit database configuration file (config/database.yml) s - seed #{Rails.env}#{ " and test" if options['core-dev'] or options['mod-dev']} database a - seed all databases (production, development, and test) x - exit #{ seeded ? "\n r - run wagn server" : "(run 'wagn seed' to complete the installation later)"} [esax#{'r' if seeded}] TEXT )) != 'x' case answer when 'e' system "nano #{File.join destination_root, 'config', 'database.yml'}" when 's' require 'wagn/migration_helper' require 'rake' Wagn::Application.load_tasks Rake::Task['wagn:create'].invoke if options['core-dev'] or options['mod-dev'] ENV['RELOAD_TEST_DATA'] = 'true' Rake::Task['db:test:prepare'].invoke end seeded = true when 'a' %w( production development test ).each do |env| system("cd #{destination_root} && RAILS_ENV=#{env} rake wagn:create") # tried to set rails environment and invoke the task three times but it was only execute once, so I'm using 'system' end seeded = true when 'r' if seeded system "cd #{destination_root} && wagn server" else puts "You have to seed the database first before you can start the server." end end end else puts "Review the database configuration in config/database.yml and run 'wagn seed' to complete the installation.\nStart the server with 'wagn s'." end end protected def self.banner "wagn new #{' ')} [options]" end def mysql_socket @mysql_socket ||= [ "/tmp/mysql.sock", # default "/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", # debian/gentoo "/var/tmp/mysql.sock", # freebsd "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", # fedora "/opt/local/lib/mysql/mysql.sock", # fedora "/opt/local/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql "/opt/local/var/run/mysql4/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql4 "/opt/local/var/run/mysql5/mysqld.sock", # mac + darwinports + mysql5 "/opt/lampp/var/mysql/mysql.sock" # xampp for linux ].find { |f| File.exist?(f) } unless RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ end ### the following is straight from rails and is focused on checking the validity of the app name. ### needs wagn-specific tuning def app_name @app_name ||= defined_app_const_base? ? defined_app_name : File.basename(destination_root) end def defined_app_name defined_app_const_base.underscore end def defined_app_const_base Rails.respond_to?(:application) && defined?(Rails::Application) && Wagn.application.is_a?(Rails::Application) &&$/, "") end alias :defined_app_const_base? :defined_app_const_base def app_const_base @app_const_base ||= defined_app_const_base || app_name.gsub(/\W/, '_').squeeze('_').camelize end alias :camelized :app_const_base def app_const @app_const ||= "#{app_const_base}::Application" end def valid_const? if app_const =~ /^\d/ raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}. Please give a name which does not start with numbers." # elsif RESERVED_NAMES.include?(app_name) # raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}. Please give a name which does not match one of the reserved rails words." elsif Object.const_defined?(app_const_base) raise Error, "Invalid application name #{app_name}, constant #{app_const_base} is already in use. Please choose another application name." end end end