include FileUtils Given /^I am in a directory named "(.*?)"$/ do |dir_name| steps %Q{ Given a directory named "#{dir_name}" And I cd to "#{dir_name}" } end Given /^a git repository named "(.*?)"$/ do |repo_name| repo_dir = File.join current_dir, repo_name mkdir_p repo_dir Dir.chdir repo_dir do sh "git init --quiet ." sh "git config 'Testy McTesterson'" sh "git config ''" end end Given /^the git repository named "(.*?)" has no "(.*?)" hook$/ do |repo_name, hook_name| hook_file = File.join current_dir, repo_name, ".git", "hooks", hook_name delete(hook_file) if File.exists? hook_file end Given /^the git repository named "(.*?)" has a "(.*?)" hook$/ do |repo_name, hook_name| hook_file = File.join current_dir, repo_name, ".git", "hooks", hook_name touch(hook_file) if not File.exists? hook_file end Given /^a git repository named "(.*?)" with (a|no) "(.*?)" hook$/ do |repo_name, yesno_modifier, hook_name| step %{a git repository named "#{repo_name}"} step %{the git repository named "#{repo_name}" has #{yesno_modifier} "#{hook_name}" hook} end Given /^I am in a git repository named "(.*?)" with lolcommits enabled$/ do |repo_name| steps %Q{ Given a git repository named "#{repo_name}" And I cd to "#{repo_name}" And I successfully run `lolcommits --enable` } end When /^I run `(.*?)` and wait for output$/ do |command| command = "cd #{current_dir} && #{command}" @stdin, @stdout, @stderr = Open3.popen3(command) @fields = end Given /^a loldir named "(.*?)" with (\d+) lolimages$/ do |repo_name, num_images| loldir = "tmp/aruba/.lolcommits/#{repo_name}" mkdir_p loldir num_images.to_i.times do random_hex = "%011x" % (rand * 0xfffffffffff) cp "test/images/test_image.jpg", File.join( loldir, "#{random_hex}.jpg") end end Then /^I should be (prompted for|presented) "(.*?)"$/ do |_, prompt| assert end When /^I enter "(.*?)" for "(.*?)"$/ do |input, field| @fields[field] = input @stdin.puts input end Then /^there should be (?:exactly|only) (.*?) jpg(?:s?) in "(.*?)"$/ do |n, folder| assert_equal n.to_i, Dir["#{current_dir}/#{folder}/*.jpg"].count end Then /^the output should contain a list of plugins$/ do step %{the output should contain "Available plugins: "} end When /^I do a git commit with commit message "(.*?)"$/ do |commit_msg| filename = Faker::Lorem.words(1).first step %{a 98 byte file named "#{filename}"} step %{I successfully run `git add #{filename}`} step %{I successfully run `git commit -m "#{commit_msg}"`} end When /^I do a git commit$/ do commit_msg = Faker::Lorem.sentence step %{I do a git commit with commit message "#{commit_msg}"} end When /^I do (\d+) git commits$/ do |n| n.to_i.times do step %{I do a git commit} sleep 0.1 end end Then /^there should be (\d+) commit entries in the git log$/ do |n| sleep 1 #let the file writing catch up assert_equal n.to_i, `git shortlog | grep -E '^[ ]+\w+' | wc -l`.chomp.to_i end