at the awards ceremony,congrats to roxanna latifi az/b for order of omega <-chiiiii-hoooot! sp '04 :)
ohhh : ) thanks i am soo happy : )
done with it? awesome. some work required focus, so stayed off twitter :)
oh thats cool :) i'm from england x]
#jonasbrothers are handsome. :)
am your bieber call me when you need me i be there right away dont worry i fly over if its far away :d biebers <3 x
woke up to black people screaming & shit. i shouldve closed my damn window. hope they enjoy my super loud music :) its being blared all day
hope you can take part in the birmingham walk tomorrow! :)
that's a beautiful cushion :)
#jedwardeaster please please please tweet me! me and my friend claire love you guys! :d a tweet from u is better than an egg!
whats the point in being "royal" if you are not a "king" ? #ipl #csk #rr #punch :d :d
it is time for change..! :-)
:) it is
what a successful be day the end we have 20 ppl having dinner together :) love them all.
:-) i'm sure
of course <3 is amazing :)
thaaanks :d
refollow me plz :)
my timid retweet of the day maybe you should change your name to tulsatweet?! :)
so are you smiling today? :-)
lol...i thought something like that happened. happened to me too. thanks though :-)
clash of the titans was goooood. :)
isalang mo naman ang fairground ng simply red! classic!!! :) we should go out soon and just dance to these songs jigs!
: don't mind follow me back ? :d
no, but i wish! i live in italy and my mum's dream is to visit your country and your beaches :d what time is it there?
is the wedding today?!! :)
woo 6,000th tweet :) it wont let me reply to the dm but can have my 6,000th tweet ;d muahahahaahaahaa :)
good morning twitter! #thankgod for the gift of life!!! accomplish something today :-)
if you live in #demilovato's world :)
teehee! i do know, but thank you for thinking of me =) xxx
if you live in #demilovato's world :)
: thank you :)
can u follow me back please? :)
do you like my twibbon :) #maneiac :)
shayne :) lol it's ok :)
happy saturday anyways : )
macbook is defragging and i'm off to the garden center :-)
more pictures flood in i hope! :) #501carrotsformal
if u love justin bieber ! so i can list u =)
us please! :d
thanks kate. my 'to do' reading pile is growing and growing! when i read this, i'll post it to you if you like :)
hello chéri thanks for the sweet dm :) have a lovely visit home <3 (hope your airplane ride was comfy :p hahaha)
the birthday girl :) #happybirthdayjulianne!
hes in year 4, which would be grade 4 :) yours?
yea i follow them :)
/bfe/ wow, you got dumped on twitter. :)
idk :) just be home :) what r u doin?
haha i'm there!! but can you buy the pancakes? i don't think i can handle chef anderson. :-)
i wanna be 16 and live in atlanta and being girlfriend :) that's my dream lol ;) what's yours?
don't be late today please :)
thanks lauren! *lambie hugs* :)
good morningg . :)
watching the manchester/chelsea game, go man united!!! :)
this if you want to be listed ! :d #indonesianeedsdemi
thanks! glad you like it! :d i'm hoping nico sees it but united are playing today so he's more likely to tweet about that x
good morning! :d
virgins had a lot of problems down your way mine ben preatty flakey too most of this week. spose you'll get a new modem :-)
good luck, running machines! :)
that means he thinks u're worth it :)
hello sis! it's ok :) i'm great, thanks for asking! how are you, sis? <3
awe thank u so much!!! i really appriciate it! :-)
no problem. we gotta keep these ladies in check on here or they will go crazy on here. :)
good morning, to you as well :-) have a wonderful day!
if you want a free shoutout tweet me now =)
thanx :)
oh that's super news! what a great weekend :)
if you live in #demilovato's world :)
9 more pleaseee :) follow > now !
cant get la7ma outa my mind :d cooking for today's dinner. ain't easy at all cooking when u r hungry :) happy #easter!
yeah i think he's pretty cool but you're definitely awesomer :)
can i get shoutouts please? im so close to 10,400 :) <3
raaawr .. holy ... :o <3 goosh i cant stop staring at his beautiful butt hahah :d
one more day of work and then i have three days off. but i do miss dr who tonight! that makes me very angry :)
no problem :) thank you <3
heyaaaaa! :) <333
some underage chick with her "sexy" picture. *sigh* i'll let her have her moment tho. :)
if you havnt got bieber in your name and you want following back please ask :) ♥
hugo boss.. my favorite perfume! thanks for buying one again dad.. he always buy me one every year.. :d
thank u!!! follow she's da star singing on da hook!! :)
phew. glad to hear that :-)
playing ball. you gonna buy me something?? =)
his flow is baddd. ..... thanks! u must be talking about me! lol, jus kiddin, enjoy ya weeekend! =)
haha- margaritas last night? i'm such a lightweight these days too. one drink now gets me pretty happy. :)
...cute little girl on radio ad giving driving directions. ...makes me imagine a navigation system w/a kid's voice. that wld be funny. =)
thanks to i learned i shouldnt manually type url's from my phone in the dark while doing a couple other things :) tinurl <> tinyurl
yehh tnx did a good job :) u should check him out!
#ifreakingwant iphone 3g s so bad!! (via :d
haha :) yes i know my justinbabaay <3 work...loong day ahead of me.but nevertheless #goduke :-)
they must be detecting /something/ as they're showing me html 5 video, unlike on the desktop :-)
yes. tweetie takes forever to refresh the pictures when you change. sometimes days. i see the new one btw :)
it was packed! buti we had reservations. sarrrap! :d
followed ya thxrt follow back dong, makasihrt bantu dong 7 followers lagi :) pasti di (cont)
cassies and triple s sharing tts :) fun! #501carrotsformal :)
this wasn't planned well on my side! #thisisit i am showing up to all of alex's appearances from now on! even if it kills me :)
you should do a vlog about it. this would intresting to watch. real talk>that's actually in the works :) stay tuned.
and you do a fine job :) not easy keeping and the rest of the men in line ;)
=> #follow asap!! :)
in boots with and aisling whos stinking the place up :) aha x
i've been doing it slooooooow so people can catch up {hint, hint} :) happy easter!
what do you look like? :-) me too. i am a she. how old are you? i've been waiting for you.
is smoking dumb? #ecademy thanks for the tweet :-)
did you already go to hilton head? if not, when are you going?? :)
thanks partner that would be a great help i'm sure :-) i know is big time busy so i don't expect anything :) cheers m8
welcome :p it's cute that you watch her sleep.. :)
they're brilliant. we should have things like that in the paper. just have to come up with the stories to go with them :)
otaaay :) wait what section are you?!! im 6 :)
haha i knew u would , glad u had fun :)
hello :) i'm great, are u?
oh. for some reason i didn't see the last line of your tweet just then *blush* :)
best tweet of the morning :)
dear mom , please give us rp.80.000.00 each for gathering :d
followed :d follow back?
only one more sleep until its someones birthday!!!!! :)
thanks for the mentions... and yes, pip, it is always good to hear you are not alone in your experiences :)
hahaha, yes, yes, it's working. :d
at least you giggled :) hahaha
follow>>>>>> <<<< go follow now :d
morning. i havent slept yet :)
what do you mean? :)
wow, this lady gaga picture is turning out sweeeeeet. :d
smua mari kita support dbsk supaya ga bubar dngn cara ketik 1 #alwayskeepthefaith disetiap tweet kalian :d
awesome love the #thankfulfor love on thursdays! // why not? a little more meaningful than some other themes. :)
i see you're back, lol :) -tay
anica und du? :)
thank you! so are you! :d
i tried to wave at you yesterday, but our guests got in the way :)
creating a wallpaper twitter :)
done at the gym amazing two hours and i'm really working hard on being able to do chins/dips. one day, in a not too distant future! :)
i did! it's delicious, hope to make more in the future :)
good :) i had to get up at 10am d: not doing much though :') you?
aqua barbie girl is playing out loud in my room! :d gc <-- is that summit to be proud of? lol
+1 please record it as i am never arround to see it live :-) /via
i'm tagging pictures. :)
haha shutt up and go 2 bedd :)
hmmm now you have dm :)
how many eggs you all got? :-) i have two.. one whispa and one caramel chocolate one! :-)
hey jamie how are you can u be my 620th follower please it would make my day :) hope u have a nice day :d x
aww, thanks :d i'm gonna give you a shout out (:
mtv rocks is playing girl rock. i stopped watching figure skating for this. :)
yeah :// i'm flattered but gr you grrr! ayyy caramba :d
memories december 2009/january 2010 angola :) memories
hhaa umm thanks :)
and if you watch 'the westlife show' you'll see that shane2 was originally orange!! :-)
only 3 more :) xxx
did you already go to hilton head? if not, when are you going?? :)
is back home ! :)
off to work for a couple hours, i'll be back this afternoon. hope everyone enjoys their saturday :)
#jedwardeaster please please tweet me! me and my friend claire love you guys! :d a tweet from u is better than an egg
thank you! :)
sorry guys i try to reply all of u but im not superwoman or sth :d :d :d ahaha #mileyforever
#peopleshould tweet #jedwardeaster and follow :d x
already up, out and about. slept great! feeling so refreshed :)
this if u want shoutouts!! :)
hehehe that one did! finally but i saw you'd already posted to i did it and tagged court :d
kapan2 mainan torcs ah :d rt: new ai challenge is all about wanton destruction
well probably not the best ;l he's better then most rappers tho :) x
cool :)) sorry for the late reply too :p had to eat xd thanks for the shoutie :)
cool. thanks :)
selena and demi fans out there! lets trend #comebackdelena! :)
hey :) (@teamcyrus live on
im at the airport listening to jet lag also. :) i'm glad u dig
#jonasbrothers they are the best and we are the best fans :)
just saw an #ipad in person. waiting at the apple store for mine before heading to #bcorlando. :) wrong but so funny :d not the kind of friday morning i was expecting.: wrong but so fu... wrong but so funny :d not the kind of friday morning i was expecting.: wrong but so fu...
thanks girl. i'll try to pace like my friend the pro showed me a in the nyc half :) have fun with the fam. wrong but so funny :d not the kind of friday morning i was expecting.: wrong but so fu...
good boy :)
just finished lunch! it was yummy :)
that's not exactly the cup i was referencing. :)
thanks for the shoutie :d <3
yup!hopefully florida dnt get emotional&start rainin&etc smh..geta head start on da egghunt :)
follow tweeps! --> could you give me a rt? :d need 10 new followers.. promise promise promise to follow back :)
i'm giving a day to get a disney day. :-)
i like to be safe. :)
new music video :) x
yeah he needs a good start and alot of luck! if its anywhere near as unpredictable as the last race then he'll have a chance :)
haha thanks :d i have a fat head.
thats cool tasting notes. that sounds like a brazil to me :)
please this :) vote for which song i should cover! i will count results at the end of today. <3
they run through the same corridor a dozen times. :) #doctorwho #fataldeath
i love liley by that i mean laszlo and miley :)
:) croaking ~ a couple of frogs ~ first few raindrops #haikuchallenge #haiku couple
check out my latest video :) sub or add me? :d
promote satu2?rt :)
:d i think that there are more fans out there. my guess is that they just haven't found us yet x
if u ustream, i'd watch you all day and night every day!!! :)
baked challah & decorated easter eggs last night in another traditional clash of the religions fest at home. happy easter & passover :-)
same here! :) getting ready for the exam by slapping my troubles away. . hit it like this, hit it like this...
thanks my friend i appreciate the and kind comment on the eastern towhee! hope i see more :)
i fucking love that song! should listen to meant to die :)..its so good :)
yes i do have some questions :d are u gonna meet her?
n- lol omg i love being mean to youu ! its so fun : )
hey can you send my birthday wishes and love to paris :-)
yay! glad to hear he's doing better! :) still praying! :)
that should work great friend and good info!// thanks! i'm following now :)
not seen it yet but really want to :) i also think "hold still" is one of the most beautiful songs ive heard in a long time
i know, saw the bbc story yesterday. hummm. eeek. not for me alas. far too bashful. :)