# frozen_string_literal: true require "time" module RelatonBib class << self def dates_hash_to_bib(ret) return unless ret[:dates] ret[:dates] = array(ret[:dates]) ret[:dates].each_with_index do |d, i| # value is synonym of on: it is reserved word in YAML if d[:value] ret[:dates][i][:on] ||= d[:value] ret[:dates][i].delete(:value) end end end end # Bibliographic date. class BibliographicDate TYPES = %w[published accessed created implemented obsoleted confirmed updated issued transmitted copied unchanged circulated ].freeze # @return [String] attr_reader :type # @return [Time] attr_reader :from # @return [Time] attr_reader :to # @return [Time] attr_reader :on # @param type [String] "published", "accessed", "created", "activated" # @param from [String] # @param to [String] def initialize(type:, on: nil, from: nil, to: nil) raise ArgumentError, "expected :on or :from argument" unless on || from TYPES.include?(type) or raise ArgumentError, %{Type "#{type}" is invalid.} unless @type = type @on = parse_date on @from = parse_date from @to = parse_date to end # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize # @param builder [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Builder] def to_xml(builder, **opts) builder.date(type: type) do if on builder.on(opts[:no_year] ? "--" : date_format(on, opts[:date_format])) elsif from builder.from(opts[:no_year] ? "--" : date_format(from, opts[:date_format])) builder.to date_format(to, opts[:date_format]) if to end end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/AbcSize private # Formats date # @param date [Time] # @param format [Symbol, nil] :full (yyyy-mm-dd), :short (yyyy-mm) or nil (yyyy) # @return [String] def date_format(date, format = nil) case format when :short then date.strftime "%Y-%m" when :full then date.strftime "%Y-%m-%d" else date.year end end # @params date [String] 'yyyy', 'yyyy-mm', 'yyyy-mm-dd # @return [Time] def parse_date(date) return unless date if date =~ /^\d{4}$/ Time.strptime date, "%Y" elsif date =~ /^\d{4}-\d{2}$/ Time.strptime date, "%Y-%m" elsif date =~ /\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}$/ Time.strptime date, "%Y-%m-%d" end end end end