require 'facets/core/class/cattr' require 'facets/core/module/on_included' require 'facets/more/inheritor' require 'glue/configuration' module Glue # Implements a meta-language for validating managed # objects. Typically used in Validator objects but can be # included in managed objects too. # # Additional og-related validation macros can be found # in lib/og/validation. # # The following validation macros are available: # # * validate_value # * validate_confirmation # * validate_format # * validate_length # * validate_inclusion # # Og/Database specific validation methods are added in the # file og/validation.rb # # === Example # # class User # attr_accessor :name, String # attr_accessor :level, Fixnum # # validate_length :name, :range => 2..6 # validate_unique :name, :msg => :name_allready_exists # validate_format :name, :format => /[a-z]*/, :msg => 'invalid format', :on => :create # end # # class CustomUserValidator # include Validation # validate_length :name, :range => 2..6, :msg_short => :name_too_short, :msg_long => :name_too_long # end # # user = @request.fill( # user.level = 15 # # unless user.valid? # # else # p user.errors[:name] # end # # unless # p user.errors.on(:name) # end # # unless errors = CustomUserValidator.errors(user) # # else # p errors[:name] # end #-- # TODO: all validation methods should imply validate_value. #++ module Validation # The postfix attached to confirmation attributes. setting :confirmation_postfix, :default => '_confirmation', :doc => 'The postfix attached to confirmation attributes.' # Encapsulates a list of validation errors. class Errors attr_accessor :errors setting :no_value, :default => 'No value provided' setting :no_confirmation, :default => 'Invalid confirmation' setting :invalid_format, :default => 'Invalid format' setting :too_short, :default => 'Too short, must be more than %d characters long' setting :too_long, :default => 'Too long, must be less than %d characters long' setting :invalid_length, :default => 'Must be %d characters long' setting :no_inclusion, :default => 'The value is invalid' setting :no_numeric, :default => 'The value must be numeric' setting :not_unique, :default => 'The value is already used' def initialize @errors = {} end def add(attr, message) (@errors[attr] ||= []) << message end def on(attr) @errors[attr] end alias_method :[], :on # Yields each attribute and associated message. def each @errors.each_key do |attr| @errors[attr].each { |msg| yield attr, msg } end end def size @errors.size end alias_method :count, :size def empty? @errors.empty? end def clear @errors.clear end def to_a @errors.inject([]) { |a, kv| a << kv } end def join(glue) @errors.to_a.join(glue) end end # A Key is used to uniquely identify a validation rule. class Key attr_reader :validation attr_reader :field def initialize(validation, field) @validation, @field = validation.to_s, field.to_s end def hash "#{@validation}-#{@field}".hash end def ==(other) self.validation == other.validation and self.field == other.field end end # If the validate method returns true, this # attributes holds the errors found. attr_accessor :errors # Call the #validate method for this object. # If validation errors are found, sets the # @errors attribute to the Errors object and # returns true. def valid? validate @errors.empty? end # Evaluate the class and see if it is valid. # Can accept any parameter for 'on' event, # and defaults to :save def validate(on = :save) @errors = return if self.class.validations.length == 0 for event, block in self.class.validations if event == on.to_sym end end on_included %{ base.module_eval do inheritor(:validations, [], :+) unless @validations # THINK: investigate carefuly! def self.included(cbase) super cbase.send :include, Glue::Validation end end base.extend(ClassMethods) } # Implements the Validation meta-language. module ClassMethods # Validates that the attributes have a values, ie they are # neither nil or empty. # # === Example # # validate_value :param, :msg => 'No confirmation' def validate_value(*params) c = parse_config(params, :msg => Glue::Validation::Errors.no_value, :on => :save) params.each do |field| define_validation(:value, field, c[:on]) do |obj| value = obj.send(field) obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg]) if value.nil? || (value.respond_to?(:empty?) && value.empty?) end end end # Validates the confirmation of +String+ attributes. # # === Example # # validate_confirmation :password, :msg => 'No confirmation' def validate_confirmation(*params) c = parse_config(params, :msg => Glue::Validation::Errors.no_confirmation, :postfix => Glue::Validation.confirmation_postfix, :on => :save ) params.each do |field| confirm_name = field.to_s + c[:postfix] attr_accessor confirm_name.to_sym define_validation(:confirmation, field, c[:on]) do |obj| value = obj.send(field) obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg]) if value.nil? or obj.send(confirm_name) != value end end end # Validates the format of +String+ attributes. # WARNING: regexp options are ignored. # # === Example # # validate_format :name, :format => /$A*/, :msg => 'My error', :on => :create # #-- # FIXME: how to get the Regexp options? #++ def validate_format(*params) c = parse_config(params, :format => nil, :msg_no_value => Glue::Validation::Errors.no_value, :msg => Glue::Validation::Errors.invalid_format, :on => :save ) unless c[:format].is_a?(Regexp) raise ArgumentError, "A regular expression must be supplied as the :format option for validate_format." end params.each do |field| define_validation(:format, field, c[:on]) do |obj| value = obj.send(field) obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg]) if value.nil? or not value.to_s.match(c[:format].source) end end end # Validates the length of +String+ attributes. # # === Example # # validate_length :name, :max => 30, :msg => 'Too long' # validate_length :name, :min => 2, :msg => 'Too sort' # validate_length :name, :range => 2..30 # validate_length :name, :length => 15, :msg => 'Name should be %d chars long' LENGTHS = [:min, :max, :range, :length].freeze def validate_length(*params) c = parse_config(params, # :lengths => {:min => nil, :max => nil, :range => nil, :length => nil}, :min => nil, :max => nil, :range => nil, :length => nil, :msg => nil, :msg_no_value => Glue::Validation::Errors.no_value, :msg_short => Glue::Validation::Errors.too_short, :msg_long => Glue::Validation::Errors.too_long, :msg_invalid => Glue::Validation::Errors.invalid_length, :on => :save ) length_params = c.reject {|k,v| !LENGTHS.include?(k) || v.nil? } valid_count = length_params.reject{|k,v| v.nil?}.length if valid_count == 0 raise ArgumentError, 'One of :min, :max, :range, or :length must be provided!' elsif valid_count > 1 raise ArgumentError, 'You can only use one of :min, :max, :range, or :length options!' end operation, required = length_params.keys[0], length_params.values[0] params.each do |field| define_validation(:length, field, c[:on]) do |obj| msg = c[:msg] value = obj.send(field) if value.nil? obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg_no_value]) else case operation when :min msg ||= c[:msg_short] obj.errors.add(field, msg % required) if value.length < required when :max msg ||= c[:msg_long] obj.errors.add(field, msg % required) if value.length > required when :range min, max = required.first, required.last if value.length < min msg ||= c[:msg_short] obj.errors.add(field, msg % min) end if value.length > max msg ||= c[:msg_long] obj.errors.add(field, msg % min) end when :length msg ||= c[:msg_invalid] obj.errors.add(field, msg % required) if value.length != required end end end end end # Validates that the attributes are included in # an enumeration. # # === Example # # validate_inclusion :sex, :in => %w{ Male Female }, :msg => 'huh??' # validate_inclusion :age, :in => 5..99 def validate_inclusion(*params) c = parse_config(params, :in => nil, :msg => Glue::Validation::Errors.no_inclusion, :allow_nil => false, :on => :save ) unless c[:in].respond_to?('include?') raise(ArgumentError, 'An object that responds to #include? must be supplied as the :in option') end params.each do |field| define_validation(:inclusion, field, c[:on]) do |obj| value = obj.send(field) unless (c[:allow_nil] && value.nil?) or c[:in].include?(value) obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg]) end end end end # Validates that the attributes have numeric values. # # [+:integer+] # Only accept integers # # [+:msg] # Custom message # # [+:on:] # When to validate # # === Example # # validate_numeric :age, :msg => 'Must be an integer' def validate_numeric(*params) c = parse_config(params, :integer => false, :msg => Glue::Validation::Errors.no_numeric, :on => :save ) params.each do |field| define_validation(:numeric, field, c[:on]) do |obj| value = obj.send(field).to_s if c[:integer] unless value =~ /^[\+\-]*\d+$/ obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg]) end else begin Float(value) rescue ArgumentError, TypeError obj.errors.add(field, c[:msg]) end end end end end alias_method :validate_numericality, :validate_numeric protected # Parse the configuration for a validation by comparing # the default options with the user-specified options, # and returning the results. def parse_config(params, defaults = {}) defaults.update(params.pop) if params.last.is_a?(Hash) defaults end # Define a validation for this class on the specified event. # Specify the on event for when this validation should be # checked. # # An extra check is performed to avoid multiple validations. # # This example creates a validation for the 'save' event, # and will add an error to the record if the 'name' property # of the validating object is nil. # # === Example # # field = :name # # define_validation(:value, field, :save) do |object| # object.errors.add(field, "You must set a value for #{field}") if object.send(field).nil? # end def define_validation(val, field, on = :save, &block) vk =, field) unless validations.find { |v| v[2] == vk } validations! << [on, block, vk] end end end end end class Module # :nodoc: all include Glue::Validation::ClassMethods end