describe "Hippo.Models.AssocationProxy", -> class Color constructor: -> super api_path: -> 'test' props: { id: 'integer', model_fk_id: 'integer', rgb: 'string' } derived: rgba: { fn: -> @rgb + 'ff' } testFunc: (arg) -> @rgb = arg Hippo.Models.Base.extend(Color) beforeEach -> @Model = Hippo.Test.defineModel({ associations: color:{ model: Color } colors: { collection: Color, fk: 'model_fk_id' } props: id: 'integer' color_id: 'integer' property: 'string' session: { session: 'string' } }) @instance = new @Model it "proxies the associations with other proxies", -> expect(@instance.color.isProxy).toBe(true) expect( @instance.color_id = 42 expect( expect(@instance.color.isProxy).toBe(true) it 'can create a real association and return it if needed', -> @instance.color.rgb = 'foo' expect(@instance.color.isProxy).toBeUndefined() expect(@instance.color).toEqual(jasmine.any(Color)) it 'can proxy derived properties', -> expect(@instance.color.rgb).toBeNull() it 'raises error when writing to derived properties', -> expect(=> @instance.color.rgba = 'foo' ).toThrowError(TypeError) it 'instantiates and forwards function calls', -> @instance.color.testFunc('1234') expect(@instance.color).toEqual(jasmine.any(Color)) expect(@instance.color.rgb).toEqual('1234') it 'intercepts dataForSave', -> @instance.color.rgb = 'mycolor' expect(@instance.color.dataForSave()).toEqual({rgb: 'mycolor'}) it 'provides api_key', -> expect(@instance.color.api_path()).toEqual('test') it 'stores events and eventually sets them on model', -> spy1 = jasmine.createSpy() spy2 = jasmine.createSpy() @instance.color.on('change:rgb', spy1) @instance.color.once('change:rgb', spy2) expect(@instance.color.isProxy).toBe(true) @instance.color.rgb = 'newcolor' expect(@instance.color.isProxy).toBeUndefined() expect(spy1).toHaveBeenCalled() expect(spy2).toHaveBeenCalled() it 'fires proxyreplace event', -> spy = jasmine.createSpy('proxyreplace') @instance.color.on('proxyreplace', spy) expect(@instance.color.isProxy).toBe(true) @instance.color.rgb = 'foo' expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalled()