module RunLoop # @!visibility private class XCUITest require "run_loop/shell" include RunLoop::Shell require "run_loop/encoding" include RunLoop::Encoding require "run_loop/cache" class HTTPError < RuntimeError; end # @!visibility private DEFAULTS = { :port => 27753, :simulator_ip => "", :http_timeout => ? 120 : 60, :version => "1.0" } # @!visibility private def{}) # logger = options[:logger] simctl = options[:sim_control] || options[:simctl] || xcode = options[:xcode] || instruments = options[:instruments] || # Find the Device under test, the App under test, and reset options. device = RunLoop::Device.detect_device(options, xcode, simctl, instruments) app_details = RunLoop::DetectAUT.detect_app_under_test(options) reset_options = RunLoop::Core.send(:detect_reset_options, options) app = app_details[:app] bundle_id = app_details[:bundle_id] if device.simulator? && app core_sim =, app, :xcode => xcode) if reset_options core_sim.reset_app_sandbox end simctl.ensure_software_keyboard(device) core_sim.install end cbx_launcher = XCUITest.detect_cbx_launcher(options, device) xcuitest =, device, cbx_launcher) xcuitest.launch if !RunLoop::Environment.xtc? cache = { :cbx_launcher =>, :udid => device.udid, :app => bundle_id, :gesture_performer => :device_agent } RunLoop::Cache.default.write(cache) end xcuitest end # @!visibility private # # @param [RunLoop::Device] device the device under test def self.default_cbx_launcher(device) end # @!visibility private # @param [Hash] options the options passed by the user # @param [RunLoop::Device] device the device under test def self.detect_cbx_launcher(options, device) value = options[:cbx_launcher] if value if value == :xcodebuild elsif value == :ios_device_manager else raise(ArgumentError, "Expected :cbx_launcher => #{value} to be :xcodebuild or :ios_device_manager") end else XCUITest.default_cbx_launcher(device) end end attr_reader :bundle_id, :device, :cbx_launcher # @!visibility private # # The app with `bundle_id` needs to be installed. # # @param [String] bundle_id The identifier of the app under test. # @param [RunLoop::Device] device The device under test. # @param [RunLoop::DeviceAgent::Launcher] cbx_launcher The entity that # launches the CBXRunner. def initialize(bundle_id, device, cbx_launcher) @bundle_id = bundle_id @device = device @cbx_launcher = cbx_launcher end # @!visibility private def to_s "#" end # @!visibility private def inspect to_s end # @!visibility private def launch start = launch_cbx_runner launch_aut elapsed = - start RunLoop.log_debug("Took #{elapsed} seconds to launch #{bundle_id} on #{device}") true end # @!visibility private def running? begin health(ping_options) rescue => _ nil end end # @!visibility private def stop begin shutdown rescue => _ nil end end # @!visibility private def launch_other_app(bundle_id) launch_aut(bundle_id) end # @!visibility private def runtime options = http_options request = request("device") client = client(options) response = client.get(request) expect_200_response(response) end # @!visibility private def tree options = http_options request = request("tree") client = client(options) response = client.get(request) expect_200_response(response) end # @!visibility private def keyboard_visible? options = http_options parameters = { :type => "Keyboard" } request = request("query", parameters) client = client(options) response = hash = expect_200_response(response) result = hash["result"] result.count != 0 end # @!visibility private def enter_text(string) if !keyboard_visible? raise RuntimeError, "Keyboard must be visible" end options = http_options parameters = { :gesture => "enter_text", :options => { :string => string } } request = request("gesture", parameters) client = client(options) response = expect_200_response(response) end # @!visibility private def query(mark) options = http_options parameters = { :id => mark } request = request("query", parameters) client = client(options) response = expect_200_response(response) end # @!visibility private def query_for_coordinate(mark) body = query(mark) coordinate_from_query_result(body) end # @!visibility private def touch(mark, options={}) coordinate = query_for_coordinate(mark) perform_coordinate_gesture("touch", coordinate[:x], coordinate[:y], options) end alias_method :tap, :touch # @!visibility private def double_tap(mark, options={}) coordinate = query_for_coordinate(mark) perform_coordinate_gesture("double_tap", coordinate[:x], coordinate[:y], options) end # @!visibility private def two_finger_tap(mark, options={}) coordinate = query_for_coordinate(mark) perform_coordinate_gesture("two_finger_tap", coordinate[:x], coordinate[:y], options) end # @!visibility private def rotate_home_button_to(position, sleep_for=1.0) orientation = orientation_for_position(position) parameters = { :orientation => orientation } request = request("rotate_home_button_to", parameters) client = client(http_options) response = json = expect_200_response(response) sleep(sleep_for) json end # @!visibility private def perform_coordinate_gesture(gesture, x, y, options={}) parameters = { :gesture => gesture, :specifiers => { :coordinate => {x: x, y: y} }, :options => options } RunLoop.log_debug(%Q[ Sending request to perform '#{gesture}' with: #{JSON.pretty_generate(parameters)} ]) request = request("gesture", parameters) client = client(http_options) response = expect_200_response(response) end # @!visibility private def coordinate_from_query_result(hash) matches = hash["result"] if matches.nil? || matches.empty? raise "Expected #{hash} to contain some results" end rect = matches.first["rect"] h = rect["height"] w = rect["width"] x = rect["x"] y = rect["y"] touchx = x + (w/2.0) touchy = y + (h/2.0) new_rect = rect.dup new_rect[:center_x] = touchx new_rect[:center_y] = touchy RunLoop.log_debug(%Q[Rect from query: #{JSON.pretty_generate(new_rect)} ]) {:x => touchx, :y => touchy} end # @!visibility private def change_volume(up_or_down) string = up_or_down.to_s parameters = { :volume => string } request = request("volume", parameters) client = client(http_options) response = json = expect_200_response(response) # Set in the route sleep(0.2) json end private # @!visibility private def xcrun end # @!visibility private def url @url ||= detect_device_agent_url end # @!visibility private def detect_device_agent_url url_from_environment || url_for_simulator || url_from_device_endpoint || url_from_device_name end # @!visibility private def url_from_environment url = RunLoop::Environment.device_agent_url return if url.nil? if url.end_with?("/") url else "#{url}/" end end # @!visibility private def url_for_simulator if device.simulator? "http://#{DEFAULTS[:simulator_ip]}:#{DEFAULTS[:port]}/" else nil end end # @!visibility private def url_from_device_endpoint calabash_endpoint = RunLoop::Environment.device_endpoint if calabash_endpoint base = calabash_endpoint.split(":")[0..1].join(":") "#{base}:#{DEFAULTS[:port]}/" else nil end end # @!visibility private # TODO This block is not well tested # TODO extract to a module; Calabash can use to detect device endpoint def url_from_device_name # Transforms the default "Joshua's iPhone" to a DNS name. device_name =[']/, "").gsub(/[\s]/, "-") # Replace diacritic markers and unknown characters. transliterated = transliterate(device_name).tr("?", "") # Anything that cannot be transliterated is a ? replaced ="?", "") "http://#{replaced}.local:#{DEFAULTS[:port]}/" end # @!visibility private def server @server ||= end # @!visibility private def client(options={}), options) end # @!visibility private def versioned_route(route) "#{DEFAULTS[:version]}/#{route}" end # @!visibility private def request(route, parameters={}) versioned = versioned_route(route) RunLoop::HTTP::Request.request(versioned, parameters) end # @!visibility private def ping_options @ping_options ||= { :timeout => 0.5, :retries => 1 } end # @!visibility private def http_options { :timeout => DEFAULTS[:http_timeout], :interval => 0.1, :retries => (DEFAULTS[:http_timeout]/0.1).to_i } end # @!visibility private def session_delete # # httpclient is unable to send a valid DELETE args = ["curl", "-X", "DELETE", %Q[#{url}#{versioned_route("session")}]] run_shell_command(args) # options = ping_options # request = request("session") # client = client(options) # begin # response = client.delete(request) # body = expect_200_response(response) # RunLoop.log_debug("CBX-Runner says, #{body}") # body # rescue => e # RunLoop.log_debug("CBX-Runner session delete error: #{e}") # nil # end end # @!visibility private # TODO expect 200 response and parse body (atm the body in not valid JSON) def shutdown session_delete options = ping_options request = request("shutdown") client = client(options) begin response = body = response.body RunLoop.log_debug("CBX-Runner says, \"#{body}\"") body rescue => e RunLoop.log_debug("CBX-Runner shutdown error: #{e}") nil end end # @!visibility private # TODO expect 200 response and parse body (atm the body is not valid JSON) def health(options={}) merged_options = http_options.merge(options) request = request("health") client = client(merged_options) response = client.get(request) body = response.body RunLoop.log_debug("CBX-Runner driver says, \"#{body}\"") body end # @!visibility private def launch_cbx_runner shutdown options = {:log_cmd => true} run_shell_command(["pkill", "iOSDeviceManager"], options) run_shell_command(["pkill", "testmanagerd"], options) run_shell_command(["pkill", "xcodebuild"], options) start = RunLoop.log_debug("Waiting for CBX-Runner to launch...") pid = cbx_launcher.launch health RunLoop.log_debug("Took #{ - start} launch and respond to /health") pid end # @!visibility private def launch_aut(bundle_id = @bundle_id) client = client(http_options) request = request("session", {:bundleID => bundle_id}) begin response = RunLoop.log_debug("Launched #{bundle_id} on #{device}") RunLoop.log_debug("#{response.body}") if device.simulator? # It is not clear yet whether we should do this. There is a problem # in the simulator_wait_for_stable_state; it waits too long. # device.simulator_wait_for_stable_state end expect_200_response(response) rescue => e raise e.class, %Q[Could not launch #{bundle_id} on #{device}: #{e.message} Something went wrong. ] end end # @!visibility private def response_body_to_hash(response) body = response.body begin JSON.parse(body) rescue TypeError, JSON::ParserError => _ raise RunLoop::XCUITest::HTTPError, "Could not parse response '#{body}'; the app has probably crashed" end end # @!visibility private def expect_200_response(response) body = response_body_to_hash(response) if response.status_code < 300 && !body["error"] return body end if response.status_code > 300 raise RunLoop::XCUITest::HTTPError, %Q[Expected status code < 300, found #{response.status_code}. Server replied with: #{body} ] else raise RunLoop::XCUITest::HTTPError, %Q[Expected JSON response with no error, but found #{body["error"]} ] end end # @!visibility private def orientation_for_position(position) symbol = position.to_sym case symbol when :down, :bottom return 1 when :up, :top return 2 when :right return 3 when :left return 4 else raise ArgumentError, %Q[ Could not coerce '#{position}' into a valid orientation. Valid values are: :down, :up, :right, :left, :bottom, :top ] end end end end