module Graphiti class Serializer < JSONAPI::Serializable::Resource include Graphiti::Extensions::BooleanAttribute include Graphiti::Extensions::ExtraAttribute include Graphiti::SerializableHash prepend Graphiti::SerializableTempId # Keep track of what attributes have been applied by the Resource, # via .attribute, and which have been applied by a custom serializer # class/file. # This way, we can ensure attributes NOT applied by a resource still # go through type checking/coercion class_attribute :attributes_applied_via_resource class_attribute :extra_attributes_applied_via_resource class_attribute :relationship_condition_blocks self.attributes_applied_via_resource = [] self.extra_attributes_applied_via_resource = [] # See #requested_relationships self.relationship_condition_blocks ||= {} def self.inherited(klass) super klass.class_eval do extend JSONAPI::Serializable::Resource::ConditionalFields # See #requested_relationships def self.relationship(name, options = {}, &block) prev = Util::Hash.deep_dup(field_condition_blocks) super self.field_condition_blocks = prev _register_condition(relationship_condition_blocks, name, options) end # NB - avoid clobbering includes when sparse fieldset # # # We also override this method to ensure attributes and relationships # have separate condition blocks. This way an attribute and # relationship can have the same name, and the attribute can be # conditional without affecting the relationship. def requested_relationships(fields) do |k, _| _conditionally_included?(self.class.relationship_condition_blocks, k) end end end end def cursor starting_offset = 0 page_param = @proxy.query.pagination if (page_number = page_param[:number]) page_size = page_param[:size] || @resource.default_page_size starting_offset = (page_number - 1) * page_size end if (cursor = page_param[:after]) starting_offset = cursor[:offset] end current_offset = @object.instance_variable_get(:@__graphiti_index) offset = starting_offset + current_offset + 1 # (+ 1 b/c o-base index) Base64.encode64({offset: offset}.to_json).chomp end def as_jsonapi(kwargs = {}) super(**kwargs).tap do |hash| strip_relationships!(hash) if strip_relationships? add_links!(hash) end end # Allow access to resource methods def method_missing(id, *args, &blk) if @resource.respond_to?(id, true) @resource.send(id, *args, &blk) else super end end def respond_to_missing?(method_name, include_private = true) @resource.respond_to?(method_name, include_private) || super end private def add_links!(hash) return unless @resource.respond_to?(:links?) hash[:links] = @resource.links(@object) if @resource.links? end def strip_relationships!(hash) hash[:relationships]&.select! do |name, payload| payload.key?(:data) end end def strip_relationships? return false unless Graphiti.config.links_on_demand params = Graphiti.context[:object].params || {} [false, nil, "false"].include?(params[:links]) end end end