# Authorizing Goodreads via OAuth For services requiring permission, such as write operations or browsing friends, the client must be authorized through OAuth. ## Request Tokens vs. Access Tokens First, get an OAuth *request* token: ```ruby request_token = OAuth::Consumer.new( Goodreads.configuration[:api_key], Goodreads.configuration[:api_secret], :site => 'http://www.goodreads.com' ).get_request_token ``` Next, authorize by opening the authorization URL in a browser: ```ruby request_token.authorize_url ``` Then request an OAuth *access* token: ```ruby access_token = request_token.get_access_token ``` Finally, initialize a Goodreads client with it: ```ruby goodreads_client = Goodreads.new :oauth_token => access_token ``` For more info, see the [Goodreads documentation](http://www.goodreads.com/api/oauth_example). ## User ID Get the ID of the user who authorized via OAuth: ```ruby goodreads_client.user_id ``` ## Friends Get the friend details for a user: ```ruby friends_hash = goodreads_client.friends [user_id] ``` Get a list of their names: ```ruby friends_hash.user.map{ |u| u.name } ```