module Unit class APIResource attr_accessor :id, :type, :raw_data def initialize(attributes = {}) clear_attributes! mark_as_clean! attributes.each do |key, value| send("#{key}=", value) end end # Creates a base http connection to the API # def self.connection @connection ||= end # Defines the schema for a resource's attributes # def self.schema @schema ||= end def schema self.class.schema end # Declares a new attribute by name and adds it to the schema # # @param name [Symbol] the name of the attribute # @param type [Class] the object type # @param readonly [Boolean] excludes the attribute from the request when creating a resource def self.attribute(name, type = nil, readonly: false) schema.add(name, type, readonly: readonly) attr_accessor name define_method("#{name}=") do |value| previous_value = send(name) new_value = type.cast(value) instance_variable_set("@#{name}", new_value) mark_attribute_as_dirty(name) if new_value != previous_value new_value end end def relationships @relationships ||= {} end attr_writer :relationships # Sets the base path for this resource # # Usage: # class Customer < Unit::Resource # path '/customers' # end def self.path(route = nil) return @path if route.nil? @path = route end def self.resource_path(id) "#{path}/#{id}" end def self.resources_path(id = nil) return "#{path}/#{id}" if id path end # The JSON:API type for this resource def resource_type'::').last.camelize(:lower) end # Creates an association to a related resource # This will create a helper method to traverse into a resource's related resource(s) def self.belongs_to(resource_name, class_name: nil) class_name ||= resource_name.to_s.camelize define_method(resource_name) do relationship_id = relationships.dig(resource_name, :data, :id) return nil unless relationship_id Kernel.const_get(class_name).find(relationship_id) end define_method("#{resource_name}=") do |resource| relationships[resource_name] = { data: { type: resource_name, id: } } end end # Hyrdates an instance of the resource from data returned from the API def self.build_resource_from_json_api(data_item) new.tap do |resource| resource.mark_as_clean! resource.update_resource_from_json_api(data_item) end end def update_resource_from_json_api(data) = data[:id] self.type = data[:type] self.raw_data = data self.relationships = data[:relationships] clear_attributes! data[:attributes].each { |key, value| update_attribute(key, value) } mark_as_clean! end # Represents this resource's attributes # # @return [Hash] Representation of this resource's attributes as a hash def attributes self.class.schema.attributes.each_with_object({}) do |schema_attribute, h| h[] = send( end end # Represents this resource for serialization (create/update) # # @return [Hash] Representation of this object as JSONAPI object def as_json_api self.class.schema.attributes.each_with_object({}) do |schema_attribute, h| next if schema_attribute.readonly val = send( # serialize the value if it is a complex type val = val.as_json_api if val.respond_to? :as_json_api h[] = val end end def dirty? dirty_attributes.any? end def dirty_attributes @dirty_attributes ||= [] end def mark_attribute_as_dirty(name) dirty_attributes << name end def mark_as_clean! @dirty_attributes = [] end def clear_attributes! schema.attributes.each do |attribute| update_attribute(, nil) end end def update_attribute(name, value) return unless schema.contains? name send("#{name}=", value) end end end