require 'resourceful/response' require 'resourceful/serialize' require 'resourceful/default/actions' module Resourceful # The Maker#make_resourceful block is evaluated in the context # of an instance of this class. # It provides various methods for customizing the behavior of the actions # built by make_resourceful. # # All instance methods of this class are available in the +make_resourceful+ block. class Builder # The klass of the controller on which the builder is working. attr :controller, true # The constructor is only meant to be called internally. # # This takes the klass (class object) of a controller # and constructs a Builder ready to apply the make_resourceful # additions to the controller. def initialize(kontroller) @controller = kontroller @inherited = !kontroller.read_inheritable_attribute(:resourceful_responses).blank? @action_module = Resourceful::Default::Actions.dup @ok_actions = [] @callbacks = {:before => {}, :after => {}} @responses = {} @publish = {} @parents = [] @custom_member_actions = [] @custom_collection_actions = [] end # This method is only meant to be called internally. # # Applies all the changes that have been declared # via the instance methods of this Builder # to the kontroller passed in to the constructor. def apply apply_publish kontroller = @controller Resourceful::ACTIONS.each do |action_named| # See if this is a method listed by #actions unless @ok_actions.include? action_named # If its not listed, then remove the method # No one can hit it... if its DEAD! @action_module.send :remove_method, action_named end end kontroller.hidden_actions.reject! &@ok_actions.method(:include?) kontroller.send :include, @action_module kontroller.read_inheritable_attribute(:resourceful_callbacks).merge! @callbacks kontroller.read_inheritable_attribute(:resourceful_responses).merge! @responses kontroller.write_inheritable_attribute(:made_resourceful, true) kontroller.write_inheritable_attribute(:parents, @parents) kontroller.before_filter :load_object, :only => (@ok_actions & SINGULAR_PRELOADED_ACTIONS) + @custom_member_actions kontroller.before_filter :load_objects, :only => (@ok_actions & PLURAL_ACTIONS) + @custom_collection_actions kontroller.before_filter :load_parent_object, :only => @ok_actions + @custom_member_actions + @custom_collection_actions end # :call-seq: # actions(*available_actions) # actions :all # # Adds the default RESTful actions to the controller. # # If the only argument is :all, # adds all the actions listed in Resourceful::ACTIONS[link:classes/Resourceful.html] # (or Resourceful::SINGULAR_ACTIONS[link:classes/Resourceful.html] # for a singular controller). # # Otherwise, this adds all actions # whose names were passed as arguments. # # For example: # # actions :show, :new, :create # # This adds the +show+, +new+, and +create+ actions # to the controller. # # The available actions are defined in Default::Actions. def actions(*available_actions) # FIXME HACK # made all methods private, so plural?, too. # Did not want to make an exception for that and i do not like it to # come up on actions_methods. # TODO: maybe we can define plural? as class_method if available_actions.first == :all if controller.respond_to?(:new_without_capture) available_actions = controller.new_without_capture.send(:plural?) ? ACTIONS : SINGULAR_ACTIONS else available_actions = ? ACTIONS : SINGULAR_ACTIONS end end available_actions.each { |action| @ok_actions << action.to_sym } end alias build actions # :call-seq: # member_actions(*available_actions) # # Registers custom member actions which will use the load_object before_filter. # These actions are not created, but merely registered for filtering. def member_actions(*available_actions) available_actions.each { |action| @custom_member_actions << action.to_sym } end # :call-seq: # collection_actions(*available_actions) # # Registers custom collection actions which will use the load_objects before_filter. # These actions are not created, but merely registered for filtering. def collection_actions(*available_actions) available_actions.each { |action| @custom_collection_actions << action.to_sym } end # :call-seq: # before(*events) { ... } # # Sets up a block of code to run before one or more events. # # All the default actions can be used as +before+ events: # :index, :show, :create, :update, :new, :edit, and :destroy. # # +before+ events are run after any objects are loaded[link:classes/Resourceful/Default/Accessors.html#M000015], # but before any database operations or responses. # # For example: # # before :show, :edit do # @page_title = current_object.title # end # # This will set the @page_title variable # to the current object's title # for the show and edit actions. # # Successive before blocks for the same action will be chained and executed # in order when the event occurs. # # For example: # # before :show, :edit do # @page_title = current_object.title # end # # before :show do # @side_bar = true # end # # These before blocks will both be executed for the show action and in the # same order as they were defined. def before(*events, &block) add_callback :before, *events, &block end # :call-seq: # after(*events) { ... } # # Sets up a block of code to run after one or more events. # # There are two sorts of +after+ events. # :create, :update, and :destroy # are run after their respective database operations # have been completed successfully. # :create_fails, :update_fails, and :destroy_fails, # on the other hand, # are run after the database operations fail. # # +after+ events are run after the database operations # but before any responses. # # For example: # # after :create_fails, :update_fails do # current_object.password = nil # end # # This will nillify the password of the current object # if the object creation/modification failed. def after(*events, &block) add_callback :after, *events, &block end # :call-seq: # response_for(*actions) { ... } # response_for(*actions) { |format| ... } # # Sets up a block of code to run # instead of the default responses for one or more events. # # If the block takes a format parameter, # it has the same semantics as Rails' +respond_to+ method. # Various format methods are called on the format object # with blocks that say what to do for each format. # For example: # # response_for :index do |format| # format.html # format.atom do # headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/atom+xml; charset=utf-8' # render :action => 'atom', :layout => false # end # end # # This doesn't do anything special for the HTML # other than ensure that the proper view will be rendered, # but for ATOM it sets the proper content type # and renders the atom template. # # If you only need to set the HTML response, # you can omit the format parameter. # For example: # # response_for :new do # render :action => 'edit' # end # # This is the same as # # response_for :new do |format| # format.html { render :action => 'edit' } # end # # The default responses are defined by # Default::Responses.included[link:classes/Resourceful/Default/Responses.html#M000011]. def response_for(*actions, &block) raise "Must specify one or more actions for response_for." if actions.empty? if block.arity < 1 response_for(*actions) do |format| format.html(&block) end else response = response actions.each do |action| @responses[action.to_sym] = response.formats end end end # :call-seq: # publish *formats, options = {}, :attributes => [ ... ] # # publish allows you to easily expose information about resourcess in a variety of formats. # The +formats+ parameter is a list of formats # in which to publish the resources. # The formats supported by default are +xml+, +yaml+, and +json+, # but other formats may be added by defining +to_format+ methods # for the Array and Hash classes # and registering the mime type with Rails' Mime::Type.register[]. # See Resourceful::Serialize for more details.. # # The :attributes option is mandatory. # It takes an array of attributes (as symbols) to make public. # These attributes can refer to any method on current_object; # they aren't limited to database fields. # For example: # # # posts_controller.rb # publish :yaml, :attributes => [:title, :created_at, :rendered_content] # # Then GET /posts/12.yaml would render # # --- # post: # title: Cool Stuff # rendered_content: |- #

This is a post.


It's about really cool stuff.

# created_at: 2007-04-28 04:32:08 -07:00 # # The :attributes array can even contain attributes # that are themselves models. # In this case, you must use a hash to specify their attributes as well. # For example: # # # person_controller.rb # publish :xml, :json, :attributes => [ # :name, :favorite_color, { # :pet_cat => [:name, :breed], # :hat => [:type] # }] # # Then GET /people/18.xml would render # # # # Nathan # blue # # Jasmine # panther # # # top # # # # publish will also allow the +index+ action # to render lists of objects. # An example would be too big, # but play with it a little on your own to see. # # publish takes only one optional option: only. # This specifies which action to publish the resources for. # By default, they're published for both +show+ and +index+. # For example: # # # cats_controller.rb # publish :json, :only => :index, :attributes => [:name, :breed] # # Then GET /cats.json would work, but GET /cats/294.json would fail. def publish(*formats) options = { :only => [:show, :index] }.merge(Hash === formats.last ? formats.pop : {}) raise "Must specify :attributes option" unless options[:attributes] Array(options.delete(:only)).each do |action| @publish[action] ||= [] formats.each do |format| format = format.to_sym @publish[action] << [format, proc do render_action = [:json, :xml].include?(format) ? format : :text render render_action => (plural_action? ? current_objects : current_object).serialize(format, options) end] end end end # Specifies parent resources for the current resource. # Each of these parents will be loaded automatically # if the proper id parameter is given. # For example, # # # cake_controller.rb # belongs_to :baker, :customer # # Then on GET /bakers/12/cakes, # # params[:baker_id] #=> 12 # parent? #=> true # parent_name #=> "baker" # parent_model #=> Baker # parent_object #=> Baker.find(12) # current_objects #=> Baker.find(12).cakes # def belongs_to(*parents) @parents = end # This method is only meant to be called internally. # # Returns whether or not the Builder's controller # inherits make_resourceful settings from a parent controller. def inherited? @inherited end private def apply_publish @publish.each do |action, types| @responses[action.to_sym] ||= [] @responses[action.to_sym] += types end end def add_callback(type, *events, &block) events.each do |event| @callbacks[type][event.to_sym] ||= [] @callbacks[type][event.to_sym] << block end end end end