Feature: Soundcheck In order to run my tests quickly I want to require as little as possible Scenario: Command line help When I run "soundcheck --help" Then I should see "Usage: soundcheck" Scenario: Unknown languages Given the "null-project" fixture When I run "soundcheck" Then I should see "Cannot detect the programming language for this project" And it should have failed Scenario: Unknown frameworks Given the "ruby-unknown-framework" fixture When I run "soundcheck" Then I should see "Cannot detect the test framework for this project" And it should have failed Scenario: Ruby and RSpec Given the "ruby-bundler-rspec" fixture When I run "soundcheck spec" Then it should have passed Scenario: Ruby and RSpec backtraces Given the "ruby-rspec-exception" fixture When I run "soundcheck --trace spec" Then I should see "1 failure" And I should see "gems/rspec-core"