# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Essbasic module V20210526 # 应用相关信息 class Agent < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param AppId: 腾讯电子签颁发给渠道的应用ID,32位字符串 # @type AppId: String # @param ProxyOrganizationId: 腾讯电子签颁发给渠道侧合作企业的企业ID # @type ProxyOrganizationId: String # @param ProxyAppId: 腾讯电子签颁发给渠道侧合作企业的应用ID # @type ProxyAppId: String # @param ProxyOperator: 渠道/平台合作企业经办人(操作员) # @type ProxyOperator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` # @param ProxyOrganizationOpenId: 渠道/平台合作企业的企业ID # @type ProxyOrganizationOpenId: String attr_accessor :AppId, :ProxyOrganizationId, :ProxyAppId, :ProxyOperator, :ProxyOrganizationOpenId def initialize(appid=nil, proxyorganizationid=nil, proxyappid=nil, proxyoperator=nil, proxyorganizationopenid=nil) @AppId = appid @ProxyOrganizationId = proxyorganizationid @ProxyAppId = proxyappid @ProxyOperator = proxyoperator @ProxyOrganizationOpenId = proxyorganizationopenid end def deserialize(params) @AppId = params['AppId'] @ProxyOrganizationId = params['ProxyOrganizationId'] @ProxyAppId = params['ProxyAppId'] unless params['ProxyOperator'].nil? @ProxyOperator = UserInfo.new @ProxyOperator.deserialize(params['ProxyOperator']) end @ProxyOrganizationOpenId = params['ProxyOrganizationOpenId'] end end # 此结构体 (Component) 用于描述控件属性。 class Component < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ComponentId: 控件编号 # 注: # 当GenerateMode=3时,通过"^"来决定是否使用关键字整词匹配能力。 # 例: # 当GenerateMode=3时,如果传入关键字"^甲方签署^",则会在PDF文件中有且仅有"甲方签署"关键字的地方进行对应操作。 # 如传入的关键字为"甲方签署",则PDF文件中每个出现关键字的位置都会执行相应操作。 # 创建控件时,此值为空 # 查询时返回完整结构 # @type ComponentId: String # @param ComponentType: 如果是Component控件类型,则可选的字段为: # TEXT - 普通文本控件; # DATE - 普通日期控件;跟TEXT相比会有校验逻辑 # 如果是SignComponent控件类型,则可选的字段为 # SIGN_SEAL - 签署印章控件; # SIGN_DATE - 签署日期控件; # SIGN_SIGNATURE - 用户签名控件; # SIGN_PERSONAL_SEAL - 个人签署印章控件; # 表单域的控件不能作为印章和签名控件 # @type ComponentType: String # @param ComponentName: 控件简称 # @type ComponentName: String # @param ComponentRequired: 定义控件是否为必填项,默认为false # @type ComponentRequired: Boolean # @param FileIndex: 控件所属文件的序号 (文档中文件的排列序号) # @type FileIndex: Integer # @param GenerateMode: 控件生成的方式: # NORMAL - 普通控件 # FIELD - 表单域 # KEYWORD - 关键字 # @type GenerateMode: String # @param ComponentWidth: 参数控件宽度,默认100,单位px # 表单域和关键字转换控件不用填 # @type ComponentWidth: Float # @param ComponentHeight: 参数控件高度,默认100,单位px # 表单域和关键字转换控件不用填 # @type ComponentHeight: Float # @param ComponentPage: 参数控件所在页码 # @type ComponentPage: Integer # @param ComponentPosX: 参数控件X位置,单位px # @type ComponentPosX: Float # @param ComponentPosY: 参数控件Y位置,单位px # @type ComponentPosY: Float # @param ComponentExtra: 参数控件样式,json格式表述 # 不同类型的控件会有部分非通用参数 # TEXT控件可以指定字体 # 例如:{"FontSize":12} # @type ComponentExtra: String # @param ComponentValue: 印章 ID,传参 DEFAULT_COMPANY_SEAL 表示使用默认印章。 # 控件填入内容,印章控件里面,如果是手写签名内容为PNG图片格式的base64编码 # @type ComponentValue: String # @param ComponentDateFontSize: 日期签署控件的字号,默认为 12 # 签署区日期控件会转换成图片格式并带存证,需要通过字体决定图片大小 # @type ComponentDateFontSize: Integer # @param DocumentId: 控件所属文档的Id, 模块相关接口为空值 # @type DocumentId: String # @param ComponentDescription: 控件描述 # @type ComponentDescription: String attr_accessor :ComponentId, :ComponentType, :ComponentName, :ComponentRequired, :FileIndex, :GenerateMode, :ComponentWidth, :ComponentHeight, :ComponentPage, :ComponentPosX, :ComponentPosY, :ComponentExtra, :ComponentValue, :ComponentDateFontSize, :DocumentId, :ComponentDescription def initialize(componentid=nil, componenttype=nil, componentname=nil, componentrequired=nil, fileindex=nil, generatemode=nil, componentwidth=nil, componentheight=nil, componentpage=nil, componentposx=nil, componentposy=nil, componentextra=nil, componentvalue=nil, componentdatefontsize=nil, documentid=nil, componentdescription=nil) @ComponentId = componentid @ComponentType = componenttype @ComponentName = componentname @ComponentRequired = componentrequired @FileIndex = fileindex @GenerateMode = generatemode @ComponentWidth = componentwidth @ComponentHeight = componentheight @ComponentPage = componentpage @ComponentPosX = componentposx @ComponentPosY = componentposy @ComponentExtra = componentextra @ComponentValue = componentvalue @ComponentDateFontSize = componentdatefontsize @DocumentId = documentid @ComponentDescription = componentdescription end def deserialize(params) @ComponentId = params['ComponentId'] @ComponentType = params['ComponentType'] @ComponentName = params['ComponentName'] @ComponentRequired = params['ComponentRequired'] @FileIndex = params['FileIndex'] @GenerateMode = params['GenerateMode'] @ComponentWidth = params['ComponentWidth'] @ComponentHeight = params['ComponentHeight'] @ComponentPage = params['ComponentPage'] @ComponentPosX = params['ComponentPosX'] @ComponentPosY = params['ComponentPosY'] @ComponentExtra = params['ComponentExtra'] @ComponentValue = params['ComponentValue'] @ComponentDateFontSize = params['ComponentDateFontSize'] @DocumentId = params['DocumentId'] @ComponentDescription = params['ComponentDescription'] end end # CreateConsoleLoginUrl请求参数结构体 class CreateConsoleLoginUrlRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 应用信息 # 此接口Agent.ProxyOrganizationOpenId 和 Agent. ProxyOperator.OpenId 必填 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param ProxyOrganizationName: 渠道侧合作企业名称 # @type ProxyOrganizationName: String # @param UniformSocialCreditCode: 渠道侧合作企业统一社会信用代码 # @type UniformSocialCreditCode: String # @param ProxyOperatorName: 渠道侧合作企业经办人的姓名 # @type ProxyOperatorName: String # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` # @param Module: 控制台指定模块,文件/合同管理:"DOCUMENT",模版管理:"TEMPLATE",印章管理:"SEAL",组织架构/人员:"OPERATOR",空字符串:"账号信息" # @type Module: String # @param ModuleId: 控制台指定模块Id # @type ModuleId: String attr_accessor :Agent, :ProxyOrganizationName, :UniformSocialCreditCode, :ProxyOperatorName, :Operator, :Module, :ModuleId def initialize(agent=nil, proxyorganizationname=nil, uniformsocialcreditcode=nil, proxyoperatorname=nil, operator=nil, _module=nil, moduleid=nil) @Agent = agent @ProxyOrganizationName = proxyorganizationname @UniformSocialCreditCode = uniformsocialcreditcode @ProxyOperatorName = proxyoperatorname @Operator = operator @Module = _module @ModuleId = moduleid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @ProxyOrganizationName = params['ProxyOrganizationName'] @UniformSocialCreditCode = params['UniformSocialCreditCode'] @ProxyOperatorName = params['ProxyOperatorName'] unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @Module = params['Module'] @ModuleId = params['ModuleId'] end end # CreateConsoleLoginUrl返回参数结构体 class CreateConsoleLoginUrlResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ConsoleUrl: 控制台url # @type ConsoleUrl: String # @param IsActivated: 渠道合作企业是否认证开通腾讯电子签。 # 当渠道合作企业未完成认证开通腾讯电子签,建议先调用同步企业信息(SyncProxyOrganization)和同步经办人信息(SyncProxyOrganizationOperators)接口成功后再跳转到登录页面。 # @type IsActivated: Boolean # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :ConsoleUrl, :IsActivated, :RequestId def initialize(consoleurl=nil, isactivated=nil, requestid=nil) @ConsoleUrl = consoleurl @IsActivated = isactivated @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @ConsoleUrl = params['ConsoleUrl'] @IsActivated = params['IsActivated'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateFlowsByTemplates请求参数结构体 class CreateFlowsByTemplatesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 渠道应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param FlowInfos: 多个合同(流程)信息 # @type FlowInfos: Array # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` attr_accessor :Agent, :FlowInfos, :Operator def initialize(agent=nil, flowinfos=nil, operator=nil) @Agent = agent @FlowInfos = flowinfos @Operator = operator end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end unless params['FlowInfos'].nil? @FlowInfos = [] params['FlowInfos'].each do |i| flowinfo_tmp = FlowInfo.new flowinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FlowInfos << flowinfo_tmp end end unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end end end # CreateFlowsByTemplates返回参数结构体 class CreateFlowsByTemplatesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowIds: 多个合同ID # @type FlowIds: Array # @param CustomerData: 渠道的业务信息,限制1024字符 # @type CustomerData: Array # @param ErrorMessages: 创建消息,对应多个合同ID, # 成功为“”,创建失败则对应失败消息 # @type ErrorMessages: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FlowIds, :CustomerData, :ErrorMessages, :RequestId def initialize(flowids=nil, customerdata=nil, errormessages=nil, requestid=nil) @FlowIds = flowids @CustomerData = customerdata @ErrorMessages = errormessages @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @FlowIds = params['FlowIds'] @CustomerData = params['CustomerData'] @ErrorMessages = params['ErrorMessages'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # CreateSignUrls请求参数结构体 class CreateSignUrlsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 渠道应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param FlowIds: 所签署合同ID数组 # @type FlowIds: Array # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` # @param Endpoint: 签署链接类型,默认:“WEIXINAPP”-直接跳小程序; “CHANNEL”-跳转H5页面; “APP”-第三方APP或小程序跳转电子签小程序; # @type Endpoint: String # @param JumpUrl: 签署完成后H5引导页跳转URL # @type JumpUrl: String attr_accessor :Agent, :FlowIds, :Operator, :Endpoint, :JumpUrl def initialize(agent=nil, flowids=nil, operator=nil, endpoint=nil, jumpurl=nil) @Agent = agent @FlowIds = flowids @Operator = operator @Endpoint = endpoint @JumpUrl = jumpurl end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @FlowIds = params['FlowIds'] unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @Endpoint = params['Endpoint'] @JumpUrl = params['JumpUrl'] end end # CreateSignUrls返回参数结构体 class CreateSignUrlsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SignUrlInfos: 签署参与者签署H5链接信息数组 # @type SignUrlInfos: Array # @param ErrorMessages: 生成失败时的错误信息,成功返回”“,顺序和出参SignUrlInfos保持一致 # @type ErrorMessages: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :SignUrlInfos, :ErrorMessages, :RequestId def initialize(signurlinfos=nil, errormessages=nil, requestid=nil) @SignUrlInfos = signurlinfos @ErrorMessages = errormessages @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['SignUrlInfos'].nil? @SignUrlInfos = [] params['SignUrlInfos'].each do |i| signurlinfo_tmp = SignUrlInfo.new signurlinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @SignUrlInfos << signurlinfo_tmp end end @ErrorMessages = params['ErrorMessages'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeResourceUrlsByFlows请求参数结构体 class DescribeResourceUrlsByFlowsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 渠道应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` # @param FlowIds: 查询资源所对应的流程Id # @type FlowIds: Array attr_accessor :Agent, :Operator, :FlowIds def initialize(agent=nil, operator=nil, flowids=nil) @Agent = agent @Operator = operator @FlowIds = flowids end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @FlowIds = params['FlowIds'] end end # DescribeResourceUrlsByFlows返回参数结构体 class DescribeResourceUrlsByFlowsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowResourceUrlInfos: 流程资源对应链接信息 # @type FlowResourceUrlInfos: Array # @param ErrorMessages: 创建消息,对应多个合同ID, # 成功为“”,创建失败则对应失败消息 # @type ErrorMessages: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :FlowResourceUrlInfos, :ErrorMessages, :RequestId def initialize(flowresourceurlinfos=nil, errormessages=nil, requestid=nil) @FlowResourceUrlInfos = flowresourceurlinfos @ErrorMessages = errormessages @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['FlowResourceUrlInfos'].nil? @FlowResourceUrlInfos = [] params['FlowResourceUrlInfos'].each do |i| flowresourceurlinfo_tmp = FlowResourceUrlInfo.new flowresourceurlinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FlowResourceUrlInfos << flowresourceurlinfo_tmp end end @ErrorMessages = params['ErrorMessages'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeTemplates请求参数结构体 class DescribeTemplatesRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 渠道应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` # @param TemplateId: 模版唯一标识 # @type TemplateId: String attr_accessor :Agent, :Operator, :TemplateId def initialize(agent=nil, operator=nil, templateid=nil) @Agent = agent @Operator = operator @TemplateId = templateid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @TemplateId = params['TemplateId'] end end # DescribeTemplates返回参数结构体 class DescribeTemplatesResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Templates: 模板详情 # @type Templates: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Templates, :RequestId def initialize(templates=nil, requestid=nil) @Templates = templates @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) unless params['Templates'].nil? @Templates = [] params['Templates'].each do |i| templateinfo_tmp = TemplateInfo.new templateinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @Templates << templateinfo_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # DescribeUsage请求参数结构体 class DescribeUsageRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 应用信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param StartDate: 开始时间 eg:2021-03-21 # @type StartDate: String # @param EndDate: 结束时间 eg:2021-06-21 # 开始时间到结束时间的区间长度小于等于90天 # @type EndDate: String # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` # @param NeedAggregate: 是否汇总数据,默认不汇总 # 不汇总:返回在统计区间内渠道下所有企业的每日明细,即每个企业N条数据,N为统计天数 # 汇总:返回在统计区间内渠道下所有企业的汇总后数据,即每个企业一条数据 # @type NeedAggregate: Boolean # @param Limit: 单次返回的最多条目数量,默认为1000,且不能超过1000 # @type Limit: Integer # @param Offset: 偏移量,默认是0 # @type Offset: Integer attr_accessor :Agent, :StartDate, :EndDate, :Operator, :NeedAggregate, :Limit, :Offset def initialize(agent=nil, startdate=nil, enddate=nil, operator=nil, needaggregate=nil, limit=nil, offset=nil) @Agent = agent @StartDate = startdate @EndDate = enddate @Operator = operator @NeedAggregate = needaggregate @Limit = limit @Offset = offset end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @StartDate = params['StartDate'] @EndDate = params['EndDate'] unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end @NeedAggregate = params['NeedAggregate'] @Limit = params['Limit'] @Offset = params['Offset'] end end # DescribeUsage返回参数结构体 class DescribeUsageResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Total: 用量明细条数 # @type Total: Integer # @param Details: 用量明细 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Details: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Total, :Details, :RequestId def initialize(total=nil, details=nil, requestid=nil) @Total = total @Details = details @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Total = params['Total'] unless params['Details'].nil? @Details = [] params['Details'].each do |i| usagedetail_tmp = UsageDetail.new usagedetail_tmp.deserialize(i) @Details << usagedetail_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 创建流程签署人入参 class FlowApproverInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Name: 签署人姓名 # @type Name: String # @param Mobile: 签署人手机号,脱敏显示 # @type Mobile: String # @param IdCardNumber: 经办人身份证号 # @type IdCardNumber: String # @param JumpUrl: 签署完前端跳转的url,暂未使用 # @type JumpUrl: String # @param Deadline: 签署截止时间 # @type Deadline: Integer # @param CallbackUrl: 签署完回调url # @type CallbackUrl: String # @param ApproverType: 签署人类型,PERSON和ORGANIZATION # @type ApproverType: String # @param OpenId: 用户侧第三方id # @type OpenId: String attr_accessor :Name, :Mobile, :IdCardNumber, :JumpUrl, :Deadline, :CallbackUrl, :ApproverType, :OpenId def initialize(name=nil, mobile=nil, idcardnumber=nil, jumpurl=nil, deadline=nil, callbackurl=nil, approvertype=nil, openid=nil) @Name = name @Mobile = mobile @IdCardNumber = idcardnumber @JumpUrl = jumpurl @Deadline = deadline @CallbackUrl = callbackurl @ApproverType = approvertype @OpenId = openid end def deserialize(params) @Name = params['Name'] @Mobile = params['Mobile'] @IdCardNumber = params['IdCardNumber'] @JumpUrl = params['JumpUrl'] @Deadline = params['Deadline'] @CallbackUrl = params['CallbackUrl'] @ApproverType = params['ApproverType'] @OpenId = params['OpenId'] end end # 此结构体 (FlowInfo) 用于描述流程信息。 class FlowInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowName: 合同名字 # @type FlowName: String # @param Deadline: 签署截止时间戳,超过有效签署时间则该签署流程失败 # @type Deadline: Integer # @param TemplateId: 模版ID # @type TemplateId: String # @param FlowType: 合同类型: # 1. “劳务” # 2. “销售” # 3. “租赁” # 4. “其他” # @type FlowType: String # @param CallbackUrl: 回调地址 # @type CallbackUrl: String # @param FlowApprovers: 多个签署人信息 # @type FlowApprovers: Array # @param FormFields: 表单K-V对列表 # @type FormFields: Array # @param FlowDescription: 合同描述 # @type FlowDescription: String # @param CustomerData: 渠道的业务信息,限制1024字符 # @type CustomerData: String attr_accessor :FlowName, :Deadline, :TemplateId, :FlowType, :CallbackUrl, :FlowApprovers, :FormFields, :FlowDescription, :CustomerData def initialize(flowname=nil, deadline=nil, templateid=nil, flowtype=nil, callbackurl=nil, flowapprovers=nil, formfields=nil, flowdescription=nil, customerdata=nil) @FlowName = flowname @Deadline = deadline @TemplateId = templateid @FlowType = flowtype @CallbackUrl = callbackurl @FlowApprovers = flowapprovers @FormFields = formfields @FlowDescription = flowdescription @CustomerData = customerdata end def deserialize(params) @FlowName = params['FlowName'] @Deadline = params['Deadline'] @TemplateId = params['TemplateId'] @FlowType = params['FlowType'] @CallbackUrl = params['CallbackUrl'] unless params['FlowApprovers'].nil? @FlowApprovers = [] params['FlowApprovers'].each do |i| flowapproverinfo_tmp = FlowApproverInfo.new flowapproverinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FlowApprovers << flowapproverinfo_tmp end end unless params['FormFields'].nil? @FormFields = [] params['FormFields'].each do |i| formfield_tmp = FormField.new formfield_tmp.deserialize(i) @FormFields << formfield_tmp end end @FlowDescription = params['FlowDescription'] @CustomerData = params['CustomerData'] end end # 流程对应资源链接信息 class FlowResourceUrlInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param FlowId: 流程对应Id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FlowId: String # @param ResourceUrlInfos: 流程对应资源链接信息数组 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ResourceUrlInfos: Array attr_accessor :FlowId, :ResourceUrlInfos def initialize(flowid=nil, resourceurlinfos=nil) @FlowId = flowid @ResourceUrlInfos = resourceurlinfos end def deserialize(params) @FlowId = params['FlowId'] unless params['ResourceUrlInfos'].nil? @ResourceUrlInfos = [] params['ResourceUrlInfos'].each do |i| resourceurlinfo_tmp = ResourceUrlInfo.new resourceurlinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @ResourceUrlInfos << resourceurlinfo_tmp end end end end # 此结构 (FormField) 用于描述内容控件填充结构。 class FormField < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ComponentValue: 表单域或控件的Value # @type ComponentValue: String # @param ComponentId: 表单域或控件的ID,跟ComponentName二选一,不能全为空 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ComponentId: String # @param ComponentName: 控件的名字,跟ComponentId二选一,不能全为空 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ComponentName: String attr_accessor :ComponentValue, :ComponentId, :ComponentName def initialize(componentvalue=nil, componentid=nil, componentname=nil) @ComponentValue = componentvalue @ComponentId = componentid @ComponentName = componentname end def deserialize(params) @ComponentValue = params['ComponentValue'] @ComponentId = params['ComponentId'] @ComponentName = params['ComponentName'] end end # PrepareFlows请求参数结构体 class PrepareFlowsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 渠道应用相关信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param FlowInfos: 多个合同(流程)信息 # @type FlowInfos: Array # @param JumpUrl: 操作完成后的跳转地址 # @type JumpUrl: String # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` attr_accessor :Agent, :FlowInfos, :JumpUrl, :Operator def initialize(agent=nil, flowinfos=nil, jumpurl=nil, operator=nil) @Agent = agent @FlowInfos = flowinfos @JumpUrl = jumpurl @Operator = operator end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end unless params['FlowInfos'].nil? @FlowInfos = [] params['FlowInfos'].each do |i| flowinfo_tmp = FlowInfo.new flowinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @FlowInfos << flowinfo_tmp end end @JumpUrl = params['JumpUrl'] unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end end end # PrepareFlows返回参数结构体 class PrepareFlowsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ConfirmUrl: 待发起文件确认页 # @type ConfirmUrl: String # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :ConfirmUrl, :RequestId def initialize(confirmurl=nil, requestid=nil) @ConfirmUrl = confirmurl @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @ConfirmUrl = params['ConfirmUrl'] @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 合作企业经办人列表信息 class ProxyOrganizationOperator < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Id: 经办人ID(渠道颁发) # @type Id: String # @param Name: 经办人姓名 # @type Name: String # @param IdCardType: 经办人身份证件类型 # 用户证件类型:默认ID_CARD # 1. ID_CARD - 居民身份证 # 2. HOUSEHOLD_REGISTER - 户口本 # 3. TEMP_ID_CARD - 临时居民身份证 # @type IdCardType: String # @param IdCardNumber: 经办人身份证号 # @type IdCardNumber: String # @param Mobile: 经办人手机号 # @type Mobile: String attr_accessor :Id, :Name, :IdCardType, :IdCardNumber, :Mobile def initialize(id=nil, name=nil, idcardtype=nil, idcardnumber=nil, mobile=nil) @Id = id @Name = name @IdCardType = idcardtype @IdCardNumber = idcardnumber @Mobile = mobile end def deserialize(params) @Id = params['Id'] @Name = params['Name'] @IdCardType = params['IdCardType'] @IdCardNumber = params['IdCardNumber'] @Mobile = params['Mobile'] end end # 签署参与者信息 class Recipient < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RecipientId: 签署人唯一标识 # @type RecipientId: String # @param RecipientType: 签署方类型:ENTERPRISE-企业INDIVIDUAL-自然人 # @type RecipientType: String # @param Description: 描述 # @type Description: String # @param RoleName: 签署方备注信息 # @type RoleName: String # @param RequireValidation: 是否需要校验 # @type RequireValidation: Boolean # @param RequireSign: 是否必须填写 # @type RequireSign: Boolean # @param SignType: 签署类型 # @type SignType: Integer # @param RoutingOrder: 签署顺序:数字越小优先级越高 # @type RoutingOrder: Integer attr_accessor :RecipientId, :RecipientType, :Description, :RoleName, :RequireValidation, :RequireSign, :SignType, :RoutingOrder def initialize(recipientid=nil, recipienttype=nil, description=nil, rolename=nil, requirevalidation=nil, requiresign=nil, signtype=nil, routingorder=nil) @RecipientId = recipientid @RecipientType = recipienttype @Description = description @RoleName = rolename @RequireValidation = requirevalidation @RequireSign = requiresign @SignType = signtype @RoutingOrder = routingorder end def deserialize(params) @RecipientId = params['RecipientId'] @RecipientType = params['RecipientType'] @Description = params['Description'] @RoleName = params['RoleName'] @RequireValidation = params['RequireValidation'] @RequireSign = params['RequireSign'] @SignType = params['SignType'] @RoutingOrder = params['RoutingOrder'] end end # 资源链接信息 class ResourceUrlInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Url: 资源链接地址,过期时间5分钟 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Url: String # @param Name: 资源名称 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Name: String # @param Type: 资源类型 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Type: String attr_accessor :Url, :Name, :Type def initialize(url=nil, name=nil, type=nil) @Url = url @Name = name @Type = type end def deserialize(params) @Url = params['Url'] @Name = params['Name'] @Type = params['Type'] end end # 签署链接内容 class SignUrlInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param SignUrl: 签署链接 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SignUrl: String # @param Deadline: 链接失效时间 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Deadline: Integer # @param SignOrder: 当流程为顺序签署此参数有效时,数字越小优先级越高,暂不支持并行签署 可选 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SignOrder: Integer # @param SignId: 签署人编号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SignId: String # @param CustomUserId: 自定义用户编号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type CustomUserId: String # @param Name: 用户姓名 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Name: String # @param Mobile: 用户手机号码 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Mobile: String # @param OrganizationName: 签署参与者机构名字 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OrganizationName: String # @param ApproverType: 参与者类型: # ORGANIZATION 企业经办人 # PERSON 自然人 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ApproverType: String # @param IdCardNumber: 经办人身份证号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type IdCardNumber: String # @param FlowId: 签署链接对应流程Id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FlowId: String # @param OpenId: 企业经办人 用户在渠道的编号 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type OpenId: String attr_accessor :SignUrl, :Deadline, :SignOrder, :SignId, :CustomUserId, :Name, :Mobile, :OrganizationName, :ApproverType, :IdCardNumber, :FlowId, :OpenId def initialize(signurl=nil, deadline=nil, signorder=nil, signid=nil, customuserid=nil, name=nil, mobile=nil, organizationname=nil, approvertype=nil, idcardnumber=nil, flowid=nil, openid=nil) @SignUrl = signurl @Deadline = deadline @SignOrder = signorder @SignId = signid @CustomUserId = customuserid @Name = name @Mobile = mobile @OrganizationName = organizationname @ApproverType = approvertype @IdCardNumber = idcardnumber @FlowId = flowid @OpenId = openid end def deserialize(params) @SignUrl = params['SignUrl'] @Deadline = params['Deadline'] @SignOrder = params['SignOrder'] @SignId = params['SignId'] @CustomUserId = params['CustomUserId'] @Name = params['Name'] @Mobile = params['Mobile'] @OrganizationName = params['OrganizationName'] @ApproverType = params['ApproverType'] @IdCardNumber = params['IdCardNumber'] @FlowId = params['FlowId'] @OpenId = params['OpenId'] end end # 同步经办人失败原因 class SyncFailReason < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Id: 经办人Id # @type Id: String # @param Message: 失败原因 # 例如:Id不符合规范、证件号码不合法等 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Message: String attr_accessor :Id, :Message def initialize(id=nil, message=nil) @Id = id @Message = message end def deserialize(params) @Id = params['Id'] @Message = params['Message'] end end # SyncProxyOrganizationOperators请求参数结构体 class SyncProxyOrganizationOperatorsRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param OperatorType: 操作类型,新增:"CREATE",修改:"UPDATE",离职:"RESIGN" # @type OperatorType: String # @param Agent: 应用信息 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param ProxyOrganizationOperators: 经办人信息列表 # @type ProxyOrganizationOperators: Array # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` attr_accessor :OperatorType, :Agent, :ProxyOrganizationOperators, :Operator def initialize(operatortype=nil, agent=nil, proxyorganizationoperators=nil, operator=nil) @OperatorType = operatortype @Agent = agent @ProxyOrganizationOperators = proxyorganizationoperators @Operator = operator end def deserialize(params) @OperatorType = params['OperatorType'] unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end unless params['ProxyOrganizationOperators'].nil? @ProxyOrganizationOperators = [] params['ProxyOrganizationOperators'].each do |i| proxyorganizationoperator_tmp = ProxyOrganizationOperator.new proxyorganizationoperator_tmp.deserialize(i) @ProxyOrganizationOperators << proxyorganizationoperator_tmp end end unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end end end # SyncProxyOrganizationOperators返回参数结构体 class SyncProxyOrganizationOperatorsResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Status: Status 同步状态,全部同步失败接口会直接报错 # 1-成功 # 2-部分成功 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Status: Integer # @param FailedList: 同步失败经办人及其失败原因 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FailedList: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :Status, :FailedList, :RequestId def initialize(status=nil, failedlist=nil, requestid=nil) @Status = status @FailedList = failedlist @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @Status = params['Status'] unless params['FailedList'].nil? @FailedList = [] params['FailedList'].each do |i| syncfailreason_tmp = SyncFailReason.new syncfailreason_tmp.deserialize(i) @FailedList << syncfailreason_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # SyncProxyOrganization请求参数结构体 class SyncProxyOrganizationRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Agent: 应用信息 # 此接口Agent.ProxyOrganizationOpenId必填 # @type Agent: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.Agent` # @param ProxyOrganizationName: 渠道侧合作企业名称 # @type ProxyOrganizationName: String # @param UniformSocialCreditCode: 渠道侧合作企业统一社会信用代码 # @type UniformSocialCreditCode: String # @param BusinessLicense: 营业执照正面照(PNG或JPG) base64格式, 大小不超过5M # @type BusinessLicense: String # @param Operator: 操作者的信息 # @type Operator: :class:`Tencentcloud::Essbasic.v20210526.models.UserInfo` attr_accessor :Agent, :ProxyOrganizationName, :UniformSocialCreditCode, :BusinessLicense, :Operator def initialize(agent=nil, proxyorganizationname=nil, uniformsocialcreditcode=nil, businesslicense=nil, operator=nil) @Agent = agent @ProxyOrganizationName = proxyorganizationname @UniformSocialCreditCode = uniformsocialcreditcode @BusinessLicense = businesslicense @Operator = operator end def deserialize(params) unless params['Agent'].nil? @Agent = Agent.new @Agent.deserialize(params['Agent']) end @ProxyOrganizationName = params['ProxyOrganizationName'] @UniformSocialCreditCode = params['UniformSocialCreditCode'] @BusinessLicense = params['BusinessLicense'] unless params['Operator'].nil? @Operator = UserInfo.new @Operator.deserialize(params['Operator']) end end end # SyncProxyOrganization返回参数结构体 class SyncProxyOrganizationResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 此结构体 (TemplateInfo) 用于描述模板的信息。 class TemplateInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param TemplateId: 模板ID # @type TemplateId: String # @param TemplateName: 模板名字 # @type TemplateName: String # @param Description: 模板描述信息 # @type Description: String # @param Components: 模板控件信息结构 # @type Components: Array # @param SignComponents: 签署区模板信息结构 # @type SignComponents: Array # @param Creator: 模板的创建者信息 # @type Creator: String # @param CreatedOn: 模板创建的时间戳(精确到秒) # @type CreatedOn: Integer # @param TemplateType: 模板类型:1-静默签;2-静默签授权;3-普通模版 # @type TemplateType: Integer # @param Recipients: 模板中的流程参与人信息 # @type Recipients: Array attr_accessor :TemplateId, :TemplateName, :Description, :Components, :SignComponents, :Creator, :CreatedOn, :TemplateType, :Recipients def initialize(templateid=nil, templatename=nil, description=nil, components=nil, signcomponents=nil, creator=nil, createdon=nil, templatetype=nil, recipients=nil) @TemplateId = templateid @TemplateName = templatename @Description = description @Components = components @SignComponents = signcomponents @Creator = creator @CreatedOn = createdon @TemplateType = templatetype @Recipients = recipients end def deserialize(params) @TemplateId = params['TemplateId'] @TemplateName = params['TemplateName'] @Description = params['Description'] unless params['Components'].nil? @Components = [] params['Components'].each do |i| component_tmp = Component.new component_tmp.deserialize(i) @Components << component_tmp end end unless params['SignComponents'].nil? @SignComponents = [] params['SignComponents'].each do |i| component_tmp = Component.new component_tmp.deserialize(i) @SignComponents << component_tmp end end @Creator = params['Creator'] @CreatedOn = params['CreatedOn'] @TemplateType = params['TemplateType'] unless params['Recipients'].nil? @Recipients = [] params['Recipients'].each do |i| recipient_tmp = Recipient.new recipient_tmp.deserialize(i) @Recipients << recipient_tmp end end end end # 用量明细 class UsageDetail < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ProxyOrganizationOpenId: 渠道侧合作企业唯一标识 # @type ProxyOrganizationOpenId: String # @param Usage: 消耗量 # @type Usage: Integer # @param Date: 日期,当需要汇总数据时日期为空 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Date: String # @param ProxyOrganizationName: 渠道侧合作企业名 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ProxyOrganizationName: String attr_accessor :ProxyOrganizationOpenId, :Usage, :Date, :ProxyOrganizationName def initialize(proxyorganizationopenid=nil, usage=nil, date=nil, proxyorganizationname=nil) @ProxyOrganizationOpenId = proxyorganizationopenid @Usage = usage @Date = date @ProxyOrganizationName = proxyorganizationname end def deserialize(params) @ProxyOrganizationOpenId = params['ProxyOrganizationOpenId'] @Usage = params['Usage'] @Date = params['Date'] @ProxyOrganizationName = params['ProxyOrganizationName'] end end # 接口调用者信息 class UserInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param CustomUserId: 自定义用户编号 # @type CustomUserId: String # @param Channel: 用户的来源渠道 # @type Channel: String # @param OpenId: 用户在渠道的编号 # @type OpenId: String # @param ClientIp: 用户真实IP # @type ClientIp: String # @param ProxyIp: 用户代理IP # @type ProxyIp: String attr_accessor :CustomUserId, :Channel, :OpenId, :ClientIp, :ProxyIp def initialize(customuserid=nil, channel=nil, openid=nil, clientip=nil, proxyip=nil) @CustomUserId = customuserid @Channel = channel @OpenId = openid @ClientIp = clientip @ProxyIp = proxyip end def deserialize(params) @CustomUserId = params['CustomUserId'] @Channel = params['Channel'] @OpenId = params['OpenId'] @ClientIp = params['ClientIp'] @ProxyIp = params['ProxyIp'] end end end end end