# frozen_string_literal: true require "fileutils" require "pathname" module RubyNext module Commands class Nextify < Base using RubyNext attr_reader :lib_path, :paths, :out_path, :min_version, :single_version def run log "RubyNext core strategy: #{RubyNext::Core.strategy}" paths.each do |path| contents = File.read(path) transpile path, contents end end def parse!(args) print_help = false @min_version = MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION @single_version = false optparser = base_parser do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: ruby-next nextify DIRECTORY_OR_FILE [options]" opts.on("-o", "--output=OUTPUT", "Specify output directory or file or stdout") do |val| @out_path = val end opts.on("--min-version=VERSION", "Specify the minimum Ruby version to support") do |val| @min_version = Gem::Version.new(val) end opts.on("--single-version", "Only create one version of a file (for the earliest Ruby version)") do @single_version = true end opts.on("--enable-method-reference", "Enable reverted method reference syntax (requires custom parser)") do require "ruby-next/language/rewriters/method_reference" Language.rewriters << Language::Rewriters::MethodReference end opts.on("--[no-]refine", "Do not inject `using RubyNext`") do |val| Core.strategy = :core_ext unless val end opts.on("-h", "--help", "Print help") do print_help = true end end @lib_path = args[0] if print_help $stdout.puts optparser.help exit 0 end unless lib_path&.then(&File.method(:exist?)) $stdout.puts optparser.help exit 2 end optparser.parse!(args) @paths = if File.directory?(lib_path) Dir[File.join(lib_path, "**/*.rb")] elsif File.file?(lib_path) [lib_path].tap do |_| @lib_path = File.dirname(lib_path) end end end private def transpile(path, contents, version: min_version) rewriters = Language.rewriters.select { |rw| rw.unsupported_version?(version) } context = Language::TransformContext.new new_contents = Language.transform contents, context: context, rewriters: rewriters return unless context.dirty? versions = context.sorted_versions version = versions.shift # First, store already transpiled contents in the minimum required version dir save new_contents, path, version return if versions.empty? || single_version? # Then, generate the source code for the next version transpile path, contents, version: version end def save(contents, path, version) return $stdout.puts(contents) if out_path == "stdout" paths = [Pathname.new(path).relative_path_from(Pathname.new(lib_path))] paths.unshift(version.segments[0..1].join(".")) unless single_version? next_path = if out_path if out_path.end_with?(".rb") out_path else File.join(out_path, *paths) end else File.join( lib_path, RUBY_NEXT_DIR, *paths ) end FileUtils.mkdir_p File.dirname(next_path) File.write(next_path, contents) log "Generated: #{next_path}" end alias single_version? single_version end end end