require "octokit" ## # This script will validate that any pull request submitted against a github # repository will contains changes to CHANGELOG file. # # If not the case, an helpful text will be commented on the pull request # If ok, a thanksful message will be commented also containing a @mention to # acts as a trigger for review notification by a human. ## @bot="" # Put here your bot github username @password="" # Put here your bot github password @repository="logstash/logstash" @mention="@jordansissel" @missing_changelog_message = < @bot, :password => @password) #For each open pull Octokit.pull_requests(@repository).each do |pull| #Get botComment botComment = nil @client.issue_comments(@repository, pull.number, { :sort => "created", :direction => "desc" }).each do |comment| if comment.user.login == @bot botComment = comment break end end if !botComment.nil? and botComment.body.start_with?("[BOT-OK]") #Pull already validated by bot, nothing to do puts "Pull request #{pull.number}, already ok for bot" else #Firt encounter, or previous [BOT-WARN] status #Check for changelog warnOnMissingChangeLog = true @client.pull_request_files(@repository, pull.number).each do |changedFile| if changedFile.filename == "CHANGELOG" if changedFile.additions.to_i > 0 #Changelog looks good warnOnMissingChangeLog = false else #No additions, means crazy deletion warnOnMissingChangeLog = true end end end if warnOnMissingChangeLog if botComment.nil? puts "Pull request #{pull.number}, adding bot warning" @client.add_comment(@repository, pull.number, "[BOT-WARN] #{@missing_changelog_message}") else puts "Pull request #{pull.number}, already warned, no changes yet" end else if !botComment.nil? @client.delete_comment(@repository, end puts "Pull request #{pull.number}, adding bot ok" @client.add_comment(@repository, pull.number, "[BOT-OK] #{@ok_changelog_message}") end end end