# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'ansible-powerplay' include Powerplay::DSL module Powerplay module Cli class Main < Thor class_option :verbose, type: :numeric, banner: '[1|2|3|4]', aliases: '-v', default: 0 desc 'play [script]', 'Run the powerplay script.' long_desc <<-LONGDESC Plays a PowerPlay script. The entries in the script, as specified inside of a group, are run in parallel by default. if [script] is not given, it defaults to 'stack.play' in the current directory. LONGDESC option :tmux, type: :string, aliases: '-m', banner: "[WINDOWNUMBERopt[:PANENUMBER[,PANENUMBER...]]]", lazy_default: "0", desc: <<-LONGDESC Send output to all tmux panes in the current window, or the numeric window specified. Additionally, you can precisely specify pane indices, as are shown by the " q" command (or whatever you may have mapped it to. Examples: -m -- will send the output to "random" panes of the current TMUX window. -m=2 -- will send the output to the TMUX window two, and "randomly" select panes for the output. -m=2:2,3 -- will send the outputs to only pane indices 2 and 3 of TMUX window 2. -m=0:1,4 -- will send the outputs to only pane indices 1 and 4 of the current TMUX window. '0' always mean 'current TMUX window'. Note that you will need to use the '=' now, when you specify windows and panes. It will not work properly without it. LONGDESC option :ttys, type: :array, aliases: '-M', banner: "[TTY1[ TTY2 ...]]", desc: ' Send output to specified (pseudo) ttys.' option :play, type: :array, aliases: ['-p', '--power'], banner: "[NAME[ NAME2...]|all]", required: true, desc: 'Which PowerPlay playbooks (as opposed to Ansible playbooks) to specifically execute.' option :group, type: :array, aliases: '-g', banner: "[NAME[ NAME2...]|all]", default: [:all], desc: ' Which groups to execute.' option :book, type: :array, aliases: '-b', banner: "[NAME[ NAME2...]|all]", default: [:all], desc: 'Which books to execute.' option :dryrun, type: :boolean, aliases: '-u', desc: "Dry run, do not actually execute." option :extra, type: :array, aliases: ['-x', '--extra-vars'], banner: %(:"key1a=value1a key2a=value2a... " [BOOKNAME2:"key1b=value1b key2b=value2b... "]), default: [], desc: 'Pass custom parameters directly to playbooks. You may either pass parameters to all playbooks or specific ones.' option :tags, type: :array, aliases: '-t', banner: %([ TAG2 TAG3...]), desc: "Ansible tags to only run - mutually exclusive with --skip-tags" option :sktags, type: :array, aliases: ['--skip-tags', '-T'], banner: %([ TAG2 TAG3...]), desc: "Ansible tags to skip - mutually exclusive with --tags" option :apverbose, type: :numeric, banner: '[1|2|3|4]', aliases: '-V', default: 0, desc: "Pass to ansible-playbook -v, -vv, etc. verbosity flags" def play(script = 'stack.play') DSL::_global[:options] = massage options puts "script %s " % [script] if DSL::_global[:options][:verbose] >= 1 load script, true if DSL::_verbosity >= 3 puts "\n*** PLANNING FIFO QUEUE:".green puts DSL::_planning.map{ |book| [book.type, book.plan, book.yaml, book.family.map{|g| ":#{g}" }.join(' < ')] }.map{ |t,p,y,f| unless t == :noop ":#{t}".light_yellow else ":#{t}".red end + unless p == :async "\t :#{p}".light_cyan else "\t :#{p}".light_red end + "\t #{y}".magenta + "\t #{f}".light_black } puts end if DSL::_verbosity >= 4 puts "\n**** PARSE TREE & GLOBAL OBJECTS:".green pp DSL::_global puts "\n**** PLANNING FIFO QUEUE DETAILS:".green pp DSL::_planning end Play::Ansible::power_run end default_task :play if $PP_BASENAME == 'pp' desc 'version', 'display the version of this PowerPlay install' def version puts s_version end desc 'ttys', 'list all the TMUX ptys on the current window.' def ttys puts Play::Tmux::pane_ptys end no_commands do def massage(options) opt = Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new options opt[:extra] = Thor::CoreExt::HashWithIndifferentAccess.new opt[:extra].map{ |s| s.split(':', 2)}.to_h opt[:tags] = opt[:tags].join(',') unless opt[:tags].nil? opt[:sktags] = opt[:sktags].join(',') unless opt[:sktags].nil? opt end end end end end