require 'ipdb/location'
module Ipdb
class Map
# Creates a new Map object.
# @param [Array] addresses/domians
# An array of addresses or domains.
# @param [Hash] options The options to create a Map with.
# @option options [Integer] :timeout ('10') The Timeout.
# @option options [Symbol] :units (':px') The units for width and height.
# @option options [Integer] :width ('600') The width of the Map.
# @option options [Integer] :height ('350') The height of the Map.
# @option options [Integer] :zoom ('10') The zoom of the Map.
# @option options [String] :div_id ('map_canvas') The div id of the Map container.
# @option options [String] :div_class ('ipdb') The div class of the Map container.
# @return [MAP] map The newly created Map Object.
# @example
#, :zoom => 1, :width => 100, :height => 100, :units => :%)
def initialize(addr=nil, options={})
@timeout = options[:timeout] || 10
@units = (options[:units] || :px).to_sym
@width = options[:width] || 600
@height = options[:height] || 350
@zoom = options[:zoom] || 10
@div_id = options[:div_id] || 'map_canvas'
@div_class = options[:div_class] || 'ipdb'
ip = [addr].flatten
@url = "#{SCRIPT}?ip=#{URI.escape(ip.join(','))}"
@xml = Nokogiri::XML.parse(open(@url)).xpath('//Location')
# Return a Google Map for a Query Object
# @return [String] map The Google Map html and JavaScript.
def render
@map = ""; @id = 0
@xml.each do |x|
location =, @timeout)
id = "ip_#{@id += 1}_id"
@start = new_location(location.latitude, location.longitude) if @id == 1
@map += add_marker(id, location.address, location.latitude, location.longitude)
@map += add_window(id, location.address,,
@map += add_listener(id)
build_map(@start, @map)
# Build the Google maps options hash.
# @private
def build_options(start)
"var myOptions = {zoom: #{@zoom},center: #{start},mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP};var map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById('#{@div_id}'), myOptions);"
# Build a new Google Map Location object.
# @param [Float] latitude The new location objects latitude.
# @param [Float] longitude The new location objects longitude.
# @private
def new_location(latitude,longitude)
"new google.maps.LatLng(#{latitude}, #{longitude})"
# Build a Google Map marker for the Location.
# @param [String] id The Location id.
# @param [String] address The Location address.
# @param [Float] latitude The new location objects latitude.
# @param [Float] longitude The new location objects longitude.
# @private
def add_marker(id,address,latitude,longitude)
"var marker_#{id} = new google.maps.Marker({position: new google.maps.LatLng(#{latitude}, #{longitude}), map: map, title: '#{address}'});"
# Build a Google Map Window for the Location.
# @param [String] id The Location id.
# @param [String] address The Location address.
# @param [String] city The location city.
# @param [String] country The location country.
# @private
def add_window(id, address, city, country)
"var infowindow_#{id} = new google.maps.InfoWindow({content: 'IP Address: #{address}
#{city}, #{country}'});"
# Build a Google map Listener to watch for marker clicks.
# @param [String] id The Location id.
def add_listener(id)
"google.maps.event.addListener(marker_#{id}, 'click', function() {infowindow_#{id}.open(map,marker_#{id});});"
# Build The Google Map.
# @param [String] start A Google Map Location object to use as a starting point.
# @param [String] data The Google Map js built from the Location object.
# @private
def build_map(start, data)
return <<-EOF