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Use %s instead.%s is missing%s page isn't exist in PDF%s: Information window(%s)(Must be specified.)(auto)(available markup languages: %s)(default source)(default: %s)(e.g.: %s)(landscape A4 height)(landscape A4 size)(landscape A4 width)(must)(none)(optional)--title="Rabbit Introduction"3DAUTHORAbstractAccount for %sAd text.Add [PATH] to load path.Allotted time in presentaionApplies custom tag style.Applies syntax highlighting style.Author e-mail of the new slideAuthor name of the new slideAuto SlideAvailable commands: %sBackground color.Backward compatibilityBackward compatibility theme for (())Backward compatibility theme for (())BaseBase name for the slide source file and generated PDF fileBase y-axis position to stroke line.Better look for displaying but lesser look for printing.BlackoutBlue BarBlue CircleBlue Circle themeBlue bar themeBottom margin of an image.COZMIXNGCOZMIXNG themeCOZMIXNGImageCOZMIXNGPoweredByCache all slidesCategoryCentering RabbitChange graffiti colorChange themeChoose a Rabbit source fileClear BlueClear Blue ImageClear blue themeClear blue theme with Lightning Talk themeClear graffitiClear slideClock toolkit, a text versionClutter CommentColor CircleColor Circle DescriptionColor Circle Foot TextColor Circle Item MarkColor Circle Method ListColor Circle PreformattedColor Circle SlideColor Circle TextColor Circle Title SlideColor Circle Title textColor Circle block quoteColor Circle commonColor a background of the title slide.Color of numbers displayed on the start and goal flags.Color of shadow.CommentCommon optionsControl commandsConvenienceConvenience ' ' newline notation.Create gem: %{gem_path}Creating a image for the %dth pageCreating directory: %sCreating file: %sDEBUGDRb.thread done.Dark GradationDark Gradation background ImageDark Gradation background themeDay WhiteDay White themeDebian GNU/Linux ThemeDebian ThemeDebianImageDebugDebug toolkit to show element framesDefaultDefault Block QuoteDefault Foot TextDefault Item Mark SetupDefault Method ListDefault PreformattedDefault SlideDefault TextDefault Title TextDefault: DefaultCommentDefaultDescriptionDefaultIconDefaultItemMarkDefaultTitleSlideDefine default variablesDependency themesDeprecated. Just ignored.DescriptionDirection of automatic scrolling.DisplayDisplays Lavie as a logo at the headlines of slides.Displays Lavie as a logo in the title slide.Displays a text and an image showing the presentation slides are powered by Rabbit and COZMIXNG at the foot of the title slide and of the last slide.Displays a text and images showing the presentation slides are powered by COZMIXNG and Rabbit at the foot of the title slide and of the last slide.Displays an image as a background of each slide. Each image is specified as a slide property: = target slide ... == properties : background-image my-picture.png Displays an image as a background of slides.Displays an image as a background of the title slide.Displays an image as a logo at the footer of slides.Displays an image as a logo at the headlines of slides.Displays an image as a logo at the top of all slides.Displays an image as a logo in the title slide.Displays block quote text with frame.Displays colorful balls at the head of list items.Displays current time with text.Displays description-list items like ones in the website of the Ruby-GNOME2 Project; i.e. displays their text colored blue.Displays description-list items with orange underlines.Displays foot text at the footer of slide with Ruby-GNOME2 style.Displays foot text at the footer of slide.Displays headline with line.Displays headlines like ones in the website of the Ruby-GNOME2 Project; i.e. displays their text colored white and placed in the dark red boxes with pink frames.Displays information with a line at the footer of slides.Displays information with a line at the header of slides.Displays information with line at the edge of slide.Displays list items like ones in the website of the Ruby-GNOME2 Project; i.e. displays text of the first-level items colored blue and underlined, the second- and third-level items marked with black squares and circles.Displays method description with indent.Displays preformatted text with Ruby-GNOME2 style.Displays preformatted text with frame.Displays programs the presentation slides are powered by (or displays some other ads) at the foot of the title slide and of the last slide. Images and/or a text are available as ads.Displays quotation block with quote mark in frame.Displays shadows behind the title string in the title slide.Displays simple black circles at the head of list items.Displays slide numbers with text at the bottom of the slides.Displays slides for lightning talkDisplays slides with Ruby-GNOME2 style.Displays squares at the head of list items.Displays the progress of presentation with position of an image. This is useful both for speakers and for listeners to know elapsed slide numbers and slide numbers left. By default, an image of a hare, which is a family of rabbit, jumps along the bottom of slides between two flags. Using together with another theme, (()), you can make a hare and a tortoise race like the fable of the hare and the tortoise. When doing so, however, note that you should make your presentation not so slowly that the hare will lose to the tortoise.Displays the progress of time with position of an image. This is useful both for speakers and for listeners to know elapsed time and time left. By default, a tortoise image walks along the bottom of slides slowly step by step. Using together with another theme, (()), you can make a hare and a tortoise race like the fable of the hare and the tortoise. When doing so, however, note that you should make your presentation not so slowly that the hare will lose to the tortoise.Displays title on imageDraw scaled image.ERROREVENT NAMEEdge Info ToolkitEffectEmphasize KeywordEnable ' ' notation to insert newline in all slides.Enable ' ' notation to insert newline in title.EnishTech green based themeEnishi GreenEnter password on SlideShareErrorEtcExpand holeFATALFIRST SLIDEFailed to read author configuration: %s: %sFailed to upload: %sFailed to write author configuration: %s: %sFatalFile name of an image that moves. A tortoise image in the (()) theme is used by default.File name of an image that moves. An image of a hare in the (()) theme is used by default.File name of an image used as the goal flag.File name of an image used as the start flag.First slideFooter CommentFooter LogoFor authorFor usersFor viewersForm of the start and goal flags. Avaiable forms are (({'triangle'})) and (({'rectangle'})).Format: WIDTHxHEIGHT+X+YFrame color.Full screenGenerate PDF: %{pdf_path}Generating documents for locale <%s>...Get commandsGo backGo forwardGo upGraffitiGraffiti modeGreen CircleGreen Circle themeHeadlineLogoINFOINSTITUTIONITEM %dIconIconifyImageImage file name.Image height.Image position. :right or :left.Image viewerImage width.ImageSlideNumberImageTimerImagesImages related to (()) themeImages related to (()) themeImages related to COZMIXNGImages related to DebianImages related to RabbitImages related to RubyImages related to RubyKaigi2011Images related to dark gradationIndexIndex modeInfoInformation windowInitial stateInstallInstalling gem in user install mode: %sInstalling gem: %sIt is used to publish your slide to %sJump toJump to the %dth slideLast slideLightning Clear BlueLightning Talk themeLightning Talk theme monochrome versionLightning Talk theme simple versionLightningRabbitLightningTalkLightningTalk-MonochromeLightningTalk-SimpleLightningTalk-ToolkitLimit time by second.Line color.Line fill pattern. @slide_footer_info_line_color is ignored if this parameter is specified.Line fill pattern. @slide_header_info_line_color is ignored if this parameter is specified.Line width.Line width:List of image file names.Load options from FILE.Locates objects in the title slide simply by centering them and by making configuration for margins around them a little.Log LevelMagnifierMarginMarkup language for the new slideMerge themeMigemoMirror EffectMove commandsMove to nextMove to previousMove to the Nth slideMove to the first slideMove to the last slideMove to the next slideMove to the next slide automatically.Move to the previous slideNameNariNari ImageNari's themeNarrow holeNewline in SlidesNewline in TitleNextNext slideNight BlackNight Black themeNote: case insensitive.Now processing... Do you really quit?OthersOutput HTML for viewing saved images.Output index HTML for navigating slides.PDFPaperParametersPerSlideBackgroundColorPerSlideBackgroundImagePosition of the logo. The logo will be set at the upper-right corner when '(({:right}))', and at the upper-left corner when '(({:left}))'.Powered-by ad toolkitPowered-by-COZMIXNG ad toolkitPowered-by-Rabbit ad toolkitPoweredByPresentation date with the new slidePreviousPrevious slidePrintPrint and exit.Processing...Properties for the clock, such as font family.Properties of the ad text, such as font family.Properties of the slide numbers, such as font family.Provide common methods for Color Circle toolkit.Provide mirror_effect method that flips content.Provide rotate_zoom_effect method that rotates and zooms content.Provide scroll_effect method that scrolls content.Provides emphasize_keyword method that markups specified keyword as emphasis text.Provides images related to (()) theme.Provides images related to (()) theme.Provides images related to COZMIXNG.Provides images related to Dark Gradation themeProvides images related to DebianProvides images related to Rabbit.Provides images related to Ruby.Provides images related to RubyKaigi2011.Provides methods to set item mark style up.Public levelPublishPublish the slide to RubyGems.orgPublish the slide to SlideSharePublish the slide to Spearker DeckPublish the slide to all available targetsPublish the theme to %sPublish the theme to all available targetsQuitRSS is generated only when HTML is output.RTtool isn't availableRabbitRabbit Block QuoteRabbit Error DialogRabbit themeRabbit theme with Lightning Talk themeRabbit theme with text centering.RabbitHeadlineLogoRabbitIconRabbitImageRabbitItemMarkRabbitPoweredByRabbitTitleLogoRangubaRanguba themeRed frame themeRedFrameRedrawReloadReload themeReset adjustmentReset timerRight margin of an image.Rotate Zoom EffectRuby-GNOME2Ruby-GNOME2 Foot TextRuby-GNOME2 PreformattedRuby-GNOME2 SlideRuby-GNOME2 themeRubyGNOME2DescriptionRubyGNOME2HeadlineRubyGNOME2IconRubyGNOME2ItemMarkRubyImageRubyKaigi2011RubyKaigi2011 themeRubyKaigi2011ImageSECOND SLIDESOAPSUBTITLESaveSave as imageSave as image and exit.Scroll EffectSearch slide backwardSearch slide backward nextSearch slide forwardSearch slide forward nextSee %sSee (())See (())See --help for exampleSelect from [%s].Select from the following:ServerSet background color of each slide. Each color is specified as a slide property: = target slide ... == properties : background-color black Set bottom margin for slides per page mode print.Set bottom page margin.Set left margin for slides per page mode print.Set left page margin.Set margin for slides per page mode print.Set page margin.Set paper height to [HEIGHT] Pt.Set paper width and height to [WIDTH] Pt and [HEIGHT] Pt.Set paper width to [WIDTH] Pt.Set right margin for slides per page mode print.Set right page margin.Set slides per page.Set top margin for slides per page mode print.Set top page margin.Set window geometry [GEOMETRY].Set window height to [HEIGHT].Set window width and height to [WIDTH] and [HEIGHT].Set window width to [WIDTH].Sets default text style up.Sets default title text style up.Sets up default comment theme.ShowShow [THEME] when startup.Show a native window ID of the Rabbit window if available.Show comment as a rolling Clutter actor.Show comment on the footer.Show element frames useful for debug.Show slideShow sourceShow the current slide source as RDShow theme benchmark slide with this themeShow this message.Show version.ShowFrameSimpleItemMarkSizeSlideSlide Footer InfoSlide IDSlide LogoSlide ShowSlide informationSlideBackgroundSlideBackgroundImageSourceSpecifies an image or images as icons of the window, which will be used by some window managers and desktop environments, for example when the window is minimized (or 'iconified'), in the window frame, or when windows are switched. The specified image or images are automatically scaled to the icon sizes case by case. When several images are specified and they have different sizes, an image with the most similar size to that of icon among them is chosen and scaled in order to improve the quality of image finally displayed.Specify Rabbit's dRuby URI as [URI].Specify SOAP host as [HOST].Specify SOAP port as [PORT].Specify XML-RPC host as [HOST].Specify XML-RPC port as [PORT].Specify base URI of RSS as [URI].Specify base URI or path of source as [BASE].Specify comment source encoding.Specify dRuby URI.Specify initial comment source.Specify locale dir as [DIR].Specify log level as [LEVEL].Specify logger type as [TYPE].Specify printed out filename as [FILENAME].Specify public level.Specify saved image base name as [BASE_NAME].Specify saved image type as [TYPE].Specify search paths for Migemo static dictionary.Specify source encoding as [ENCODING].Specify source filenam as [FILENAME].Specify source type as [TYPE].Specify static dictionary name for Migemo.Specify target locales as [LOC1,LOC2,...].Specify theme document directory as [DIR].Specify whether to keep above window.Specify whether to output dRuby URI.Specify whether to run as server.Specify whether to use OpenGL if available.Specify whether to use SOAP.Specify whether to use XML-RPC.Specify whether to use dRuby.SpotlightStop slide searchStream CommentStream comments on canvas.Support itemization in quotation.Syntax HighlightingTITLETODO: SLIDE DESCRIPTIONTODO: SLIDE TITLETODO: THEME DESCRIPTIONTODO: THEME TITLETableTagTags of the new slideText color.Text size.TextClockTextSlideNumberTextTimerThemeTheme IDTheme for PDFTheme for image viewer modeTheme informationThere are many colored circles in slides.This theme is always included at the first.TimeTime interval between automatic update.Timer toolkit, an image versionTitle of slideTitle of the new slideTitle on Image ToolkitTitleBackgroundColorTitleBackgroundImageTitleLogoTitleShadowTitleSlideBackgroundImageTo run rabbit, create '%{options_file}'!Toggle blackoutToggle full screen mode.Toggle fullscreenToggle index modeToggle index mode.Toggle whiteoutToolkitToolkit for syntax highlightingToolkit to apply custom tagToolkit to color a background of the title slideToolkit to display Lavie as a logo at the headlinesToolkit to display Lavie as a logo in the title slideToolkit to display an image as a background of each slideToolkit to display an image as a background of slidesToolkit to display an image as a background of the title slideToolkit to display an image as a logo at the headlinesToolkit to display an image as a logo in the title slideToolkit to display an image as logo at the footerToolkit to display an image as logo at the topToolkit to display colorful balls as list item marksToolkit to display description-list items like ones in the website of the Ruby-GNOME2 ProjectToolkit to display description-list items with orange underlines.Toolkit to display headlines like those in the website of the Ruby-GNOME2 ProjectToolkit to display information at the footerToolkit to display information at the headerToolkit to display itemization in quotationToolkit to display list items like ones in the website of the Ruby-GNOME2 ProjectToolkit to display shadows behind the titleToolkit to display simple black circles as list item marksToolkit to display slide numbers, a text versionToolkit to display slide numbers, an image versionToolkit to display squares as list item marksToolkit to do slide showToolkit to locate objects in the title slide in a simple wayToolkit to make a theme that has colored circlesToolkit to set (()) theme's description-list style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's foot text style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's item marks style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's method-list style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's preformatted text style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's slide style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's text style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's title slide style up.Toolkit to set (()) theme's title text style up.Toolkit to set background color of each slideToolkit to set up default comment theme.Toolkit to specify an image or images as iconsToolkit to use Lavie as iconsToolkit to use a pink circle as iconsToolkit to use pink circle and polygon as iconsUNKNOWNURIUndo graffitiUnknownUnknown action: %sUnknown command: %sUnknown property: %sUploaded successfully!Usage: %s [options]Usage: %s new [options] e.g.: %s new \ --id rubykaigi2012 \ --base-name rabbit-introduction \ --markup-language rd \ --name "Kouhei Sutou" \ --email kou@cozmixng.org \ --rubygems-user kou \ --slideshare-user kou \ --speaker-deck-user kouUsage: %s new [options] e.g.: %s new \ --id rubykaigi2012 \ --name "Kouhei Sutou" \ --email kou@cozmixng.org \ --rubygems-user kouUse [THEME] as theme.Use [THEME] for comment.Use [TIME] as allotted time.Uses Lavie as icons.Uses a pink circle as icons.Uses pink circle and polygon as icons.WARNINGWarningWhen select %s specify %s as [SOURCE_INFOS].Whether drawing start and goal flags with text or not. When (({true})), flags are drawn with text with a form of (({@image_slide_number_flag_type})) and on which slide numbers are also drawn with color ((|@image_slide_number_text_color|)). Otherwise, image files specified with ((|@image_slide_number_start_image|)) and ((|@image_slide_number_goal_image|)) are used as flags.Whether keep ratio of an image or not.Whether scrolling automatically or not.Whether show a text over line or not.Whether uninstall this theme or not.Whether uninstalling this toolkit or not. This option is useful for cases you do not want to make the toolkit work for certain slides.Whether updating image position automatically or not.WhiteoutWindow ID: %dWrite %{item} in %{where}: %{content}XML-RPCYour information[ALL][BUG] [%s] %s extension isn't available.[COMMAND] is one of them: [%s][FILENAME][FILENAME_OR_NOT][HIKI_CGI_URI] and [PAGE_NAME][TOP],[LEFT_RIGHT],[BOTTOM][TOP],[RIGHT],[BOTTOM],[LEFT][TOP_BOTTOM],[LEFT_RIGHT][USER] and [TITLE][cited from `%s']_Quit_Quit with confirmationcan not be read: %scan't allocate color: %scan't convert to current locale from UTF-8: %scan't find HTML template: %scan't find printer for %scan't find theme RD template: %scan't generate RSScan't handle %s because the following command can't be run successfully: %sdRubydRuby URI <%s> is in use.default themee.g. The ID is the ID of X resource on X window system.emacs: unsupported element name: %senenscript: unsupported element name: %senscript: unsupported language: %sfrgoing to shutdown...horizontal rule is unsupportedimage renderingimmutable source type: %sinvalid command: <%s>: available commands: %sinvalid motion: %sinvalid value of size property "%{prop_name}" of image "%{filename}": %{value}jamultiple ![]('XXX.png'){:align='right'} isn't supported.multiple ![alt]{image} in a paragraph isn't supported.multiple 'align = right' isn't supported.multiple {{image, 'XXX.png', :align => :right}} isn't supported.must specify %s!!!no such file: %snone (get from STDIN) or [FILE_NAMES]not a file: %snot available interface: %snot exist: %sport <%s> for SOAP is in use.port <%s> for XML-RPC is in use.print isn't supportedrabbit-theme-benchmark-en.gemrequired variables aren't set: %stable renderingtext version timertoo many commands: %stried aafigure command: %stried blockdiag command: %stried dia commands: %stried gimp commands: %stried gs commands: %stried mimeTeX commands: %sunknown cursor type: %sunknown enumeration item mark type: %s Numeric type is used as fallbackunknown item mark type: %s Rectangle type is used as fallbackunlimitedunsupported format. (supported: %s)unsupported list type: %swhite <-> black gradationx-axis margin.Project-Id-Version: Rabbit 0.5.4 Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: POT-Creation-Date: 2012-08-29 00:21+0900 PO-Revision-Date: 2007-12-15 20:07+0900 Last-Translator: Kouhei Sutou Language-Team: Kouhei Sutou and Kobayashi Noritada Language: MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;