# Rdkafka [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/thijsc/rdkafka-ruby.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/thijsc/rdkafka-ruby) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/rdkafka.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/rdkafka) [![Maintainability](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/362d93880c1b6b6f48c6/maintainability)](https://codeclimate.com/github/thijsc/rdkafka-ruby/maintainability) [![Test Coverage](https://api.codeclimate.com/v1/badges/362d93880c1b6b6f48c6/test_coverage)](https://codeclimate.com/github/thijsc/rdkafka-ruby/test_coverage) The `rdkafka` gem is a modern Kafka client library for Ruby based on [librdkafka](https://github.com/edenhill/librdkafka/). It wraps the production-ready C client using the [ffi](https://github.com/ffi/ffi) gem and targets Kafka 0.10+ and Ruby 2.1+. This gem only provides a high-level Kafka consumer. If you are running an older version of Kafka and/or need the legacy simple consumer we suggest using the [Hermann](https://github.com/reiseburo/hermann) gem. ## Installation This gem downloads and compiles librdkafka when it is installed. If you have any problems installing the gem please open an issue. ## Usage See the [documentation](http://www.rubydoc.info/github/thijsc/rdkafka-ruby/master) for full details on how to use this gem. Two quick examples: ### Consuming messages ```ruby config = { :"bootstrap.servers" => "localhost:9092", :"group.id" => "ruby-test" } consumer = Rdkafka::Config.new(config).consumer consumer.subscribe("ruby-test-topic") consumer.each do |message| puts "Message received: #{message}" end ``` ### Producing messages ```ruby config = {:"bootstrap.servers" => "localhost:9092"} producer = Rdkafka::Config.new(config).producer 100.times do |i| puts "Producing message #{i}" producer.produce( topic: "ruby-test-topic", payload: "Payload #{i}", key: "Key #{i}" ).wait end ``` ## Development For development we expect a local zookeeper and kafka instance to be running. Run `bundle` and `cd ext && bundle exec rake && cd ..`. Then create the topics as expected in the specs: `bundle exec rake create_topics`. You can then run `bundle exec rspec` to run the tests. To see rdkafka debug output: ``` DEBUG_PRODUCER=true bundle exec rspec DEBUG_CONSUMER=true bundle exec rspec ``` To see everything working run these in separate tabs: ``` bundle exec rake consume_messages bundle exec rake produce_messages ```