require 'yaml' require 'cmds' require 'parseconfig' require 'nrser/refinements' require_relative 'role/errors' using NRSER module QB # contains info on a QB role. # # class Role # attrs # ======================================================================= # @!attribute [r] path # @return [Pathname] # location of the role directory. attr_reader :path # @!attribute [r] name # @return [String] # the role's ansible "name", which is it's directory name. attr_reader :name # @!attribute [r] display_path # # the path to the role that we display. we only show the directory name # for QB roles, and use {QB::Util.compact_path} to show `.` and `~` for # paths relative to the current directory and home directory, respectively. # # @return [Pathname] attr_reader :display_path # @!attribute [r] meta_path # @return [String, nil] # the path qb metadata was load from. `nil` if it's never been loaded # or doesn't exist. attr_reader :meta_path # static role utils # ======================================================================= # true if pathname is a QB role directory. def self.role_dir? pathname # must be a directory && # and must have meta/qb.yml or meta/qb file ['qb.yml', 'qb'].any? {|filename| pathname.join('meta', filename).file?} end # get role paths from ansible.cfg if it exists in a directory. # # @param dir [Pathname] directory to look for ansible.cfg in. # # @return [Array<String>] role paths # def self.cfg_roles_path dir path = dir.join 'ansible.cfg' if path.file? config = path.to_s config['defaults']['roles_path'].split(':').map {|path| QB::Util.resolve dir, path } else [] end end # @param dir [Pathname] dir to include. def self.roles_paths dir cfg_roles_path(dir) + [ dir.join('roles'), dir.join('roles', 'tmp'), ] end # places to look for qb role directories. these paths are also included # when qb runs a playbook. # # TODO resolution order: # # 1. paths specific to this run: # a. TODO paths provided on the cli. # 2. paths specific to the current directory: # a. paths specified in ./ansible.cfg (if it exists) # b. ./roles # c. ./roles/tmp # - used for roles that are downloaded but shouldn't be included # in source control. # d. paths specified in ./ansible/ansible.cfg (if it exists) # e. ./ansible/roles # f. ./ansible/roles/tmp # - used for roles that are downloaded but shouldn't be included # in source control. # g. paths specified in ./dev/ansible.cfg (if it exists) # h. ./dev/roles # i. ./dev/roles/tmp # - used for roles that are downloaded but shouldn't be included # in source control. # 3. # # @return [Array<Pathname>] # places to look for role dirs. # def self.search_path [ QB::USER_ROLES_DIR, QB::GEM_ROLES_DIR ] + [ QB::Util.resolve, QB::Util.resolve('ansible'), QB::Util.resolve('dev'), ].map {|dir| roles_paths dir }. flatten end # array of QB::Role found in search path. def self.available search_path. select {|search_dir| # make sure it's there (and a directory) }. map {|search_dir| # grab all the child directories that are role directories {|child| role_dir? child } }. flatten. map {|role_dir| role_dir }. uniq end # get an array of QB::Role that match an input string def self.matches input # keep this here to we don't re-gen every loop available = self.available # first off, see if input matches any relative paths exactly available.each {|role| return [role] if role.display_path.to_s == input } # create an array of "separator" variations to try *exact* matching # against. in order of preference: # # 1. exact input # - this means if you ended up with roles that actually *are* # differnetiated by '_/-' differences (which, IMHO, is a # horrible fucking idea), you can get exactly what you ask for # as a first priority # 2. input with '-' changed to '_' # - prioritized because convetion is to underscore-separate # role names. # 3. input with '_' changed to '-' # - really just for convience's sake so you don't really have to # remember what separator is used. # separator_variations = [ input, input.gsub('-', '_'), input.gsub('_', '_'), ] separator_variations.each {|variation| available.each {|role| # exact match to full name return [role] if == variation }.each {|role| # exact match without the namespace prefix ('qb.' or similar) return [role] if role.namespaceless == variation } } # see if we prefix match any full names name_prefix_matches = {|role| input } return name_prefix_matches unless name_prefix_matches.empty? # see if we prefix match any name namespaceless_prefix_matches = {|role| role.namespaceless.start_with? input } unless namespaceless_prefix_matches.empty? return namespaceless_prefix_matches end # see if we prefix match any display paths path_prefix_matches = {|role| role.display_path.start_with? input } return path_prefix_matches unless path_prefix_matches.empty? # see if we word match any display` paths name_word_matches = {|role| QB::Util.words_start_with? role.display_path.to_s, input } return name_word_matches unless name_word_matches.empty? # nada [] end # .matches # find exactly one matching role for the input string or raise. def self.require input as_pathname = # allow a path to a role dir if role_dir? as_pathname return as_pathname end matches = self.matches input role = case matches.length when 0 raise input when 1 matches[0] else raise input, matches end QB.debug "role match" => role role end # get the include path for an included role based on the # option metadata that defines the include and the current # include path. # # @param role [Role] # the role to include. # # @param option_meta [Hash] # the entry for the option in qb.yml # # @param current_include_path [Array<string>] # # @return [Array<string>] # include path for the included role. # def self.get_include_path role, option_meta, current_include_path new_include_path = if option_meta.key? 'as' case option_meta['as'] when nil, false # include it in with the parent role's options current_include_path when String current_include_path + [option_meta['as']] else raise, "bad 'as' value: #{ option_meta.inspect }" end else current_include_path + [role.namespaceless] end end # the path we display in the CLI, see {#display_path}. # # @param [Pathname | String] path # input path to transform. # # @return [Pathname] # path to display. # def self.to_display_path path if path.realpath.start_with? QB::GEM_ROLES_DIR path.realpath.sub (QB::GEM_ROLES_DIR.to_s + '/'), '' else QB::Util.contract_path path end end # instance methods # ======================================================================= # # @param [String|Pathname] path # location of the role directory # def initialize path @path = if path.is_a?(Pathname) then path else end # check it... unless @path.exist? raise @path.to_s end unless raise @path.to_s end @display_path = self.class.to_display_path @path @meta_path = if (@path + 'meta' + 'qb').exist? @path + 'meta' + 'qb' elsif (@path + 'meta' + 'qb.yml').exist? @path + 'meta' + 'qb.yml' else raise "#{ @path.join('meta').to_s }/[qb|qb.yml]" end @name = @path.to_s.split(File::SEPARATOR).last end def to_s @display_path.to_s end def namespace if @name.include? '.' @name.split('.').first else nil end end def namespaceless @name.split('.', 2).last end def options_key @display_path.to_s end # load qb metadata from meta/qb.yml or from executing meta/qb and parsing # the YAML written to stdout. # # if `cache` is true caches it as `@meta` # def load_meta cache = true meta = if @meta_path.extname == '.yml' contents = begin rescue Exception => error raise QB::Role::MetadataError, "Failed to read metadata file at #{ @meta_path.to_s }, " + "error: #{ error.inspect }" end begin YAML.load(contents) || {} rescue Exception => error raise QB::Role::MetadataError, "Failed to load metadata YAML from #{ @meta_path.to_s }, " + "error: #{ error.inspect }" end else YAML.load(Cmds.out!(@meta_path.realpath.to_s)) || {} end if cache @meta = meta end meta end # gets the qb metadata for the role def meta @meta || load_meta end # gets the variable prefix that will be appended to cli options before # passing them to the role. defaults to `#namespaceless` unless specified # in meta. def var_prefix # ugh, i was generating meta/qb.yml files that set 'var_prefix' to # `null`, but it would be nice to # meta_or 'var_prefix', namespaceless end # get the options from the metadata, defaulting to [] if none defined def option_metas meta_or ['options', 'opts', 'vars'], [] end # get an array of Option for the role, including any included roles def options include_path = [] {|option_meta| if option_meta.key? 'include' role_name = option_meta['include'] role = QB::Role.require role_name role.options Role.get_include_path(role, option_meta, include_path) else self, option_meta, include_path end }.flatten end # loads the defaults from vars/main.yml and defaults/main.yml, # caching by default. vars override defaults values. def load_defaults cache = true defaults_path = @path + 'defaults' + 'main.yml' defaults = if defaults_path.file? YAML.load( || {} else {} end vars_path = @path + 'vars' + 'main.yml' vars = if vars_path.file? YAML.load( || {} else {} end defaults = defaults.merge! vars if cache @defaults = defaults end defaults end # gets the role variable defaults from defaults/main.yml, or {} def defaults @defaults || load_defaults end def save_options !!meta_or('save_options', true) end # if the exe should auto-make the directory. this is nice for most roles # but some need it to be missing def mkdir !!meta_or('mkdir', true) end def usage parts = ['qb', name] options.each {|option| if option.required? parts << option.usage end } parts << '[OPTIONS] DIRECTORY' parts.join(' ') end # get the CLI banner for the role def banner lines = [] name_line = "#{ name } role" lines << name_line lines << "=" * name_line.length lines << '' if meta['description'] lines << meta['description'] lines << '' end lines << 'usage:' # lines << " qb #{ name } [OPTIONS] DIRECTORY" lines << " #{ usage }" lines << '' lines << 'options:' lines.join("\n") end def examples @meta['examples'] end # format the `meta.examples` hash into a string suitable for cli # output. # # @return [String] # the CLI-formatted examples. # def format_examples examples. map {|title, body| [ "#{ title }:", {|l| # only indent non-empty lines # makes compacting newline sequences easier (see below) if l.match(/^\s*$/) l else ' ' + l end }, '' ] }. flatten. join("\n"). # compact newline sequences gsub(/\n\n+/, "\n\n") end # examples text def puts_examples return unless examples puts "\n" + format_examples + "\n" end # should qb ask for an ansible vault password? # # @see # # @return [Boolean] # `true` if qb should ask for a vault password. # def ask_vault_pass? !!@meta['ask_vault_pass'] end # gets the default `qb_dir` value, raising an error if the role doesn't # define how to get one or there is a problem getting it. # # def default_dir cwd, options QB.debug "get_default_dir", role: self, meta: self.meta, cwd: cwd, options: options key = 'default_dir' value = self.meta[key] case value when nil # there is no get_dir info in meta/qb.yml, can't get the dir raise <<-END.dedent unable to infer default directory: no '#{ key }' key in 'meta/qb.yml' for role #{ self } END when false # this method should not get called when the value is false (an entire # section is skipped in exe/qb when `default_dir = false`) raise "role does not use default directory (meta/qb.yml:default_dir = false)" when 'git_root' QB.debug "returning the git root relative to cwd" NRSER.git_root cwd when 'cwd' QB.debug "returning current working directory" cwd when Hash QB.debug "qb meta option is a Hash" unless value.length == 1 raise "#{ meta_path.to_s }:default_dir invalid: #{ value.inspect }" end hash_key, hash_value = value.first case hash_key when 'exe' exe_path = hash_value # supply the options to the exe so it can make work off those values # if it wants. exe_input_data = Hash[ {|option| [option.cli_option_name, option.value] } ] unless exe_path.start_with?('~') || exe_path.start_with?('/') exe_path = File.join(self.path, exe_path) debug 'exe path is relative, basing off role dir', exe_path: exe_path end debug "found 'exe' key, calling", exe_path: exe_path, exe_input_data: exe_input_data Cmds.chomp! exe_path do JSON.dump exe_input_data end when 'find_up' filename = hash_value unless filename.is_a? String raise "find_up filename must be string, found #{ filename.inspect }" end QB.debug "found 'find_up', looking for file named #{ filename }" QB::Util.find_up filename else raise "bad key: #{ hash_key } in #{ self.meta_path.to_s }:default_dir" end end end # default_dir # @return [Hash<String, *>] # default `ansible-playbook` CLI options from role qb metadata. # Hash of option name to value. def default_ansible_options meta_or 'ansible_options', {} end # language inter-op # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- def hash path.realpath.hash end def == other other.is_a?(Role) && other.path.realpath == path.realpath end alias_method :eql?, :== private # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the value at the first found of the keys or the default. # # `nil` (`null` in yaml files) are treated like they're not there at # all. you need to use `false` if you want to tell QB not to do something. # def meta_or keys, default keys = [keys] if keys.is_a? String keys.each do |key| if meta.key?(key) && !meta[key].nil? return meta[key] end end default end # meta_or end # Role end # QB