module TextMagic class API # Used to cleanup response hash and extend it with custom reader methods. # # === Account response hash # # When extended, it # * converts the +balance+ value to +float+ and # * adds a reader method +balance+. # # === Send response hash # # When extended, it # * inverts the +message_id+ hash and puts it in +message_id_hash+, # * adds an array of ids to +message_ids+, # * adds reader methods +message_id_hash+, +message_ids+, +sent_text+ and # +parts_count+ to the hash. # * adds a reader method +message_id+, which returns a +message_id+ for # a given phone number, or the first message_id if no phone number # is specified. # # === Message status response hash # # When extended, it # * converts the +credits_cost+ value to +float+, # * converts the +created_time+ and +completed_time+ values to +Time+, # * adds reader methods +text+, +status+, +reply_number+, +credits_cost+, # +created_time+ and +completed_time+ to all values of the hash. # # === Receive status response hash # # When extended, it # * converts the +timestamp+ value to +Time+, # * adds reader methods +messages+ and +unread+ to the hash # * adds reader methods +message_id+, +timestamp+, +text+ and +from+ # to all members of the +messages+ array. # # === Delete reply response hash # # When extended, it # * adds a reader method +deleted+. module Response module Account #:nodoc: all def self.extended(base) return unless base.is_a?(Hash) base['balance'] = base['balance'].to_f if base['balance'] end def balance self['balance'] end end module Send #:nodoc: all def self.extended(base) return unless base.is_a?(Hash) base['message_id_hash'] = base.delete('message_id').invert if base['message_id'] base['message_ids'] = base['message_id_hash'].values.sort if base['message_id_hash'] end %w(message_id_hash message_ids sent_text parts_count).each do |method| module_eval <<-EOS def #{method} self['#{method}'] end EOS end def message_id(phone = nil) phone ? message_id_hash[phone] : message_ids.first end end module MessageStatus #:nodoc: all def self.extended(base) return unless base.is_a?(Hash) base.values.each do |status| status['credits_cost'] = status['credits_cost'].to_f if status['credits_cost'] status['created_time'] =['created_time'].to_i) if status['created_time'] status['completed_time'] =['completed_time'].to_i) if status['completed_time'] status.extend Status end end module Status %w(text status reply_number credits_cost created_time completed_time).each do |method| module_eval <<-EOS def #{method} self['#{method}'] end EOS end end end module Receive #:nodoc: all def self.extended(base) return unless base.is_a?(Hash) && base['messages'] base['messages'].each do |message| message['timestamp'] =['timestamp'].to_i) if message['timestamp'] message.extend Message end end %w(messages unread).each do |method| module_eval <<-EOS, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 1 def #{method} self['#{method}'] end EOS end module Message %w(message_id timestamp text from).each do |method| module_eval <<-EOS def #{method} self['#{method}'] end EOS end end end module DeleteReply #:nodoc: all def deleted self['deleted'] end end end end end