import extractNames from './extractNames.js'; import reserved from '../utils/reserved.js'; export default function Scope(options) { options = options || {}; this.parent = options.parent; this.isBlockScope = !!options.block; this.createDeclarationCallback = options.declare; let scope = this; while (scope.isBlockScope) scope = scope.parent; this.functionScope = scope; this.identifiers = []; this.declarations = Object.create(null); this.references = Object.create(null); this.blockScopedDeclarations = this.isBlockScope ? null : Object.create(null); this.aliases = Object.create(null); } Scope.prototype = { addDeclaration(node, kind) { for (const identifier of extractNames(node)) { const name =; const declaration = { name, node: identifier, kind, instances: [] }; this.declarations[name] = declaration; if (this.isBlockScope) { if (!this.functionScope.blockScopedDeclarations[name]) this.functionScope.blockScopedDeclarations[name] = []; this.functionScope.blockScopedDeclarations[name].push(declaration); } } }, addReference(identifier) { if (this.consolidated) { this.consolidateReference(identifier); } else { this.identifiers.push(identifier); } }, consolidate() { for (let i = 0; i < this.identifiers.length; i += 1) { // we might push to the array during consolidation, so don't cache length const identifier = this.identifiers[i]; this.consolidateReference(identifier); } this.consolidated = true; // TODO understand why this is necessary... seems bad }, consolidateReference(identifier) { const declaration = this.declarations[]; if (declaration) { declaration.instances.push(identifier); } else { this.references[] = true; if (this.parent) this.parent.addReference(identifier); } }, contains(name) { return ( this.declarations[name] || (this.parent ? this.parent.contains(name) : false) ); }, createIdentifier(base) { if (typeof base === 'number') base = base.toString(); base = base .replace(/\s/g, '') .replace(/\[([^\]]+)\]/g, '_$1') .replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]/g, '_') .replace(/_{2,}/, '_'); let name = base; let counter = 1; while ( this.declarations[name] || this.references[name] || this.aliases[name] || name in reserved ) { name = `${base}$${counter++}`; } this.aliases[name] = true; return name; }, createDeclaration(base) { const id = this.createIdentifier(base); this.createDeclarationCallback(id); return id; }, findDeclaration(name) { return ( this.declarations[name] || (this.parent && this.parent.findDeclaration(name)) ); }, // Sometimes, block scope declarations change name during transpilation resolveName(name) { const declaration = this.findDeclaration(name); return declaration ? : name; } };