# encoding: utf-8 $LOAD_PATH << File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'lib') require "prawn" require "rubygems" require "fastercsv" headers, *body = FasterCSV.read("#{Prawn::BASEDIR}/examples/addressbook.csv") Prawn::Document.generate("fancy_table.pdf", :page_layout => :landscape) do mask(:y) { table body, :headers => headers, :align => :center, :border_style => :grid } table [["This is", "A Test" ], [ Prawn::Graphics::Cell.new( :text => "Of tables", :background_color => "ffccff" ), "Drawn Side"], ["By side", "and stuff" ]], :position => 600, :headers => ["Col A", "Col B"], :border => 1, :vertical_padding => 5, :horizontal_padding => 3, :font_size => 10, :row_colors => :pdf_writer, :widths => { 1 => 50 } move_down 150 table [%w[1 2 3],%w[4 5 6],%w[7 8 9]], :position => :center, :border => 0, :font_size => 40 cell [500,300], :text => "This free flowing textbox shows how you can use Prawn's "+ "cells outside of a table with ease. Think of a 'cell' as " + "simply a limited purpose bounding box that is meant for laying " + "out blocks of text and optionally placing a border around it", :width => 225, :padding => 10, :border => 2 font_size! 24 cell [50,75], :text => "This document demonstrates a number of Prawn's table features", :border_style => :no_top, # :all, :no_bottom, :sides :horizontal_padding => 5 end